malika-zina 4 months
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They were three western women who visited the middle east and decided to walk around dressed in little more than T-shirt and shorts. Naturally this saw them arrested for public indecency and dragged before a Judge by the Morality police. They were promptly sentenced to dress correctly for the duration of their stay and were stitched into heavy burqa's and then shackled so they couldn't try to remove them. Now except for being fed three times a day they are made to be veiled at all times and are escorted by the Police at all times to ensure they act like proper women.
They should hate this but for some reason as time goes on they become more and more comfortable in their veil and even come to appreciate their chains. Was it possible a life of seeming near slavery as a veiled Hijabi was what they had actually always needed or even wanted?
Perhaps their captors will be nice and not deport them when their sentences are up?
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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malika-zina 4 months
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Bad enough she'd been arrested when her credit card declined, bad enough her home country decided a vapid failing reality star wasn't worth saving, bad enough she was forced into domestic service and then her services auctioned to the highest bidder... All of that was nothing compared to realizing she'd been "purchased" by the countries Queen and that Queen had once been her rival back home...As she kneels before the Queen in her humiliating niqab she could somehow see the smile behind the Queen's own veil as she sat on her throne and somehow she knew her Majesty was about to take a long delayed revenge...
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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She was once a famous actress who turned down a Sheikh's offer of a place in his harem. But then her career self destructed, she couldn't even get cast in z-grade direct to DVD movies and soon she was running out of money and there was only one offer left on the table... (The Sheikh considers the three million he spent on bribes to be well worth the result by the way)
(AI art made with Stable Diffusion)
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malika-zina 5 months
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Sarah in closed abaya and open abaya in lace, fully veiled like i want to be. Sukraan 馃挄馃挄馃挄
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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i prefer to be like this, and i love it.
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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Beautiful! Fully covered 馃挆馃挆
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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malika-zina 5 months
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