manip-crackship · 5 years
Loser’s Club as Avengers
in honor of infinity war, here’s my opinion..
Bill Denbrough as Steve Rogers
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Stanley Uris as Clint Barton
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Beverly Marsh as Natasha Romanoff
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Ben Hanscom as Bruce Banner
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Mike Hanlon as T’challa 
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Eddie Kaspbrak as Peter Parker
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Richie Tozier as Tony Stark
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manip-crackship · 5 years
WriterofthePrompts Ultimate Ask Masterlist
I’ve decided to make a masterlist of asks I’ve done to make them easier to find for you guys (and for myself). I split them into categories as best as I could by genre and topic. Also, some asks have some helpful tips in the notes as well to check out (some are marked but not all) and if you have anything to add that you think would help, feel free to reply or reblog with your addition. I’ll try to keep it updated with future asks. (Update: you can now see the Ultimate Ask Masterlist 2 and my list of Random Writing Tips)
Now without further ado, the strangest and most wonderful list I’ve ever made.
World Building
Urban fantasy prompts/creating urban fantasy world (also linked under fantasy)
Links to help with world building
Creating a pantheon of gods
Things to research when writing a historical novel (also linked under Historical)
Using metaphors in descriptions
Too much world building?
Asking questions to develop a magic system
Wizard school ideas
Why magic would drain from a world
Tips for descriptions
Reasons for civil war
Character Development
Writing confusion in your character
Obstacles to character goals: traveling abroad
Reactions to sadness
Reactions to a devastating event
Showing a character’s anxiety towards something
Showing a character’s secret without revealing it
Reasons a character would die for another
Secrets in a character’s past
Culture shock with loss of rules
Growth of a trainee witch
Characters provoking other characters
Dealing with moving to a completely new place
Why a 19yo would allow a strange boy to live with her
Why a character would want a do-over in life
Showing a character going from good to bad
Possible good messages when the villains aren’t reformed
Kid growing up surrounded only by adults
Quirks for characters
Showing friendship with reserved characters
Introducing an antagonist
Introducing side characters
When you don’t think your character’s backstory fits
Writing Different Types of Characters
Writing antiheroes
The reluctant hero
Writing a violent character afraid of their mind
Making an immoral character likeable
Not a normal girl
Sympathetic villain
Making sure your character isn’t just a flirt
Writing intelligent characters
When your hero isn’t very heroic
Confident characters
Writing an antisocial character
Character Family
Visiting family for the first time
Showing closeness in siblings (opposite twins)
How a joker and a quiet character can become friends
Daughter of a party organizer prompts
Parent jobs where the kid needs to keep up appearances
The mom that left comes back…a vampire
Including character’s parents
Why a character would leave another
Sibling relationships
character with an abusive father (and how to show fear)
Writing a slow paced love story
love interest vs the ex revamped
Platonic male x female relationships
Random places to get married
Suspense and romance with a “different” male lead
sad relationship prompts
Asexuality and romance
Mutual pining
Romance with large age differences
Childhood friends falling in love
Fluffy unique first kiss
Ways of showing commitment in characters (vampire edition)
Friendship to romance
Small situations for a couple story
fantasy creature and human fluff
characters meeting and falling in love during war
Why best friends might fall in love
Unlikely soulmates prompts
Sci Fi
Using dreams as energy
Time travel prompts (asked for male x female protags)
Time travel: how saving someone can go wrong
Reliving memories
Android characters
Writing humanoids in post apocalypse
Consequences of growing a baby in an artificial womb (theoretical)
The evil AI that characters can’t (shouldn’t) destroy
Girl and guy get trapped in the same body
Rich people in post apocalypse
Discovering you have a doppelgânger
Teenagers, hormones and their superpowers
Weird superpowers
Superhero kids reluctant to be superheroes
beings traveling to Earth
Why an alien wouldn’t be able to leave Earth
Reasons an alien would be sent to live on Earth
Human/alien team surviving on hostile planet together
Urban fantasy prompts/creating urban fantasy world (also linked under world building)
gods losing their powers
creations turning on their creators
How elemental powers might work
Why NOT to destroy the world when it’s your goal
Mistreated genies
Tropes of a fantasy (also linked under Writing Motivation/Tips)
Male character ideas in a fantasy
Immortal woman prompts
Beauty and the Beast revamp
How Death and a teenage girl become adventure teammates
Powers for magical beings writing down history
Girl meets demon from forest behind her house
Reverse fairytale prompts
Revamped fairytale prompts 2
Manatees being confused by mermaids
a princess befriends a baby dragon
Making a character believe in a cure for a curse
Egyptian gods living among us
A love between the sun and the moon
What fantasy creatures do on Halloween
Human and fantasy creature become pen pals
Monsters and urban legends
Fantastic creatures
A little bit on dragons
Kind dragons
Magic and Witches
witch x wizard romance
witch prompts
Witch being protective over a human-turned-doll
magical boarding school
Ideas for curses
A young witch exploring the boundaries of her powers
Traps a wizard could set for a thief
Angels and Demons
Angels and demons
Angel as a human on earth
Jobs for angels and demons who fall in love
Physical impacts on a demon who keeps dying and coming back
Demons hunter prompts
Human meets vampire 1
Human meets vampire 2
How to hide your vampirism from your family
Royal vampires
Vampire hunter gets bitten by a vampire
Reasons a locked up vampire would go after your character
Why a vampire and vampire hunter would work together
Vampire x werewolf forbidden love
Helpful ghost prankster prompts 1
Helpful ghost prankster prompts 2
Human and ghost solving mysteries together
1776 woman with supernatural abilities prompts
A medium whose friend is in a coma
Medium question Pt. 2: their fatal flaws
Battle Scenes
Writing Battle Scenes Tips
How to lead up to an action scene
Keep reading
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manip-crackship · 5 years
“I like the scars because I like the stories. Bravery, stupidity, pain—none of them come free.”
— Jessica Martinez, Virtuosity
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manip-crackship · 5 years
Do you have any tips for writing enemies to lovers?
Hi, love!  Thanks for your question and your patience
Enemies-to-lovers is a popular trope, but it’s often treatedcarelessly by writers – especially TV/movie writers who rush through thetransition to fit a single movie or episode arc.  There’s nothing worseyou can do in this situation than to rush your arc.  Falling in love isalready a time-consuming plotline – but transitioning from enemies, who arealready shutting each other out, to lovers?  The quicker it happens, theless believable it becomes.
I have a lot of notes on how to write enemies to lovers, sobear with me as I list them out.
Writing Enemies to Lovers: The Basic Ingredients
1. Give them some similar traits.
No matter what, two people can’t fall in love if they don’trelate on some level.  The first step to creating possible love interestsis to find where they’ll connect.  Are they a hero and a villain? Evil and good?  Night and day?  I bet they both love animals. Maybe they’re both way into politics.  Maybe they share a commonenemy.  Maybe they’re both neat freaks or a bit sassy or super gay or lovethe same music.  It can be a few important things or a bunch of superficialthings – just make sure they have something that can tie themtogether.
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2. Put them on the same side of something.
When two people are mortal foes, it can be hard for them tosee each other in any other light.  Bringing in a common enemy (ananti-hero, a natural disaster, a person in power), or a common interest (amutual friend, a school play, a moral cause), can land foes on a teamtogether.  This forces them to become aware of each other’s strengths, andto consider (and worry about) each other’s weaknesses.  This is perfectfodder for an eyebrows-raised, “Hey, they don’t suck at this particularthing,” moment.
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3. Get them alone.
With other people watching (especiallyfriends/coworkers/allies), little groundwork can be made for your twohate-lovers.  If you get your characters alone together, you’re given abounty of opportunities to bond them, including but not limited to: actualconversations, accidental (or faux-accidental) physical contact, the sneakymoment of checking each other out, etc. etc. etc.  People are differentwhen you get them away from their friends – less extreme, less rowdy, lessunreachable.  If you have to trap your characters in an elevator theold-fashioned way, damn it, you’re the only one who can do it.
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4. Let them fight their feelings.
If these two are truly enemies, there isn’t going to be amoment of, “Oh, I like them.  Huh.  Neato.”  Oh, no. There will be internal backlash – they will beat their emotions back with abroom, and deny them to anyone who asks.  There will be extra hatefulglares, more middle fingers, and basically anything they can do to remindthemselves that they don’t like this person.  If you show thisinternal conflict, it both (a) makes the feelings seem real, organic, and (b)creates a more realistic transition from hate to love.
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5. Love can sound like hate.
There’s a reason people say indifference is the trueopposite of love.  When your two enemies start to feel things foreach other, this will probably spark a lot of ranting, arguing, anddoor-slamming.  It creates a fixation – you sit there and you stew andyou tell your friends, “Remember when they did thatstupid thing?  Yeah.  Screw them.”  Your friends roll theireyes.  When will you stop talking about this person?  Just kiss themalready.
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6. Sexual tension is a powerful tool.
If your characters experience sexual attraction, this is agreat way to accelerate their relationship against their will.  It’s theage-old, “My mind says no but my body says yes,” dilemma.  Yourcharacters can’t stand each other, or the image they have of each other, butthey’re attracted like magnets and can’t shake it.  This can make for somepretty hot – or pretty hilarious – scenes.
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7. Give them a moment of horrified realization.
Eventually, the feelings will grow strong enough that one orboth of them will have to sit there, probably on the bathroom floor a littlebit drunk with one sock on, and realize: “I love that f*cker.”  It’llbe a scary moment for them.  It’s not that they haven’t known it – theyjust have yet to accept that it’s something to deal with, until now.  Thiscan be prompted by a dangerous situation, a shared activity, or a failed attemptat another romance – so when they really sit and think about it, theyknow.  Then it becomes a question of either “how do I get rid of this?”or “how do I pursue this?”.
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8. Try their hand at flirting.
Whether one or both characters have come to accept theirfeelings, someone’s gotta start flirting.  A glancing touch across thearm; a small comment that could kind of be construed as amicable; a lingeringglance; that first peek at their enemy’s smile.  Something cute and quickand immediately followed by an existential crisis will do in a pinch. Without this water-testing, readers won’t have any image of what thisrelationship will look like – and if it can succeed.
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9. Craft the perfect kiss/hug/confession.
When the time is right, create an undeniable display ofattraction to transition into a new phase of their relationship:the “welp-we-both-like-each-other” phase, which comes right beforethe “we-decided-to-(stay-platonic/start-romancin’)” phase.  The BigKiss/Confession is the most iconic climactic love scene, in which the twocharacters take a chance and become vulnerable with each other – and kiss, orsay, “I love you,” or do anything that can’t be construed in any otherway.  Want to extend the drama?  Interrupt them, or have it beone-sided, or let it turn into a fight until they decide, “Forget it, thiswas stupid.”  Readers will swoon.
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10. Finish up with an awkward adjustment period.
If and when your characters do enter a relationship, makesure it’s a little tentative at the beginning, to keep it realistic.  Yourcharacters have made a huge shift in their dynamic – there will be somelingering arguments and love-hate, and maybe a bit of discomfort going publicwith their romance.  Then come the usual growing pains of a new relationshipgetting serious – figuring out how to navigate each other’s flaws, learning tobe open with their feelings, dealing with unresolved fights from before theirrelationship.  It won’t be perfect right away.  That’s the beauty of it.
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I hope this helps you, love!  I adore love-haterelationships, and I hope you enjoy crafting your own enemies-to-lovers as muchas we’ll all love reading them :)  Good luck!
– Mod Joanna ♥️
Ifyou need advice on general writing or fanfiction, you should maybe ask us!
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manip-crackship · 5 years
Full offense but your writing style is for you and nobody else. Use the words you want to use; play with language, experiment, use said, use adverbs, use “unrealistic” writing patterns, slap words you don’t even know are words on the page. Language is a sandbox and you, as the author, are at liberty to shape it however you wish. Build castles. Build a hovel. Build a mountain on a mountain or make a tiny cottage on a hill. Whatever it is you want to do. Write.
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manip-crackship · 5 years
52 short stories in 52 weeks
1. A story entitled “A New Beginning”.
2. A story about rising to a challenge.
3. A retelling of a fairytale.
4. A story about three siblings.
5. A story set in London.
6.  A story about finding something that has been lost.
7. A story about a journey.
8. A story set during a war.
9. A creepy story.
10. A story featuring a countdown.
11. A story set at a full moon.
12. A story about a contest or competition.
13. A story that takes place entirely inside a vehicle. 
14. A story from a villain’s perspective.
15. A story set at a concert or festival.
16. A story that begins with a gunshot.
17. A story set in a country you’ve never been to.
18. A story about a historical figure.
19. A story set in a theatre.
20. A story written in 2nd person narrative.
21. A story set on another planet.
22. A story written from the perspective of someone dead/undead
23. A story about a birthday.
24. A story that ends on a cliffhanger.
25. A story set at the summer solstice.
26. A story about nostalgia.
27. A story that features a song or poem.
28. A story that ends at sunrise.
29. A story opening with the words “F*** you!”
30. A story about a magical object.
31. A story set at sea.
32. A story about a curse.
33. A story set 100 years in the future.
34. A story about loneliness.
35. A story that features a real recent newspaper article.
36. A story written from an animal’s perspective.
37. A story about a scientific discovery.
38. A story set on another planet.
39. A story with only one character.
40. A story about a secret.
41. A romance that ends in tragedy.
42. A tragedy that ends in romance.
43. A retelling of a recent Hollywood movie.
44. A story that takes place the year you were born.
45. A story about a near-death experience.
46. A story about anger.
47. A story about a magic spell.
48. A story set in a strange small town.
49. A story about justice being done.
50. A creation myth.
51. A story set at Christmas.
52. A story entitled “The End”.
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manip-crackship · 5 years
Character Questionnaire
Here is a detailed character meme to fill in! (If you’re stuck on some of the questions, check the prompts here.)
Full name
[name here]
Preferred name/nickname
[name here]
Generally referred to as
[name here]
FACECLAIM: [Do you have a faceclaim for your character?] SEX: [Is their anatomy male, female, or other? Was this always the case?] HEIGHT: [how tall/short are they?] WEIGHT: [how heavy/light are they?] BUILD: [Thin? Fat? Bulky? Muscular? Toned? etc] HAIR: [describe their hair, is it long or short? Soft or course? Do they style it a certain way? Do they dye it?] SKIN: [What colour is their skin? Is it rough or smooth? Is it soft or hard? Note: feel free to change this to fur/scales etc if that’s more appropriate for your character!] EYES: [What colour are their eyes? Do they have a distinctive sparkle or do they look kind of dull and tired? Long or short eyelashes? Eye bags? Wrinkles? Hooded lids?] MOUTH: [Big mouth or small? Plump lips or thin lips? Perfect white teeth or crooked, gappy ones?] NOSE: [Big or little? Pointy or bulbousy? Huge, cavernous nostrils or teeny little ones?] HANDS: [Big or small? Manicured fingernails? Claws? Wrinkles? Visible veins? Bony knuckles? Or smooth skin and soft features?] FEET: [Big or small? Bony or plump? Trimmed toenails? Claws?] SCARS: [Any visible scars?] CLOTHES: [What is their clothing style?] OTHER FEATURES: [Optional for non-human characters, or human characters with uncommon features] OTHER NOTEABLE FEATURES: [Optional - anything you need to mention that isn’t covered by the above.]
VOICECLAIM: [For those without faceclaims - do you have a voiceclaim for your character?] ACCENT: [Do they have an accent?] VERBAL TICKS: [Any verbal ticks? Such as a tendency to stutter, repeat themselves, stumble over their words, etc.] LANGUAGE: [What language(s) do they speak? If more than one, are they fluent in all these languages?] ARTICULATION: [Do they tend to be good at explaining things, or can they be clumsy with words when trying to explain something?] EDUCATION: [Do they tend to use a lot of long words? Do they ever show off about how many big words they use? Or do they prefer to use short, simple language?] LAUGHTER: [What is their laugh like? Do they laugh a lot, or not very often?] GRUMP: [Do they ever grumble, sneer, or grunt about things?] BREATHING: [Do they tend to gasp, sigh, humph or sniff at things?]
FACE: [Do they have an expressive face? Do they show their emotions in their face? Or do they tend to have a poker face most of the time?] HANDS: [Do they make a lot of hand gestures? What kind of gestures do they use?] LEGS/FEET: [Do they tap their feet or jiggle their leg?] EMOTIONAL OUTBURSTS: [Are they prone to these? Do they tend to cry or yell when they’re upset, or laugh and jump about when they’re happy?] HABITS: [Do they have any habits, like humming or singing or fidgeting or fiddling?] POSTURE: [Do they usually stand straight and to attention, or do they tend to slump? Does their posture change with their mood? How does it change?] WALKING POSTURE: [How do they walk? Do they skip gleefully along, do they march like a soldier, do they slump their shoulders and stomp around?] SITTING POSTURE: [How do they like to sit? Cross legged? Slouched? Feet apart or together?] PERSONAL SPACE: [Do they like to maintain a personal bubble, or does it bother them when people get in their personal space? Do they tend to be respecful of others’ personal space?] SPACIAL AWARENESS: [Are they good at noticing what’s around their physical space? Or do they tend to be clumsy and bump into things?] OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]
DIET: [What do they like to eat? Do they have a healthy, well-balanced diet? Do they eat a lot of junk food? Or do they sometimes forget to eat?] SLEEP: [Do they sleep a lot? Or not a lot? Do they go to bed late, or do they sleep early and get up early? Are they prone to nightmares or strange dreams?] EXERCISE: [Do they work out a lot? Too much, not enough, or just right?] ACTIVITY: [Do they tend to work hard and exhaust themselves? Or are they pretty lazy? Or somewhere in between?] CLEANLINESS: [Do they bathe regularly? Are they meticulous about washing?] ODOUR: [Do they have any particular body odour (good or bad)?] MEDICINAL DRUGS: [Any medicinal drugs taken?] NARCOTICS: [Any recreational drugs taken?] ADDICTIONS: [Any physical addictions?] ILLNESS: [Any physical ailments?] INJURIES: [Any injuries that never completely healed, and still cause trouble?] PARASITES: [Do they have fleas or any other parasites?] OTHER: [Optional - anything not covered by the above.]
INTROVERT/EXTROVERT?: [Is your character one of these? How does that manifest in their life?] OPTIMIST/PESSIMIST: [Which of these are they? Or are they in between?] GENDER: [What is the character’s gender, if any? Do they feel that their gender matches their anatomy?] SEXUALITY: [What type of person do they feel sexual attraction for, if any? Do they have a preference for one sex/gender in particular? Do they prefer their own race/species, or another? Is their any type of person they absolutely would NOT want to get into bed with? Or do they have no preference?] ROMANTIC: [Are they inclined towards romance? Do they enjoy lots of romance, a little, or do they prefer no romance at all? Do they see themselves married with kids one day, or would they prefer to be alone?] MEMORY: [Do they have a good memory? Or are they forgetful? Are they good at remembering certain things and not others?] PLANNING: [Are they good at planning? Do they spend a lot of time planning or do they tend to leap right into things?] PENSIVE: [Do they spend a lot of time thinking over their actions, their life, their problems, etc?] INTUITION: [Are they good at making the right decisions, or at figuring things out from minimal clues?] PROBLEM SOLVING: [Are they good at dealing with puzzles and problems?] GOALS: [What is their main goal in life? Do they have any short-term goals?] INSECURITIES: [Is there anything they are insecure about? Do they hide their insecurities well? Do they affect the way they live their life?] ACHIEVEMENTS: [Anything they’re especially proud of?] ANXIETY: [What, if anything, causes the character to feel anxiety?] OVERWHELMED: [Do they ever feel like things are just too much?] SELF-HELP: [How do they deal with their life problems?] COMFORTS: [What helps the character to feel comfortable and happy?] BAD HABITS: [Do they have any bad habits?] PHILOSOPHY: [Do they have any religious or philosophical beliefs? What are they?] TRIGGERS: [Do they have any triggers?]
The Past.
PARENTS/GUARDIANS: [Did they have a good relationship with their parents while they were growing up?] SCHOOL: [Did they do well at school, or did they struggle?] ADOLESCENCE: [How did puberty go? Was it a hard change? What was particularly hard (or easy) about it?] LEAVING HOME: [What was it like for them leaving home for the first time? What prompted them to move out of the home they grew up in?] FURTHER EDUCATION: [Did they go to college? University? What did they study, and how well did they do?] FIRST JOB: [What was their first job? Did they enjoy it?] LIFE EVENTS: [Did they have any important life events that affected the route their life took? This could be something traumatic or it could be something pleasant like graduating with good grades.] WORST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?] BEST DAY OF THEIR LIFE: [What happened?] LESSONS: [What are the most important things they have learned through experience?] LOOKING BACK: [If they could re-play their life and do something differently, what would they do?]
FAMILY: [Who, if anyone, does the character consider their family? Are these blood relatives? And do they have a good relationship with their family?] FRIENDSHIPS: [Do they have lots of friends, or just one or two close friends? What do they look for in a friend?] FRIENDS IN NEED: [How do they help a friend who is going through hard times? Do they offer advice and support, or do they feel uncomfortable, not knowing what to say?] NEEDING A FRIEND: [Do they tend to go to friends when they need help and support? Or do they deal with their problems on their own? Do their friends ever worry about them?] ANNOYANCES: [How do they deal with arguments and disagreements with friends or partner?] ROMANCE: [If applicable: how do they woo a potential partner? What do they look for in a potential partner?] MARITAL PROBLEMS: [How do they deal with problems in their love life? Do they talk it through with their partner? Or do they bury their head in the sand?] ADVERSARIES: [What would turn them off a friendship or romance?] ENEMIES: [What would make them hate someone enough to call them an enemy?] STRANGERS: [Do they tend to be respectful to strangers, or are they careless towards anyone who they don’t consider a friend?] FUN STUFF: [What kind of things do they like doing with a friend?] DATING: [What kind of things to they like doing with a romantic partner?] BEST FRIEND: [If applicable - who do they consider their best friend?] LOVE: [If applicable - who do they consider to be the love of their life?] WORST ENEMY: [If applicable - who do they consider to be their worst enemy?] RESPECT: [Do they respect their enemies, even if they don’t like them? Is there anyone they disrespect? Why?]
MINGLING: [Do they get along well with others, in general? Or are they bad at making new friends?] COMFORT LEVELS: [Do they feel comfortable talking to people? What might others do that could make them uncomfortable?] PHYSICAL: [Do they tend to be touchy-feely? Do they hug people or pat them on the back> Or do they prefer not to touch anyone?] GROUPS: [Are the comfortable in a big group? Or do they prefer to spend time with just one or two people?] OPENNESS: [Do they tend to open up easily? Or does it take them a while to open up to someone?] GENEROSITY: [Do they like to buy gifts and treats for others? Would they be willing to lend money to a friend? How do they feel about people buying gifts for them?] JEALOUSY: [What might make them feel jealous towards somebody else? Is there anyone they are jealous of, or have been jealous of in the past? How do they deal with jealousy?] TEMPER: [Are they easily worked up or do they have a lot of patience?] EMPATHY: [Are they able to empathise with another person’s feelings? Or do they tend to be clumsy and put their foot in it? Or do they just not care who they hurt?] AFFECTION: [How do they show affection for others?] DISTASTE: [How do they show that they dislike someone?] ETIQUETTE: [Do they tend to stick to the polite norms of social situations, or can they sometimes be rude or inappropriate?] RESPONSIBILITY: [Do they admit when they’re wrong? If they make a mistake, do they try to correct it?] SELF ESTEEM: [Do they tend to stick up for themselves or do they let others push them around? Why?] CONFIDENCE: [Do they care what others think of them?] HONESTY: [Do they always speak their thoughts honestly? Or will they keep things private if they feel that it might upset someone?] LEADER OR FOLLOWER: [Which one are they? Or are they neither?] PARTY TRICKS: [Do they have any special skills or talents that impress other people and gain them praise?] PRAISE: [Are they comfortable accepting compliments?] FAILURES: [Is there anything they do that makes people annoyed or irritated?] CRITICISM: [How do they take criticism?] INSULTS: [How do they take insults?] EMBARRASSMENT: [Are they easily embarrassed? How do they handle embarrassment?] FLIRTING: [Are they flirtatious? Why?] ATTENTION SPAN: [Are they able to concentrate on lots of things? Can they hold their concentration well? Or are they easily distracted?] SITUATIONS: [Are they good at dealing with difficult social situations? Such as an argument or someone getting upset?]
CAREER: [Do they have a career? Are they good at it and do they like it?] PROMOTION: [Are they hoping to advance their career?] BOSS: [Do they have a good relationship with their boss?] DUTY: [What kind of responsibilities do they have?] TECH: [Are they good with modern technology or do they prefer not to tough a computer?] POLITICS: [Do they have strong political opinions? How to they show their support/opposition for their leaders? Do they vote?] COMBAT SKILLS: [Can they fight and defend themselves?] HOME: [How do they like to keep their home and their personal space? Are they messy or organized?] DAILY LIFE: [Do they cope well with day-to-day or do they tend to feel out of their depth?] INDEPENDENCE: [Can they get on well by themselves? Or do they sometimes need help dealing with things like bills and bank accounts?] COOKING: [Can they cook?] BUILDING: [Can they put together an item of furniture or do basic DIY?] CLEANING: [Do they keep their home clean and tidy? Do they always do their chores?] SHOPPING: [Do they like to shop? Or do they prefer to only go to the store when absolutely necessary? Are they prone to impulsive buying or do they shop sensibly?] DRIVING: [Can they drive, or operate any vehicle?] FINANCES: [Are they in a good position financially? Are they good at taking care of their bank account? Do they usually pay their bills on time?] MARRIAGE: [Are they married? Do they plan on getting married? If so, how do they plan on spending their life with their partner?] KIDS: [Do they have or want kids?] PETS: [Do they have or want pets?] DEPENDANTS: [Do they have anyone to look after, such as an elderly relative or a sick friend?] LAW: [Have they ever done anything illegal? What was it?] COURT: [Have they ever been in court? Why? And what was the verdict?] PRISON: [Have they ever been in prison?] TRAVELLING: [Have they ever been on holiday, or would they like to?] MEDICAL: [Do they go to the doctor/dentist when they need to? Or are they afraid of going to see the doctor?] ILLNESS: [Do they have any mental illnesses that affect the way they live their life?] WORRIES: [Is there anything that keeps them awake at night?] PEACE: [Do they like peace and quiet? Or do they prefer always to listen to the radio or playing their favourite songs?] PARTYING: [Do they go out partying a lot? Or do they prefer to stay in?] HOBBIES: [Anything they enjoy doing in their spare time?]
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manip-crackship · 5 years
Reblog if you're just really fucking in love with Edmund Pevensie
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manip-crackship · 5 years
Reblog if a fictional female character has positively influenced your life
Trying to prove something to my sexist grandfather
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manip-crackship · 5 years
💔     HEART     ACHE     SENTENCE     PROMPTS    !  
❝ You are a victim of your own broken heart. ❞
❝ You’re breaking my heart.  ❞
❝ The heart is just a muscle, isn’t that right? ❞
❝ You’ve left a void in me that cannot be filled. ❞
❝ Time does not heal a broken heart as they say. ❞
❝ How do you cope when the love is with somebody else? ❞
❝ Well, you can’t have heartbreak without love. ❞
❝ Love is supposed to heal, to be your haven from misery. ❞
❝ My heart no longer felt as if it belonged to me. ❞
❝ There is an ocean of silence between us… and I am drowning in it. ❞
❝ Raw love, like raw heartache, could blindside you. ❞
❝ I was born the day you kissed me, died the day you left me.  ❞
❝ I’ve fallen victim to love once in my life, it was enough for me.  ❞
❝ I think perhaps I will always hold a candle for you – even until it burns my hand. ❞
❝ I would have followed you to hell and back… if only you’d lead me back.  ❞
❝ I had fallen but you were not there to catch me.  ❞
❝ This pain has not passed, this pain, I’m afraid, it will never pass. ❞
❝ A broken heart can be as lethal as a bullet to the brain. ❞
❝ As if you gave your heart to autumn, for what it destroys never blossoms again. ❞
❝ A single heartbreak teaches you more than what a lifetime of schooling can. ❞
❝ You taught me how to live with you, now tell me how to live without you… ❞
❝ You hurt me and yet I cannot stay away, I am miserable either way. ❞
❝ Do you know why he did what he did to you? Because he could. ❞
❝ I have been bitter since the day you broke my heart. ❞
❝ Today is just another day of trying to get by without you. ❞
❝ An entire world of people can never replace the one that I’ve lost. ❞
❝ I cannot carry on with my future when I am stuck in my past. ❞
❝ Many things we die but this love I have for you will not. ❞
❝ I could never love another as I do you, even if I wanted to. ❞
❝ This heart break will be the death of me. ❞
❝ I still fight and I don’t know why. ❞
❝ If our love is tragedy then are you my remedy? ❞
❝ When you’re ready, come find me, my heart is open. ❞
❝ Love is both, the strongest and the weakest thing you can have in life. ❞
❝ Black misery painted on a blood red heart. ❞
❝ You make me feel like a firefly. Trapped in a belljar; starved for love. ❞
❝ Sometimes your eyes are not the only place the tears fall from. ❞
❝ My heart does not beat, it aches, for you. ❞
❝ Do you even know how you make me weak? ❞
❝ If you lose your one and only, there’s always room here for the lonely. ❞
❝ Part of me aches at the thought of her being so close yet so untouchable. ❞
❝ Sometimes it feels like love and sometimes it feels like the death. ❞
❝ I don’t know where your heart is but mine is bruised. ❞
❝ I tried to wash the scars and marks from under my skin but you’re etched in me like stone.❞
❝ You call it love, but still you hate me? ❞
❝ You’re the pain and the medicine, one taste and I’m numb again. ❞
❝ With you next to me, there’s no darkness I can’t overcome.  ❞
❝ They don’t love you the way I love you. ❞
❝ What a wicked way to treat the one that loves you. ❞
❝ What’s worse, looking jealous or crazy? ❞
❝ There’s a fire starting in my heart, it’s bringing me out the dark. ❞
❝ The scars of your love remind me of us. ❞
❝ Tears of blood fall from my broken heart. ❞  
❝ Never mind, I’ll find someone like you. ❞
❝ When it’s all said and done, I’m still in love with you. ❞
❝ I want you to know that I’m all yours. ❞
❝ You could break my heart in two but when it heals, it beats for you. ❞
❝ The emotion that can break your heart is sometimes the very one that heals it…  ❞
❝ Jealousy is just love and hate at the same time. ❞ 
❝ I know you still think about the times we had. ❞
❝ I’ve been so selfish because I love you so much. ❞
❝ You’re just like a pill, instead of making me better, you keep making me ill. ❞
❝ I bet you start loving me as soon as I start loving somebody else. ❞
❝ Do you ever think of me when you lie? ❞
❝ I fell for your lies, you hurt me, all the time. ❞
❝ Despite everything, I still remain loving you. ❞
❝ I’m waiting for the one day to come, when I can look at you and feel nothing. ❞
❝ Love creeps up on you, you never know how hard it’s there until they leave.  ❞
❝ I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to forgive myself for just how badly I broke you.. ❞
❝ What chance did we have against fate? ❞
❝ Be careful when fixing broken people. You may end up cutting yourself. ❞
❝ Every other lover will always be compared to you. ❞
❝ I would recognize your heartbeat from the ends of space. ❞
❝ Even in dreams, ghosts of former happiness haunt me. ❞
❝ You should see me when my heart is broken. I don’t grieve, I shatter. ❞
❝ Love, but don’t fall in love because everything that falls breaks. ❞
❝ If my love was a war, you only fought for the glory of winning. ❞
❝ How many hearts have you collected? How many chests have you left aching and empty? ❞  
❝ I have not broken your heart - you have broken it; and in breaking it, you have broken mine. ❞
❝ If it’s a question of my heart, you’ve got it. It don’t belong to anyone but you. ❞
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manip-crackship · 5 years
The idea that Carol and Diana would seriously fight each other at any point is so ridiculous to me. I mean, obviously they would respect the hell out of each other and I’m sure they would love to spar and whatnot (Carol 100% decides to see how much of the Lasso she can take before she caves.) but Diana is also canonically bisexual and Carol is not only a babe… she’s a cocky but selfless badass fighter pilot and we know Diana likes those. Diana would amp the charm up to an 11 and Carol’s a cocky lil shit (who IS IN NO WAY STRAIGHT LIKE HAVE YOU READ THE COMICS/SEEN THE MOVIE?!) so I would pay money to see them flirt.
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manip-crackship · 5 years
Seduction Starters
A mix of actions that focus on the seduction/pinning. Inspiration taken from an array of different memes to put them all together in this one. Feel free to mix prompts to make more specific ones or if reverse them.
send in one of these for my muse’s (RECEIVER) reaction to your muse (SENDER) …
( DOOR ) opening the door for mine to pass.
( STARE ) longingly staring at mine from across the room.
( WATCH ) watching mine while drinking their beverage.
( TOUCH ) “accidentally” briefly touching mine. (example: brief hand touch, knee under the table)
( HOLD ) holding mine’s hand.
( HAND ) kissing mine’s hand.
( GIFT ) giving mine a gift. (example: flowers, jewellery)
( FLOWER ) putting a flower in mine’s hair.
( LETTER ) sending mine a love letter.
( LOCK ) offering my muse a lock of their hair.
( LEAN ) leaning against mine’s side.
( FIX ) fixing or straightening my mine’s clothes.
( DANCE ) leaning in closer while they are slow dancing with mine.
( COMPLIMENT ) complimenting mine.
( STAR ) staring at mine instead of the stares while stargazing.
( PLAY ) playing with mine’s hair.
( BRUSH ) brushing mine’s hair.
( LIP ) biting or licking their lower lip.
( SING ) singing to mine.
( GRAZE ) grazing mine’s shoulders with their fingers.
( BECKON ) beckoning to follow them.
( SLIDE ) sliding down their hand down mine’s back.
( CHIN ) grabbing mine’s chin.
( SILENCE ) silencing mine’s by pressing their finger on mine’s lips.
( PUSH ) pushing against the wall. (example: rough or soft pushing against wall)
( SIT ) sitting on their lap.
( HIP ) pulling mine by the hips.
( FACE ) stroking mine’s face.
( HOVER ) hovering their lips over mine’s.
( NECK ) kissing mine’s neck.
( GRIP ) holding mine by the back of the neck.
( SURPRISE ) being found without an article of clothing (example: being found shirtless)
( SECRET ) arriving where they both agreed to meet in secret in the dead of night.
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manip-crackship · 5 years
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romantic fluff alphabet [ a-j ] [ k-r ]
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manip-crackship · 5 years
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romantic fluff alphabet [ a-j ] [ s-z ]
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manip-crackship · 5 years
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romantic fluff alphabet [ k-r ] [ s-z ]
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manip-crackship · 5 years
How ODDAT portrays teenagers/teenage relationships
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- they aren’t overtly sexualized, dress their age, and act the ways most normal teenagers act
- their relationship does involve sex- but any mention of it is about issues of consent and understanding healthy relationships. Also, no overly sexual aspects of their relationship is showed on screen BECAUSE THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO BE CHILDREN
Now for Riverdale characters who are THE EXACT SAME AGE as Elena and Syd
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- promotes unrealistic body standereds
- overly sexulizes characters who are under 18
- shows teenage sex on screen involving strip teases for grown ass men, pedophilia (in the first damn episode), and BDSM elements
Essentially- Elena ans Syd were made for teens to relate to and to see themselves in. Like all aspects of ODAAT the teenaged characters are diverse, struggle with real problems, and represent realistic expectations for teenagers to look and act.
However, Riverdale is meant to sexualize teenage characters and fosters many harmful expectations in its young audience.
So, WHY is Riverdale being renewed again and ODAAT isn’t??
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manip-crackship · 5 years
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Reblog Gal Gadot as Batman for 10,000 years of good luck
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