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     “Somethin' easy today. We're loadin' magazines.”
lyingismysurvivaltool has found you.
"Okay, I’m here." He said, walking up to the woman. "Now what kind of mindless task am I doing today?"
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  [ ; well, that was unexpected. ]
     “Oh, uh, yeah. It's fine, I'm pretty sure everyone's been through a lot... I'm Bonnie.”
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     —— “ …You just need a place to sleep, right? “
[ Why the sudden change of heart? She felt too upset with how she was treating the stranger. It wasn’t right of her— Omid would’ve been angry at her actions. ]
          —— “ I don’t exactly have much to give, but we can share some of the food I have. I…uh..I’m sorry. I’m just going through a lot— I’m Christa! By— by the way. “
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Reblog if you love your Muse to death
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[all] quirks my muse habitually has.
Writers, bold all of your character’s regular truths.
1. Smoking: the action or habit of inhaling and exhaling the smoke of tobacco or a drug. (she used to) 2. Binge drinking: the consumption of an excessive amount of alcohol in a short period of time.  3. Drug abuse: the habitual taking of illegal drugs. 4. Nail biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 5. Lip biting: a common body language sign of anxiety/tension. 6. Night Owl: a person who is habitually active or wakeful at night. 7. Early bird: a person who rises, arrives, or acts before the usual or expected time. 8. Negative attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with criticism and pessimism. 9. Positive attitudes: a philosophy of approaching life with optimism and confidence. 10. Swearing: the use of offensive language. 11. Superstitious: an irrational belief that an object, action, or circumstance not logically related to a course of events influences its outcome. 12. Inspecting fingernails: a common body language sign of boredom 13. Scratching your neck: a common body language sign of uncertainty. 14. Foot and finger tapping: a common body language sign of stress/impatience. 15. Nose touch: a subtle body language sign of deceit. 16. Flipping hair: a common body language sign of craving attention. 17. Twirling hair: a common body language sign of flirtation. 18. Cracking knuckles: a common body language sign of readiness. 19. Hands behind back: a common body language sign of confidence. 20. Finger pointing: a common body language sign of authority. 21. Hands on hips: a common body language sign of readiness. 22: Hands in pockets: a common body language sign of mistrust/reluctance. 23. Frequent touch: a common body language sign of warmth/familiarity. 24. Throat-clearing: a common body language sign of rejection/doubt. 25: Jaw-clenching: a common body language sign of hostility. 26: Eye-rolling: a common body language sign of irritation. 27: Head-tilt: a common body language sign of interest. 28. Whistling: to emit high-pitched sound by forcing breath through a small hole between one’s lips or teeth; usually to a tune. 29. Humming: make a low, steady continuous sound like that of a bee; usually to a tune. 30. Perfectionism: refusal to accept any standard short of perfection. 31. Photographic memory: the ability to remember information or visual images in great detail. 32. Paranoia: a mental condition characterized by delusions of persecution, unwarranted jealousy, or exaggerated self-importance, typically worked into an organized system. 33. Exaggeration: a statement that represents something as better or worse than it really is. 34: Intuitive: using or based on what one feels to be true even without conscious reasoning; instinctive. 35: Quick-witted: showing or characterized by an ability to think or respond quickly and effectively. 36: Interrupting: breaking the continuity of a conversation with one’s own statements. 37: Doodling: to scribble or make rough drawings, absent-mindedly. 38: Irritable: having or showing a tendency to be easily annoyed. 39: Gambling: to play games of chance for money; bet. 40: Travel-sick: suffering from nausea caused by the motion of a moving vehicle, boat, or aircraft. 41: Sensitive: having or displaying a quick and delicate appreciation of others’ feelings. 42: Melancholy: a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause. 43: Chewing gum: the exercise of chewing flavoured gum which is not intended for swallowing. 44: Fidgeting: to make small movements, especially of the hands  and feet, through nervousness or impatience. 45: Skeptical: not easily convinced; having doubts or reservations. 46: Neat-freak: compulsively obsessed with cleanliness. 47: Gossiping: divulging personal information about others. 48: Prim: feeling or showing disapproval of anything regarded as improper; stiffly correct. 49: Abbreviating: Giving others nicknames/shortening names/giving pet names. 50: Having a catchphrase: having a sentence or phrase typically associated with a specific person.
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was there a thing between you and Luke???
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     “Not that I know of. What make ya say that?”
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     “I never said you were one, 'cause I know you aren't.”
"I’m not a baby!”
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     “I was just sayin' If ya can't do anythin', I won't ask.”
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     —— “ So you think I can offer that? I can barely feed myself, what makes you think I could help you? “
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     “Well, temporary's better than not workin' at all. I guess.”
"I got it to work, but it might only be temporary."
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"A piece is missing but unless the cords overheat and begin to melt, it’ll work." 
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     “Yeah, I've been hearin' he's been kinda... y'know.”
; Starter for lyingismysurvivaltool
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"I hope so… I don’t think anyone can take any more of this. Especially Kenny."
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♠ ; ------ She just looks down for a second. His face reminded her of that one night, long ago. The guilt was eating away at her, day by day, since she didn't have enough courage to tell the truth.
     When she looked back at him again, she expression had changed, but only slightly. “I won't hold ya t' stayin' here, but... just make sure that ya don't get yerself killed if ya go,” Bonnie told him. Maybe there wasn't many lurkers around but, you never knew.
an unexpected turnout ; bonnie & lenny
Lenny knew it wouldn’t be the best thing to split up, but the sudden memory wave of his sister had bamboozled him completely.
"I-", Lenny didn’t know what to say, so he just remained silent and looked at Bonnie with a sad face. He was lost in his thoughts again, barely noticing the concern in Bonnie’s face.
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     “Uh huh. Okay, come wit' me then.”
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"Carver. I’m here for Caver.He told me to bring some food, and ya know. I deliver n’ shit." Leo said holding up a bag of cans he had to… retrieve.
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     “Yup. I guess that's th' way things go now.”
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"Seems neverending, huh. The road always changes before I- we- can get to the end."
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i replied to all my drafts, which are queued for tomorrow. now i need to fight the urge to make another blog.
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Made some posters you can use.
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People who understand you have a busy life and will patiently wait for replies (◕‿◕✿)
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now i'm going to play on the ps3. bye.
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     “I'm not lookin' for no trouble, but I am lookin' for somewhere t' stay.”
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     —— “ I’d recommend you leaving, before you get yourself in more trouble. “
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