This is the only indirrect way I feel comfortable reaching out to you.
I knew that once upon a time, I had a crazy belief that when you cried it began raining, so I guess im a believer in intuition
But I feel in my GUT, I know it in my HEART, that something, some Devine gut Law of Attraction like feeling will tell you to look at my website and find this once I post it.
Look, things have been wonderful, truly, nothing short of a blessing has been happening in my life, but theres something holding me back. It may not nesscesarily be this, but I know that this is a big contributor to not living my life to the fullest extent that I could be,
Theres some thing I must communicate to you, and I much rather do it in person but if that never happens I much rather you know over this
Is, My old personallity type happens to have had a massive ego, and
In kindergarden, “I believe ive told you this story before” but I was the cool kid in the class, till one day I was pushed to the ground, and began crying, from that moment on, the belief was trained into my subconscious mind that “If you show your emotions, if you cry, that shows weakness and people wont like you” because all my kindegarden class saw and never treated me the same again
Then I grew up being told that “Boys dont cry”
These subconscious beliefs have screwed me many times
Our subconscious mind controls 90% of what we do day to day. So
My blueprint in my head to when it comes to emotions, was trained to never show them
When me and you broke up, I tried to make it seem like it didn’t effect me, I wanted to make it seem like I didnt care, cause boys dont cry
But now, I understand, I understand at a high level that what I did was unethical, Immoral, uncalled for
Your personality type is so mellow, and sensative, and I completely disregarded your emotions to fuel my ego, cause I subconsciously believed that bringing people down would raise me up
And i cannot begin to express, how sorry I am. I regret it, if I could go back into the past and slap me and try to wake me up to what I was doing I would
I made it seem like I didnt care about you
Well the truth is, i dont exactly miss you, i dont want to try to make it seem like this is a “Take me back” sorta thing, cause its not, just to clarify
But I care about you, I want to finally just show my emotioms for once and not be dysfunctional by trying to supress them
You mean so much to me, I love you, I wish you the best,
Everytime I think about you “which is rare but it does happen” I feel like crying, cause I understand how much of a little flower you are and were and how I acted with you was so unbelievable. Im so so so fucking sorry. I hope you can forgive me
I dont think Ill be able to live my life properly without letting know how I feel
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Logarithmic Spirals of the Nautilus Shell. The spiral is a common element of Sacred Geometry as well as to all natural development. Spirals in nature tend to follow the Golden Ratio (Phi) or Fibonacci Sequence in their rates of expansion. The key to Sacred Geometry is the relationship between the progression of growth and proportion. Harmonic proportion and progression are the essence of the created universe and is consistent with nature around us. The natural progression follows a series that is popularized in the West as the “Fibonacci Series” where the first two numbers in the series are added to create the third number for a series of number that begins 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987…and goes on ad infinitum. The ratio of the numbers gains great importance as the series continues. By dividing one number by the previous number, the answers result in or come closer to phi: 3/5 = 1.6666, 13/8 = 1.6250, 233/144 = 1.6180. These numbers can be demonstrated with the spiral of the Nautilus.  The Golden Ratio (phi) is the unique ratio such that the ratio of the whole to the larger portion is the same as the ratio of the larger portion to the smaller portion. The ratio links each chamber of the nautilus to the new growth and symbolically, each new generation to its ancestors, preserving the continuity of relationship as the means for retracing its lineage. This geometry of the Nautilus can be found in the spiral patterns of cauliflower, the placement of the leaves on most plants, the arrangement of pattern on a pine cone. The ratios can be retrieved from the shape of our DNA and the measurement of distant galaxies as the Sacred Geometry demonstrates the blueprint of the sacred foundation of all things and the interconnectedness of all the various parts of the whole. 
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Sacred Geometry.
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That’s changed prospective
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seal the rift, steady the shift hertz, the pulse atomic infusion, cellular transfusion
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15 simple things to start doing to create good karma
When we create good karma in our lives today, we create more happiness and fulfillment for our futures tomorrow.
Karma is a universal law that affects everyone, all of the time.  It is the consequence of our actions.  Karma brings back to us what we are putting out into the universe, be it love, hate, humor, sadness, stress, excitement or anything else we chose to project.
Like the ripples in a pond that radiate out from a pebble dropping into the water, karma pulses out after each of our actions and choices, and it affects the future unfolding in front of us.  The good news is, it’s ridiculously easy to build good karma for yourself.
Offering kindness to others is a wonderful way to bring happiness to others, and it is also a way to create good karma in our own lives.  When we put kindness and love out into the world, the after-effects of these choices bring more kindness and love into tomorrow’s reality.  For this reason, offering a friendly gesture to another person is an action that is always worth the effort!
Here are a few friendly gestures that create good karma.  How many of these actions are a part of your daily routine? 
1. Smile at people throughout the day.
2. Be patient with others.
3. Give a hug to someone you care about.
4. Pat someone on the back.
5. Offer a handshake.
6. Open a door for someone else.
7. Let a car in ahead of you while in traffic.
8. Use the words “please” and “thank you” habitually.
9. Share your knowledge and skills with others.
10. Be interested in what others have to say (ask questions, listen, etc).
11. Own up to any mistakes you make, and offer genuine apologies.
12. Give compliments freely.
13. Stop to ask someone “are you ok?” when they look distressed.
14. Stick up for someone who’s being made fun of or treated poorly.
15. Forgive people for their mistakes.
- Source: http://www.spiritscienceandmetaphysics.com/15-simple-ways-to-create-good-karma-for-yourself/#sthash.QY1kmVYT.dpuf
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