manualaton · 43 minutes
Happy Pride everyone ^^
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manualaton · 57 minutes
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falin nyom
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manualaton · 59 minutes
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manualaton · 1 hour
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manualaton · 1 hour
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The “i wanna be” comic
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manualaton · 1 hour
I wrote a longass thing about kink and pride and how people are trapping themselves in a closet of their own making and getting mad at everyone else for not similarly engaging in normative sexuality but I deleted it. I deserve some kind of reward... dubloons perhaps
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manualaton · 2 hours
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A kitsune Kiui
They posted a bunch of like,,, merch/gacha items and designs/key arts- and one of them had a fox-hoodie'd kiui, so i knew what i had to do
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manualaton · 2 hours
As someone from Mexico I feel deeply obligated to let the US left know that Claudia Sheinbaum is neither of these things and while having a women rule the country for the first time is a historic achievement it is not the win you think it is
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She is of jewish descent and made one statement for Palestine but never pressured the mexican goverment to break ties with Israel and one of her proposals as a president is to give the military here ( that btw is trained by the Isr*eli army) more power
As the mayor of Mexico City she constantly used the riot police against protestors and allowed the use of tear gas ( which she later claimed wasn't true)
She calls herself a feminist but always refused to acknowledge the wave of violence Mexico faces against women ( 11 women dissapear every day in Mexico) She has also knowingly made men accused of SA part of her campaign team
She also supports "Tren Maya", a project that caused massive ecological devastation in the mayan jungle and facilitated military violence against indigenous communities
You don't live here, you don't know shit so please don't push this kind of narrative idolizing these people
this is not a win for us
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manualaton · 2 hours
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manualaton · 2 hours
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manualaton · 2 hours
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available in my store as a print!
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manualaton · 2 hours
Over on Twitter, "community notes" are "factchecking" claims that drag queens and trans women were at Stonewall by invoking the words of one Fred Sargeant, a Stonewall veteran turned cop turned TERF - not using that as a generic descriptor, but an accurate one, as his bio has "I Stand With JK" in it.
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Fred Sargeant has, in recent years, pivoted hard to erasure of trans people and drag queens from the history of Stonewall, in the name of proving that it was entirely cis lesbians and cis gay men responsible, and when anyone pushes back, he drops the phrase that in his view terminates all debate: he was there and you were not, so you've got to trust him.
One problem, though. By his own admission, Fred Sargeant was not in the Stonewall Inn that night, and only came upon the event after police entered the bar.
Yes, his story has always been that he was at a dinner party when it began, and observed Stonewall when he walked by and saw people and cops gathered outside the bar. As he said at the time:
The kids felt that some of the other kids were being kept inside and being beaten up by the police. I don't know whether it really happened that way or not, but the rumor spread.
Authoritative stuff.
Sources do agree Stormé DeLarverie, alone or part of a group of butch lesbians, scuffled with police; they disagree on if that was the singular cause of it escalating into a riot or one of several causes. Stonewall is...a incredibly fuzzy event we'll never have a perfectly objective record of, for many, many reasons, and we accepted that, until a guy who was at a dinner party instead of in the bar decided to appoint himself the One Authoritative Voice on what really happened at Stonewall that night, and frame anyone who disagrees with him as a liar who just can't accept the truth.
Stonewall probably wasn't exclusively about trans people, but it sure as hell wasn't not at all about trans people either.
...again, this guy lived through Stonewall and then became a cop, and he wants himself to be the sole acceptable elder for the entire gay community.
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manualaton · 3 hours
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hell yea
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manualaton · 3 hours
demon girls and foxgirls kissing. you agree. reblog.
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manualaton · 4 hours
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art by Lil_Sammy89 on twitter!!
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manualaton · 4 hours
Get the results to these exact percentages:
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manualaton · 4 hours
there need to be more plural characters and they need their plurality to be a part of them that is treated as just as normal as being a brunette or being short or wearing glasses
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