magicmastertheo · 6 years
“I think I made an un-respectable woman out of you years ago,” Theo teased, a coy smile playing on his perfectly shaped lips. Commitment still frightened him, even if the danger that had haunted the couple had passed. There was something daunting about spending the rest of his life with someone, especially when he was only 18. “But you can stay with me whenever you want.” 
He wrapped an arm around her waist as she moved closer, pulling them both through the wide manner door. The house was perfectly quiet, just as empty as when he’d left it. Once inside, his entire demeanor changed, quickly turning into the lust-filled, needy boy that he’d always been. His lips found hers again as he backed her up to the door, pressing her between the heavy frame and his warm body. “What was that about being a respectable woman?” 
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magicmastertheo · 6 years
Theo let Daphne brush his slip up aside, not wanting to talk about it either. For once, things were going smoothly between them. Despite his closed off nature and the way they always seemed to pick up on one another’s insecurities, the two of them had managed to fall into a rhythm since the war ended. It was what he’d always wanted - a way for them to be together without danger. His hand circled around hers and a chill ran down as back as he thought about all the things they could get up to back at his big, empty house. 
Quickly, he pulled her out of the window and helped her down the tree, their feet causing a soft ‘thud’ on the wet grass when they landed. Again, he took her hand and drew in a deep breath before disappearing with a loud ‘POP’ into thin air. When they reappeared, they were just inside the gates of the Nott manor. Empty aside from various house elves, the massive house looked foreboding and sinister in the moonlight. Theo’s grasp on Daphne’s hand tightened as he tugged her toward the door. “You should move your things here,” he suggested cooly as they entered, his voice echoing slightly in the grand entrance way. “So you don’t have to pack every time you come over.”
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magicmastertheo · 6 years
“You’re only saying that because you’re trying to spare my feelings,” he half-teased, knowing that her parents really did hold some level of disdain for him. Not that he could blame them, really. Though it had been two years since everything had gone down with Astoria and Daphne, the hurt was still there, and every time the three of them were in a room together, Theo could feel the betrayal rolling in waves off both women. “I guess it’s a good thing purebloods are pretentious, isn’t it?” He glanced around the room and then raised an eyebrow. “Think they’re being loud enough that we can leave from here? Or should we go outside? I don’t want Tori- Astoria to hear and tell.”
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magicmastertheo · 6 years
The cheshire cat grin on Daphne’s face made Theo’s heart leap, causing him to bite back a smile of his own. Now that things had settled down, they were free on his end to be together. There was still some danger out there - Death Eaters who’d managed to escape and furious at anyone who hadn’t ended up siding with Voldemort - but for the most part, Daphne’s life wasn’t in danger just by being associated with him. “Of course everything’s okay. I was just bored, figured I’d see if you wanted to entertain me.” He winked at her, holding out his hand. “Will your parents notice you’re gone? They hate me already, I swear they’re going to bust down the doors to my house one day and demand I stop seeing you.”
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magicmastertheo · 6 years
Theo scrambled through the window and grabbed for her immediately, crashing his lips into hers with unrivaled force. He knew she’d ask questions, just like she always did, but he wasn’t ready to give her answers about why he once again couldn’t get his mind to shut off when he closed his eyes. His teeth scraped against hers as he cupped his hands around her face, trying to disappear into the kiss. When he finally pulled away, he was breathless, and the memory of the nightmares that had been shadowing the corners of his mind was finally starting to find. “Can I stay?” he whispered, blue eyes bright as he looked down at her. “Or you can come with me, I’ve got that whole place to myself.” Theo still hadn’t moved out of the mansion. It was too big for just him, but leaving was harder than he thought it would be. 
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magicmastertheo · 6 years
It wasn’t unusual for sleep to evade Theo. He’d been wracked with nightmares for years, and the older her got, the more vivid the dreams became. Though the war had come to an end and pressure to join the Dark Lord relieved, the freshly eighteen year old figured the nightmares would stop. He’d been wrong. With the moon shining up above, he appeared with a loud ‘POP’ at one particular window of the Greengrass manner. He rapped on the glass, hoping that the right person would hear him. When her face came into view, Theo’s expression lifted slightly, his eyes pleading for his girlfriend to let him in. 
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
He fought his hardest not to smile against her lips. He was always trying his best not to let all of his cards show, even in moments where he was being vulnerable. “Of course we can,” Theo said, kissing her forehead before standing up and gathering his things to leave. Perhaps they’d be done bickering for today. 
Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
“Daph,” he said, reaching up to play with a strand of hair that fell out of place from her messing with it. “I’m always on your side. My best friend won’t stop trying to ruin my every waking moment, and your sister literally hates me. Your parents are trying to break us up and my father is literally rotting in Azkaban, and his parents are sending me letters every single day telling me that I should write my dad more. You’re-you happen to be all I have right now too.” He didn’t like to rely on anyone, and only having Daphne to count on and be there was panic inducing. “Besides, you’re not a slag and you know that. Who cares what they think? Honestly. Moping around and getting angry just adds fuel to the fire.”
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Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
He knew everything was getting to her, but he was better at ignoring it than she was. “Who cares if they gossip? You know they’re just jealous of you. Pansy can hardly get Draco to look at her, meanwhile you bagged Blaise and I in the matter of one semester.” He was teasing again, trying to light the mood a bit. It wasn’t like he enjoyed thinking of his best mate and Daphne together. “Your mother will get over it, she can’t stay upset forever.”
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Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
“What are you talking about? If I didn’t take you seriously I wouldn’t be sitting here with you,” His voice softened ever so slightly. She was more upset than usual today, her mother must have really been bothering her. “You know that’s not true. Of course it would bother me.” He put his own book aside and reached for her hand. “I’m not moving on to something new. I’m sitting right here, arguing with you,” he teased a little, giving her hand a squeeze. 
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Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
“No, I don’t know what about that. What did Blaise do now?” It was starting to feel like Blaise was going to harass Theo and Daphne for ever. “Your mother’s just still upset about the whole Astoria thing. Respectable marriage? Really? Who does she suppose is suitable?” It wasn’t like Theo cared, or at least that’s what he was telling himself. They bickered constantly, but neither of them were running for the door or looking for a way out of the relationship. Daphne’s mother wasn’t about to convince Daphne to leave Theo for someone else....right? “Terrible name?” Theo scoffed, shaking his head. “She’s off her rocker.”
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Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
“I am observant. I noticed you were moody. What’s upsetting you?” Theo hated fishing for answers from her. “Honestly, just come out and say things, I hate having to guess about what’s got you all up in arms.”
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Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
Yes, moody is what you are. I asked you to move your book earlier and I thought you were going to throw it at me. Excuse me for pointing out your attitude.
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Why are you so moody today
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magicmastertheo · 7 years
Why are you so moody today
I swear every time I open my mouth you act like I’m trying to start a bloody war.
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magicmastertheo · 8 years
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magicmastertheo · 8 years
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Ashley Benson with Daniel Sharman - request by anonymous
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magicmastertheo · 9 years
Owl: Theo
Daphne: You always seem to get your way. I'll meet you soon.
Theo: It's the smile, that's what you say anyway.
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