Module 2: writing in Fine Arts
Writing profile
In the real world, fine arts are a broad and varied profession that can branch out to different aspects of art. For this project I am writing specifically for an animation career. In an animation career, writing isn’t a big aspect in the whole job process, but when necessary, the writing is always related to the animation and the process to the final cell. The reason why writing isn’t a big aspect within the fine arts is because our creativity doesn’t necessarily have to always be described by words. Its shown through our final product of an artist project that we’ve worked on tirelessly.
Since I’m just beginning college and I’m still learning more and more what is required for a bachelors in fine arts, through this assignment I’m learning the different types of writing that professional artist use within the different fields that are from the fine arts spectrum. I still feel that I can research more about an animation career, but in this project, I searched the basic requirements that every single animator has to do. The reason why only the basics is because there are different types of animators that play their own part within a project and just doing something so long would take a long time. That’s why there are always a large group of people working on animation when an animated movie comes out. I know that there isn’t much of a writing process but I’m happy I learned what might become necessary for me to do in the future.
For an animation career:
• Storyboard:  A storyboard is a series of drawings meant for pre-visualizing the shots of a movie. It is an essential tool for the director to get a sense of the way the movie is going to look and feel. The Storyboard saves time on set. It consists both of the drawing and the text that can consist of both the characters lines and the movement during that shot.
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• Comics: Individual panels are expanded into a full shot while sound effects, voice acting, and animation are added to the original artwork. It can express in either black and white or in full cover the actual telling of the story without using that many words by just using the scenery and the characters. Usually before a comic is fully drawn out and completed, one usually writes the chapter as if it were the script to facilitate the editing and finalization of the writing process before actually drawing something.
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• Scriptwriting: when developing a script, it is important to address the main idea and not go off topic. Stay on point with the storyline. Consider the length, keep it short. Do the unexpected, surprise your audience. Communicate effectively, grab attention. Connect emotionally. Tell stories (flashbacks that end in a cliffhanger is always good. Be conversational.
• http://www.fpx.de/fp/Disney/Scripts/Mulan.html
• The original and final script to the Disney animate movie Mulan
• Captions: Captions that are related to artworks usually describe the artwork and what it’s trying to describe to the audience. I find it really useful especially since a lot of modern art is really conducing so it’s good to have a little box next to the art work explaining what’s going on.
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• About the Artist/ Artist Statement: both allow the artist to introduce themselves, what they like to draw and what motivates them to create and what they hope to become through pursuing what they like.
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• Artist critics: when working on a new project there have to be a lot of changes and mistakes that have to be either changed or completely removed before having the final project that will be later be worked on to have a screen test for further critic.
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• Websites: a lot of artist who still haven’t gotten to the big companies in the industry can still have their own projects and promote and get donations through their own websites to promote the project.
• https://lik.com
• Curriculum vitae: it is like a meet the artist/ artist statement but in resume format all drawn in a formal matter that can be presented in an actual interview.
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0 notes
The Magic of writing
At the end of my freshman year in high school was when inspiration hit me for a career choice thanks to an Inquiry skills teacher. Entering high school, I had a basic idea of what I wanted to study but was still unsure if that’s what I wanted to peruse for the rest of my life. Since I was interested in science and had straight A’s in every single science class I have taken I wanted to pursue forensic anthropology. But that option changed by the end of my first high school year.
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Since I was incoming freshman in IB I had to take an inquiry skills class which was basically an essay writing class to teach how to write the essays I would need to know how to write for my junior and senior year and also for the college essays. My teachers name is Mrs. Roman, and although she looked like an old, strict and stern woman, her appearance deceived who she truly was. and she retired my graduating year. But at that time as a freshman I felt that her class was a drag especially since I didn’t like to write, and that class bored me. I knew that the big assignments that counted as a large percentage toward my final grade were essays and class notes. I always turned in my assignments, but my biggest problem was that I doodled on my notes, but I was never called out for them.
That was until my final project for the class where that class we had to take notes then later turn them in and then have an idea for what I wanted to write about, and I had to be about some type of writing aspect. But along with the essay we had to write and turn in we had to do some sort of presentation, and my initial idea for the project was just to do a power point. At the end of class that day, my teacher passed out back our note books, all except mine, which to be honest had me kind of nervous. When we were dismissed, my teacher called me over and told me to sit in the chair next to her and then and there I thought I had done something wrong, but it was weird because if someone does something wrong, I knew that she would usually called the student out in front of the whole class.
And what she did and then said next caught me off guard. She pulled out my notebook and started flipping through the doodled note filled pages. She told me that all my notes were excellent, but she couldn’t help looking at the doodles. They were really well done and the would really fit well with what I wanted to write about and that I should consider drawing something like a little book or a poster describing what the magic realism. I was taken back. I told her that I thought that she would be bothered by my doodling and that everything was kind of unorganized. She laughed, and she said no. She said to do an art project, that a talent like mine shouldn’t be neglected and that it fit perfectly with my topic.
And so, I did. As my classmates presented, noticed that I was only one who actually drew something. There were PowerPoints, speeches, and a few posters that had printed content that was wither glued or taped on. And then my teacher would evaluate us in front of the whole class explaining her understanding of the project and asked a few questions. I had gotten nervous because I made a little illustrated book explaining magic realism with my own doodles explaining that concept of writing while other students had made formal things. And then when I got up I had a little book in my hands reading to a class as if they were five years olds about magic realism. When I finished everyone was amazed by my book and my teacher told me it was hands down the most creative project out of all her classes and asked if she could keep it so that way she could show it to future students what she expected for the project and also because I had drawn her as a character in the story. I happily gave it to her. When the bell rang she pulled me aside and told me that I should consider studying gin college to become an artist or an illustrator for books. And so, I kept on drawing and writing.
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Three years later in my senior year she had a freshman fetch me from my class to go to hers. It was right before college application season at my school and I was working on my portfolio. When I walked in she told me to sit down and I just got stares from her class. Then she walked towards me with the little book and explained to the class that during my freshman year and that she wanted projects sort of like mine. And then she made me talk to the class about ideas they could use for their projects. I stayed there all class helping the underclassman with their projects. Helping them reminded me that I had to finish my own stuff for college application. And then I decided to ask my past teacher for a favor that she agreed without me even asking the question.
I asked her if I could talk to her and she said ok. Then I told her that I was doing my portfolio and that I needed a recommendation letter from a teacher. And then she stopped me and told me that I she would be glad to write my recommendation letter, especially since I had taken her advice in pursuing an art major and creative writing minor. I was so happy that she said yes, and then I remembered I had to go to my next class. Right before I was about to leave, she stopped me and gave me the book and told me that I should have it for a while to at least scan it and then submit it as part of my portfolio. It was because of Mrs. Roman, my 9th grade Inquiry teacher that helped me like writing and pursue what I liked, not what other people wanted me to study.
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