marcneilgadiane · 4 years
This is my experience travelling to Dumaguete. But first of all, it's not my first time going there. It was January 29, 2019. Our flight was 12:10 in the afternoon but we arrived at the airport at 7:00 in the morning. Maybe we are too excited. I was with my mother, father, sibling, cousin, and my nephew. Then we waited for so long in the airport. The food are expensive that we didn't eat. We forgot where the fast-food chain. Then it was 12:10 and we should be boarding that time but our flight hasn't been called yet. All of the passengers are getting angry and also hungry because no one told us what is happening and we had no idea why. Then when we looked outside, our plane is getting fixed. As I remember, I think the tires are a little lossen. The reason for me is valid because I'd rather wait for a long time rather than board early and die. Then we finally board after hours of waiting. I love that airport because they knew that the passengers are hungry. They gave us 2 packs of cookies and 1 bottled water. Then when we are in the airplane, the worst part is when you feel like something is in your ear. Then before landing at the airport in Dumaguete, the surroundings are so beautiful. We arrived at my father's house in the evening. The people welcomed us and it feels really great to be treated like that. I do know that the family of my father are generous. Throughout our vacation, they took care of us. But enough of those. The place is really beautiful. The best that I've ever seen. You will feel like you are one with the nature. We go to the river where the water is from the Lake Balanan, up the mountains. We wondered if it change place because they said that every time a typhoon hit there, the river change location. The river is super clean. You will see different kinds of seafoods. We saw bunch of fish and shrimps. The best part is there are coconuts near the river and all of it are free. Then the next day is fiesta day. All of the family of my father have foods. All of them offered us that we can't eat anymore. They cook really well and all of it was tasty but the best for me is the one called Humba. It's like adobo but I think they cooked it for so long that the sauce evaporated. The taste is almost like a tocino because it is also sweet. Then we go to the nearest sea there. I didn't know the name but it was beautiful. There are little hut near the sea. The water was very clear. I like it a lot. The best part was when the sun is going down, the waves are stronger and it was fun playing. After that, it was time to go home. Our flight is 7:00 in the morning so we needed to wake up early. We woke at 3:00 in the morning and all of the family of my father are awake. I did appreciate that because they wake up that early to say goodbye to us. And when we arrived at the airport, we saw the auntie of my father and gave us this sweet dessert called sylvanas. It was a round and cold almost like an ice cream consistency. It was very sweet but not to the point that after eating one, you don't want more. It was very addictive. Then after going inside the airport we saw a lot of foreigners and a couple with bruises. Overall, my experience was great. The place is really good. It's like a relaxation type of place because there is no signal. You can't do anything in your phone so you need to just enjoy there. I recommend the place for those who are really stressed.(PS. I didn't have any photos because I hate taking picture of my self and I was actually the one who took those pictures of my cousin and nephew.)
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marcneilgadiane · 4 years
The Beauty Within
There are many events that happened this 2020. We faced a lot but yet we are still standing up. But let's focus on this pandemic. A lot of people died during this pandemic that we have to be in quarantine. It is boring in quarantine. It's very different than what we have in normal days. But did we look at the positive side of this quarantine? We have spent a lot of time with our families, we unlocked talents we didn't knew we had, and now we have time to appreciate the beauty of our environment is. This quarantine taught us a lot of things that we didn't even notice. It may be different at first but when you get used to it, it's just like normal days.
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