marsiscool77 6 months
The Christmas Dinner
Summary: You're at a dinner with your family and they keep asking about Mick while he's running late for the dinner.
Pairing: Female reader x Mick Mars
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It was your family's Christmas dinner. It was the one thing that annoyed you because they were always asking "Where's your boyfriend?" or "Have you found a man yet?". The usual questions to drive a woman mad.
You got to the dinner at about 6:31 PM. Your parents yelled at you for being one minute late. You just rolled your eyes and sat on the couch. You talked with one of your cousins until your sister left her room. Your sister was always bugging you about a boyfriend or when you would get married and have a baby. The questions always drove you crazy and all you could say was "I don't know" when she asked.
Your sister sat next to you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Here we go.." You thought to yourself. The questions would be starting soon.
"Hey, little sis! You got a man yet or are we all still waiting?" She asked with a laugh. Always making fun of you.
You awkwardly laughed before looking at her. "Nope. No more waiting. I got myself a man now." You said calmly just trying to get her to stop asking questions.
Your sister's eyes went wide as she looked at you. She cocked an eyebrow as she looked you up and down. "You...You got a man? What's he like?! Is he coming over tonight? Are you guys gonna have kids?!"
"Oh, Jesus.." Even telling her about your lover didn't get her to shut up. You just had to go with it. "I don't know about marriage yet and he definitely doesn't want any more kids. He's got some from past relationships. He should be coming tonight...I don't know where he is. I told him to be here by now.." You said as you now thought about Mick. Maybe he got lost in the storm? Maybe he just ditched because he was too scared of meeting your family. A million thoughts ran through your head before your mother called out.
"Dinners ready! Come on!" Your mother called from the dinner table. You watched as your cousins ran by and your sister stood up. You sat on the couch for a few more seconds before you got up and walked to the dinner table. You were just praying that Mick was okay.
You sat down near your mom. Your sister made everyone leave an empty chair next to you so your boyfriend could sit there whenever he showed up. Your mother looked over at you and smiled a little. "Y/N? Honey? Are you alright? You look like you have something on your mind." Your mom asked as she put a hand on your shoulder.
You jumped and looked at her. You gave her a nod. "Yeah, I'm alright. I'm just thinking about my boyfriend. He's a little late and I don't know where he is.."
Your mom sighed and took her hand off of your shoulder. "I'm sure he's alright. How about you tell me a little about what's been going on with you!" She said with a smile.
You told your mom a little about what had been going on with your life and your job as you ate dinner. Everyone was talking and laughing which helped calm you down a little.
Just as you had your mind off of Mick, the front door swung open and a cold breeze came into the kitchen. One of your cousins stood up and yelled at the figure at the door. When the door closed you stood up and your eyes lit up. Mick was standing in front of the door covered in snow.
Mick was in leather pants, a leather jacket, a sweater, and his stupid leather boots he wore year-round. He took off his sunglasses (It's the middle of winter WHO THE HELL WEARS SUNGLASSES). "I hate the fucking holidays.." He mumbled as he stomped the snow off of his boots. He looked over at you and smiled. "Hey..." He said quietly. "I got you some flowers.." He said as he held up a bouquet of red roses.
You ran to him and hugged him. The snow got on your clothes and made them a bit wet. "You idiot! I was worried about you! Where the hell were you?!" You asked as you looked at him and ran your fingers through his hair like you hadn't seen him in years.
Mick laughed a little and looked down at you. He gently patted your head before he pushed you off of him and took off his jacket. "I got stuck in traffic. There's a lot of people out tonight.."
You shook your head and took the roses from him. "Go sit down and get yourself some food..." You walked to the kitchen with a smile on your face. You were glad that Mick was okay and he made it safe.
After you put your flowers in a vase, you walked to the dinner table and sat down next to Mick. You punched him in the shoulder as hard as you could.
Mick grabbed his shoulder. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" He asked as he looked at you.
"For being late!" You yelled back. You then grabbed his sweater and pulled him into a sweet kiss. "And that's for making it here safe!" You said with a smile.
This is my first time writing on Tumblr!!! I really like Mick Mars so I'm writing Mick Mars stuff. He's so bbg.
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marsiscool77 1 year
This is my favorite edit 馃槏馃槏 why is Mick so cute 馃槶
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marsiscool77 1 year
I miss the old M枚tley 馃槙 I only wanted to go to a M枚tley concert for Mick but now there's no point.
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marsiscool77 1 year
MICK EDITS AAAAA first post baby and it's gonna be Mick 馃挭馃挭 everything I post will be Mick. I love Mick so much 馃槶
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