majamasnyexport · 1 year
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CAS Final Signature Post
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
CAS Final Reflection
During the 2 years of IBDP, I have managed to record my most important accomplishments outside of academics. Although, many a time, writing about my day-to-day experiences seemed redundant, I have a newly found perspective on the matter. Because of Creativity, Activity, and Service I was challenged to reflect on my actions and find a holistic approach to my lifestyle. I can earnestly say that I have gained more than I ever could have hoped for.
Even though throughout the year I developed my art skills, most importantly I have made substantial progress in my German. I attribute commitment and consistency to be the key to my success. The thing marking one of the biggest accomplishments of mine is receiving the ÖSD B1 Austrian certificate. Due to my hard work and the hundreds of hours that I put into studying this language, I scored best in class. Moreover, during the preparatory course I made new acquaintances and got to know more people with similar goals. I will forever look fondly on this journey.
I believe the hardest part of CAS for me was Activity. Here, I struggled the most with finding the time to exercise. In a way, I discovered that although I have appreciation for a healthy living, it is not my priority. Yet, I am proudest of the 5k runs (Lasy nas Utratą) I accomplished with my friends, Mela and Ola. Most importantly, I have improved over the year and ran faster than last time. It proved that by staying resilient and repetition, one can truly develop their skill. Through monitoring my pace, learning about my boundaries, and gradually crossing them I have improved over the year and ran faster than last time. Now, I can say that physical exercise has a positive impact on my mental health and well being.
Involvement in the dayroom for Ukrainian children, let me be more empathetic. It is devastating to see kids my age not being able to live safely in their home country. During the duration of the dayroom I had a chance to become a companion, a teacher, a chef, and most importantly, a friend. Not only did I learn about the Ukrainian culture and language, but also had to work in a team of other students with diverse ideas. All in all, this experience highlighted what I often take for granted.
On the other hand, I became a tutor to Nikola. There, I was also dared to improve my communication abilities, so that I could explain problems more clearly. Furthermore, because of this community service, I realised the importance of working collaboratively in order to make a positive impact in one’s community. By engaging in such service I gained an understanding of the concept of social responsibility, was awarded with a sense of fulfillment, and exercised compassion. I look forward to doing this in the future.
All in all, CAS is a platform, where I could explore manifold of vital skills and develop personally.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
CAS Summarizing Post
CAS Project - Flora’s Jewelry Store/Kasisi Fundraising:
Identification of strengths and areas for personal growth (LO1):
Undertaking new challenges and developing new skills in the process (LO2):
Initiating and planning a CAS experience (LO3):
Commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences (LO4):
Demonstrating the skills and recognizing the benefits of working collaboratively (LO5):
Engagement with issues of global significance (LO6):
Recognizing and considering the ethics of choices and actions (LO7):
Reflection on significant CAS experiences:
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
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CAS Learning Outcomes (January - February)
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Activity, 20.02.2023
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During this weekend I visited Berlin, where I spent most of my time walking. Although everything seemed far away and the weather certainly wasn’t pleasant, I still managed to see many attractions on foot. As many know, walking is not an intense training, however when done regularly and for long periods of time, it is extremely beneficial. I was able to reap the benefits of this exercise by having a good night’s sleep.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Creativity, 16.02.2023
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Today, during my German class, we started reading a text about crime in the art industry. It was very interesting, yet extremely challenging. This way, I had a chance to learn new, more sophisticated vocabulary. In times like these, I truly get to see the scope of my lack of knowledge. Even though in humbling moments like these it’s easy to feel foolish, not understanding is also motivating. I have a new passion to learn more and study harder. Right now, the only thing holding me back are the upcoming final IB exams. The sheer idea of them is stressful, thus I have to pay closer attention to studying for them and let German go to the background for a little bit. Either way, results do not come suddenly but are a product of hard work and determination. Hopefully, the effort I put in over the last 2 years will some day pay off.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Activity, 11.02.2023
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Today, I exercised at home. I followed a couple of Fitness Marshall videos and some of Pamela Reif. By following a video, I am assured the exercise is more efficient and meaningful. After the long sweat session I found myself feeling energised and happy to enjoy this beautiful day. However, I can already tell that my legs will very much hurt tomorrow.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Creativity, 10.02.2023
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The mock exam season is finally over and this is my official first day of winter break. Unsurprisingly, I am still working on my German. Next week I plan to visit Berlin for a couple of days with my parents. Fortunately, it isn’t far away - with a quick train ride, I find myself in a place, where I can practice speaking this language with natives. Although I am travelling to Germany, we practiced some vocabulary and listening on the topic of Schönbrunn castle in Wien, Austria. I had a pleasure of visiting it last summer, so it was nice to learn about it some more.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Service, 01.02.2023
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Although, Nikola has nothing going much before the upcoming winter break, she was still keen on revising maths. She is starting to get into the groove of the exercises and I believe her algebraic skills are improving. The lesson went by very quickly, it was gratifying. 😊
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Activity, 28.01.2023
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Today, I went for a walk with my dog. Although walking is not the most intense exercise out there, my dog was definitely tired. Unfortunately, he has been having some back troubles lately so it is important to take him out for walks - they should be long, but peaceful. And that’s exactly what we did! It was extremely relaxing. Being in nature definitely has an effect on one’s mood.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Service, 25.01.2023
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Once more I saw Nikola. We focused on her maths homework and tried to figure out a way of debunking each problem. Unfortunately, the wording of the questions is often confusing - it turns out that during examination time, not only is knowledge vital, but also adequate comprehension skills. Sometimes, even I have problems with figuring out what is meant by the question. I was glad to work with Nikola.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Service, 18.01.2023
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As usually per Wednesdays, I met with Nikola at the Community Service Centre in Downtown Warsaw. She had some 8th-grader-exam-style mathematics homework, so we decided to do it together. As I face the final exams myself, I understand the importance of solving such problems. All of the topics from previous years are combined, plus it’s a nice way to get acquainted with the examination process. Moreover, you can test your knowledge! Hopefully, with each class, my tutee feels more confident in her skills.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Activity, 14.01.2023
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photo source: basenprof.pl
Once again, I went swimming in the Kapry swimming pool. Admittedly, it was tough to even think about hopping into the water in this ice cold weather. Despite that, I pulled through and I’m glad I did. Today, I focused on improving my form on some styles, which I don’t feel confident in. At the end of the session, I felt truly accomplished. I had a wonderful time.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Service, 11.01.2023
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Today, I’ve met with Nikola for the first time since the holiday break. We both had time to relax and limit our schoolwork; now we are back and ready to start anew. We focused on a 8th-grade-exam-style mathematics exercises. Although we usually start from the beginning, I though it would be beneficial to work on the more difficult open-end questions first. It turned out that my tutee does not feel as confident while solving such questions. Hopefully in the future we will develop these skills. Yet, Nikola was not the only one struggling. Sometimes, I found it difficult to explain why exactly a question is solved the way it is. The problems were similar to complicated puzzles - articulating my thinking process was challenging and maybe even unclear. Next time, I will be more careful to use precise wording to prevent confusion.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Creativity, 12.01.2023
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This week has been in a way tough for me, yet I found German relaxing. We did an exercise testing my reading comprehension skills, which I did not find very difficult. Hopefully, this is a testament to my growth. There was, however, lots of interesting and potentially useful vocabulary on the topic of work. Since I am finishing high school, these types of words are especially my priority. My goal is to expand my vocab and take my abilities to the next level.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Creativity, 04.01.2023
New Year, New Resolutions! In 2023, I would love to finally pass the B2 level exam. I believe that my German seems better in conversation than it is on paper. Hopefully, I will develop my Academic Writing abilities and grammar. These are definitely more challenging but are necessary to evolve. I don’t want to get stuck! Today, we went over some of our New Year’s resolutions and ideas as well as the passive tense.
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majamasnyexport · 1 year
Creativity, 29.12.2022
Although it’s still the Christmas break, I don’t cease to learn German. Today’s classes were a bit laid back and we focused on speaking rather than anything else. I’m amazed how effortlessly I am able to upkeep a conversation - hopefully, these communication skills translate in other settings than classes. We’ve talked about Christmas, universities and other prominent topics in my life. Even though I make a share of mistakes during speaking, I still feel understood.
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