malmal2004 · 4 days
How to draw TMNT 2012 Part 2 - The Plastron and Bridge
Turtle shells are comprised of three main components:
The carapace - the part of the shell on a turtle's back
The plastron - the part of the shell that is on the turtle's front
The bridge - the part on the side that connects the carapace and plastron together
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Today, we will be focusing on the plastron and bridge of the shell
Note: Many parts of this tutorial will be referencing the vertebral, costal, and marginal scutes of the carapace. To learn more about them see part 1 of the tutorial series
#1 The Plastron
IMPORTANT!!: The shape and details of the plastron vary between Leo, Raph, Donnie, and Mikey. If you are going for a show-accurate art style, then way you'd draw the plastron for one of the brothers won't be the same you would for another. However, due to Tumblr's image limit, today we will just be drawing a generic plastron for any turtle. I will be making a separate post dedicated to the shell differences between the four brothers in the future
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Now, then, we'll discuss the plastron. Typically, the plastron on real-life turtles is comprised of many scutes and bones; however, the plastrons in tmnt 2012 are much more simplified. After some observation, it's been determined that it'll be easier to break down the tmnt 2012 plastron into three skeletal components + an outline. So, let's begin
The bones of the plastron we will be focusing on are the hyoplastron, hypoplastron, and xiphiplastron. We will be working top to bottom
[the hyoplastron is labeled as "Hyo", hypoplastron"Hypo", and xiphiplastron "xip"]
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The Outline:
To begin, let's draw the outline of the plastron. First, draw two lines at a slight diagonal angle in the shape of a wide ∧. Next, draw a V where the two lines meet in the middle. Afterwards, erase the part of the lines that are above the V
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When we take a look at the plastron, we can see that the top of it is skinner than the bottom. Therefore, when drawing the sides of the plastron we will be drawing at a slight diagonal angle outwards. Keep in mind, these lines are not completely straight. They are rounded and extend outwards before slightly coming back inwards at the bottom
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To finish, draw two diagonal lines drawing near the center with a small horizonal line in the middle to connect them. The outline of your plastron is now completed
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The Hyoplastron:
The hyoplastron are the bones closest to the top of the plastron, as well as the smallest
To draw this, draw a horizontal line near the upper-middle part of the plastron, leaving plenty of room for the hypoplastron and xiphiplastron. For guidance, remember that the line you're drawing should be aligned with the shell crack on the marginal scute shown below
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The Hypoplastron and Xiphiplastron:
The hypoplastron are the bones in the middle of the plastron, the xiphiplastron are the bones at the bottom
When drawing these, remember that the hypoplastron are the 2nd largest bones out of the three while the xiphiplastron are the largest.
Draw a horizonal line a little below the mid-point of the plastron. For guidance, remember that the line you're drawing should be aligned with the shell crack on the marginal scute shown below
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Finishing Touches:
To finish this off, draw a vertical line down the center of the plastron to separate it in half
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Next, we're going to add some cracks in the plastron where the sections of it meet together. If you look closely, the sections are not actually touching each other at the very ends. Rather, they diverge and leave small > and < shapes, similar to the cracks on the marginal scutes of the carapace
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Occasionally, we find scratches as well as small cracks in between the connecting lines of the sections and on the outskirts of the plastron. As there's not a specific turtle we're focusing on today, feel free to place these extra little details wherever you like
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Finally, and this is optional, we're going to add some definition by thickening the lines separating the sections. This will add depth and emphasize how the plastron is made up of several parts put together. The lines don't need to be perfect as imperfections are normal
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#2 The Bridge
The bridge is the bone that connects the plastron to the carapace. So, how do we draw it?
To begin, let's draw the top and bottom of the bridge
The top of the bridge is the armhole for the turtles. To draw it, make a line in the shape of the U connecting the plastron and carapace together. The line should start from the bottom of the upper costal scute of the carapace and connect to the upper part of the hyoplastron of the plastron
The lowest dip in the U should be around level with the crack in the closest marginal scute and the crease separating the hyoplastron and hypoplastron
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The bottom of the bridge is going to be where the turtles stick their legs out. To draw it, make a line in the shape of a ⌒ connecting the plastron and carapace together. The line should start from the first crack of the lower vertebral scute and connect to the lower part of the xiphiplastron where the plastron goes inwards towards the center
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Cracks and Definition:
Now, we're going to add in the cracks and definition
First, we're going to add two new lines to our bridge. Near the top we're going to add a line in the shape of a V, and near the bottom a line in the shape of a ∧. These show how the bridge is being pushed outwards due to the arms and legs and adds a 3D effect
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Now, let's add the cracks. If you look at the arm and leg holes, it splits off into three pieces. To draw the cracks, we're going to place two Vs close to the plastron on the top and bottom of the bridge
As a tip, the cracks in the center of the bridge should line up with the tip of the V and ∧ lines you made in the last step
After adding the cracks, erase the part of the outline inside of the cracks to create the gaps
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Extra Details:
Ever notice those brown markings on the bridge? While it's not exactly clear what they're meant to be, my best guess would be that they're inframarginal scutes (scutes that are on the bridge)
Now, If we take a look at the model, it looks like there's only two of them
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However, if we take a look under the belt there's three of these scutes. You just can't see the one at the bottom due to the belt being in the way
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So, how do we draw these?
First, draw a straight, vertical line near the carapace of the shell. This line is going to ensure all the scutes are the same length. Keep in mind, the inframarginal scutes take up about 3/4 of the bridge in width
It's also important to note that the scutes should be placed very close to the bottom of the bridge, leaving some extra room at the top
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Next, we're going to add the scutes following the pattern shown in the diagram left to the shell
To draw the top scute, draw with a diagonal line going downwards-right for the top. For the bottom, draw a straight, horizontal line
The middle scute should be a normal rectangle
And finally, to draw the bottom scute make a horizontal, straight line for the top and a diagonal line going upwards-right for the bottom
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Erase the unneeded parts of the original vertical line you drew
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And that's it. You now have a bridge to connect the plastron to the carapace. With everything put together you should get something that looks like this
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I hope you guys enjoyed today's tutorial, they're fun to make
Part 1 | Part 3 | Tutorial Masterpost
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malmal2004 · 4 days
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the only reason they don’t show him doing the act is because they want to save the best parts for the official show
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malmal2004 · 23 days
Finally someone understand
Okey so this scene has every one in the fandom shocked, happy and mad
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Okey so we all know that splinter’s announcement in last second had every body shocked. There for is many now wondering why now Raph did nothing wrong as a leader which is true but I don’t think it’s particularly something he did wrong no but it more about how he acts during pressure.
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He still has some level of anger issue and yes even tough now in this big cuddly bear version of Raph he still has his problem with patience and anger which we clearly see in this scene.
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He cracks under pressure and acts out on his family cuz of it
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This pressure also caused him to have a mental break down which is understandable but as leader you can’t let this happen during these kind of moments.
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I don’t believe that Raph was a bad leader but he does has qualities that you can’t have as a leader. Leo However has these qualities Raph lacks in like calmness and logic and strategic thinking but Leo doesn’t have the maturity that Raph dose. Anyway I don’t think that in particular Raph has done anything wrong no it just how he reacts under pressure and down the road splinter has realized this Han maybe considered Leo as a better option.
However I really don’t want their lovely brotherly relationship to go sour now and I hope they can find away to work together because we all know dose two are always stronger together
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malmal2004 · 23 days
I heard Leo cut a watermelon with a sword once,,, That Leonardo was shredded.
 Finished it! Man, Rise’s animation totally convinced me that animation can be fun again,,! 😭😭
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malmal2004 · 23 days
in other news, i completely forgot that todd had a whole forge
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malmal2004 · 23 days
Animatic from the unaired episode “Wedding Crashers”
youtube link: https://youtu.be/LwIA2wfVOyw
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malmal2004 · 23 days
cool af board where this scene continued by the shredder just TEARING through raph’s mystical body
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malmal2004 · 23 days
Hhehehhehhehehe i love raph
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malmal2004 · 23 days
wish I was a lizard chilling on a big hot rock and licking my eyeballs
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malmal2004 · 23 days
Quite possibly my favorite scene
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malmal2004 · 23 days
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malmal2004 · 26 days
Process of recreating a scene
This was an assighment for school and of course I took my favourite shot
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malmal2004 · 27 days
The eldest is here to protect you!
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malmal2004 · 27 days
Hi guys! I made a shimeji for you.
Enjoy and share with your friend~
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malmal2004 · 27 days
Blue Boy Leo shimeji for you guys
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malmal2004 · 27 days
Our Clever boy is here!
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malmal2004 · 27 days
Various pages of scripts from scrapped Rise episodes have recently been shown giving a few pieces of new information about the Rise characters, various pieces of information about season 3 were also revealed as well.
According to a page from the script of the scrapped episode 'Toddler Mutant Ninja Turtles', Donnie was the one who gave Leo his driving test.
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2. The script for the 'Toddler Mutant Ninja Turtles' also shows that Donnie sometimes calls Mikey "tadpole" when referring to how Mikey is the youngest of the Turtles.
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3. It is revealed in the script for the scrapped episode 'T-Hex' that Splinter has gotten Mikey multiple electronic pets over the years however Mikey seems to have always quickly grown board of them leaving Splinter to be the one to take care of them.
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4. In the script for the scrapped episode 'Dog Dale Afternoon' Donnie reveals that he goes to April's High School & that he enrolled himself in the medical magnet program, according to Donnie the class is "learning a lot from him".
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5. When asked about the dynamics between Big Mama's Assistant, Frida & the Turtles it was stated that Big Mama's Assistant might have been similar to Karai from the 2012 cartoon.
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6. Kendra would have appeared in season 3 & continued as an ongoing rival for Donnie.
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7. When asked about episodes focusing on villains it was stated that Big Mama would have been given more focus.
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With Big Mama having been planned to have more focus in season 3 it is also possible that Big Mama could have possibly been on the the seasons primary antagonists for the Turtles.
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