maleficlove-a-blog · 5 years
“Me? Worry over Playmaker? Heh! I don’t think someone as experienced with Link VRAINS as he is needs someone like me babysitting him. I’m just his powerhouse sidekick!” 
Which wasn’t wrong; Soulburner was here to unconditionally support and Playmaker in anything and everything he needed here. He’d protect Playmaker with his life, but when they were apart like this? He wasn’t going to let their distance keep him from having a little fun!
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“Don’t tell me you’re worrying over me worrying about him though? I don’t just associate with the quiet types when I’m here, you know.” 
          “I worry for the world losing a cute face to worrying about someone as unimpressive as Playmaker,” Malefica corrects with a laugh, but she still gets Soulburner’s point; Playmaker’s rep precedes him all throughout Link VRAINS and even someone who could care less still knew of him.
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          “You, a sidekick? Nobody’s a sidekick, so don’t tell me that’s how Playmaker treats you.” Malefica raises an eyebrow at him before simply grinning again and redirecting with, “Hey, weren’t we racing? Because you’re still losing!”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 5 years
[05] ( Long period of silence while avoiding eye contact like the plague )
lmfao yusaku wtf
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          They’ve been sitting in this exact position for probably close to twenty minutes now. They’re sitting outside some food cart called Cafe Nagi after the owner about gave her a heart attack, and Yusaku’s been avoiding eye contact for as long as she’s been praying for death to take her.
          …they’re never going to get this pair project done at this point.
          Does she get his attention? No, not a chance. She doesn’t want to talk, she wants to melt into a puddle so she won’t have to interact with him. This could be a lot worse, but frankly, he was the one ignoring her.
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maleficlove-a-blog · 5 years
OOF! — Thirty Sentence Prompts for an Awkward Encounter
       [01]  “Sooo … the weather.”         [02]  “This is, was, my favourite shirt.”         [03]  “Oh, no, ha ha. You can have it, go on.”         [04]  [Clears throat.] “Anyway, moving on from that — ”         [05]  [Long period of silence while avoiding eye contact.]         [06]  “Uhm, I think you meant to say ‘[word/phrase],’ not ‘[word/phrase].’”         [07]  "Ha, you’re the last person I expected to wake up next to this morning.”         [08]  “That’s — that’s a bit of a strange thing to ask, isn’t it? A bit personal?”         [09]  “Oh, wow, I hardly expected to run into you today … again!”         [10]  “Huh? What did you say? I had earbuds in.”
        [11]  “Sorry, I can’t hear you over the [music/noise], you’re going to have to repeat that.”         [12]  “I swear I didn’t mean to graze your [boob/bum] just then.”         [13]  “Excuse me, sorry, but that’s mine, actually.”         [14]  “No, no, you go first. I insist.”         [15]  “No, really. You go … please just go.”         [16]  [Under breath to self.] “This is painful.”         [17]  “Ha, yeah, I know it wasn’t my best joke.”         [18]  “No, actually, I didn’t mean to say that. Ignore that.”         [19]  “Actually, I think it’s better if I don’t comment on that.”         [20]  “Sorry to interrupt, but — you’ve got something on your face.”
        [21]  “It’s not a big deal, I mean, I’ve had … plenty of things like this happen before.”         [22]  “Listen, I know you’re trying to lighten the mood, but please stop.”         [23]  “There’s no need to be awkward … really.”         [24]  “Oh, wow … thank you … so much.”         [25]  “Oh, no, it’s not that at all … promise.”         [26]  “Can’t we talk about something else, please?”         [27]  “I’m so sorry about how awkward I’ve been during this entire conversation.”         [28]  “Situations like these are always so awkward, aren’t they?”         [29]  “Are you always this awkward?”         [30]  “Well, this is awkward.”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 5 years
“If you knew what all he had to deal with, then you’d probably understand why he acts like he does. He’s usually pretty busy when he decides to show up here.”
And by association, so was he. Soulburner never seemed to have a lot of down time whenever he was logging into LINK VRAINS himself, except for now. Maybe that’s why this race seemed like such a fun thing to do: it wasn’t something stressful for once. Not to mention, Malefica seemed like an okay person to be around already, too.
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“But I don’t have to admit to that! I know it is! It’s a lot more fun to show up here and find someone interesting to talk to than to use this thing to chase down threats. Gotta admit, that kinda gets old after awhile.”
          “Well, he sounds more boring than important, if you ask me. He’s only going to end up miserable if he doesn’t learn how to take care of himself — or are you his certified babysitter?”
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          She accentuates the teasing remark by spinning her D-Board to face him, essentially flying blind and yet seeming so relaxed. Link VRAINS was her escape from the hell of the real world and somehow, she thinks maybe it’s that way, even a little, for everybody who comes here.
          “Learn to live a little. You can’t really be planning to let that cute face get worry lines, right?”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 5 years
new theme is up!! not that anyone cares lmfao
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maleficlove-a-blog · 5 years
“Ha! I know you’ve probably heard of him, but Playmaker isn’t really the type to be into this stuff unless he has to. Having fun here isn’t really on his to-do list of things to get done inside Link VRAINS.” 
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Though maybe this was the side of the virtual reality world Soulburner was missing. Playmaker and him always seemed to be logged in lately to take care of ‘business’ and that left little time to actually play the game like it was meant to be. Link VRAINS had so much more to offer and this was little a breath of fresh air.
“But that doesn’t mean I’m going to let someone like you beat me in this either!” 
          “Playmaker’s a stick in the mud if he can’t even manage to enjoy Link VRAINS!”
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          There was no point in coming into this place if not to enjoy it; while she understood from rumors that Playmaker acted as Link VRAINS’s protector, he probably needed to mellow out a little. How Soulburner could hang around someone who was so business-oriented, Malefica would never know — but frankly, with Soulburner racing along after her, Playmaker was the least of her concerns.
          “You have to admit, this is probably a lot better than chasing bad guys.”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
Now this was already more his speed! 
Soulburner hadn’t been sure what he would’ve got into without Playmaker around for him to tag along with through Link VRAINS, but swinging his D-Board in the direction of Malefica’s that suddenly didn’t matter. A race through an unexplored section of the was already thrilling enough for him.
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“You’re pretty skilled with that D-board of yours! But I guess you’d have to be if this side of Link VRAINS is really what you’re use to, huh?” Because she was quick, even he’d admit that.
          “You could say I have a need for speed!”
          Well, not really, but the thrill of it all was enough to keep anybody’s attention. Her D-Board had obviously been made to look sleek, but also to be fast. She knew what she was doing, and that was making sure Soulburner didn’t quite catch up to her, dipping and swerving to avoid any obstacles. There were plenty of terrains around here, after all.
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          “But you’re not half bad yourself. Does your buddy like to race?”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
“Hey, don’t acted surprised! Just because you’re a girl doesn’t mean I can’t issue you a challenge after you did the same to me!” 
His retort was more a playful jab than anything else. He wouldn’t have given Malefica the challenge if he hadn’t planned on hanging around to see what else she could show him. She seemed interesting so far, enough for him to angle his D-Board as if readying to chase after her at her comment anyway. 
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“Deal, but you’ll have to show me that good time first before I agree to anything else! So let’s go!” 
          “Well, then let’s see if you can keep up with me!”
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          With a small click as she slid her heels into place — she’d long ago invested in a magnetic sort of upgrade so she wasn’t constantly slipping off her D-Board when things got fast — Malefica tosses her pigtail over her shoulder and gives him a grin before she shoots off, only turning to look at him.
          “Come on, Soulburner, live a little!”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
“Can you blame me? I’ll never know what’s on this side of the server if I don’t explore it myself, right? And it’s not like I get a lot of down time to see stuff like this on my own anyway.” Yusaku and him always seemed to be on some sort of mission when the two of them logged in, so venturing out this far was almost a much needed break.
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“If you’re not busy, then how about you be my tour guide!” an innocent question compared to the other’s smooth smile, but Soulburner was serious with his offer, “If you can prove this is of Link VRAINS isn’t as boring as what most people say it is, then maybe I’ll give you that match you were asking about earlier. Deal?” 
          “Oh? You’re issuing a lady a challenge? That’s forward!” But it was fun, too, and Malefica wouldn’t lie — a challenge seemed like a fantastic way to pass the time. She, of course, knew this place like the back of her hand and knew that maybe a little speed would get Soulburner to loosen up. He didn’t seem arrogant, not like other duelists she’d met, and that was enough to keep her interest.
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          “Alright, if I can show you a good time, then you have to give me that match. I know you can’t be afraid of losing to little old me.”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
“Not usually. But with my friend not here right now, there’s nothing keeping me from it.” Playmaker would’ve never let him wander this far off the main grid without having good reason, but maybe that’s what made this fun. There was so much of the digital world he’d yet to see. 
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“Honestly, I was actually expecting more people to be out this way. But since you’re the expert on this side of Link VRAINS, you tell me. Is there really nothing out this far but empty server space?” 
          “Oh, so you’re the curious type?” she asks, with a lilt to her voice that almost suggests flirting when coupled with the slight lower of her eyelids and the little smile that spread across her lips. Soulburner wasn’t her normal idea of prey, but he was interesting.
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          “This side of the server is more like nature — I guess the city part of Link VRAINS has to end sometime, but people call it boring! Me, I think there’s more than a few fun places hidden around here.”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
“Hmph,” That was an interesting way to put it, but Souburner was actually starting to get bored just cruising the skies on his D-Board like he was. Maybe taking the other up on her offer really wouldn’t be such a bad idea after all. She seemed fun, anyway.
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“You seem like you’re familiar with this part of the server, so I guess I can take you up on that.” he’d pause just long enough to motion back at himself, “The name’s Soulburner!”
          “This part of the server’s pretty close to my standard spawn point, so I know it pretty well. Enough to know normally people aren’t usually this far out.” But, then again, Soulburner just seemed bored rather than necessarily up to something, so she was content in thinking that there wasn’t anything to worry about.
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          “Well, Soulburner, it’s nice to meet you,” she trills, “and you can call me Malefica. So tell me, do you normally wander so far out when you’re bored?”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
“You’re lucky I’m here without anything to do today!” he’d answer after an amused hum, giving the girl a light shrug, “Usually I’m here with a friend of mine, but he’s busy with something else offline and can’t be here right now.” 
He’d leave Playmaker’s name out of his explanation though. Having here was probably already attention enough, even if Flame said wasn’t famous in the VR world.
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“But since you seem to be all by yourself too, I guess it wouldn’t hurt. Link VRAINS is more fun when you’re around other people.” 
          “Isn’t that what Link Vrains is for?” she asks lightly, folding her arms behind her back. Link Vrains was a social place, as far as she knew. What was the appeal if you were all alone? There was nothing to do for loners, not really.
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          “It’s so lonely when everyone’s off doing their own thing,” she points out. “So you and I can spend some time together since your friend is busy. Doesn’t that sound fun?”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
For the first time in awhile, Soulburner was here without Playmaker for once. In between investigations, Link VRAINS was a surprisingly good way to pass the time when everyone else in the real world was busy—especially when the the people Soulburner met her were always an adventure in themselves.
This girl seemed to prove that point exactly.
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“Do you always greet new players you’ve never met before like that?”
          “Only the really attractive ones,” Malefica assures with a grin, letting her pace slow to meet his. Normally she liked to toy around with the people she met here, but she recognized this one — Soulburner, she thinks his name is. He always hung around that guy Playmaker a lot, not that she paid too much attention to stuff like that. She was here for fun, not for whatever fight they were involved in.
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          “Come on, you wouldn’t leave a lady out here bored, would you?”
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
          Pink pigtails sway at the easy pace she sets, black heels placed firmly on her D-Board to keep control. It’s best not to be careless when one wears heels as high as hers, not when the D-Board can easily throw her off. A smirk spreads across her lips when she finally comes across another person.
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          “Hey, cutie, you up for a match?” she coos when she pulls up alongside him. Unlike her black-dominated witch persona, this boy’s vibrant and fiery. She likes it.
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
repost  &  tag  away !   BOLD all that applies to your muse. italicized  -  applicable in some verses
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eyes: blue | green | brown | hazel | gray | gray-blue | other (Black)
hair: blond | sandy | brown | black | auburn | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other
body type: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular | chubby | overweight
skin: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
gender: male | female | trans | cis | agender | demigender | genderfluid | other | doesn’t like labels | don’t have any definite headcanon either way
sexuality: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other | doesn’t like labels
romantic orientation:  homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | demiromantic | unsure | doesn’t like labels
species: human | undead | shapeshifter | demon | angel | witch | ghost | incubus/succubus | werewolf | alien | mutant | android
education: high school | college | university | master’s degree | PhD | other
I’ve been: in love | hurt | ill | mentally abused | bullied | physically abused | tortured | redacted | brainwashed | shot
positive: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | cunning | determined | forgiving | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless | polite | down-to-earth | diligent | romantic | moral | fun-loving | attractive | charismatic | calm
negative traits: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | shy | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | cocky | reckless | insecure | irresponsible | mistrustful | paranoid | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | swears | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | vengeful | anxious | self-sabotaging | moody | peevish | angry | pessimistic | slacker | thin skinned | overly dramatic | argumentative
living situation: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | lives with children | other
parents/guardians: mother | father | adoptive | foster | grandmother | grandfather | creator
sibling(s): sister(s) | brother(s) | none | other
relationships: single | crushing | dating | engaged | married | separated | it’s complicated
I have a(n): learning disorder | personality disorder | mental disorder | anxiety disorder | sleep disorder | eating disorder | behavioral disorder | substance-related disorder | PTSD | mental disability | physical disability
things I’ve done before: had alcohol | smoked | stolen | done drugs | self-harmed | starved | had sex | had a threesome | had a one-night stand | gotten into a fist fight | gone to hospital | gone to jail | used a fake ID | played hooky | gone to a rave | killed someone | had someone try to kill them
tagged by: myself at @linkstorm tagging: anyone who hasn’t done this
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
WHAT COLOR IS YOUR MUSE? Please Repost  ;   Do Not Reblog!
Tagged by: @sworntolight​ Tagging: @sworntoscales​
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you are seagreen #2E8B57
Your dominant hues are cyan and green. Although you definately strive to be logical you care about people and know there's a time and place for thinking emotionally. Your head rules most things but your heart rules others, and getting them to meet in the middle takes a lot of your energy some days.
Your saturation level is higher than average - You know what you want, but sometimes know not to tell everyone. You value accomplishments and know you can get the job done, so don't be afraid to run out and make things happen.
Your outlook on life can be bright or dark, depending on the situation. You are flexible and see things objectively.
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you are deep pink #FF1493
Your dominant hues are red and magenta. You love doing your own thing and going on your own adventures, but there are close friends you know you just can't leave behind. You can influence others on days when you're patient, but most times you just want to go out, have fun, and do your own thing.
Your saturation level is high - you get into life and have a strong personality. Everyone you meet will either love you or hate you - either way, your goal is to get them to change the world with you. You are very hard working and don't have much patience for people without your initiative.
Your outlook on life is very bright. You are sunny and optimistic about life and others find it very encouraging, but remember to tone it down if you sense irritation.
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maleficlove-a-blog · 6 years
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“princess, I just fed you!” the young trainer positively fumes as she rather loudly plays tug of war with her mawhile, trying to vainly salvage her own meal from greedy jaws. it ends up fruitless & all she gets in return from her troubles was drool-spit fingers & an empty, equally as demanding as her pokemon, stomach. 
that was her last lunch pack, too… 
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          “TAKARA!” It’s no use — the Houndoom has always been more intelligent than any pokemon she’s ever met, and THAT means that she very rarely listens. She was more the trainer than Akari ever was, that’s for sure! Still, as the Houndoom FINALLY skids to a halt, she’s surprised at what she finds.
          “Oh, Takara, NO.”
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