malevessel · 1 day
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Bull destroyer. He enters and leaves a gaping hole
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malevessel · 5 days
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These MILFs legs are all wobbly like jelly now when I stick my tongue out and gently imitate the way I'll eat their pussy in the bathroom. They instantly called 911 when I did it back when I was still in my fucking twig-like janitor's body, fucking overreacting bunch of bitches. Now, with Aaron the coach's body under my control, the only thing they do with their phones are trying to record my every movement when I coached their kids, as if I didn't know that they will use it to pleasure themselves later, or sending some raunchy messages to my number begging to get some personal attention from me. How the table has turned
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malevessel · 8 days
Bob was pissed. The police had discovered it. He had spent the last few months as Paul and he had loved it. That youthful force had many advantages, and he had finally managed to revive his criminal business. But Paul's family was nosy and together with the police they had expelled him from Paul's body and arrested him.
It wasn't a big deal to escape again, those idiots had discovered a way to nullify my possession and expel me from another body, but they haven't developed anything to prevent possession. Getting into the body of one of the cops was very simple. That bastard will wake up tomorrow with a huge headache, but now I need another container. I will remain hidden for a while before recovering Paul's body. It would also be a good idea to call the banks and withdraw the money you earn this time like Paul.
However, another problem arose......Bob could access his accounts since he knew his passwords, but when he called the bank, the detection of voice prevented him from carrying out any procedure. Of course, since he had been so stupid, he made the security with Paul's body, and with his voice. Bob had no choice but to advance his plans.
It was Thursday night and Tyler had just left a club. He had done well, he had fucked a beautiful girl in the bathroom and he had said goodbye to his friends, because he was working tomorrow. When leaving the premises he put on his jacket because of how cool the night was. He then lit a cigarette and started towards his house.
A sloppy-looking man approached him and asked for a cigarette. Tyler had no problems and was about to take one out when that man pinned him against the wall and disappeared into his body. From that moment Tyler saw black.
Just as Bob had assumed, getting a new skin was not difficult. On this occasion his victim was Tyler Relic, 28 years old. Of course he was a very handsome man, which could perfectly be his permanent skin, however Paul had something special.
Tyler, now totally controlled by Bob, took a deep drag on his cigarette......."Don't worry, Paul, we'll see each other again soon."
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malevessel · 19 days
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Yeah, I think I can get used to this.
The Solar Eclipse - Switch
You are watching the Solar Eclipse when suddenly, all of you who's watching it passed out. Then after the eclipse, you learned that everyone who witness the eclipse randomly switched bodies. The last photo you like will be your new body. Here's mine.
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Let me see who you've got.
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malevessel · 20 days
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Who would have thought I’d ever have a body like this again?! Definitely not me, but when I was on vacation, I found a rare amulet that allowed me to switch bodies with whoever I wanted. Of course, when I spotted this delectable English hunk on the beach, in nothing more than a pair of shorts, I couldn’t help myself. It was like he was just asking to be possessed.
Now, all these muscles are mine. It feels so damn good to be young again! No more old aching joints. Watch me flex these muscles! Of course, I wanted to spread the joy, so I invited two more of my old buddies to come and have some fun. I got them some new bodies too.
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Of course, the three of us had some fun with one another. I mean, look at those two hunks. I just had to bottom for them. Good thing this old body was a straight dude, my hole was so tight both my friends came just minutes into fucking me. And we could go for multiple rounds again too, just like the old days.
We’re gonna spend a few more days here on vacation, flaunting our hot new bodies before we take them back to our daily lives.
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malevessel · 20 days
Wow, I just realized I have 3 stories about cops being replaced. I updated them with corrections.
GOOD COP, BAD COP was my first:
SWAT SWAP - my latest.
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malevessel · 23 days
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Always Save Before You Exit
Kenny was tired of the drudgery of life, working, gym, his nagging girlfriend, even his friends were boring him. It didn’t matter that he was good looking, rode a motorcycle, he was just bored, which wasn’t helped by his tedious construction job.
He’d heard of a new service where you could rent out your body, you’d set the price, set all the limits, and if any conditions were violated, the rental would automatically end. He’d been thinking of doing a trip across the country during the summer, and this would help him be able to afford it.
He set up an appointment and heard them out. He wasn’t sure, but he figured he’d give it a chance, he had nothing to lose, if no one liked his price or the rules, they’d turn him down. He started simple, no smoking, no unprotected sex, no tattoos or permanent marks, he opted to be unaware of the time he was being rented, he chose not to give the person access to his memories, and then shot for the moon with the rental fee, $1,000/day, clicking “Save” after each page. Once he got to the last page, he clicked “Save” once again and walked out, unaware he didn’t click “Submit.”
As he walked out, he didn’t see anyone else around, but that was a mix of adrenaline and tunnel vision, as there was an old, thin man sitting in the corner who entered the room next to fill out his profile.
When Icarus walked into the room, he noticed the computer was still opened to Kenny’s profile, and he could still make edits. Icarus went to town making changes, knowing he’d love to have Kenny’s body. He changed the limits, the rules, the settings, even the price. And then he clicked “Submit,” finalizing Kenny’s account, and setting up his own.
No less than an hour after he arrived home, Kenny received an email saying his body had been rented. The email noted the renter agreed to everything Kenny listed, and so if Kenny accepted, no further bargaining was needed. Kenny was prompted with a warning when he clicked accept “Warning: All rentals over five days required additional disclosures. Are you sure you want to engage in this rental? All rental funds will be placed in escrow earning interest until the end of the rental period. Do you agree?” Kenny happily clicked Yes. He was expecting to wake up a few days later, with a huge deposit into his account.
However, Kenny was instantly unable to move, with his body moving on its own. He was petrified, thinking something had gone horribly wrong. His body was moving without him in control, he could hear his voice talking, “Hmm, this feels so good. This voice is so deep, and I’m so young and hot. This is the best use of my annual bonus from work. I don’t regret spending 7Gs got this body.” Kenny realized he never looked at the rental time, but figured while he hated this arrangement, it would only be for a week. His body went into his bedroom and jerked off, several times, with Kenny feeling it each time. Then his girlfriend came home and Kenny heard his voice say “Hey Clarice, want to have some fun?” To which he thought ‘how does he know her name?’ She relented after a few minutes and they fucked, over and over, with her moaning how much better it felt than usual. Kenny also realized how good it felt, and that his body wasn’t wearing a condom.
Kenny realized how much he’d fucked up. Whoever this guy was, he somehow had access to all Kennys memories, Kenny was aware of the rental, and apparently none of the rules were in play. Kenny felt his body smoking like a chimney, felt tattoos being applied, felt his body fucking like crazy, his girlfriend, random women, even men. It wasn’t until the eighth day Kenny was scared, as he was still unable to control anything.
This hell went on for days beyond count. Kenny eventually gave up and retreated into the recesses of his mind. Until finally, he woke up and had control. He woke up to kids running around, jumping on his bed.
His phone, which he knew was his, but it was much different and high tech-y pinged, “Thank you for using our service. The rental fee of $7,300 plus 5% annual interested has been deposited into your account. We hope you enjoyed your rental.” And “A deposit of $19,369.08 has been made to your account.”
Kenny ran from bed and looked in a mirror. He was old now, grey hair, leathered skin, he felt a craving for a cigarette which he instinctively lit, and he saw tattoos covering his arms and chest.
He ran to the rental office to demand answers. It turns out he now had six kids, from four different women, still the same shitty job, and the same bike. It was only then that he was shown a copy of his rental agreement. “No rules, full awareness, full memory access” was all that was written, not the pages of rules he set up. And then he saw that the rental amount was different too, rather than $1,000 per day it was $1. Kenny had given up twenty years of his youth for $7,300, and while that almost tripled in size, he now had a huge family, a bad job and a nicotine addition.
@malevessel for the picture and rental idea
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malevessel · 23 days
Does anyone know who these two are? I know it's a gay couple that one is bald and the other has a goatee. They both have a tattoo with two ks and a crown on top and they call themselves "the kings..."
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malevessel · 25 days
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malevessel · 27 days
Saliendo de prisión
Historia pedida por @malevessel
Saben crecer teniendo una vida muy dura fue algo que le toco a mi familia, hace 24 años cuando yo tenia una año mis padres fallecieron y quedé al cuidado de Leo, el es mi tío segundo, era mi único familiar, lo malo que el no estaba muy bien económicamente y nos tocó vivir siempre limitados, cuando entré a la escuela el se aumentaba por días y luego regresaba con dinero para pagar mis estudios, mi ropa, y en general todo lo que ocupábamos, todo lo que tengo se lo debo a el, pero cuando cumplí 18 el no regreso, me quedé a vivir solo, conseguí un empleo y apoyos para poder estudiar, me gradué de abogado.
Hace unos meses un preso me solicitó para llevar su caso ya que aparentemente su anterior abogado había renunciado, yo llegué a mi reunión con el pero cuando me estaban llevando a una sala para poder hablar con el pasamos por un área en la que vi a un hombre que me resultó familiar, creí a haber visto al tío Leo, cuando finalmente salí de mi reunión con mi cliente pedí a uno de los guardias si podía ver al señor que creía era mi tío, el guardia me dijo que estaba equivocado ya que ese prisionero dijo que no tenia familiares, pero como la información que le di al guardia coincidía con la del preso excepto el echo de la familia logré conseguir una reunión con el, cuando lo vi me reconoció, comencé a llorar de la felicidad y del enojo ya que no sabía porque me dejó solo, pero a la vez estaba alegre de volverlo a ver, luego me enteré que el fue a prisión por robar, resulta que para obtener el dinero para mantenernos a flote el robaba y vendía lo que robaba, eso me hizo sentir culpable, busque algún medio legal para sacarlo, pero resulta que en su estancia en prisión no había tenido buena conducta ya que se metía en varios problemas y casi mata a la última persona que todo ya que le causó un infarto durante el atraco.
Yo buscaba un vacío legal pero no encontré nada, no me quedo más opción que rendirme, le visitaba varias veces a la semana, hace una semana decidí buscar por última vez fui a la biblioteca local a buscar más libro y vi un libro raro que me llamó la atención, se llamaba la magia del cuerpo y alma, el libro explicaba como hacer 3 cosas, viajes astrales, posesiones y regresiones, también habían varias advertencias pero no había problema la mayoría eran casos poco probables, yo soy escéptico pero por pura curiosidad lo llevé a casa, probé el hechizo de viaje astral, seguí los pasos y de pronto estaba flotando sobre mi cuerpo,era asombroso, no lo podía creer, entonces fui a explorar el vecindario y después regrese.
Al día siguiente tenia un plan le enseñaría a mi tío y dejaría que tomara mi cuerpo, luego saldría y le buscaríamos un nuevo cuerpo temporal, ya que ni por su edad lo dejarían salir de prisión debido a su "ola de crímenes".
Así llegamos al día de hoy, fui temprano en mi moto a la prisión, ya le había explicado todo a mi tío, le dije el plan desde antes me pararía cerca de la prisión y entonces el me poseía, ser iría a mi casa y me dejaría para salir y buscar el cuerpo de algún vecino, y la primera parte paso como planeamos.
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Me pare afuera de la prisión, un guardia me vio y preguntó si iba a pasar, le dije que no, que estaba pensando algunas cosas pero no era seguro, solo se dio la vuelta, entonces sentí un frío inundar mi espalda, era una sensación sorprendentemente incomoda, mi espalda se contrata, entonces escuché la voz del tío Leo.
Leo: hey muchacho ya estoy aquí vámonos.
Erick: no puedo tío tu estas tomando el control, ya no siento mis piernas.
Leo: es cierto esto se siente bien sabes poder sentir zapatos cómodos otra vez.
Eric: me alegra eso, tío antes de nada debo decirte que leyendo las advertencias ayer me di cuenta que la posesión tiene un efecto que...
Leo POV:
Leo: cual efecto, que pasa?
Genial ya se fue, sabíamos que el proceso era rápido pero no tanto, bueno creo que lo mejor será ir a casa, tome la moto de Erick y conduje hasta la casa, el sentimiento de libertad me hizo tan feliz que pensé que no haría daño si me paseaba un rato por el camino.
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Luego me di cuenta que había pasado mas de una hora y en eso recibí un llamado de la prisión informando mi aparente muerte, pero solo dije que iría después, sabía que Erick probablemente no tendría mucho tiempo ya que no me pudo dar la advertencia completa.
Al entrara la casa , me vi en un espejo, era tan raro ver a Erick en el reflejo y no a mi, comencé a buscar el libro que no encontraba por ningún lado, estuve buscando por mas de media hora, entonces comencé a sentir una extraña ola de excitación, pero sabía que no debía hacer nada por respeto a mi sobrino, seguía buscando pero la sensación cada vez era mayor, el cuerpo que habitaba estaba caliente y duro, entonces encontré el libro, buscaba el apartado de posesión y por algún motivo sentía como cada vez mi cuerpo estaba a punto de correrse, encontré la página y las advertencias decían cosas como que no hay seguridad de mantener personalidad y un montón de cosas específicas pero no de gran importancia, entonces llegué a un párrafo que de no se por mi estado en el cual ya sentía como gotas de semen escapaban de mi pene prestado me habría dado un paro de lo grave que era.
Debido a que el cuerpo humano está echo para que un alma habite en su interior suele haber una relación que a la hora de la posesión se corta, ya que el alma del dueño original se desconecta para dar paso al del nuevo anfitrión, por lo que debes estar seguro de que escogiste al cuerpo correcto o de lo contrario déjalo usando el mismo hechizo para regresar a tu cuerpo o saltar al cuerpo de alguien más, ya que al desconectar el alma original esta solo cuenta con 2 horas antes de ser expulsada de su cuerpo, este se daría a través de un estado de éxtasis en el cual el cuerpo se auto estimulará para correrse y sacar el alma original, una vez fuera el alma ahora líquida deberá ser almacenada en algún recipiente, vaciado en algún objeto o persona para no perderse, ya que de quedar expuesta reaccionara como cualquier fluido y al secarse se desvanecerá de manera permanente.
No podía creer lo que leía ya que sentía como me estaba corriendo en contra de mi voluntad, entonces me di cuenta de lo que pasaba, acababa de pasar, Erick acaba de salir de su cuerpo, me deje llevar por sentirme libre y desperdicie el tiempo de mi nieto antes de ser separado de su cuerpo, de manera rápida me quite el traje y lo coloque sobre mi entrepierna con la esperanza que mi sobrino aun estuviera en parte dentro de el pero ya era tarde, toda su esencia aparentemente quedó impregnada en el traje de motociclista que llevaba.
Busque en el libro pero no había nada que dijera como revertir esto, solamente descubrí que ahora Erick estaría en ese traje, tome el traje pero al tocarlo escuche su voz.
Erick: tío, me puedes escuchar?
Leo: si, pero como es esto posible.
Erick: no lo se exactamente pero creo que es como si pudiera sentirte cuando tomaste el traje porque antes de eso todo era silencio.
Fue entonces que una idea paso por mi mente, me volví a colocar el traje y sentía como si alguien estuviera conmigo.
Leo: si, eso es cierto, que bueno que esta esta opción.
Erick.: que pasa?, puedo ver otra vez, y sentir, eso es buen... porque no puedo mover nada?
Leo: creo que al usar el traje puedes ver y sentir como si fuera tu cuerpo pero siendo un espectador desde donde no puedes mover nada pero si comunicarte, como en las películas.
Erick: bueno eso es mejor a nada.
Leo: concuerdo es algo positivo.
Eric: si para remediar a medias tu desastre.
Leo: lo se debí venir antes de que esto pasara, pero ya no puedo hacer nada créeme yo quisiera que esto no hubiera pasado.
Las lágrimas brotaban de los ojos de Erick mientras me sentía impotente y sin control de nada, el trato de consolarme a pesar que se llevó la peor parte del asunto, fue muy cruel de mi parte ya que yo conseguí un cuerpo más joven, una vida intachable y un nuevo inicio, mientras que el solo se podía imaginar el resto de su vida como un traje de motociclista.
Dos meses después..
Erick pov:
Ya han pasado dos meses desde que mi vida se vio terminada para ser un simple traje, pero no es tan malo, el tío Leo, me usa seguido y me consulta sobre como llevar mi carrera, mi vida y todo en general, hace lo que yo quiero para compensar lo que pasó, además de que consiguió un romee, Aron, que en secreto aveces me usa porque le gusta como se ve conmigo puesto, yo disfruto de sentir y ver lo que el hace, en especial cuando me usa y se calienta, es como volver a sentir los placeres carnales que el tío nunca haría ya que soy su sobrino, pero Aron satisface muy bien ese lado.
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malevessel · 27 days
"Deos Fortioribus Adesse" or The Gods are on the side of the stronger. Sounds like Your God sided with me after all, because if He is on your side, He will not let me take control of your body and bring home this twunk to your bed for me to fuck.
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But well, here we are now, Your Gods sided with me because He knows I'm the stronger and more deserving one to control this body. Talk about karmic retribution for being one pain in the ass customer for years, asshole
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malevessel · 28 days
Donor Update!
A special update because Donation Found! received over 100 likes! That's more than I would have ever thought.
After five months, Turnaround Technologies is checking in with some early swap cases. Today we're going to check in with Ryder and Pervus. Let's take a look at some of their update casefiles!
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As you can see, both men are finally falling in to their new roles. They've been fully adjusted and are starting to accept that the swap is locked in! Curiously, while the Beta Subject has expressed interest in swapping again, we have had to reiterate that the intensity of the process means an individual can only do it once. Ah well, I'm sure he's enjoying his new position as Dr. Pervus Fondler.
Let's check in:
Dr. Fondler: Unnngh. Oh no, I feel so soft and weak. No one even looks at me twice anymore. Guys I could have picked up so easy before sneer at me and I'm completely invisible to women. All I do is jerk off to pictures of my old body! I'm doing exactly what Pervus the Perv used to do but now I'm the perv. Oh God!
Well, it sure sounds like he got what he wanted. No one is looking at him as a sexual being at all. Surely this will provide deeper, less superficial connections. We then asked him to rate Turnaround Technology services and he gave us a solid 9! ...on a scale of 9-10 and we take his "1" as a "9" as per our standard operating procedure.
We also see that he has been getting regular updates from the Alpha subject. While this may be troubling, we have allowed the contact lines to remain open and will monitor the results for our research:
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We asked the Alpha Subject why he desired to keep a line of contact open with the Beta Subject. This was his response:
Ryder Strong: Well, first, look at my ass. Wouldn't you share that as much as you could? I also think he needs to be regularly reminded of the life he left behind so he'll be more satisfied with the life he now has. Imagine the relief of never going to a pool party, a gym, or worrying about all that pesky sex again!
As a result of these findings we asked our Alpha Subject - or Ryder - to send a picture of himself attending one of those pool parties to our Beta Subject - or Pervus. We had a camera ready to capture the real time response.
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You can tell Dr. Fondler is horrified. The vapid, image obsessed, sex filled lifestyle he used to possess is now completely someone else's burden. Sure, he'll never experience it again, but at what cost? We tired to reassure him that the donor was aware of what he was doing and that since the swap was permanent there was nothing to be done.
Don't worry, Pervus. Sure, you have over $200,000 of debt you still owe us for your, uhm, upgrade. But we can assure you...
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Those burdens are no longer yours. You rightly traded them away to someone who was better equipped to handle it. Now enjoy your new life... and pay the fuck up.
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Turnaround Technologies is always looking for donors and for men who need an escape from their old lives. Maybe your bodybuilding diet is too much, maybe you're tired of modeling, maybe you're like Ryder and tired of people treating you well just because you're a smokeshow. Get your donation today. Turnaround Technologies: Deserved, Permanent, Irreversible.
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malevessel · 30 days
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What a good idea, man. I hadn't known what to do with my son for a long time. He stopped studying and reiterated that he was not going to work as a waiter or clerk, that he was better than that. I certainly like this arrangement better, of course I have made some changes, but my wife doesn't suspect anything, that she is a fool. She hasn't even noticed that her son now sports the same tattoos as his father or that he has started smoking. With this new body I have finally been able to relive my younger days, and the sex is much better now. Maybe I'll extend this..........permanently
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Remember: if your son lives under the your roof and refuses to help with the household bills or get a job, make him make up for it by letting you possess his body whenever you want! It's basically a win situation to you: you can enjoy being young again and have a new life through your son's body!
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malevessel · 1 month
If there is a smoker around here, and who likes to smoke, can you send me a private message? I would like to ask you a few things.
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malevessel · 1 month
I don't remember much about the possession.
I only know that I gave up. I betrayed my family, my brother and I gave up. I stopped fighting. I was very tired, not only from trying to expel my possessor, but from seeing how he harmed my family. He hit my brother when he started to dig deeper into my strange behavior. He insulted my mother and almost beat up my father. I couldn't take it anymore and gave up. Because I'm a coward
Sometimes I have flashes of what he does with my body. Small moments of lucidity, produced by some failure in his control. Yesterday, I think it was yesterday, I saw how he fucked a girl in a bed that I didn't know. God, Alice, I betrayed her too.
I don't feel pain, I don't feel anything he does, but the restlessness of being locked in your body, in your own mind, is more than enough torture.
A sharp pain in my eyes wakes me up and I slowly open them, blinded by the bright light of the sun. "I can move" is the first thought that comes to my mind. "I feel my body" is the second.
I try to stand up a little, failing due to lack of practice using my body, I don't know how much time has passed. I am in a large room, a hospital, and through the window I can see the bay of my city. At the side of the bed, there is an armchair, and my brother is asleep in it.
Anton, Ant!!! My voice feels different, deeper and more masculine. My brother wakes up and when he looks at me and sees that I'm awake, he screams. Mom, dad, he's woken up!!!
The next moment, a warm and aggressive hug was suffocating me, and my family was on top of me. My mother and my brother crying, and my father about to join in the crying too.
I'm sorry. It's the only sentence that comes out of my mouth. My mother is the first to speak. It's okay, honey. He's gone, he's not going to do anything to you anymore, not anymore
Then my brother. It's my fault Paul, I should have realized it sooner, I should have saved you......
I didn't really know what to say. The following hours my parents and my brother told me everything that had happened.
Five months had passed. Bob, my possessor, had sneaked into my house one night, through my window. The police assumed that he made the possession there. At first it was subtle, my parents and my brother noticed that something was wrong, but little did they know that a dangerous criminal had impersonated their son. The days passed and "my" behavior became erratic, increasingly evident that something was very, very wrong. In the end, my parents had no choice but to throw me out of the house, or Bob, and report me to the police. I was a danger to them. That was only during the first month, but they didn't know anything else about me, except for some information that Anton found out. It seems that Bob started a drug trafficking business again, with my body. They received no more news until a week ago when a police officer, more precisely Detective Sheila Mille, called my parents' house and explained the situation to them. The police were not sure that I was possessed, but for my family there was no doubt.
All the helplessness they felt during those months turned into anger, anger towards Bob, and hope, hope that I, their son, was still somewhere.
At my request, we talked again and stayed like that for a few more hours.
The police came to take my statement a few hours later, and when they left, Detective Sheila arrived, and with my family's permission, explained the situation to me, who Bob was, and why he could do what he did. I honestly couldn't understand much of what he was saying.
A few hours later I was discharged from the hospital and went home. While my parents prepared dinner, Anton and I met in my room. I needed to apologize
I'm sorry, I gave up, I couldn't do anything and you paid the price.
You don't have to apologize, Paul. In any case, it is my fault, for not having trusted my instincts, my heart that kept telling me that the person in front of me was not my brother.
When we finished talking, we had dinner as a family and when I returned to my room, I noticed it. A pain that was not pain. An anguish. My brother came through the door and threw something into my hands, a pack of cigarettes.
What the hell are you doing? I don't smoke
You don't, but Bob does. And he smoked every day for the five months he was in you. It's horrible and you're going to leave it as soon as possible, but not today. Today you have too many things on your mind to worry about that.
Before I could say anything else, the cigarette was already lit, and I was already smoking. This shit hit hard, it was going to be difficult to quit.
The next morning I got up early and wanting to get back into my routine, I got ready to go to the gym. I hesitated whether to take the cigarettes or not and in the end decided not to, without realizing that I had already put them in my backpack without thinking about it.
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This is going to continue
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malevessel · 1 month
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Paul, may I know what's wrong with you? You've been acting strange all day, and mom and dad are worried, and honestly so am I. And stop posing like that in the mirror for once
Sorry little brother, these biceps need to show off. Also, it doesn't seem to me that I'm acting differently, I'm the same Paul as always.
You're kidding? Paul, you've been showing off your muscles all day, you touched the waitress's ass in the cafeteria this morning and then you fucked her in the bathroom. I have to remind you that by doing that you have also cheated on Alice.
What can I say, it's a shame not to show off these muscles, you should too, after all your body is like this. And about Alice, well, I don't think I'm a one-woman man if you know what I mean.
(Paul pulls out a cigarette from who knows where and starts smoking.)
Dude, are you smoking? For God's sake, it's clear that you've gone crazy.
Relax, bruh. It's just a cigarette. Come with me to the mall, I have to do some shopping......
Man, I'm telling you right away that cutting your hair was a bad idea, mom and dad will be mad, and besides that kind of haircut doesn't suit you, you look like a different person. And it doesn't help that you buy the tightest thing you can find in the store.
Come on man, it's just a little style change. But if you're going to keep touching my balls, you can go home.
Come on Paul, don't be like that, this is just so weird.
Paul could do nothing but scream in the back of his mind, not strong enough to fight off his invader, an escaped criminal looking for a place to hide. For him it was a stroke of luck to find Paul's bedroom window open that night, and even luckier when Paul's body was too tired from training to fight the possession. Of course this was a hiding place
Second part
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malevessel · 2 months
At first, you feel disoriented and confused by your sudden change in appearance and surroundings. You look down at your new body, a lean and muscular figure with tanned skin, and can't help but feel a surge of excitement and curiosity.
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You make your way to the gym, relishing in the way your new body moves with ease and strength. You find yourself enjoying the sensation of sweat dripping down your back as you push yourself through an intense workout.
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After the gym, you return to your new home. It's a modest but comfortable apartment, with a few pieces of furniture and personal touches scattered about. You discover that your new body belongs to a young man named Jake, who works as a personal trainer at the gym.
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As you explore his life, you realize that Jake is a kind, friendly, and hardworking individual. He has a close group of friends who are all into fitness and sports, and you quickly become a regular at their gatherings.
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One of their favorite activities is going to the pool. As you put on your swim trunks and head out, you can't help but admire your reflection in the mirror. You never imagined that you could feel so confident and attractive in a body like this.
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At the pool, you show off your new body without hesitation, basking in the admiration and compliments from your friends. You feel like you fit in perfectly with this group, and you start to wonder if you could really live this life forever.
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As the day goes on, you continue to explore Jake's life and enjoy all the new experiences and opportunities that come with it. And as you settle into bed that night, you can't help but feel grateful for this unexpected switch. You may have lost your old body, but you've gained a whole new life full of adventure and possibility.
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