magicalmeta · 2 days
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I haven't forgotten about the ko-fi celebration drawing of Zevlor :3
I had a tarot card draft that looked a bit too static. Doing some studies of him to get the hang of his face before trying again.
Edit: The finished piece is here—Oath of Devotion
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magicalmeta · 2 days
the fact that walls get dusty is ridiculous. you're vertical. act like it.
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magicalmeta · 14 days
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that necksnap does things to me jfc
fight me....in bed
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magicalmeta · 17 days
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zevlor fanart for @hirodraggg 😔🤝
this man is so detailed omg (also red skin is really fun to color
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magicalmeta · 18 days
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Your emotional wizard~
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magicalmeta · 18 days
Do you know how feral Gale would be for any of us?
We are literally, canonically made from stardust.
Could you imagine how he'd react the moment he found out?
Imagine if we, civilians that most of us are, got our asses killed on the field of battle and the party dragged you back to Withers in a desperate attempt to ressurect us (cuz in my head I doubt regular scrolls would work somehow) and Withers says something off-hand as he takes their gold like "It is harder to bring back errant stardust, but it can be done..." and everyone else just takes it as Withers Being Weird again, but Gale just cocks his head to the side puzzling it over.
You wake up gasping and freaking out because oh my God you literally died and came back and Gale is just like "I'm so glad you're back anyways Withers said-" and he explains it and asks if that means anything.
And you, not thinking much of it cuz you're thinking of more important things, explain that the basic building blocks of life on Earth such as iron, carbon, and calcium, all of them vital and present within yourself right now, were created inside stars as they aged and when the stars died they exploded, scattering those elements across space which allowed for life to emerge on Earth.
And again you might not think it's a big deal cuz like, we been knew about this for a while, but when you look at Gale again his jaw is on the floor because holy shit he's literally speaking to sentient stardust right now and can he take a sample or use some magic to get some kind of reading on you and you're just like "Sure?"
And now a regular part of your day is just having this guy do benign experiments on you and him asking a million more questions than before because lets face it you're from another universe and he already had a ton of questions but this is different and now you'll never be able to shake this guy even if you wanted to---
I just have a lot of thoughts about this guys
Also imagine telling him that matter and energy can neither be created nor destroyed in your universe so ergo every part of you is as old as your universe.
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magicalmeta · 20 days
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Star Trek: Deep Space Nine "Past Tense, Pt. 1"
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magicalmeta · 20 days
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Facing the elder brain // last resort
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magicalmeta · 20 days
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little Halsin and Clove sketch for a really wonderful patron who encouraged me to share 💚 love you guys
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magicalmeta · 21 days
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HALSIN + details
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magicalmeta · 21 days
Bruh I’m too old to be this shy and awkward lmao
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magicalmeta · 21 days
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My first contribution to Zevlor nation
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magicalmeta · 21 days
"Being a romantic takes a hell of a lot of hope."
Hot priest, Fleabag.
Dont mind me I'm just thinking about what a hopeful person Gale is despite the threat of the orb, chronic pain, being abandoned by his lover/Goddess and having no human touch or connection for a year.
After the weave lesson, if you mess up, he says he doesn't believe in fate - which is such a beautiful, hopeful thing to believe. He has been closer to the Gods than most, and he still believes in the force of mortal resilience and autonomy.
He is kind and light-hearted and silly and soft - when he could have so easily let fear, self-pity and anger harden all his compassion.
People complain about how quickly he falls in love with Tav, but I think it shows strength...and a hell of a lot of hope.
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magicalmeta · 22 days
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sovereign Spaw 🌠🍄
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magicalmeta · 27 days
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Archdruid Halsin was embarrassed
(No tiefling was hurt tho)
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magicalmeta · 27 days
to me tav and rolan’s vibe screams “everyone around them knows they want to fuck but they have never actually been alone together” and the first time tav hangs out at the tower with rolan alone it’s insanely awkward until theyre like “haha, you know, everyone thinks we’re on a date right now.” and it’s dead silent for a second then they just start aggressively making out.
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magicalmeta · 28 days
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2 am procreate sketching gone wrong
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