marianagiuseppe67 · 3 years
My Thoughts on Shakespeare's Route
Today, I have completed reading William Shakespeare’s route and his romantic ending and to say in the least, I loved every single moment of it.
Usually, I don’t give reviews after reading routes, but William Shakespeare’s route has warranted a rating higher than five stars, and I’m not writing it because he’s my favourite, but only because it has moved me to actual tears.
To describe it in a nutshell, it’s one roller coaster of emotions, and Shakespeare’s character has the quality of being so utterly human, charming, vulnerable and haunting all at the same time, that it tugged constantly at my heart strings.
Every word uttered by Shakespeare and the MC were so well written and profound, I cannot help but wonder about the identity of the gifted writer or writers, whoever they are, who wrote this particular route and the dialogues so passionately. William’s old English was spot on that it indeed felt Elizabethan and for that, hats off to the writer(s)! Moreover, the beauty of Shakespeare’s character lies in his complex personality, and those with an open and discerning mind would be able to appreciate how painstakingly it has been brought to life by the writer(s), who kept the reader on edge till the very end about his motives and wove the ethos of an antihero so smoothly into William’s characterization.
Most significantly, the protagonist’s character is by far the best I’ve seen in any otome game, or route in Ikemen Vampire that it undoubtedly sets a new bar for the MC’s personality. She is strong, rebellious and singular instead of being the archetypal passive heroine and indeed creates a new precedent for otome MCs. Reading about her was not only entertaining but also a gust of fresh air.
This has to be by far the best route I’ve read in Ikemen Vampire and I say this from my heart, not because I am hopelessly in love with Shakespeare’s person.
The only thing missing was some BDSM action in the romance as Shakespeare’s persona before his route’s release was depicted to be one of a sadist who enjoys shackling the heroine, especially as seen in one of his five star cards, but I certainly look forward to themes of bondage in future Shakespeare events and epilogues. There were also a couple of typos though that require the developers’ attention, but even then, I’m not disappointed at all, in fact I loved every chapter.
I’d like to praise the talented team or individual who wrote Shakespeare’s route because it certainly showed how much dedication they poured into it. I anticipate more beautiful stories and epilogues about this sweet and charming playwright. Thank you so much Cybird for creating such wonderful characters and a beautifully memorable story, especially Shakespeare’s route and his and the MC's courageous personality in it. I really appreciate your efforts.
Much love.
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marianagiuseppe67 · 3 years
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Ghada Karmi and Ellen Siegel, in 1973, 1992 and 2011. Photos by Francis Khoo (1, 2) and Jean-Pascal Deillon (3).
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marianagiuseppe67 · 4 years
Triggers: no triggers, only Arthur being a massive seducer and a bit of a jerk 😂. Some innuendos are there. It can be read by ages 15 and above.
Growing Feelings
Hues of faint blue streamed through the half drawn curtains in the silence of the hallways. A drop of water was dripping continuously from a leaky tap in the kitchen, its sound resounding in the quietude. Sparrows and robins that frequented Le Comte's garden had already begun their day chirping away merrily, their wings fluttering about excitedly. Dew drops graced the petals of the crimson, lavender and fuchsia roses around the lawn and the gazebo. The mansion was steeped in a peaceful silence that characterized the hours of dawn.
The residents of the house were by no means early risers except for Sebastian, their steadfast butler and their newest addition Magnolia, whose lone figure could be seen strolling about near the roses in this hour of twilight. It made for an intriguing spectacle for an onlooker.
Humming distractedly by herself, she closely observed the beauty of the flowers that swayed gently in the crisp morning breeze. An aroma of fresh milk tea wafted from her cup which she held in both hands to warm her palms from the chilly air. She sauntered over to the gazebo, sipping her tea slowly and sat down comfortably on the ornate wooden bench. She quietly took in the tranquillity of her surroundings and pondered deeply about her current stay.
'Had it not been for the fateful day in the Louvre, I wouldn't have been here today. All because of one door' she mused.
Today marked the thirteenth day of her arrival at the mansion. The past few days had gone by in a blur, and just about everyone had been warm and friendly towards her. Well, just about everyone, except for Theo and Sebastian. She felt a growing sense of hostility from Sebastian because he wanted her to help him out in domestic chores which she had flatly refused to do. After all, Comte had treated her as a protected guest, so she saw no reason to serve as a maid just because Sebastian wanted her to be one. On the other hand, Theo had seen her go on her nightly sojourns and had become increasingly suspicious of her motives - quite rightly so. She didn't want to reveal her true identity nor her newfound purpose after her accidental venture into this time.
Conflictlingly on her part, she had found herself increasingly drawn to Arthur in a strange friendship of sorts and had felt that he too was drawn to her in an unsaid manner. He had also expressed his doubts about her, but unlike Theo, he didn't pose a threat to her.
In fact far from it, as he had even risked his life for her just two days ago. The bizarre events of that fateful night flashed through her mind as she absently sipped her tea; how Arthur had taken a bullet for her and how she had to save him, and yet the very sight of him feeding off of her had pleased her cold heart with an unexplained euphoria, a surge of power that she throughly relished, a growing desire where she wanted him to serve her. She wanted him for her own purpose, that was absolute, but the extent of her feelings for him were yet unclear to her. Was it a crush or just her ego? His appealing sultry charms? Or the fact, that she wanted to use him? She was uncertain about her own sentiments and hence, she didn't want to pursue her inexplicable feelings regarding him, thus arriving at the decision that she would distance herself from him.
"Busy much love?" A familiar voice spoke with a jovial lilt, thereby breaking her reverie.
She turned around to peer into a pair of deep blue eyes; eyes that were clever but also earnest; eyes without any hidden motive; eyes that she was mesmerized with.
"What brings you here this early?" She questioned skeptically.
"Well, I saw you from my window and decided to follow you here" he smirked, "..and there is no denying the fact that my presence brought a sparkle to your eyes.." he took a step towards her, grinning from ear to ear.
"Don't be deluded. The so called 'spark' you speak was simply annoyance." she scoffed.
"Interesting. Self denial and frustration are the first part of love." he chuckled.
"I'm quite tempted at the moment to break this tea cup on your head, but I'll give you the choice of the saucer too." Her eyes narrowed at him in seething anger.
'The nerve he has to suggest that I would "love" him! What a fool!' she fumed inwardly.
"I believe Sebastian would be utterly displeased. Why take it out on the crockery my wild flower? Just admit it. You want me." he murmured delicately, taking another step towards her seated figure.
"I'm not in the mood to jest. Leave me be." She muttered sourly and got up from the bench.
She was moving away from him when suddenly, he closed the distance between them in a single fell swoop and grabbed her wrist, the one she had fed him from. The flirtatious smile faded away from his handsome coutenance and was replaced by a sombre expression as his ocean blue eyes bore into her onyx ones.
She stared back into his sapphires, riveted by their unspoken words. His gloved hand held up her wrist reverently, his eyes examining it keenly. His thumb caressed gently over the smooth porcelain skin of her dainty hand, the blue veins of her wrist appearing perfectly intact under her translucent skin, like unbroken miniature streams. She liked the sensation but she showed no reaction. The silence between them seemed to linger for an eternity.
"Magnolia..." he finally whispered, "...what are you?"
He spoke softly, repeating his question from two nights ago, his implication becoming even more obvious as his fingers began to interlock themselves in hers as if welded together.
She gazed at him with a deadpan stare and answered resolutely.
"Don't meddle in things that aren't meant for you Arthur. Leave me alone."
As she irritably freed her hand from his grasp and turned around to leave, he pulled at her hand even more forcefully this time and clasped it with an iron grip. Astonished, she shot him a glare.
"Before you go back to your time, I will discover what you are and what your purpose is..." he stated in a matter-of-fact tone, his eyes point blank and then added with a wolfish smile, "...besides..I want more of this.." and brazenly, he raised her hand towards his lips, kissing it slowly, seductively, relishingly, the tip of his tongue trailing along her wrist.
Snatching away her hand in a heated flurry, she frowned and said icily, grimacing at him "And what if I only wanted to use you? You trust me that much?”
“Unequivocally", he answered spontaneously.
His eyes were honest, with not a trace of his typical foxy smile on his lips, instead an expression of solemnity clouding it.
Astounded at his admission, she exclaimed passionately, "But how can that be? You just proclaimed you want to investigate me. What kind of trust is that?"
She was perplexed at this contradiction.
His eyes studied her face amusedly and with an air of confidence, he continued, "You're far from the innocent thing you seem to be love -that- is undoubtedly true. I know you're hiding something and you have a purpose. As evasive as it is, I will eventually find out. It's just a matter of time."
He paused, a serious thought colouring his face. "That being said...I don't think you're a bad person. You wouldn't have saved me otherwise."
"Did it occur to you that I might have done that for myself and not you?" She retorted coolly.
"No. There was no mistaking the look of pure horror on your face when I was shot. That was your natural reaction. Call it my eye for detail, but the moment you started feeding me, that's when I sensed the change...it almost felt as though you were enjoying it."
She was quiet but deep down inside, she knew what he said was true. She had indeed been terrified when he got shot, fearing the worst but those feelings had dissipated gradually at the sight of him bleeding - and she knew precisely why.
"It appears I've hit the mark darling," he conjectured shrewdly.
"No.. I'm done with your nonsensical rubbish. Have a nice day spinning your fantasies." She remarked sardonically and began to leave .
For a third time, he reached out for her hand again, and clasped it albeit gently.
Finally losing her cool, she yelled out loud, her shrill voice breaking the calm of the morning, her face flushing beetroot red, “I must have been a truly horrible person in my past life, to have been cursed with your continued presence in this one!”
With all her strength, she shook away his large hand and he backed off, chuckling hard.
“Aw~ You know you love me," he trilled, his mirthful laughter ringing in the air, "You forgot the teacup. By Jove! We don't want Sebastian scolding you for leaving it here, do we now dear?"
Provocatively, he took a sip out of the leftover tea from the same teacup, a smug, devilish grin curving his mouth. His lips touched the same spot on it where Magnolia's lips had touched it minutes ago. Fully aware of the innuendo behind his gesture, he winked at her unabashedly. She stared daggers at him but to no avail.
Careful not to drop the teacup in her exasperation, she took it from him carefully. Turning her back to him promptly while he watched in amusement, she rushed back into the mansion, vowing not to see him again the entire day, her face set ablaze with emotions.
Secretly though, she felt the skin of her hand that he had touched tingle and burn quite pleasurably and the feeling warmed her heart.
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marianagiuseppe67 · 4 years
Do not share my work on any social media site without my permission.
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marianagiuseppe67 · 4 years
Ikemen Vampire fan fiction.
Characters: Arthur and my original character.
This work is based upon an original character of mine called Magnolia who is a witch. This fan fiction only serves to highlight certain aspects about Magnolia's personality and her rather strange relationship with Arthur Conyan Doyle. It's a dark fanfiction and is intended for mature audiences aged 18 years and above. It does contain triggers such as blood, bleeding and blood sharing. There are also aspects of emotional manipulation and dominance involved.
Trigger warnings:
(1) A bleeding wrist but not in a suicidal way. Yep. It sounds weird. You'll have to read to find out.
(2) BLOOD and the sight of BLOOD. If blood is a trigger for you, please don't read!
(3) Gunshot wounds.
(4) Emotional manipulation and dominance.
It contains nothing sexual, so it can be read safely at work though I must say, the thirst is there. 😉
Inspired by the writing prompt: https://write-it-motherfuckers.tumblr.com/post/633358633016672256/person-a-you-have-far-too-much-faith-in-me
Person A: “....You have far too much faith in me.”
Person B: “And you have far too little.”
Drip. Drip. Drip. Heavy lidded dark eyes with unfathomable depths peered at him. A wanton smile curved her rose lips. Curls as dark as the night cascaded down pale, porcelain shoulders and a fragile neck. Drip. Drip. Drip. The dripping of a ruby red liquid illuminated ominously in the moonlight. It trailed steadily from a deep blue vein of a slender hand. Drip. Drip. Drip. Down it poured in little drops, like liquid shimmering amtheysts against fine lips and pearly white fangs, staining them a deep scarlet. A pair of lapis lazuli eyes were wide in wonder to whom the fangs belonged. A large masculine hand grabbed the woman's wrist in a low snarl in the dark moonlit alley.
"What if I'm unable to hold back?" Muttered a deep, raspy voice of a man with an upper class British accent, his voice barely able to contain his ravenousness.
"And what if you do?" said the tinkling voice of the woman.
"You have far too much faith in me...", he hissed through his teeth.
"And you have far too little," she cooed, her smile so deep that it formed dimples in her pale cheeks.
"You seem to be enjoying this situation love," he the man, his lips twisting into a cheshire cat smirk after he licked his crimson lips.
His head was resting in the shawl clad lap of the beauty who sat on a pavement in the dark, deserted alley, her thin arms wrapped protectively around his silky hair. The woman promptly freed her small, soft hand from his large one that was smudged with her blood, and pressed her bleeding wrist forcefully against his lips much to his astonishment. While she hovered over him, her free hand rested right next to his crimson shirt, her dark onyx eyes scanning the gun-shot wound on his waist with much scrutiny.
"My sweet Arthur. Drink and provide yourself with much needed sustenance. After all, had it not been for you shielding me from that bullet, I would have been dead...", she spoke calmly in a soft, gentle voice.
His shock dissipated into hunger and hunger into frenzy, as he gave in to his primal instincts and let the sweet nectar gush into his mouth, the liquid honey swirling against his tongue and down his throat.
A few dry leaves twirled around in the alley, lifted now and then momentarily by a gust of the cool night breeze. There wasn't a soul in sight, save for the two of them at this late hour.
"Ah.." a groan escaped from deep within his throat. Parting his mouth from her wrist to catch his ragged breath after a good ten minutes, he broke the silence. "By Jove! Had it not been for this wretched wound, I would have shown you pleasures beyond your wonders tonight my sweet," he uttered with a cocky grin as he wiped off the blood from his mouth with the back of his hand.
She smiled serenely at his articulation, her eyes intense but not in the least affected by his tantalising statement. Slowly, he sat up, the lady helping to support his back, her dark eyes studying the change in his demeanor after he had partook sufficiently of her nourishment.
"You seem to be improving..and your wound is not bleeding very profusely now." She said as her nimble fingers traced over his abdomen.
He winced a little, the wound still fresh and spoke with a weak smile, "Yes..I am thankful for what you've done love," he paused, his lips curving into a shrewd smile, "Though it's quite interesting you had a knife ready to cut your wrist when I took the bullet for you" he uttered, his free hand picking up a pocket knife lying close to the woman's back and offering it back to her.
She smiled knowingly, and took the knife, tucking it safely within the inner pocket of her long black maxi. "You're observant as ever Arthur. Even in a condition like this, your skilled eye catches everything, doesn't it?" she purred. "Though I doubt you're still fully recovered. We need to get you home in a discreet manner," she contemplated quietly, eyeing his wound.
Without warning, she suddenly pressed her bleeding wrist to Arthur's mouth again, and whispered slowly, her free hand pressing over his heart. "Feed from me my pet and heal..for I need you strong."
With the addictive elixir hitting his palate, he almost lost all control as it seeped into his mouth. His fangs ached to pierce her smooth skin before his eyes - rather her tempting neck, but steeling his desires, he only skimmed his fangs over the delicate, veiny skin of her wrist, and drank her saccharine crimson nectar deeply without biting her, gulping it down slowly. With a sudden mercurial motion, given much of his strength had returned, he held her waist and his other hand wove his fingers into her curly hair and pushed her head towards him, until her countenance was just a couple of centimetres away from his own, his shallow breath so close to her that it warmed her rose lips.
"Pet? You underestimate me, for when the tables are turned..you will be the one trapped and I'll unravel your mystery," he spoke throatily with a chuckle although his eyes were like blazing sapphires.
After a few licks of her wrist, as tempting as he found her blood, he held her arm with an iron but gentle grasp, and took out his handkerchief from his coat, tying her bleeding hand firmly, the fabric gradually pooling with a deep red hue. His ocean blue eyes stoned over resolutely and his smile faded away.
"That's enough. We have to get that cut tended to. Do you wish to be drained dead?" he muttered concernedly as he managed to get up with her help.
"Try me," she spoke lightly, "I've plenty of life left in me." Astounded, his eyes widened and he spoke, half awed, half alarmed, "Who or what are you?"
A dark, mischievous intensity danced in her onyx eyes, her smile in essence pure seduction. This time, she leaned close to him, and whispered into the shell of his ear in a breathy voice, "It all depends upon you. I can be your worst nightmare Arthur..or your sweetest dream...whatever you want."
She gradually backed away, and he could clearly see her confident, sultry expression in the moonlit alley.
"You talk a good game but be careful what you wish for" he said silkily despite his laboured breathing.
He held up her chin with his gloved hand, a wolfish grin quickly replacing the pallor on his handsome face features, "You will lose to me, my dear Magnolia - know that."
Rolling her eyes with a light laugh, she draped her black shawl over his body such that it hid his wound from sight by covering his belly. "You can weave your fantasies all you want once we get back home..after Le Comte has a doctor arranged for you."
Putting her arm around his back, while his arm encircled her waist, away they walked off slowly into the cool night air, to find a carriage at a short distance. As soon as they had sat into one, Arthur collapsed once more and she cradled his head into her arms. Little did he know that she had already won. She kept on smiling a Mona Lisa smile as the carriage carried them to the safety of Comte's mansion.
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