maliklakhdhir1974 · 4 years
Make Lots of $$ online once you Understand The Value Ladder.
Hi. I am Malik Lakhdhir and I help Online Marketers do Affiliate Marketing without struggling with little to no money to start their Journey. If you are looking to become an affiliate marketer then be sure to keep tuning in for more video like this one. Please make sure to Subscribe to my channel and click the bell icon. Thank you.
What Is A Value Ladder? (And Why You Need One In Your Business!)
Here you are going to learn what is a value ladder and why is it so important for us as Affiliate Marketers. I have done intensive research on this topic and have some great information for you. So without any further delay lets dive right into it.
The Value ladder is a very successful concept that is used by Affiliate Marketers in their sales process. Oh, I would like to mention for those who stay to the end of this video there is a little thankyou bonus to help grow your online business.
lets jump straight into it.
Ok! you’re looking at the topic and you’re wondering to yourself, “what is a value ladder? Believe me this has got nothing to do with construction tools?”
As much as I love construction and the tools of that trade, today’s topic is focused more on ladders as they pertain to the online marketing world.
The brick-and-mortar world has figured out the true power of a value ladder. In fact, we have all been influenced by the Value Ladder but might have not realized.  Hopefully that wont be the case after you watch this video and to help you I will be giving a live example later. I will explain what a value ladder is. I will also illustrate the power a value ladder can give your online business. Always remember the use of a well-thought-out value ladder combined with a thoughtfully designed sales funnel can truly ramp up sales in your business. If you don't know what a Sales funnel is put your comments down below and I will make a video explaining that.
The Basics
Let’s begin with a definition of a value ladder.
Well, simply put a value ladder is where you gain a customer when they purchase an entry level, inexpensive product. Most people using online marketing make the mistake of selling  big-ticket items to their prospects as soon as possible.   Let me repeat the definition again slowly and let it sink in. So, A Value ladder is where you gain a customer when they purchase an entry level, inexpensive product. So the two important and key things Inexpensive product and at Entry level. Then as you build a relationship with that customer and gain their trust, you can then introduce more valuable and more expensive products. It is a simple concept that, if mastered, can take your business to a completely different level.
The Components of a Value Ladder
First the Entry Level Products
Entry level products are low-cost products that introduce customers to your brand. The profit margins on these products is usually very small. And in some cases they may not make any money at all and that is ok. As this relates to the value ladder, one of the goals of these products is simply to cover the cost of advertising. It takes time and/or money to acquire a customer. These entry-level products help cover those costs. From there, the idea is to move your customer up the ladder over time.
Always remember that though these products might be lower in cost, they should still provide high value to your customer or client. This is the beginning step of the process of building trust with your customers. Your customers won’t take one step higher up your ladder without seeing that you will provide them with great value right from the start.
Then comes the Mid-Level Products
Once you have established a relationship with your customer and have gained their trust, they will be more receptive to your mid-level line of products.
Mid-level products are higher-priced items that fall somewhere in between your entry-level products and your high-end products. The profit margins on your mid-level products are generally much higher than your entry level products. If your entry-level products are covering your advertising costs, then any mid-level product your customer buys is almost all profit.
Obviously, this is better for the bottom line in your business and where you would like all your customers to go. But it doesn’t have to stop there.
The Top-of-the-Line Products
The top of the line products (the top of the ladder) are the highest value products. These are also the highest priced products in the product line.
This is where things get exciting! The profit margins of your top of the line products are usually very high.
Generally speaking, a customer does not go straight to your high-end products. Usually your customer has come through the entry and mid-level products first and has been familiar with your brand for some time.
But with that being said, the cost to acquire that customer was absorbed in the entry-level hopefully, and if not there, definitely in the mid-level product line. Therefore, when a customer purchases one of your high-end products, it’s almost 100% profit.
Ultimately this is where you want your customers to go.
Additional Products and Services
Some other products you might offer may or may not be associated with any particular item of your product line. These can be stand-alone products or an “add-on” to one of the products that you are selling at any level.
These products can vary in price from low cost to high cost depending on what they are.
Recurring Services
Recurring services are another nice feature of the ladder that can supplement your product line as well as your bottom line.
These often take the form of subscription services. In the case of physical products, this might include protection plans or warranties. They are generally inexpensive, but given their recurring nature, the profits can really add up over time
Lets look at A Real World Case Study
Lets take a real word example of the Apple Brand. Apple over the years has mastered and set the standard for creating and establishing a value ladder in their business. Not only do they have a diversified value ladder, they even have “mini-ladders” or a “ladder within the ladder” in many of the products in their line.
Let’s take a closer look.
The Beginning
Apple’s iPod Touch begins at $199 and goes up from there depending on how much storage you choose. It is relatively affordable and extremely easy to use. It has all the capabilities of the iPhone (less the cellular functionality) at 1/3 the price. It is truly a great value at a reasonable price.
The iPod allows the consumer to “sample” the quality and value of Apple’s product line at a relatively low cost. A brilliant nuance of this entry level product is the immediate introduction of a subscription offer. Many people purchase the iPod for music. But, Apple also offers a music subscription service to compliment the iPod. If you’d rather not have a subscription, you can order music “a la carte” through iTunes.
Furthermore, if you want to listen to music, you can either use your own headphones or Apple has you covered there as well. They have the EarPod wireless ear-buds available to compliment your iPod
They have the Apple Watch, priced from $199 ($299 if cellular capability is added), would also fall into the category of an entry level product.
Moving Up
Next Apples starts to get into the mid-level products with the iPhone and the iPad. It is also here where we begin to see the “ladder within the ladder” emerge.
The iPhone pricing starts at around $699. But as you know, that’s just the beginning. The price goes up depending on which model and also with increased storage space.
The same goes for the iPad. Apple introduced the “New iPad” which was reasonably priced from $329. The iPad Air begins at $499, and iPad Pro starts at $799.
So you can see that even within their mid-level priced products, Apple has established a “mini value ladder.”
The Top Rungs of the Ladder
Next, we start to get into Apple’s higher ticket items with the MacBook, iMac and Mac.
The MacBook line and their starting prices:
●     MacBook Air — $1100
●     MacBook Pro 13″ — $1300
●     MacBook Pro 15″ — $2400
Again, each can be higher priced depending on the specific components installed.
The iMac line consists of the following:
●     iMac 25″ — $1100
●     iMac 27″ — $1800
●     iMac Pro — $5000
The iMac’s are a computer that is integrated into the monitor and comes with a keyboard.
Next comes the Mac. The Mac is just the computer itself; the keyboard and monitor are extra.
●     Mac Mini — $799
●     Mac Pro — $3000
But hold on There’s More
In addition to all the above mentioned, there are many additional supporting and stand along products.
●     Apple Care (protection service. One-time cost per item)
●     Accessories (Ear Pods, chargers, keyboards etc.)
●     Apple Music (either recurring subscription or one-time purchase of songs/albums via iTunes)
●     Movies (also available through iTunes for rental or purchase)
●     Apple TV (one-time cost)
●     Apple TV+
Furthermore, Apple has designed common software across each device to facilitate an easy transition from one product to the next.
So you can see how Apple has created a brilliantly intricate and powerful value ladder.
Phew! Let’s Take a Breath
A quick disclaimer:
I think it’s important to note here that I am not trying to sway your opinion of Apple one way or another. I only used Apple as an example to show you how a popular company has implemented and perfected a value ladder.
Let’s carry on…
The Online Use of a Ladder
So let’s talk about how a value ladder can be useful in the online world, specifically marketing.
A good strategy for the first rungs of your ladder would be to offer a low-cost or even free item to attract leads. Again, regardless of whether your entry-level offer is free or low-cost, it needs to be high quality. For your lead to turn into a customer they need to see that they are going to get the most for their money.
This very important first step will give you many indicators about your lead.
If they accept a free offer, that indicates they are definitely interested. Some marketers refer to this type of lead as a “warm lead.”
If they are willing to pay a small price in exchange for an entry-level product you have to offer, that indicates they are significantly more interested. These leads will more likely be willing to buy what you have to offer later on. Marketers often call these “qualified leads.” Most consider them customers at this point.
To retrieve your free or low-cost entry-level offer, your customer will need provide you with their name and email so you can send them the product or instructions on how to retrieve it.
Then through the use of email, you can nurture a business relationship with that customer. Later, as you build trust with your customer you can begin to introduce new products and move them up your value ladder.
Create Diversity
If you want to be able to upscale your online business, it’s important for you too diversify your product line and create a value ladder within.
Whether you’re into e-commerce, or affiliate marketing, you need to offer a wide range of products with a wide range of prices.
As an affiliate marketer, this might require you to promote several different companies or offers. Ideally, you can find one company that offers a value ladder of products all in one place.
The Human Factor
Your “lead” or “customer” may jump on your ladder at any level. They may jump off at anytime as well.
It is also important to remember that the “lead” or the “customer,” is a human looking for your help in some way. Don’t just sell, sell, sell. Help them get what they need. Help them solve their problem. When you do that, you will find yourself getting everything YOU need.
●     A Value Ladder can be a valuable strategy to scale your business
●     Diversify your product line with a wide price range of products
●     People buy from people they like and trust. So be yourself. Be honest. Run your business with integrity.
If you want to learn how to implement a value ladder in your business, click my links below the video.
That’s all for now fellow Marketers!
I genuinely hope you found this article informative and valuable. Leave me a comment below and let me know what you think!
Do you have a Value Ladder implemented in your business?
Is your line of products or services diverse in price?
Let me know!
Until next time…always be of help to others!
Malik Muhammed Lakhdhir
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There are affiliate links below this. If you decide to make a purchase after clicking through one of these links, I earn a small commission for that. It does not change the price for you whatsoever. Prices do not change regardless of where you buy.
Any income claims, or claims of success are not necessarily true for everyone. Just like any other career or business venture, hard work and persistence is required. Many people succeed…and many fail as well. It is up to YOU to determine your fate.
OH! Almost forgot, before I say good bye the special bonus I have is in the comments section below so don’t miss it. Thank you once again.
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