Experiment 3 Made More Flat
What I had created up to this point was a pseudo 3D/2D art which did not closely adhere enough to the likes_______’s of flat art-style.
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Adamant to correct my diversion, I set about removing layers with shading depth, as well as outlining the moss with black lines meant to resemble the...The line removal from the sides of the tree would’ve only been temporary, but I forgot why.
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Admiring the effects the outlines had on the moss, I double the amount of it on the tree.
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I thought that the Tenpuku should stand on it’s own pedestal for the sake of giving it flat and even ground.  That way, the posture made sense, even in an abandoned shrine with primarily uneven ground. To that end, I looked on the internet for authentic stools and pedastalls that fit the setting.
My impression was a cross between the pedestal perspective granted by the image and whatever shape emerged from my inaccuracies. The vector pedestal top was, realistically, a diamond shape. However, I had already created the slit hole detail perspective pertaining to the shape and I let time get the better of me.
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It’s easy to shrink art to the appropriate size. I was just afraid that I may not have a suitable position for the stool to rest on, considering the roots ought to disrupt any attempt for flattening of the ground by construction workers. Furthermore I may not fit enough of the remaining details that I’ve yet to create. I’m certainly not planning things very well at this point.
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Experiment 3 Flat Variant
I placing my Tenpuku on an ornament. That’s so that it has something flat for it’s up-right body to stand on amidst the mounded and uneven ground near the tree. This will be especially necessary if I decide to go ahead and trim the left and right boarders of for that inspired Chinese ‘narrow template.’ This image helps me depict a Japanese themed ornament.
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Doomsday Clock Inspired Tenpuku
This is a Dogu that I presented earlier would be convenient to incorporate into a ‘Doom Clock’ Tenpuku, due to the dial like structure on the head.
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Categorisation Name for my Dogu Mascot Aliens
‘Subversion’ practically relates to the appearance and nature of my creations, which is why I looked up the Japanese meaning on the internet. The word is Tenpuku - 転覆, which will be the official name for these aliens of mine. The more suitable word ‘Subversive - Hakai-tekina - 破壊的な’ was considered, however the shorter English spelling - Tenpuku, was easier to say fluently.
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Doomsday Clock
In 1947, the scientists involved in the Manhattan Project created the Doomsday Clock, which represents the likelihood of a man-made global catastrophe, with midnight symbolising the destruction of civilisation as we know it.
Last year, the clock was adjusted to two minutes to midnight, the closest it has been to doomsday.
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In 2019, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists maintained the "two minutes to midnight" time, citing continuing climate change, US and Russian nuclear modernisation efforts; information warfare threats and other dangers from "disruptive technologies" such as artificial intelligence, synthetic biology and cyberwarfare.
I’m considering creating a mascot/dogu alien with a timer dial of some sort incorporated into it’s being. If a creature like this were to inhabit a Japanese place of prophecy or mysticism, it would imply that Japanese culture took it upon themselves to beware of future doomsday scenarios. In reality, the doomsday clock is more associated with America. Even so, I considered it somewhat poetic to make Japan, the country that suffered the instigator of such forewarnings, to in-still an ominous prophesy into their culture. An alien could represent this queint ideal.
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The Hiroshima Atom Bomb
Recently Japan marked the 74th anniversary of the worlds first nuclear bomb attack, here are events that shaped history.
Japan has marked 74 years since a US atomic bomb attack that razed the city of Hiroshima to the ground at the end of World War II.
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On August 6, 1945, at about 8:15am Japanese time, an untested uranium-235 gun-assembly bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, immediately flattening the town.
"The impact of the bomb was so terrific that practically all living things - human and animal - were literally seared to death by the tremendous heat and pressure set up by the blast," Tokyo radio said in the aftermath of the explosion, according to a report by The Guardian in August 1945.
I’m taking note of the particular effects of the bomb on it’s targets. I could create and alien that looks somewhat seared and squished, as if by and atomic bomb. My new creation will integrate into my flat and 3D art styles.
The resulting explosion killed 70,000 people instantly; by December 1945, the death toll had risen to some 140,000. The radius of total destruction was reportedly 1.6km.
"All the dead and injured were burned beyond recognition. Those outdoors were burned to death, while those indoors were killed by the indescribable pressure and heat."
But the damage did not end there. The radiation released from the explosion caused further suffering. Thousands more died from their injuries, radiation sickness and cancer in the years that followed, bringing the toll closer to 200,000, according to the Department of Energy's history of the Manhattan Project.
Another alien form could play with the notion that a more organic being could reside within a perpetual stone suit. The organic aspect could protrude unusually from the outer shell as a result of ‘unforeseen’ radiation.
Around 50,000 people, including representatives from around the world, attended on Tuesday a ceremony held in the Peace Memorial Park near ground zero to honour the memory of the victims of the world's first nuclear bomb attack. In a speech, Hiroshima Mayor Kazumi Matsui called on the international community to work towards a world without atomic weapons.
Some of the newer forms could be presented within a radiated ruin, as well as in a memorial park. I would choose these locations because it presents and opportunity to meld more of Japan’s history and culture with new creations that were also inspired by Japanese pop culture.
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Image above is from 
https://www.thatcreativefeeling.com/a-peaceful-world-with-origami/ for the rest.
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Origami as we know originated in Japan sometime during the 6th century by the Japanese monks and was initially an art for ceremonies and the rich being paper was so expensive.
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It was first used to decorate and deliver food where pieces of fish where wrapped into the paper known as noshi. As paper became more affordable origami grew into a cultural tradition with the lucky cranes symbolizing the art-form. Apparently if you folded 1000 cranes you would be granted one wish and the first known book about folding origami cranes was published in 1797.
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Today there are many master paper folders around the world, as well as contemporary artists utilizing origami.
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While the intricately detailed and thought out origami draw me in, the simplistic crane and noshi designs adhere to my project. That is, those have renowned spiritual and philosophical ties to Japanese culture, as well as possessing a flat composition. This would make an origami blend well with my intended flat art style. Further more, this corrals a form of Japanese culture with the developed 2D art of spiritual shrine and developed fictional Japanese alien, which in turn is loosely based on Japanese fiction.
The authenticity of my 3D-rendered, statue-like alien may yet be bolstered sitting next to a crane origami. By using a starkly-low amount of polygons to create it, the folds of the design would perfectly resemble the simplistic nature of the iconic paper art. The 2D and 3D art should therefor look better together.
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Won Park
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James Roper
It is the bio that is linked to the web address.
James Roper - an England based artist specialising in abstract. He once made 10 origami flowers every day for 3 years. Roper is said to have done drawings and painted, as well as sculptured.
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Experiment 3 - My Alien & the Shrines Scenery
To emphasise the furtive nature of this alien ‘fantasy element’ I am linking it to an abandoned shrine so that this being could also be considered a guardian spirit - that along with the developed Japanese aesthetic of the alien.
I did not think a tree would be worthy of too much attention, so I used custom brushes to quickly create the impression of the bark greaves, the shading of that, and the moss. This is considering that detailed features of man-made scenery and the alien are more defining and attention grabbing.
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Multiple layers of similar brush-tip-strokes were stacked before I tried giving one of them a green fill using the select tool. This added a secondary moss impression for lasting appeal.
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I used the a dry brush tip with grey paint and a low opacity setting for the clouds. While I tried more than one rendition, the initial brush used for the two cloud tests caused the grey to clash unpleasantly with the nearly-violet blue colour. You notice this when looking at the tiny gaps amongst the strokes - the texture is not fading enough to be cloud-like.
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The more notable disparity within the second cloud test has a more impressionist nature. This is due to the clear willingness to define individual cloud formations.
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Progress thus far was hidden from view so that I was not distracted for this next part. Pillars belonging to a Shinto shrine where created with the rectangle tool. Subsequent copies of the first pillar were rotated from the ground point as well as shrunk a little. This foreshadows the destitute aesthetic I’m applying to it, with the structure waning from ware and old age.
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Just to show that I am basing a Shinto shrine off of one that was abandoned.
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All edits created thus far, including a more softer-brushed, cloud-varient, are displayed here. I know that I want to create a scenic view of a lake. In hind sight, what the previous rendition of the cloud demonstrated, was that I was willing to take a risk to stick to a stark two tone illustration. I’ll try the previous cloud formation again soon.
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Focusing on details of such a small item is not recommended when the overall bigger picture is still lacking important development. In spite of this, compulsion drove me to colour the vector of the precious stone that was simply waiting for the next stage. Different shades of perl defined the subtle colour differentiation.
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I wasn’t sure how to define what I believe is called, two-tone shading. But I don’t feel optimistic with the way it currently looks. Frankly I am not good at realistic wrinkled-cloth shading, which is down to difficulty in perceiving it properly. Perhaps I should create vector based guides for shading as the experimentation is very straight forward and easy to edit.
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It was my plan to eventually remove all vector lines from this work, however it became apparent that the tree’s presence is essentially weak. There was a recommendation to outline the tree in black to synergise with alien’s outlines. A it happens this would draw from the Chinese art style with it’s wavy black outlines - from which Japan took inspiration.
When thinking about the eyes, there was a particular eye expression that I wanted to capture, which I identified as genial. I simply would find them entertaining to have on my alien, as well as the fact they would contribute to the novel effect. Searching on the internet for Asian genial eyes I found this image for me to reference as I created the eyes of my alien.
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Experiment 4 - 3D Rendition of my Alien
I was advised by my tutor to develop my 3D skills. That’s al and well, however I kind of wanted to take the opportunity to animate based on the art style that I wanted to undertake. Perhaps The current slow rate of my work has undermined my goal of an ample animation to an awarding degree.
it was a while since I last used Mudbox and my only certainty was bloating the default human figure to look as obtuse as my alien design. The foam tool quickly added volume to the human head, defining the visual identity to strive for. I remembered to activate the mirror tool/feature to reflect edits on opposite sides of the y axis.
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I followed with foaming up the body, neck and legs; focusing particular attention to the legs so the hips were familiarly oval.
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The arms and overall thickness of the alien was emphasized. The main issues detected are; head and neck proportionately small and arms don’t arc enough from body.
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Simply adding material to make the head bigger would smother the face. To get around that, I selected the head and neck to import to Cinema 4D for enlargement.
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However, after importing the now-enlarged head back to Mudbox, there was the uncertainty of how to connect the head with the body.
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With a little experimentation, I may have figured things out out, but I just remembered that the final face would become tweaked anyway. It was worth just bloating the head with the foam tool until the proportions met their rough targets.
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The copied head still floats out of view, currently out of use.
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The sculpt tool was used the most as it naturally created creases, if only generally.
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More emphasise was placed on the trouser cloths formation by inverting the effect of the foamy tool, pushing in curled indentations. The initial stage of the feet were also made with the foam tool.
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prior to the trouser formation, I was prompted to create different takes on the alien, not just create the same character in a 3D format. I was thinking that I would at least want to finish creating the trousers first. That’s because I preluded that variants would stem from the completion of rough clothes design established in the 2D art. However the form of the alien, as well as the clothing may as well vary. Hence the next post will present development that will use multiple save files It was recommended to me that my model be adapted for a more realistic presentation, just to show that I can if nothing else.
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Roland Flexner
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Experiment Two - Alien Clothing
I knew that certain Asian themed dolls had fancy and immaculate clothing. Internet searching for ‘Japanese porcelain dolls’ shortly led me to this strikingly ornate toy. This was just the lavish embroidery detail I was looking for wrapping around my titular and mystical Japanese alien.
There would be compromises to the original clothing to make it fit this odd- proportioned alien. Although, I also accept some of the clothes original ratios if it made for a novel quaint effect - such as arm-sleeves being a bit too long.
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The collars are meant to look comfortable rather than stretched.
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Incidentally, this reminded me of the Chinese Tai Chi uniform where the sleeves artistically sway with this ‘flow’ aspect to the fighting style...It was offered on eBay.
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I knew I wanted the stone diamond included in this work due to a requirement that came with its inclusion. That requirement being that it should be traced with as much accuracy as suitable - the impression of the diamond’s hardness and shape is best replicated this way.
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The first doll picture did not show the trousers. That’s why I I searched for more pictures until I found one with baggy sleeved leggings. I just needed to add some of my own embroidery based flair to my interpretation. Firstly though, when putting these trousers on my alien, I applied creases to make it obvious that those are not the appropriate size - for the quaint effect. Furthermore, if I do get round to animating this alien, I’ll make the impression that it simply likes the bagginess of the trousers, however unsuitable they may be. That would make it quite carefree then.
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Marco Maggi - Paper Cuts
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Perhaps distance from the Uruguayan art scene explains the decidedly global signature in Maggi’s seminal paper works. They are clean, sharp and precise as they tackle modern themes such as information overload and big data. His works do not rely on the worn materials, Latin American symbolism, bohemian motifs and warm palette that remains very popular throughout the Southern Cone.
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Maggi is also a former winner of the 2012 Premio Figari and a Uruguayan representative in the 2015 Biennale of Venice where he covered an entire room with his mini cutouts, lines and forms in high key white on white.
Maggi’s paperworks present an interesting study of formal relationships in light of the chaos of data overload combined with society’s attempts to absorb and relate information. For us, it serves as superb example of an analog, hand-crafted depiction of a digital theme.
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If I were to use Maggi’s art, I would utilise that simplistic and plain contrast between subjects and their shadows. The relevance of which, lies in the capacity to starkly and artistically present ideas that stand out in a dream-like state. Basically Maggi’s art style would suit a scene creation involving psychological and/or philosophical expedition.
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Experiment One - Visual Style
Uploading the photograph of this choice of Dogu, it was made transparent so that the lines for experimentation stood out more. The idea was not to trace the figure as I did not want to compromise the trial and error of inspired illustration. I still wanted each curve to be crafted with strong volition and thought Adobe Illustrator would be suitable for that.
The shape of the head here reminded me of an alien that I am sure I once saw in the Manga series - Gantz. That is, it was obtuse, with the facial features kept in proportion, but shrunk to the center of the head. Novel, cute, yet still presenting humanity; you could say, in it’s own surreal artistic style.
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I know that somewhere I have seen Asian style dolls with white porcelain textured skin,dark hair and wrapped up in miniature exotic clothing with vibrant colours. The gradient effect better abbreviates the curves of the porcelain face. It’s by no means authentically shaped yet.
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The gradient of the mouth-turned-nose was first applied to a whole vector...
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however it seemed more effective to apply the gradient to the stroke of the nose instead. This was a more flexible technique and looked more authentic. I decided to mark the ears, as well as the peak of the head for editing later. An Asian-style hair-bun would look cool on my subversive alien, I thought. The lips where made thin and small as that looked more Japanese.
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I forget whether this Gantz alien had a tiny wrinkly chin and a neck beard, but I’m deciding that it would have looked interesting if it did. I made the lips more pert so they stood out more - they still look Japanese to me. 
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I will proceed to Photoshop after some editing here has allowed me to quickly visualize the kind of visuals I want.
I still plan to do some sketching.
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Dogo used for Experimentation
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Due to the faces of these Dogu looking asian, I am using these as templates for my initial experimentation.
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Ancient Dogu
A tutor of mine led me to Dogu - more coming soon
Dogu: mini statues of varying shapes and characters made from as far back as 2500 bc. 
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I was interested by the number of different forms that the ancient Dogu were formed into. Moreover though, it was how some of those figures depicted regal attire...and even space suits - complete with breathing apparatus, that really intrigued me. The Dogu seem like unfathomable legends from a time when people ought not be able to imagined that one could not breath in space. I actually believe the breathing-helmet suits were envisioned for the purposes of breathing in deep water. Drowning, unlike suffocating off planet, would have been a known aspect of life. This is further insinuated due to the swirl designs on the breathing suits looking like octopus tentacles. The Dogu seeming, unbelievably advanced as they are, make fun candidates for inspiring alien designs. I have decided to merge aspects of ancient Dogu with Japanese mascots. This is a way of bringing an interesting alien-like power and make that power subversive towards Japanese society, as some of the more quaint fantasy forms in Japanese stories tend to be.
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