markbanaba · 4 years
The Court: Aftermath - Part 1
It's been a few days after The Court kidnapped Shakou and Senshi.
Everyone was relieved that they made it out alive. Oh was glad Senshi was safe, Ameko was being overprotective over Shakou, Hiraku was asking Koatsu "do you believe me now?" And Koatsu.
Shakou didn't know what to think about Koatsu.
She was running through the halls, trying to find a phone.
Then she saw him.
She thought she was beginning to hallucinate.
He looked older, he was missing an arm.
But she saw Arakan.
An older Arakan at least
Then the older Arakan looked at her.
And started running after her too
She knows they have a connection.
She's sure of it.
After all, how did The Court know that her and Senshi would be getting groceries?
Its too suspicious.
And she's going to find out what he knows.
"Are you sure Shakou-chan?" Asked Ameko. "He doesn't seem like the type..."
"I know what I saw Bunny girl" Answered Shakou, frowning. "Even if he isn't working with him, he has to know something."
"But still! It could be anything else!" Ameko was getting frustrated now. "I know you're paronoid but-"
Oh interrupted her rant. "We don't know him that well and..."
"He knows a lot about us." Senshi didn't want to believe it but-
"Then could we at least hold it off? If we're wrong, and we tell the police, and it turns out he's innocent? Think of what Koatsu-chan would think of us not trusting him!" Ameko pleaded.
Shakou sighed. "Okay then, we'll find evidence that he is or isnt working with The Court, Agreed?"
The class nodded.
"Alright then, let's go back to bed, and remember" warned Shakou. "Don't let mask-face find out"
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markbanaba · 4 years
Time Travel AU
5 years ago
Tamashi was frightened, ever since those heroes beat up his bullies, it seemed like there was more things happening to him everyday.
Loud noises in the night.
His usual routes to school blocked by villain attacks.
And more and more heroes that didn't seem to exist.
Most of the time it was bunny girl and her friends, but sometimes there were other heroes.
A man with holes all over his body
A woman who sang to the villains to surrender
Then the latest one
The villain was after him this time, she actually looked a lot like one of his bullies
But all grown up
"Don't worry kid" said the villain, smiling "this wouldn't hurt a bit" as she said that, her nails grew long and sharp, and then she lunged at him.
Tamashi closed his eyes, not wanting to see himself die, and then-
"Are you serious?" Said someone new. "Are you that cowardly that you went back in time to kill the MC as a kid?"
Tamashi opened his eyes, and he saw a man, standing in front of the villain, because of the way he was facing, all tamashi saw of the man was that he wore a green cloak
"Dammit!" Said the villain, angry now. "How do you keep on finding us?!"
The green cloaked man said nothing, and lunged at her
They fought each other, and even though they kept on moving, Tamashi could see the man better now.
While he wore a green cloak, he also wore a shirt in a green camo pattern, dark brown camo pants, and black boots, it also looked like he wore a brown mask, but the more he looked at it, the more it looked like it was part of him.
Then suddenly, the villain stabbed his hero's left arm with her long, and sharp fingernails, making a thunk sound
Wait, thunk?
"You know" said the green-cloaked hero "Even after having that armed ripped off, I still think it would hurt every time something hits it"
Saying that, he raised his right hand, open palmed, it glowed green, then flashed a bright, green light.
"Green flare!" Said the hero.
The villain covered her eyes, breaking off her fingernails stuck in the hero's (prosthetic) arm
Green Cloak (Tamashi decided to call him Green Cloak) punched the villain, a clang sound emanating from the impact.
The villain fell to the ground, unconscious
After tying the villain up, Green Cloak looked at him.
"You OK kid?" He asked
Tamashi nodded, now that he could see it, his 'mask' was definitely his head, green eyes and all.
Green Cloak nodded, looking relieved.
"Well kid you should go home now, before it gets late"
Tamashi nodded again, walking away, then he realized he forgot to thank his hero.
But he, and the villain, were already gone.
5 years later
Tamashi was panicking, he was sure he was hallucinating when he saw teenaged Bunny girl and Gargoyle, if he saw another de-aged childhood hero he was going to-
"You okay dude?"
He looked behind him.
It was Green Cloak, de-aged of course
Tamashi fainted, having too much to take in, before he lost consciousness he heard Green Cloak say
"Guess not"
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markbanaba · 4 years
Villain Taiyuu AU
Koatsu is... Amused with his new client
A high profile villain group hired him to basically become their full-time medic
For one person
Usually he would say no, of course, because he had a reputation to protect
But then they showed him the money
They showed him a lot of money
So he decided to stay there for 3 weeks, at most, then they'll have to find someone else thank you very much
But then he saw his client
Weak, sickly, but a very powerful quirk
But it hurts her every day
That's why he was here
For the first few days he healed her without so much as nodding to her
But then she asked
"What's your name?"
Koatsu was surprised, but kept his composure "you can call me healer for hire, or just docter"
"That's not your real name" she huffed
"Then what's yours?"
She looked to the side "Hotaru Fuji"
Once again, koatsu was surprised
"You said it so quickly, why?"
"Cause I wanted to know yours"
He tilted his head to the side "Hm"
They fell silent again
"Arakan Koatsu"
She looked at him shocked, then she smiled "nice to meet you, koatsu-kun"
"Call me docter"
"Ok Dr.Koatsu!"
His 3 week contract was coming to an end
But why not extend it?
They pay well
And he could keep an eye on hotaru his client
He told her his real name, he'd have to keep an eye on her
And it wouldn't be right to leave her with an inadequate healer
That's it
That's all
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markbanaba · 4 years
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I’m calling all y’all out
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markbanaba · 4 years
Anonymously tell me what the fuck is wrong w me
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markbanaba · 4 years
Calling a canon bisexual woman a lesbian becuase she has a female love interest or is in a wlw relationship is bisexual erasure and biphobic!!!!
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markbanaba · 4 years
Arakan Koatsu: Origin
"They are called The Court." Said the man in the suit. "They are a group of fanatics that believe only the strongest deserve the gift of life. Their M.O. is that they kidnap people with weak or useless quirks, mostly quirkless, and decide whether the person lives or dies"
The man continued "The court has several enforcers that kidnap or kill whoever the court wants, we believe we found one of them."
A mans face showed up on the screen, he had lime-green eyes and a mask-like face "Midoro Hi, an enforcer for the court, we don't know what his quirk is, but considering the fact that he is one of the courts enforcers, he is considered dangerous, you got that Combat Medic?"
Hiro Koatsu nodded. "Yes sir"
Hiro Koatsu! Hero Name: Combat Medic!
Quirk: Strength and Healing!
He can heal any injury with just skin to skin contact! It takes a lot out of him though! Also, he can hold up about 40 tons!
"Your mission is to take down Midoro Hi quickly, we don't want any casualties got that?
"Yes sir"
"Good. We found him at this apartment building, don't wear your hero costume, just go undercover, we don't want to cause a ruckus"
"Yes sir"
"And good luck, Combat Medic"
Hiro staked out the building, confirming that Midoro Hi is there, then, when he went back inside the apartment, he barged inside.
"Stop right there Hi!" Said Koatsu.
"Who are- oh wait, I know you! You're that underground hero! Combat Medic right? Well then, if we're going by aliases, call me Midoronoshi" Saying that, Midoronoshi set his palm alight and threw it at Combat Medic.
Combat Medic dodged, but the fireball came back and hit behind him!
"Didn't expect that did you?" Midoronoshi said.
Hi Midoro! Villain Name: Midoronoshi
Quirk: Fire Control!
He can shoot out fire which he can control at will! They can twist, turn and even corrupt other fire!
Combat Medic asked him: "Why are you doing this? Do you actually believe that your making the world a better place?!"
"On the contrary actually! I don't y believe in that stuff! I just wanted to kill and The Court was the way! They do tell me to do some weird stuff though..." He walked over to a crib "The Court wanted another enforcer, with a better quirk! So they told me to 'produce offspring', so I obliged" He picked up a baby from the crib."I haven't given him a name yet, but he's the striking image of me! Don't you think?"
Lime-green eyes
Mask-like face
Yup, its his baby.
Midoronoshi's voice turned cold." Walk away, or I kill the kid"
Combat Medic was aghast. "You'd kill your own son!?"
"Yup! The little brats always whining so it'd actually take a load of my back!"
"You're insane!"
"Are we gonna do back and Forth's? Or are you gonna lea-"
Combat Medic leapt at Midoronoshi, knocking him out and grabbing the kid at the same time.
"I have to get this kid to safety before that madman wakes up!"

Combat Medic got out of the building then gave the baby to an undercover cop that was with him.
"Help! The buildings burning!"
Combat Medic turned around and saw smoke come out of the windows then, a series of explosions that trembled the ground.
"Dammit! I should have restrained him!"
"Wait here!" Combat Medic said. "I'll take care of Midoro." As he said that, he rushed into the building.
2 hours later
"He got away, Hi's quirk let him control the fire and that bought him time to escape." Combat Medic explained, shamefaced "I'm sorry tha-"
"Is the kid okay?" The detective asked.
"Excuse me sir?"
"The kid." He repeated.
"He's fine of course! Why does tha-"
"Then you did good Combat Medic, there could have been casualties, and you stopped that, and besides" He quirked an eyebrow. "I heard you messed him up pretty bad."
Combat Medic winced "Yeah... Things got hectic in there..."
"Hectic enough to rip his arm off?"
"Oh don't worry! I'm just worried about the kid"
"The baby? Why?"
"He's going into the system, just hope he gets a good family."
Combat Medic frowned "A good family, huh?"
13 years later
Hiro Koatsu was proud of his son. After the "Midoronoshi incident" he adopted him, named him Arakan, and raised him as his own.
The only downside was that The Court, and by extension Midoronoshi, was still on the loose.
A few years ago they have been growing more bold, even causing some scandals (The Shakou Takakutou incident) but Midoronoshi was nowhere to be se-
"Breaking News! A series of of murders and arson have been happening all over the country! Witnesses only saw one thing: the perpetrators lime-green eyes"
Hiro was panicking. What should he do? Anarkan doesn't know yet! But then...
"Its just a coincidence"He calmed himself. "Even if its not, Anarkans on an island with dozens of heroes on it, he'll be fine, just fine"
A man limped through the alleyway.
He smelled like smoke, and had an empty sleeve.
And kept on muttering one name.
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markbanaba · 4 years
Taiyuu Entrance Exam!! @taiyuu-high-oct I tried my best have a fluffy bunny girl trying her best.
Ameko knew that the hospital was scary for a lot of people. When she was little, she had been scared, too. 
But it wasn’t scary for her; not anymore. The white lights had stopped being blinding, and instead brought an anticipated kind of brightness that you couldn’t count on from outside. Instead of seeming serious and intimidating, all of the staff offered sweet smiles and gentle cooes of Tokachi-chan. The other patients, the ones who had been there for a long time, recognized her as well. Older ladies would ask her about school and the younger children would ask her about the candy she kept secured in her bag. 
Ameko herself had only been admitted into the hospital a few times, for a scrape here or a broken arm there. Nothing that was unusual for a girl her age, let alone one that had a habit of falling from high places. 
No, Ameko wasn’t known for herself. She was apart of a pair. Tokachi-chan and Tokachi-kun, the Tokachi siblings. The older brother who lived at the hospital and the little sister who visited. 
That part, maybe, still made her a little uneasy. 
Not that Shoku-nii minded living in a hospital. He loved to brag about how he didn’t have to do a single chore, about how he got breakfast in bed every morning, about how going to school online meant that he didn’t have to worry about getting up too early in the morning. But that didn’t mean that he was still there, hurting, behind all his eager smiles and light laughter. 
The door handle was cold under her fingertips, familiar but still just as disheartening. 
“Ameko, what are you doing here?” Shoku-nii sat in bed, an eyebrow raised slightly. Even with his small frown, his eyes lit up a little, so Ameko knew that he was at least happy to see her. That didn’t help the incredulous tone of his voice, though. “Exams start in two hours.” 
“I’ll get there on time, the train ride is only an hour long.” Ameko waved her hand dismissively, moving to sit beside him on the bed. He was a little taller than her, and it was painfully obvious when they sat next to each other. Shoku-nii noticed, too, if his little snort was any indication. 
“You’re terrible. You can’t be late to this, it’s important.” He lightly jabbed her side, before reaching into her bad and finding a small chocolate. Ameko didn’t bat an eye when he ate it whole. His quirk, which gave him the ability to eat pretty much anything with his sharp teeth and reinforced stomach, made something like a candy wrapper stop being a problem.
“I won’t be late! Even if I am, I’m sure tons of kids are late, right?” 
“This isn’t a normal exam, Ameko, and these aren’t normal kids. Being punctual is very important to being a hero.” 
“Ah, yes, I forgot the number one rule. Always be on time.” Ameko smirked. There was a beat of silence, which Ameko happily filled with tapping away at her phone. She didn’t meet Shoku-nii’s eyes, even though she saw the question coming. 
“What’s wrong, Amecchan?” 
Ameko scrunched her nose up. “Nothing is wrong. Why are you asking that?” She set her phone down and studied the little flower on the bedside table, probably given to Shoku-nii from one of the other patients. 
“You’re hesitating, right? That’s why you aren’t on your way yet.” Shoku-nii reached up and rubbed her shoulder. “Why?” 
“I don’t know.” Ameko admitted, leaning into her brother. “It’s silly. It’s like, this is hero school. These kids have probably trained, like, their entire lives. What if I have to fight somebody? What if I’m not strong enough? What if—?” 
“Ameko.” Shoku-nii narrowed his eyes at her, as if to try and read her mind. He probably could, if Ameko was being honest. He was always good at reading other people. 
“You’re right, it is silly. You’ll do great. What, you think you have to be on pro-level? You’re going to school to learn how to be a hero. There wouldn’t be any point if you were already an expert at it. So you’re going to get there at a reasonable time, and you’re going to kick ass, and you’re going to tell me all about it. Okay?” 
Ameko nodded, letting out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “Okay. Thanks, Shoku-nii.” 
“That’s just the burden of being the perfect brother. It’s hard work.” Shoku-nii let out an exaggerated sigh, pulling back in favor of collapsing onto the bed. 
“Oh, please, it is not that hard.” Ameko snorted, standing up. 
“It is. I’m a bird in a cage, Ameko. I’m dying here!”
“Leaving now.” Ameko rolled her eyes, moving to the exit. 
“Ameko, don’t leave me! Ameko!"
There were a lot of kids at Taiyuu High, just like Ameko expected. They all walked with a kind of purpose that was pretty intimidating to Ameko. A lot of them had physical mutations; not that it was any kind of problem for Ameko, but it just made the power of all of their quirks so much more obvious. 
Ameko pushed her anxiety down and crunched down on her lollipop, wincing at how it shattered in her mouth. She swiftly reached into her bag and popped a chocolate in its place, and started walking towards the door when she crashed straight into another person. 
“Ah, sorry!” The other kid apologized. They was about Ameko’s height, with a startlingly familiar shade of pink hair. 
Just like Mako-san. 
“Oh!” Ameko’s eyes lit up, and she adjusted her purse on her side. “You’re Mako-san’s younger sibling, right?” 
They nodded, studying her for a second before clapping their hands together. “Tokachi-chan! I didn’t know you were taking Taiyuu’s exam.” 
“I didn’t know you were, either.” Ameko rushed out. It was silly, really. Even though their siblings were closer than everything, and Mako-san was a constant in her life ever since her brother was hospitalized, she had never spent a solid amount of time with Yamazaki-chan at all. Maybe it was how similar they looked to her, or how both Yamazaki siblings radiated the same positive energy, just in different ways. But Ameko already felt better, knowing the name of at least one other kid here. 
“Good luck on the exam,” Ameko took a small candy and handed it to Yamazaki-chan, who took it eagerly. “I think we’ll both need it.” 
They paused, before reaching up and nudging Ameko’s shoulder. “You’ll do great, Tokachi-chan. I’ll see you when school starts.” 
They both nodded and entered the building, where kids were setting up for the written exam. The seats were assigned, seemingly in random order. She sat next to a girl watching the front with a frighteningly amount of determination and a tall, shy boy who was chatting with the person next to him. Ameko didn’t pay much mind to either of them; instead, she focused on trying to calm down all of her jitters. It might not have been a good idea to keep eating sugar when she would be sitting still for the next few hours, but sugar was a constant in her life and she’d be damned if she didn’t try to consume her anxiety with sweets.
She heard a soft eep beside her and looked over to the soft boy from earlier. His eyes were widened slightly, and she could feel his slight shaking from her seat. He was shaking hands with the boy beside him, eyes locked uncomfortably on the small holes inflating and deflating on his skin. 
“Are you okay?” The boy with the holes asked, raising an eyebrow slightly. The soft boy nodded jerkily, practically yanking his hand back. On Ameko’s other side, there was a harsh laugh. 
“Ghost boy’s a scaredy cat, huh? I didn’t expect that.” The smile she flashed the shy boy was condescending. 
“Your brother’s quirk is kind of scary, isn’t it?” 
Ameko felt her blood run cold. It suddenly got really hot, and for a second, she couldn’t breathe. Her lollipop cracked in her mouth. Why were kids so mean to each other? Couldn’t she leave the boy alone? 
She hid her shivering hands in her lap. “You shouldn’t be mean to him!” She blurted out, before she could stop herself. The girl’s eyes lit up with a small amusement. “I’m just telling the truth. There’s no need to give him false confidence, not when bravery is so important to being a hero.”
“I thought being a hero was about doing good things for others.” Ameko snapped. She thought back to what her brother had said earlier that day. 
“Of course we aren’t going to be perfect about everything, that’s what we’re here to learn!” 
She turned back to the boy, who was shaken up. “Are you okay?” Ameko asked, frowning. The boy’s eyes were wide, and he nodded a little. “Why did you…?” His face grew hot, and he looked away. “Nevermind.” 
The way he moved reminded Ameko of Shoku-nii before the accident, almost painfully so. She had assumed her big brother was just a quiet person, but once he was put into an online school, Ameko had started to see his real personality shine through. Being bullied, constantly on the vigilance of being made fun of, it changed kids. 
She had seen the signs of bullying, and the cute, shy boy infront of her reeked of it. It didn’t take her long to make a silent promise to look after him, no matter what. 
Ameko offered a small smile, and handed him a chocolate. “I’m Tokachi Ameko.” She told him gently, leaving the silent offer to give her a name back. He took it, nodding softly. 
“I’m Seishin Tamashi.” He said, his voice quiet. The other boy beside him, the one with the holes, leaned forward to look at Ameko over Seishin-chan. 
“Inoue Hiraku! Do I get candy, too?” 
The three laughed softly, and Inoue-chan caught the candy Ameko tossed to him. And when Ameko saw the shadow of a smile of Seishin-chan’s face, she knew it would be okay. 
In front of the crowd of kids, a dilapidated city stood in anticipation. She heard the excited chatter from some of the participants, while others stood with a quiet determination. Ameko took the honey candy from her purse and shoved it in her mouth, as if swallowing would take the anxiety with it, too. 
She probably shouldn’t have forgotten to take her anxiety medication that morning, but it probably wouldn’t have done much to help. In the front, standing on a platform, their principals stood and waited patiently for the students to all gather close enough. 
The vice principal cleared his throat, grabbing the microphone. Most of the crowd quieted down quickly. 
“Welcome, future heroes! I am your vice principal Buckskin, and before you all start we’d like to go over a few ground rules. During the obstacle course, your main goal is to get to the finish line as fast as possible. However, that’s not the only goal! We have other criteria we will not disclose at this time. You can have any outside equipment we approved on your way in, and—” 
The other teacher, the principal, grabbed the microphone with an alarmed “Wahh—” from Buckskin-san. 
“Lighten up, this is supposed to be fun!” She chided the other, a wide grin blossoming on her face. “Look, pretty much anything goes. Try not to kill anyone, okay? One, two, three, go!” 
Alarmed, the kids scrambled to start running ahead. Ameko leaned down, and hopped right above the crowd. 
It took a few steps, and she wasn’t in the lead exactly. There was Inoue-chan from earlier, who seemed to be flying with whatever his holes did. One girl who looked foreign, and like a Gargoyle, seemed to pop in and out of existence, further and further every time. Another person seemed to have some kind of speed quirk. 
Still, Ameko was nowhere near last. 
She was so busy looking back at the competition, she didn’t notice the wall until she slammed into it. “Ah—” She blinked, standing up as fast as she could. The wall was tall, wide, and the only way forward seemed to be a series of tunnels leading down. 
Well, guess she’ll die. 
Ameko dashed into one of the tunnels, wide enough to fit plenty of others but tight enough that using her quirk would hit her head on the ceiling. She pushed forward, only hesitating when she saw bags swinging back and forth in front of her. 
They were heavy, not enough to knock Ameko out, but definitely enough to make her fall. Ameko couldn’t afford to get hit and have the breath knocked out of her. She counted the timing, muttering to herself as the others continued on and got hit a few times. 
Ameko was using a few minutes, but it would be worth it. 
She bet that the bags were designed on a timer on purpose, for the kids who couldn’t brute force their way past. And Ameko knew the pattern. 
She ran forward, remembering where to stop and wait. She got grazed a couple of times, but not enough to slow her down in any meaningful way. And once she popped her head out to the surface, she knew she would never take advantage of fresh air every again. 
Ameko kept hopping, even when her legs started to ache. She felt bad for avoiding some of the obstacles - mostly some robots, who were too slow and clunky to catch her - but that was just the name of the game, wasn’t it? 
The next obstacle she had to stop for was a giant body of water. Some of the other kids were swimming across, while others tried to climb a rockwall that stood precariously on either side. Ameko definitely did not trust her ability to swim across, being pretty terrible at upper body strength. 
She turned to get to the wall, but something in the water caught her eye. 
They were a couple of feet under the water, but they were there and just big enough so that Ameko could use them to jump across. A big grin settled on her face, and she ran forward, hopping from platform to platform like a bunny. Some of the other kids caught on and used them, too, from behind her. 
Ameko never felt more alive. 
She squealed, moving on and trying to step carefully in the next area. It was subtle, but there were false holes that littered the ground covered in leaves. Some of them were uncovered from various quirks, so it made them easier to see for Ameko. 
“Fucking hell!”
Ameko knew that voice. In one of the holes, she saw the girl who made fun of Seishin-kun, trying to climb out of the hole. The sides were slippery, though, and she kept falling down. This wasn’t Ameko’s problem. The girl could have probably of gotten out eventually, with how capable she seemed. And if she didn’t, well, the better. Ameko wasn’t sure she’d want her in her class, anyway. 
But leaving someone in trouble wasn’t very heroic, was it? 
Ameko cursed herself and leaned over the hole. The girl looked up, narrowing her eyes. “What, are you here to make fun of me? Laugh because I’m stuck?”
“Is that something you would do?” Ameko raised an eyebrow. “Clock’s ticking, grab my hand.” 
The girl hesitated, but grabbed her hand. “Why?”
“Oh, don’t get me wrong, I still don’t like you.” Ameko pulled her out, using all of her strength. “But that’s what heroes do. And you can learn to be a good person in class, I’m sure.” 
“I am a good person.” She insisted, but Ameko waved her off and kept running. She sprinted to the finish line, where the other kids panted and devoured snacks passed out by one of the other teachers. Ameko hadn’t come in first; she took so long to help the girl (who’s name she still didn’t even know), that she probably hadn’t even gotten in the top half. 
Ameko took a sip of water, and felt her phone buzz in her wallet. She looked down and saw it was Shoku-nii. A wave of anxiety passed over her; what if he knew that she had failed? Would he be disappointed? He had only ever asked one thing of her; to become a hero. 
And she couldn’t even do that right.
“Ameko! Did you finish your exam?” Shoku-nii sounded excited, which meant he hadn’t found out yet. She didn’t want to disappoint him, but lying would have been even worse. “I think I failed.” She told him, her voice barely a whisper. 
There was a pause on the other end, then a question. “Amecchan. Did you try your best?” 
“Of - of course!” Ameko gushed, clenching the phone to her ear. 
“Then you did great, Amecchan. You’re my hero.” 
In that crowd of other kids, all of them had only wanted one thing: to be a hero. And in that crowd, where Ameko turned away from the rest of the participants, she prayed that no one could see how she cried.
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markbanaba · 4 years
Its koatsu oh my go-
Takakutou's Entrance Exam
When Takakutou Shakou was five, she was told by her parents that not all men were equal. That some are just better than others. That some, like her, have powers, and some unlucky souls don't, and need protection. When Shakou was five, she learned about heroes. When Shakou was ten, she knew that she wanted to be a hero, and with the way her school supported her, she knew she had made the right decision. And when Shakou was fifteen? That was when she was going to finally start her path on being a hero.
    Shakou blearily opened her eyes. She sat up, rubbed her eyes, and stretched. Ugh, what time was it? She grabbed her phone off the bedside table. 7:03 am, and it was a Saturday. She blinked a few times. Wasn't there something important going on today?
    As she glanced around her room, looking at her various hero posters, she almost shot out of bed when she remembered. That was right! The entrance exams for Taiyuu were today! She'd already done the written portion earlier this week, but now she'd be able to actually show off the skills she'd been training for a few years!
    Quickly getting dressed in a tank-top, and some shorts, Shakou ran out of her room, and into the kitchen, and to her surprise, her mom was there, cooking breakfast.
    "Hey Mom!" she said, grabbing a cup, and opening the fridge to get herself some orange juice. "Are you not going to work today?"
    Her mom just laughed. "And miss the day of your entrance exam, Shakou? No way!"
    Shakou smiled. "So is Dad going to work instead, or are you both staying home?"
    Shakou's mother put some seasoning on the meal, and dished some out on a plate, before handing it to Shakou. "Oh, your father is staying home too! He's just sleeping in, as he does when he gets the chance." Shakou nodded, and started eating. She smiled.
    "Your cooking is as good as ever Mom! Thanks!"
    "Wouldn't want you to go hungry on such an important day!" 
    Soon enough, Shakou had cleaned off her plate, and put it in the sink. "Alright Mom, I'm gonna be in my room planning out this thing. Don't interrupt me!"
    Her mom just smiled. "Okay Shakou, I'll be sure not to."
    Once she had gotten back to her room, Shakou sat down. She'd want to bring some paper, and a pencil at the bare minimum - There was a good chance she'd need it. Maybe some gloves would be good? But then they could impair her drawing…
    Before she even knew it, it was 11, and she was ready to set out for the train to the Taiyuu Island.
Shakou sat in the waiting room for the exam, bouncing her leg. The exam would be in a half hour from now, and every second that ticked by felt like hours. There were a lot of people in the room chatting - maybe she could try joining in?
There was a group of 3 applicants chatting near her, one a boy with green hair, and odd looking freckles, one a girl with bunny clips, and hair pulled to the side, and the other a scared purple-haired boy, clearly not prepared for the exam.
“-my quirk, ghost… side effect from when I got it, I guess.” The scaredy-cat was talking, saying something about his quirk.
“So, does that mean you’re like Danny Phantom?” Freckles started to hum, and even sing some american theme song.
Bunny girl chimed in. “Eh? That’s a really useful quirk.”
“So the scaredy-cat’s a death boy, huh? Didn’t expect that.” Shakou said, with barely even a second thought. 
The 3 stopped talking, and turned to her. None of them looked that strong, so they probably hadn’t done as much training, Shakou noted. She’d probably have the exam in the bag if the rest of the examinees trained as well as these 3 seemed to have. 
Oh, bunny girl was saying something. Shakou just shrugged in response. “I mean, his quirk sounds pretty cool, but he’s not gonna get anywhere in the hero world if he’s gonna be a coward like that.” Bunny girl and Freckles looked outraged, but Scaredy-cat just looked desolate. Just proving her point. But then, he stood up.
“I’m sick of people, people like you doubting me! Saying I’m nothing, when I’m not! I will be a hero… You’ll see.”
Shakou smiled. So maybe the death boy did have some heroic potential after all.
“Hello, hello? Is this thing on?” a voice came through the speakers, interrupting the conversation before the tension could get any higher. The voice continued. "I'm just going to assume it is. Hi everyone! I'm Lackadaisy, the maker of this island that we're standing on, and the principal of this school you're trying to get into! Nice to meet you all, even though I can't hear you. So, you're all here to take the entrance exam. Or you're incredibly lost, but I won't judge. If you're one of the former, then I have great news for you! The exam will be starting right after I finish my spiel. If you're one of the latter, I believe the exit door should be…" There was a pause, as the sound of rustling papers came through the speaker "On the north wall?" A few students snorted in response to that. "Anyways! The entrance exam's gonna be a race through an obstacle course. It's divided into three sections, each separated by a pathway in-between. Some of you curious souls might be asking. 'Well, Lackadaisy, the greatest principal to ever exist, what are those obstacles?' The answer is, I don't know either! Or, more accurately, you guys are gonna find out. You guys can fight each-other, if you want, but try to avoid spilling blood? It's a pain to clean this whole place. Uhh, I think that's about it. You guys can go now!"
There's a pause, as everyone takes in Lackadaisy's words. The speaker starts up again "Uhh, m'dudes, the doors are unlocked. I said you could go. Your exam's started."
One more moment of silence
Then chaos, as everyone started running for the doors, opening to reveal a long stretch of path, and at the end, a gateway made of metal. Shakou ended up being one of the last to get onto the track thanks to the buildup of people.
    A girl with green hair suddenly jumped up in the crowd, and yelled "LUCK OF THE DRAW!" Before throwing something, in the direction of the crowd ahead? It was hard for Shakou to tell. Then, suddenly, one by one, examinees started lagging behind the crowd. A lot of them had tripped, and a few even looked like they might have gotten themselves injured. 
    The green-haired girl was laughing as she rushed ahead, only to trip up after being grabbed by another girl, with short silver hair, and multicolored eyes, who looked like she just came out of a circus. Judging by the way her quirk seemed to completely mess up the green-haired girl's movements, Shakou thought it would probably be smart to avoid her. A gray skinned girl grabbed onto Circus girl, and they both vanished, before appearing again, further ahead along the path.
    Ahead of the path they were on, a large metal gateway stood, and judging by the way it was set up, that was the real start of the obstacle course.
"OBSTACLE ONE, QUICKSAND TRAPS!" A pre-recorded message blared from speakers on the gate as students ran in.
The path widened to a giant field. “The objective is to make it through without getting stuck in one of the traps all around the field. Keep a keen eye, and don’t fall in!”, the recording continued. Shakou cursed as she almost fell into one of the traps. Her quirk wouldn't be any use here, so she'd just have to try and be careful and fast. She didn't want to fall behind more than she ready was
As she was walking dodging around a second section of quicksand that she could barely see, she heard a loud cry
    Shakou looked back to see the group of examinees she met in the entrance exam. Freckles was stuck up to his waist in the quicksand, and occasionally even coughing some out, while the two other examinees in the group, Bunny girl and Death boy, were trying to help him out.
Shakou rolled her eyes, and continued rushing ahead. If the Freckles wasn't smart enough to pay attention to the recording, or use his quirk, to avoid the traps, she wasn't going to take the fall for that. She had a race that she needed to win.
    As Shakou carefully made her way through the sandy area, she saw a few more interesting cases. There was a (rather plain looking, in her opinion) girl, stuck in a pit, who seemed to be… was she singing? It was hard to tell, as 2 other examinees helped her, with dazed expressions on their faces.
    Then there was the applicant ahead of Shakou, a girl with gray skin that faded to black around her hands, and long blonde hair with red tips. She just melted the sand she was running on into glass, and seemed to be dripping… was that lava? But, as Shakou realized, when she was reaching the end, the lava girl was rather slow.
    Shakou passed through the gate, and in the stretch between obstacles, she pulled ahead of lava girl. Ahead of the path, she could see something. It seemed to be… fake skyscrapers? She made it to the gate, and skidded through as the announcement played, "OBSTACLE NUMBER TWO! RESCUE RELAY!"
    Seems this school had a love for showing off, as ahead of her was a false city.
    The announcement continued, "Make it through the city and out the other gate- But don't forget to try and rescue 'helpless citizens'! You need to bring at least 3 to the safety zone besides the gate to go through!" 
    At a second glance now, the city area seemed to be wrecked, like as if villain attacked. Fitting theme, for a hero school. Shakou ran down the streets, trying to find one of these so called "helpless citizens".
    Soon enough, she did see one. It was a metal dummy, approximately human shaped, and with a red label on it's back reading "Rescue me!" It was gonna be annoying, and heavy, but she had no choice other than to pick it up, and carry it around.
    Off to the side, she saw a girl with white hair in a ponytail, happily walking along, with 3 dummies, who were also walking. Must be her quirk then, since, from what Shakou could tell, there was no way to make them walk like that.
    Shakou walked inside one of the false skyscrapers to try and look for a second dummy, and she found one, hiding behind a desk. There was a trio of examinees in here as well, one a guy with blond hair, and large indigo eyes, one a person with floating white hair, most of it tied into a large braid, and the other a pink-haired boy. They all seemed to be working together to get a dummy out of the rubble.
    She rolled her eyes as she walked out of the building. Shakou really didn't see the point in teamwork on the exam, since it was a race to win after all. She ran down the streets, trying to find a third dummy, but she was starting to tire out. From the looks of it, a fair amount of the robots were taken already.
    Out of the corner of her eye, she saw one. Right by an applicant, with a mask-like face, who was currently kneeling by another one, a girl with yellow, half-shaved hair. Was he... setting her on fire? Whatever it was, he clearly didn't care about the dummy by him, so…
    "Finders keepers, losers weepers!" Shakou shouted as she ran by, grabbing the dummy. She could hear a distant shout from Mask boy, but she didn't care. She was sprinting towards the gate. Once she had made it, she shrugged off the bots into the designated area, where a scruffy looking examinee in a purple hoodie was dropping off a bot of their own.
    Shakou charged through the end gates, with no time to waste.
    The last obstacle became apparent rather quickly, before she even reached the gates signifying the start. A giant wall, that seems to stretch as far as the eye could see. Or, at least until the end of the island.
    "OBSTACLE NUMBER 3!" the overhead voice called out as Shakou ran through the gates. "THE GREAT WALL! Behind this wall is the final stretch to the end of the race! Now all you have to do is get there.
    They weren't exaggerating when they said great wall. As she was running towards the wall, Shakou could see a few other applicants, getting over the wall in different ways. There was one, dressed in black colors, using some kind of glowing rope to scale the wall, while a pair of applicants, one with black hair, the other with white, & orange, seemed to be using floating fruit? Meanwhile a girl with dark blue hair seemed to be focused on burning handholds into the wall.
    Shakou grinned as she made it to the wall. Now was her time to shine. She grabbed one of her papers, and held held on the wall with her right hand. She took the pencil from behind her ear, and with a swoop of her arm, quickly drew a circle. Tucking her pencil back behind her ear, she took a deep breath, pulled back her arm, and…
    "BANG!" she shouted, right as she punched through her circle outline, and the 10 feet of steel behind it. Her hand hurt like hell, but thanks to the training she'd done, and the additional boost provided by her quirk, she managed it.
    With no time to waste, Shakou crawled through the hole she made, and started sprinting. Since she had basically just made a passage for every examinee behind her, she needed to run for the final stretch, as fast as she could. And run Shakou did. She ran as fast as she could, she ran until she saw the gates signifying the end of the exam, and then she ran more, when she came through another gate - the last one?
    "Aaaand in first place for our first year and our first Taiyuu entrance exam, we have TAKAKUTOU SHAKOU!"
    Shakou smiled, before dropping to the floor, out of breath. Another announcement played, not that she was paying attention to it, and an examinee with colorful wings dropped down next to her, saying something about only getting second place.
    Shakou didn't care about anything else
    She won
    She would get into Taiyuu.
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markbanaba · 4 years
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@taiyuu-high-oct​ *Art completed by the wonderful pixlezq
Name: Kirari Kuromiya
Future Hero Name: Dizzy Doll
Growing up, Kirari didn’t exactly have it easy starting out. Born to two pro-heroes, from a young age, Kirari had heaps of pressure on her to succeed. It didn’t help that her parents’ quirks were particularly potent. With her mother, Hoshiko Kuromiya, otherwise known as Nightingale, she had the ability to force people to sleep upon eye contact. And her father, Tsukinobu Kuromiya, otherwise known as Mirage, he had the ability to cause his enemies great hallucinations. With parents like them, everyone waited with bated breath for the reveal of their beloved daughter’s quirk.
What kind of incredible and powerful quirk would manifest in a girl with such powerful parents? Would she end up inheriting one of her parents’ quirks? Perhaps would she even get an incredible mix between the two, putting her enemies to sleep and forcing horrible nightmares upon their helpless minds? Perhaps it would be something no one had considered before.
It was a great let down when Kirari’s quirk was revealed. Upon eye contact, she could make other people dizzy. Was that really it? It just seemed like a toned down version of her mother’s quirk. How pathetic and unfortunate.
While most hero fanatics quickly tossed all interest of Kirari aside, the damage remained. It was impossible for Kirari to remain completely in the dark of what people were saying about her. And from a young age, she was forced to face the reality that, in all honesty, she had a pretty weak quirk. There wasn’t much she could do with it alone. She would never be a hero like that.
But even though Kirari internalized much of those thoughts, rather than bring her down, it only served to make Kirari more and more determined to become a hero even greater than her parents. She didn’t need a powerful quirk to lean on. Not if she was powerful on her own.
Easier said than done. While Kirari was popular among classmates, it was clear she wasn’t very respected. She knew what the boys in school thought of her when they talked about how cute she was. She knew they didn’t see her as worthy opponent, they didn’t even really see her as a person. Mostly, they just viewed her as something to be gained. They thought she would just grow up into a trophy, the type of woman who would end up on a future hero’s arm because she was pretty and nothing more.
Kirari hated it, but more than anything, it was something she could use.
While her classmates goofed about, Kirari studied the blade. Among other things. Kirari knew she could use her quirk, but only when she used it with other skills in tandem. After all, a moment of dizziness could be fatal in hand to hand combat. Kirari did her best to utilize her time well. She carefully and lovingly fostered relationships among her classmates, painting herself as a sweet, but ultimately weak, young woman. And that’s how the world viewed her. It’s how she wanted it.
She knew people looked down on her, but that played right into her hands.
After all, the second your opponent writes you off, they’ve already lost.
Quirk: Starry Eyes (Emitter Type). Kirari’s quirk is very simple. Whenever Kirari makes eye contact with someone while her quirk is activated, the other person will be hit with a bout of intense dizziness. Due to the appearance of her eyes, they have a slight hypnotic effect on others, compelling people to look into them and making it more difficult to look away once they’ve been ensnared.
+Very good when used in tandem with other skills.  +Good range. As long as the eyes can still meet, Kirari’s quirk will still take effect and the potency will not be impacted. +Devices such as glasses or other eye coverings will not protect people from her quirk activating. -Eye Contact is required for the quirk to work. -Easy to avoid when you know what the quirk is and does. -When quirk is overused, the user will become dizzy themselves and receive a splitting headache.
(Quirk) Power: 1/5 Speed: 4/5 Technique: 5/5 Intelligence: 4/5 Cooperativeness: 1/5
+Hard Working +Clever +Sociable +Ambitious =Vain =Manipulative =Flirtatious  -Self-Centered -Deceitful -Vindictive -Fake
On the surface, Kirari portrays her as a kind-hearted, bubbly girl. She always strives to befriend others and show off her best self. That’s only the surface, however, in reality, Kirari is a vain and self-centered manipulator. She only looks out for herself and only does what benefits her. Due to the low attack power of her quirk, Kirari utilizes other methods to get what she wants. She is not above manipulating the emotions of her allies to get ahead. Her favorite tactic is to lull her opponents into a false sense of security, let them really believe they can overpower her, before taking them down. She doesn’t mind being underestimated by others, so long as she can get ahead.
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markbanaba · 4 years
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Japan’s newest Heroics High School, Taiyuu, has unveiled its uniforms in preparation for the school year. Prospective applicants still have until the 20th of February to apply and attempt their entrance exam.
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markbanaba · 4 years
Me? Projecting my crippling anxiety onto my character? It's more likely then you think.
Ameko knew that she didn’t mean it. 
Kottoba-chan had been her friend pretty much since the first day of school, when Ameko declared to her small group of friends at the lunch table and declared that she was looking pretty hot in the uniform. Kottoba-chan, who sat a few tables away, set her hands over her mouth and called out, “Sure do, Babe! Work it!” 
After that, their affection slowly ramped up. Ameko would casually ask Kottoba-chan if it was feeling particularly hot, or if it was just her. Kottoba-chan made a sly comment about Ameko being homework because she’d love to do her on a table. In the common room, Ameko had no problem collapsing into Kottoba-chan’s lap when she was feeling tired to take a nap. 
Ameko hadn’t felt so comfortable with anyone in a very long time. Ever since she learned that the world wasn’t equal, and kids were one quirk away from being ridiculed like her brother was. She could never decide if a friend was genuine, or if they liked the idealized version of the cute girl with a good quirk. 
Ameko decided not to find out. Instead, she created a distant, perfect version of herself. Tokachi-chan, who was always smiling, even when she was anxious. Tokachi-chan, who could never seem to hang out because she was busy, not because she didn’t like to hang out with her classmates. 
Tokachi-chan, who was nothing more than a pretty face. Tokachi-chan, who was ditzy. Airheaded. Stupid. 
She never felt that way with Kottoba-chan. Her, along with Ameko’s other friends, didn’t treat her like she never had a good idea in her life. They listened to her input and treated her like an equal. For the first time since she was little, Ameko could be herself. 
She knew that Kottoba-chan hadn’t been trying to hurt Ameko. They were sitting in class, and Ameko was having one of those days where the sugar made her head a little too fuzzy, and she hadn’t quite slept as much as she should have the night before, and this English assignment just wasn’t making sense. 
“What’s the word for go in English?” Ameko asked, looking over to the person closest to her. Kottoba-chan tilted her head, chuckling softly. After answering, she ruffled Ameko’s hair. “You’re such an airhead sometimes, Tokachi-chan.” 
Kottoba-chan didn’t mean it. They made playful jabs at each other all the time. But Ameko’s heart still skipped a beat, before sinking deep, deep into her chest. She hadn’t been called an airhead in awhile, and she wasn’t used to how much it stung. 
It stung more than any other time she had ever been called dumb. 
It kept happening, and Ameko quickly learned that every little comment that Kottoba-chan made a small cut the size of a papercut over her heart. Ameko could have said something, of course, but just the idea was enough to stop her in her tracks. 
What if, when she told her, Kottoba-chan stopped playing with her? Ameko didn’t want to stop all of their teasing and flirts and cuddling just because of a few bad days. Ameko was a big girl. She could handle it. So Ameko set her small, placating smile on her face and tried not to flinch when she felt herself hurt with the odd comment, on the days she wasn’t feeling up to it. 
Kottoba-chan only found out because Ameko was being too careless. She was in the locker room, changing into her gym clothes. Ameko thought the uniform was cute, but on her bad days it was just a little too tight and just a little too uncomfortable. She was excited to get into the soft, oversized fabric of her sweater. 
“Tokachi-chan, where did you get that?” 
Fujimoto-chan was too loud, and it made the other girls turn to look at Ameko. They all stared at the cuts that littered her body, focusing right on top of her heart. 
They all knew. Would they hate her for not telling them? Would they think she was too sensitive, laugh behind her back. 
“Tokachi-chan, look at me.” 
Kottoba-chan wrapped a towel around Ameko and pulled her into a hug. Ameko wasn’t sure what did it. Maybe it was from the stinging of the cuts, or the stinging of the insults, or her anxiety. Maybe it was simply the kindness of being hugged by Kottoba-chan. Whatever the reason, Ameko bursted into heavy sobs, wrapping her arms around Kottoba-chan. She felt someone gently stroke her hair, and heard another grab Ameko tissues and some water. 
Keikeishi-sensei, who would run Ameko ragged until her legs ached and her legs burned, quietly told Ameko and Kottoba-chan to sit the period out as long as they needed. 
In between sniffs and hiccups, Ameko explained to Kottoba-chan that, although she usually loved their banter, she didn’t like being teased on her bad days. And to her surprise, Kottoba-chan gave her a small, comforting smile and told Ameko that she didn’t want to make her uncomfortable. 
“I can call you pretty any day, Tokachi-chan. Just let me know when you aren’t feeling well.” 
And after that, every time Ameko wasn’t feeling quite so well, she would tap on Kottoba-chan’s arm a few times and the light teasing would be replaced with hugs and head paps. 
Ameko regretted ever having underestimated her friend, because she knew now that Kottoba-chan would be her friend no matter what. 
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markbanaba · 4 years
Angst Nuggets Part Two: Tamashi, Yuuta, and Yameru
My goal here is to write about Ameko’s relationship with all the other kids at least once. This one isn’t as sad but it still has angst undertones. 
Keep reading
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markbanaba · 4 years
For @taiyuu-high-oct
Thanks to @ice-is-my-lif for the redrawn oc!
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Name:Arakan Koatsu
Hero name:Green Flame
Koatsu always wanted to be a docter,but after he saw someone die because none of the heroes had a healing quirk,he decided to be a hero to heal those in battle
Quirk:Healing flame
He can shoot out a green flame that,instead of being burning hot,it heals! It acts like normal fire too!(water douses it,oil spreads it,etc,)
+he can also turn normal fire into healing fire!
~it can't hurt anyone
~it heals everyone(even villains)
-He's not very durable
+will help anyone
-is kind of a coward
-his resting face is scary
-His (foster) father is the underground hero:COMBAT MEDIC! His quirk is that he has super strength and can heal people! (Not himself though!)
-He's Filipino!
-He stress eats!
-His hero costume has a stun baton cause why not!
(By the way, his face isn't a mask, its his actual face, the neck down is normal though)
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markbanaba · 4 years
Entering Taiyuu
As anarkan finished the first "obstacle", the written exam(deer guy called it one ) he wondered if the race the green lady is taking them too would be as hard as the test.
"Remember kids!" Said the lady in green (who said could be akarans principal? He tought it would be the deer guy.)"you just have to run a mile through the track against robots,go trough the wall any way you can,and avoid getting hit by the ball turrets!"she paused before adding "you'll also fight your could-be classmates! don't worry you could team up of course! Good luck!"
"3! 2! 1! GO"
As Akaran ran he saw a black haired guy fly(or float?)through a robot and keep on running,he also saw a blue haired girl jump above one of them and over the wall which akaran was about to climb over when suddenly-
"Hey guys! Over here"
A girl with multicolored hair waved through a hole in the wall she probably made,akaran muttered a quick thank you as he went through. As he did, he saw a creepy looking girl touch one of the examinees,the boy looked confused before falling over, akaran saw all of this happen and it just encouraged him to run faster
As he ran, he saw a guy with holes all over his body dashing through the track as they neared the ball turrets, they looked like cannons and they shot out balls made out of...something sticky and as he neared them he hid behind an examinee as they ran when suddenly she asked-
"What's your quirk!?"
"What!?" Asked Akaran.
"Can your quirk help against these turrets?" She asked
"Well..." As akaran struggled to answer,he saw a girl run through the field,her quirk emitting a bright light that messed with the turrets sensors,as she passed through the finish line he got an idea.
"Yeah,but it involves..."
"It involves WHAT!" Screamed the girl.
And that's when akaran set her on fire.
Hana was getting sick of this guy,her quirk was useless in this area and, while coming up with a plan, a dude with green eyes and mask-like face (creepy) decided to hide behind her like a coward ,when she asked what was his quirk he got distracted by some flashy girl running to the finish line,and now he's stuttering!
"Yea-Yeah but it involves..."
"It involves WHAT!" God she should just ditch this guy alrea-
"-Ey! ,Hey! ,Calm down, everything's fine okay!"
It... Doesn't burn?
It should hurt why doesn't it burn
The mask guy set himself on fire, grabbed her hand and ,while running said,
"My quirk is "healing flame"! It let's me heal people using fire!"
"Then why did you use it on me!? I'm not hurt!" Physically
"Look at the turrets!" The turrets?
Looking up,she saw the turrets try to lock on to them, freak out, and target someone else
Huh,guess it was worth-
Zap sktzzz
Then a burning pain on her back! When she looked behind she saw a guy with an electricity quirk zap at her but as he does, the fire goes through her burns as quickly as their inflicted,leaving not even a scar.
"I owe you one."
"No problem." Said mask guy
And together they passed the finish line.
"Well hero-hopefuls" said the deer guy,"you have one more obstacle in this exam, the tournament! Lots will be drawn and then you must fight each other! Those who win will be placed in the hero course! You could win by knocking out your opponent or knocking them out of the ring! Good luck!"
As akaran watched the screen he wondered who he will be fightin-
Akaran koatsu vs hana yameh
Oh, I'm fighting her.
As akaran stepped onto the ring, he saw hana scowling at him.
"Akaran koatsu huh?"
"What kind of name is hana yameh?"
"The name that's gonna kick your butt" She said getting into a fighting stance.
Hana moved forward ,her hand turning into a spike,and as she lunged, akaran set himself on fire again, and blocked,
The spike went through his arm,and before hana panicked , he pulled it out and his arm began fixing itself as quickly as it happened
"As long as the injury didn't happen too long ago, I could always heal myself as quickly as it happened, takes a lot out if me though"
"So its a battle of attrition then!" Hana snarled getting over the shock of his injury
As Hana jabbed and anarkan dodged and blocked and healed, Hana began panicking.
"My quirk can only turn my arms into spikes for 5 minutes each! If he doesn't go down soon I'll have to use my left! When will that fire of his tire him ou-"
Then suddenly a flash of green light came from anarkans palm
The light became blinding and ,as hana averted her eyes, anarkan flipped her over the ring, ending the match!
"Sorry you lost the match" anarkan apologized for the 5th time,
"And I said don't worry about it!" Hana said for the 5th time."I'm planning on trying for UA anyways!"
"Well, good luck with that I guess." Said anarkan but as he turned to leave...
Hana scowled, "...You did good"
Anarkan smiled "thanks"
"Tch, don't mention it"
As anarkan went to bed that night, he wondered what adventures he'll have at taiyuu high.
"Won't have to wonder for long" he said to himself,turning of his lamp.
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markbanaba · 4 years
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(Okay guess I'm doing this)
Name:Arakan Koatsu
Hero name:Green Flame
He wanted to be a docter but after seeing somone die because none of the heroes had a healing quirk he decided to be a hero to save heal those in battle.
Quirk:Healing Flame
He can shoot out green fire that behaves like normal fire except that instead of it being burning and hot,it heals and is cool
+His fire heals quickly(like regeneration)
+Can touch other fire to make healing fire
~his fire can't hurt anyone
~his fire heals everyone (even villains)
-He's not very strong or durable
Strength: 1/5(physical)3/5(quirk)
Coopterativeness :5/5
+Able to work with others
~Can be cowardly
-His resting face is scary
Fun fact!
He's Filipino!
He has a stun baton because his quirk is useless in combat!
He stress eats!
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markbanaba · 4 years
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Birthday as Touya
Birthday as Dabi
“Happy Birthday…to me…” 
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