madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
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Hamish is Irene’s son.
→ requested by anon.
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
Hello yourself. What brings a handsome thing like you around these parks?
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madameireneadler started following you
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Why hello there.
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
Well today's an interesting day.
Got my face slashed, shoulder stabbed, jaw broken, and not to mention bitten by a vampire.
Anyone care to help me?
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
"And even with your threats and that knife of yours, I'm not shaking." She managed to say even with the pain in her jaw. Irene's hand moved from her shoulder to her jaw, caressing it to hopefully numb the dull ache.
"Carve if you wish, I can always do something about my pretty little face. But what of you and your pride, Jim?" She chuckled, "Admit it." Irene narrowed her eyes, smirking as slightly as she could without hurting, "You're running out of things to do to me without using your powers."
Jim narrowed his eyes, stepping forward once more and not holding back as he fiercely back handed her, strong enough to dislocate her jaw without balling his hand into a fist. He knew she could fight but he also seen her do it before and knew every move, taking the surprised strike of his to pin her once more against the wall.
“You want real fear? Real pain? Fine. I’ll give it to you,” he growled, pulling out a blade from his person, shining it in front of her. “I may not want to kill you, but I can carve up that pretty face of yours. Would you like that? Maybe blind you for good measure…but no, I’d want you to look yourself in the mirror and remember I  did this to you.”
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
I'm bored. Let's have dinner.
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
"Fancy a guess then, Mister Holmes?" She smirked. Irene leaned back in her chair , crossing her legs as her eyes watched him. 
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
"Only an idea of how to return?" Irene crossed her arms in front of her, giving this man a curious look over. "What is this idea of yours, if I may ask?"
“Loki of Asgard,” She repeated, noting his air of confidence and his sly smile. He who carried himself with presumption. “That is such a strange title, none that I have ever heard from.” 
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
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57/80 pictures of Lara Pulver
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
She fell unceremoniously to the ground. Her hand immediately went up to her wound, her palm feeling the indentations of where he bit her. Irene looked up at him, seeing the truculent and uncouth beast sneer at her.
"Pitiful and weak you call me yet I still have some nerve to speak back to you," She  voiced, using her free hand to push herself off the ground. "Without using your trickery, can you truly induce fear that will make me quiver before you? Or is that the only way you can incite fear within a normal mortal?"
She held her head high, her eyes burning with determination and refusal to fall at this villian's feet. "I know when I have been bested and so far, I'm still standing. I'm not giving in to you. Not now, not ever."
She shouldn’t have said that. Jim had enough of people underestimating him lately. He barred his teeth at her, a cold, calculating hatred in his eyes before he triggered the pheromones again. This time to cause the pain centers in her brain to go off. And he didn’t let go of her wrist. He soon had her pinned against the nearest wall. “You’ve grown reckless, my dear,” Jim hissed, other hand thumbing her scratched cheek. 
“You’ll never be able to save yourself from me. I am everywhere.”
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
Turning in for the night. Like or send a message if I owe you a reblog!
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
She thought he was going to kill her when he slammed her against the wall. She hit her head hard against the barrier, lights swarming her vision and blinding her for the moment. Irene honestly thought she was going to die but as if by some act of mercy, the pain and fear all disappeared.
Both of her wrists were held high above her as he moved his head beside her neck. A sharp pain shot through her body, her eyes growing wide when she realized what had just transpired.
He bit her.
The pain faded quickly as a sudden euphoria began to wrap around her. A nice pleasant feeling that seemed to swallow her whole. Involuntarily, a soft moan escaped her lips. Already this man made her feel the cold grip of fear, made her feel the burning seething pain, and now a blissful pleasure while draining her of her plasma. Jim Moriarty was a cunning man but with these powers, he's even more dangerous than she expected. Irene had underestimated him immensely and she's seeing first hand how wrong and weak she was. Such information was well filed away deep within her mind as he fed upon her.
She shouldn’t have said that. Jim had enough of people underestimating him lately. He barred his teeth at her, a cold, calculating hatred in his eyes before he triggered the pheromones again. This time to cause the pain centers in her brain to go off. And he didn’t let go of her wrist. He soon had her pinned against the nearest wall. “You’ve grown reckless, my dear,” Jim hissed, other hand thumbing her scratched cheek. 
“You’ll never be able to save yourself from me. I am everywhere.”
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
His hand wrapped around her throat, the slightest touch sending her nerves ablaze with pain. Her heart began beating erratically to the point where she feared it might give out. She knew he was enjoying this, the sadist. His nails dug into her skin making her chest rise and fall faster as her eyes fell down to his hand. "B-because..." She started, swallowing to wet her dry throat, "You wouldn't..." The pheromones were starting to get to her mind. She had trouble thinking clearly through the fear and the pain he was causing her.
She shouldn’t have said that. Jim had enough of people underestimating him lately. He barred his teeth at her, a cold, calculating hatred in his eyes before he triggered the pheromones again. This time to cause the pain centers in her brain to go off. And he didn’t let go of her wrist. He soon had her pinned against the nearest wall. “You’ve grown reckless, my dear,” Jim hissed, other hand thumbing her scratched cheek. 
“You’ll never be able to save yourself from me. I am everywhere.”
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
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Irene Adler
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
Her back met with the coldness of a wall as pain shot through her entire body. It was as if she was slowly being impaled with thousands of white hot needles. Irene's expression slowly contorted into slight agony but she refused to give into him. Her heart started beating faster as he brushed his finger across her cheek. Her breathing grew shallow once more, her lips parting slightly as her breath escaped her body.
"I've heard your threats before, Jim..." Her words wavered, struggling to hold her fading confidence. "They don't scare me anymore."
She shouldn’t have said that. Jim had enough of people underestimating him lately. He barred his teeth at her, a cold, calculating hatred in his eyes before he triggered the pheromones again. This time to cause the pain centers in her brain to go off. And he didn’t let go of her wrist. He soon had her pinned against the nearest wall. “You’ve grown reckless, my dear,” Jim hissed, other hand thumbing her scratched cheek. 
“You’ll never be able to save yourself from me. I am everywhere.”
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madameireneadler-blog · 12 years
"Loki of Asgard," She repeated, noting his air of confidence and his sly smile. He who carried himself with presumption. "That is such a strange title, none that I have ever heard from." 
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madameireneadler started following you
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Greetings to you. And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking with?
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