maerhiya 18 hours
"aromantics can still -"
no. shut up. plenty of us don't. and it's weird to imply that we need to make up for being aromantic.
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maerhiya 18 hours
"aroace people are emotionless" "aroace people are cold" i don't know where that notion came from. i love passionately, obsessively, almost clingily, just not romantically. i love my friends, i love my family, i love my cats. what makes you think i can't love?
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maerhiya 18 hours
My arospec ass be like:
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maerhiya 2 days
It's always "I may be aromantic but I still love my friends!" and never "I'm aromantic, but that does not mean I have to 'make up' for the love I 'lost' or am 'missing out on' by loving friends or family."
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maerhiya 2 days
can people stop calling holidays specifically for either aromanticism or asexuality "aroace" holidays. there is a difference. aroaces are included under aro and ace, but when you call these aroace holidays, you're forgetting about many aros and aces that are not aroace. aromanticism and asexuality are not inherently linked.
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maerhiya 2 days
You can't handle the aroace instincts of my aroaceness. Observe.
*hits every character with aroace beam*
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maerhiya 2 days
Rest in peace to the touch starved arospec and/or aspecs. You deserve more hugs.
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maerhiya 2 days
Every time someone talks about how it's our "purpose" or how we're "meant to" to reproduce, I want to tear my reproductive organs out and slam them down on the table.
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maerhiya 2 days
"you're not aspec you're just confused" can't i be both
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maerhiya 2 days
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one way broadcast am i right
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maerhiya 2 days
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Yeah, I know "not all aro/aces" and all, but please don't use "not all aro/aces" as an excuse to not explore anything exclusively aro/ace ever. Otherwise any trace of aro/aceness might end up effectively lost to fandom osmosis.
To sum up... If you wouldn't be homophobic that way, please don't be aphobic that way.
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maerhiya 2 days
as an asexual - the fact i was created by sex is pretty acephobic tbh
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maerhiya 2 days
enough stories about how someone learns to truely be happy through love. i want a story where someone is desperately seeking out love thinking it's the only way to be happy only for them to learn by the end that happiness is what they make of it and they don't need love at all to make it.
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maerhiya 6 days
shoutout to acespec and/or arospec people who still feel some amount of sexual/romantic attraction btw. shoutout to everyone who isn't fully aro/ace and isn't fully allo. shoutout to the aspecs who feel like they don't fully fit in aro/ace communities or allo communities because of it. i love you all i am baking you cookies
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maerhiya 7 days
So like if I don鈥檛 date am I just supposed to be touch starved until I die? Asking for a friend
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maerhiya 7 days
hey here's a friendly warning
If I hear anyone of you claim that the A in LGBTQIA+ is for allies and you don't mention the Actual Fucking Queer Identities it actually stands for I will teleport into your room and beat the shit out of you
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maerhiya 8 days
Being aroace is so cool, but so, so hard sometimes. Watching all the persons you hold dear finding *their* person. Grieving the idea of an allo relationship. Realizing that, maybe, somehow, you're the second choice fo everyone. Because friends are great, but **lovers** are the goal in our society.
Most of the time, i am sooo happy to be aroace. And then, when im alone in bed, at 3 am, i find myself crying by fear of being alone.
And I think it's normal. It's grieving a certain way of thinking. And it's hard, especially when you were raised this way, and that everyone keeps doubting your identity.
So yeah. Shout-out to all the aroace people, wanting a deeper connection, without wanting romantic love.
I love y'all
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