mantougod · 3 years
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only after having met you did I rediscover that it's such a simple thing to be happy
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mantougod · 3 years
He will have to remember to greet the very kind villagers he’s come to know, but as of now there’s only a single, viable choice  — that is to fling himself into those waiting arms with the urgency of stars colliding. “ San Lang ! ” and he says it like a wish, like a prayer. He smiles like they’re the only ones in this world, as he lays one kiss on the tip of his nose, and another on his forehead.
Not quite letting go, he rocks back and forth leaving his hands upon his companion’s shoulders. He notices the window, meekly remembers … and though he averts his gaze quickly ; he is thankful. 
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“I think all of heaven owes Ling Wen an apology gift.” The disarray in her absence was astounding. It seemed as if a once mighty beast had lost its own head, and with it, its common sense. These type of things these days cease to bother Xie Lian; where he can help, he does, and when it ought to be left to another, he allows them to do so. It is infinitely more engaging to see what his husband has been up to  — “Has San Lang been busy while I was away?”
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🦋  @mantougod​ / gege !! :  He walks down the familiar beaten path towards the humble shrine; it has been far too long since he had seen a certain someone. His heart hammers between his ribs, as if they’re meeting once again for the first time. Before long he’s running, his form becoming a blur against the setting sun. There is no time to waste, he’s running towards love after all.
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         𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐒𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘𝐒, 𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐔𝐓𝐄𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐅𝐄𝐄𝐋 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 𝐀 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐏𝐋𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐒, and a couple hours could feel like a lifetime for Hua Cheng. Love had that sort of power to skew time, to speed it up in the blink of an eye or make it run on forever. Today had been a lifetime after Xie Lian had gone up to the heavens, the useless officials still struggling to actually take their responsibilities seriously now that they were down one Heavenly Emperor and overworking their HR by thrice anyone could handle. He couldn’t even make him stay with a grip around his waist and a few well placed bites.
But Hua Cheng knew he would be back. He left a note that he would be at Puji, repairing one of the old windows that had nearly split apart during the winter, much to Xie Lian’s dismay because they…
Hua Cheng looked up as a wraith butterfly drifted onto the wall, and quirked a brow at the message it gave. But them he heard a Puji villager greet out, ❝   Daozhang ! So good to see you !   ❞ and turned around fast. There on the horizon, running up the path was Xie Lian. His lips parted, and as if time had finally caught back up to him, Hua Cheng flew down the steps to meet his husband halfway, arms flung wide open,   ❝   Gege !  ❞
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mantougod · 3 years
He’s delighted at his present company despite the fact that said company seems significantly less happy. Xie Lian moves to add a dash of seasoning to the stew cooking in his pot. It happens before he can quite react, the container cracks, emptying every grain of salt into the boiling pot.
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Other then a mild “…ahh,” he remains undisturbed, scooping the pile back out.  In truth, one could say the damage had already been done as a majority had dissolved in the hot liquid, bubbling to its untimely demise.
“I am!” He admits, stirring the soup, putting an equal amount of sugar into the pot as if it would counteract his earlier mistake. “ — but you’ll be the first to try it.” He holds out a spoon, proud of his creation. “It’s really not so bad this time , try it!”
 mu  qing  likes  to  think  that  he  is  a  very  busy  martial  god  that  he  will  find  any  excuse  to  ditch  xie  lian’s  offer  to  stop  by  for  a  meal.  no  way  in  any  sort  of  universe  that  he’d  put  a  spoonful  of  whatever  the  previous  crown  prince  was cooking.  
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 there  he  is,  sitting  on  a  stool  very  uncomfortably  as  if  he  is  waiting  for  his inevitable  death  written  by  the  stars.  damn  him  and  his  occasional  soft  side  that ends  up  giving  in  for  whatever  xie  lian  asks.
  ‘   are  you  preparing  a  special  recipe  for  this  beloved  old  friend  of  yours   ??   ’   the  sarcasm  very  clear  in  his  tone.  almost  haunting.
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mantougod · 3 years
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Hear the bells, the whistle of the wind, a voice of air and thunder. Let us not trample a single blade of grass, nor disturb the slightest of creatures, but rage, rage, rage against the unjust, the guilty, the cruel. You are FANG JIN, a young QILIN who has yet to understand the ways of mortal men. — and in the coming years you will be burdened by tragedy, changed by life, but your heart will always yearn for what is right   /   written by arph.
coloring psd by @/cavalierfou
about rules starter call
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mantougod · 3 years
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You hate the cold, but you always are; and you’re hurting, hurting, hurting — something has left a scar. What happened to you? Every so often, little pieces of fragmented memory flicker in your mind like fireflies dancing in the night. There is a red ball — fluorescent, a blue iris, and golden sunflowers. Then there is nothing. ( but that isn’t the entire truth. ) There is rage, there is pain, there is darkness.
— go. going. gone. ghost. vestige. visitant. // indie poltergeist oc by arph.
template about rules starter call wishlist
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mantougod · 3 years
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 “  To watch with your own eyes your beloved be trampled and ridiculed yet unable to do anything. that’s the worst suffering in the world .  ” 
 —  THUS IN CALAMITY, HE WAS REBORN.  // ind. priv. sel. // Hua Cheng of Heaven Official’s Blessing // est. 2/14/19 // insp.
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mantougod · 3 years
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 This is a story about a soul once blessed by heaven. A story about an ascension to glory, to fame, to godhood  — all to crash and burn; a blazing inferno that leaves nothing but forgotten dreams. It is a lesson that hurts: aspirations mean nothing in the face of reality. It is said that ten thousand hours of practice leads to complete knowledge of a skill. Perhaps then, it could be said that Xie Lian had come to master TRAGEDY.
indie Xie Lian from heaven official’s blessing. re-established from 2019. by arph.
coloring by @/cavalierfou
rules   about   
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mantougod · 3 years
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I love... i love you sm
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mantougod · 3 years
wakes up blearily just to save live action tgcf... go forth ... i believe in you ... im cheering for you ...
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mantougod · 5 years
[prayer] may gege run his fingers thru my hair next time he puts it up
He knows not if answering such a prayer from a devout follower could be regarded as granting a request— after all it was one of his own wishes as well. Perhaps it ought to be considered the very type of indulgence the ethic sutras warned against? 
All in all, it’s not something he cares to ponder over, not when there’s hair to be handled at least!
The the prayer is heard loud and clear cutting through the din of the everyday. What can he do, but look for his San Lang immediately, the urge to run his fingers through those dark, ink strands growing stronger with every passing second.
It takes but a moment to find him, but moments apart these days, no matter how brief has his eyes wandering looking for that familiar flash of red, and that familiar feel of home. He throws Hua Cheng a grin, hands cupping his face in utter adoration before seating him down to do his handiwork. 
It’ll bean awful ponytail, it always is, haphazard and far from perfect. Xie Lian is lucky the prayer said little of what kind hairstyle, or how skillful it needed to be. Even after so many years of life, he could find countless of things he was in all honesty, terrible at, but to put love in every stroke, in every moment, that he could do — would do, long after oceans dried, and mountains fell, and farther still into the future.
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mantougod · 5 years
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let the iconing begin...
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mantougod · 5 years
everybody say thank u starember....
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mantougod · 5 years
@ tgcf manhua : spare icons ? spare icons sir ? please some spare icons ?
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mantougod · 5 years
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mantougod · 5 years
*smooches gege's every knuckle
The attack of the cruelest kind ! The one upon his heart ! San Lang, the sneakiest of all , assaulting him when his guard was down ! What can one do but lay out a counter attack ? 
Though Xie Lian is caught unprepared and unable to return the same amount of kisses in quantity , he certainly will not fall behind in quality ! Placing a smacking kiss on Hua Cheng’s forehead , warm and endowed with a heavy weight of love. He grins up at him , unable to contain a small laugh, “—  Hello to you as well ! ”
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mantougod · 5 years
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His-Almost become White-clothed Calamity- Highness. Extremely sad scene in Heaven Official Blessing. MoXiang Tong Xiu always had a way with her words, truly touching. #moxiangtongxiu #tgcf #tianguancifu #heavenofficialsblessing #hualian #xielian #huacheng #digitalart #digitalartworks #digitalartworks #digitalartist #digitalillustration #digitalpainting #photoshopart #photoshopartwork #photoshop #photoshopcc2015 #myart #fanart
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mantougod · 5 years
bloodied knuckles ・ tear stained cheeks ・ rust  ・ a busted lip ・ claws ・ fangs ・ a bloody nose ・  chattering teeth  ・ a dark space underneath the bed ・ scratching noises on a wall・ creaking metal ・ fog ・ dancing under moonlight ・ blood dripping lips ・ heavy breathing in the dark ・ a feeling of unexplained dread ・ a figure in a dark corner ・   dirty peeling wallpaper ・ a bloody handprint on the wall ・ sobbing in the dark ・  bite marks on the skin ・ eerie whispers ・ a hood covering a stranger’s eyes ・ the growl of a hidden animal ・  the sound of a blade being sharpened ・ a deep, dark forest ・ walking on the streets alone at night ・  a cobweb-filled, abandoned building  ・ eyes darting in paranoia ・ a heavy beating pulse ・ the feeling of being trapped ・ struggling to get out a scream ・ boards covering broken windows ・ a quiet graveyard ・ a gas station in the middle of nowhere ・ a road that never ends  ・ heavy fog rolling in ・ the scent of blood in the air ・ eerie old photographs  ・ walking along traintracks at night ・ a chill going up the spine  ・  gathering crows ・ a dusty, dimly lit study ・ mist over a deserted cobblestone street ・ ghost towns ・shadows around a campfire ・ the sound of chanting ・ church bells tolling ・ an orange harvest moon  ・  a broken down carnival  ・ a dirty stuffed animal abandoned  ・ wiping bloody hands on fabric ・ nightmares ・ waking up in a panic ・ a power outage ・ heavy lightning storms ・ a secret trap door ・ the feeling of being watched ・ fear from trauma ・  a Ouija board set out on a table  ・  an eerie doll  ・ a scream of anguish & pain ・ withered plants ・ a room that’s been forgotten & gathered dust ・ owl eyes in the dark ・  curled, dead tree branches ・ a ritual altar ・ flickering candles ・ a lantern held up in the dark ・ fear of being followed ・ creaking floorboards ・ repressed, horrible memories ・ clenched teeth ・ soft, echoing piano keys・  an old book covered in dust ・ many pairs of glaring eyes ・stumbling in pitch black darkness ・ being stranded in the middle of nowhere ・ tarot cards on a table  ・ a trail of blood.
tagged: @honghuas   THANK U !!! tagging: I THINK.. everyone has been tagged but feel free to take it and say I tagged you ;3c
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