lyanzecalzita · 5 years
The Six Short Stories
A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner
The story started when a woman named Emily Grierson died, she died at the age of 74. Her father kept Emily for himself and wasn’t allowed to go out and have suitors. As miss Emily is getting older, the townspeople begin to wonder is she will ever get married. A man named Homer comes to the town for work and was seen spending time with Miss Emily. The people believed that they will get married however, Homer was a gay and he leaves the town. Three days later, Homer returns and enters the home of Miss Emily and was never seen again.
One day Miss Emily dies. The townspeople hold a funeral service for her out of obligation. In the end, the townspeople discovers a secret locked room in the house with the decaying body of Homer and see and indication of a head and hair on the pillow next to his body, the people conclude that Miss Emily had slept next to the dead body of Homer.
The rose symbolizes love, the meaning of rose in a rose for Emily is the love that Emily didn’t receive. Her father keeps her to himself and away from suitors, Emily didn’t receive the love he wanted to get from Homer. She was all alone until the day she died. She did only receive the rose from the townspeople when she died.
“Let no one who loves be called altogether unhappy. Even love unreturned has its rainbow.”
-J. M. Barrie
The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allan Poe
The story is about an Italian man who wants to kill another man named Fortunato. But he doesn’t want to murder him with a sword or gun. Instead, he lets Fortunato, in a sense kill himself.
The story teaches us that revenge wouldn’t give us justice. It wasn’t clear why did Montresor buried Fortunato. Fortunato’s name means lucky but, on the story, he wasn’t luck at all. Montresor’s family motto is “No one provokes me with impunity.” In the story it wasn’t actually clear what wrong did Fortunato did to Montresor to receive the revenge.
“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”
- Mahatma Gandhi
Hills like White Elephants by Earnest Hemingway
The story is about a young couple with an issue of abortion. The word abortion is not directly said in the story but it us what the man is saying to the girl about the operation. Jig the women character was being reflective that’s why she saw the hills looked like white elephants. The man was being insensitive to Jig he only thinks of himself and what he wants. Jig is connecting the elephants to the baby she has, the elephant represents the gift that she didn’t want and couldn’t appreciate, she realized that the baby should not be a white elephant. She is trying to ask the man if they could keep the baby, but the man didn’t agree and if Jig want to continue to be with the man they shouldn’t keep the baby. Since they are in the train station it could mean that their relationship is going to move forward or they could go on an opposite direction.
 “It wasn’t good. It was good in the beginning and I held on to that.”
-    Dominic Riccitello
A Father by Anton Chekhov
An ideal father is the one who provides our need and the one protecting us from danger, in this story the father is an opposite of an ideal one. Even though the father is a despicable one, his sons and daughters turn out to be a good one and gives him what he needs.
Not all fathers turn out to become perfect, they do commit mistakes. It is so complicated to become a parent; you need to first consider the needs of your children before you provide for what you need. In the story the children always choose to understand and look after their father even if they can’t already see the father figure, they are finding from him. Musatov even humiliated them in their own circles as he appeared to them in his wayward behavior and filthy appearance, however his children still respected him.
“When my father didn’t have my hand, he had my back.”
-  Linda Poindexter
God Sees the Truth but Waits by Leo Tolstoy
One does not gain anything by seeking revenge. The truth comes out but only after waiting for a long time. In the story justice couldn’t be seen until the very end of the story, it was twenty years later after the crime happened. The implication of the story is that we must have faith that God will hear our prayers and will bring the justice we needed on the right time. Be good to the people around you and don’t let anyone suffer on the wrongs things you have mad because it might destroy his life. Also don’t be too judgmental because you will not always be on the right side.
“Faith is building on what you know is here so you can reach what you know is there.”
-Cullen Hightower
The Handsomest Drowned Man in the World  by Gabriel Garcia Marquez
In the story, the body of a drowned man washes up in small remote town by the ocean. The people discovered that the body is taller, stronger and more handsome than anyone they have ever seen. By the end of the story, his presence influenced them to make their own village and their own lives better than they had ever imagined.
The story taught us that death also brings life, the man changed what the town thinks, they did rebuild their town after his appearance and funeral. The mans name is Esteban, he served as the person who comes to change something good in the townspeople’s life.
“Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change.”
-Stephen Hawking
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lyanzecalzita · 5 years
The Illiad, Odysseus, Oedipus Rex
The Illiad
In Homer's epic poem, Iliad, the Greeks and the Trojans enter their ninth year of the Trojan War, which was started by Paris stealing Helen from Menelaus, the Greek king heavily concerned with honor. The story takes place in many different settings located in both the city of Troy and the Greek camp, where the battles between the two sides transpire, and Homer vividly describes shelters of Trojan and Greek major leaders. Prince Paris of Troy has overturned his father's efforts of making peace with Greece by stealing Helen from Menelaus, who declares war against the Trojans. Menelaus' brother Agamemnon, the power-hungry king of the Mycenaeans, is eager to expand his empire through Troy to the lands of the Aegean Sea, and he uses Paris' romantic slight against Menelaus as an excuse to wage an all-out war against the great walled city. Priam, King of Troy , summons his armies, led by Prince Hector, to meet the onslaught of Agamemnon's forces, but while the great city has yet to yield in a battle, Agamemnon has a formidable ally -- Achilles, a mighty and seemingly unstoppable warrior whose presence could tip the scales in Agamemnon's favor.
The story reflect to us the important of being brave to all the trials that will come to our life. Even though sometimes we loose hope to face the challenges in our life but instead we need to trust our self and have a high self esteem in order that we can get our dreams in life. The character of Hector is one who i appreciate most because he had not afraid to die for his people. Because of his story Iliad, i realize that it is important that we have to be brave and trust our self to face the challenges of my life.
Odysseus learned a lesson that faces us all. It is only the union off our personal will. You should never give up on someone or something that’s important to you. You should keep on pushing to achieve a goal that you set for yourself even if people or things stand in your way. With enough effort and determination, you can accomplish the goals and missions in your life. In the Odyssey, Odysseus began his epic journey, unsure of the future. His goal was simply to defeat Troy, and then return home to his family. Just when he thought he had succeeded in his mission, he began coming home and things got in his way. His situation looked bad, but he didn’t give up. He spent seven helpless years with Calypso, but he never gave up hope of home or forgot about his goal. Throughout his long journey, he watched as his crew kept getting killed off, and he never gave up on leading his crew home. I’m sure he felt like giving up at some times, but he knew all his work would be for nothing if he didn’t go all the way. He never gave up on his family or home for twenty years until he was finally reunited. He kept trying no matter what kind of trouble he got himself into from gods to evil creatures. Even when he was the only one left to get home all by himself with no ship, he pushed on with the help of Athena. Eventually, his work paid off for him. I think this is a lesson we can learn from so we never give up on our goals or dreams.
Oedipus Rex
Laius marries his cousin Jocasta. (They are now the King and Queen of Thebes) They are childless. Laius goes to a future teller and the future teller tells him that he will have a son and his son will kill him and sleep with his wife. Both Jocasta and Laius grow fearful and they plan to kill the child after it is born. Soon enough the child is born and they tell the shepherd to take the child up to the top of the hill and leave it so it can die.
The shepherd feels sorry for the little child and takes the child to Corrinth. The child grows up and is named Oedipus. He is prince of Corrinth and he goes to a future teller when he is of age. The future teller tells Oedipus that he will kill his father and sleep with his mother. Oedipus grows fearful and leaves off to Thebes. On his way around in Thebes Oedipus runs into his father not knowing whom he is and kills him.
Oedipus gets to marry the kings wife (his mother). He sleeps with her and they have four children. Soon there is plague in Thebes. Nobody knows who is causing it and Oedipus swears that he will find out and they shall pay. When Oedipus finds out that it is he who has caused all this he falls into a state of grief. His mother hangs herself in her room.
You can't always control what your destiny is. You can choose the path that you think is right . Also if you want something done it is better to do it yourself. If you don't want to do it by yourself don't rely that someone will do it for you.
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lyanzecalzita · 5 years
Rubâ'iyât of Omar Khayyâm
"Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam’ is a  collection of poems,.originally written in the Persian language by famus poet. Omar KhayyámOmar Khyyam.
The poet, who refers to himself as "old Khayyám," is unable to commit himself to believe in an afterlife. Consequently, he believes in living for today. Pervading the poem is a sense of helplessness against forces beyond the control of man. The universe, time, and of course fate will have their way no matter what man does to counteract their power. In a universe that refuses to reveal the ultimate destiny of man, the only intelligent way for one to relieve the anxiety about his fate, old Khayyám says, is to drink the Lethe of wine. In its intoxicating nectar, one may forget the past and the future, living only for the pleasure of the moment. Khayyám strikes a somber, melancholy note when he continually reminds the reader that death will ultimately claim everyone. 
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lyanzecalzita · 5 years
The Epic pf Gilgamesh
The epic of gilgamesh is an epic poem telling about how Gilgamesh was raised and became a hero. Gilgamesh was the king of Uruk, and at the beginning he was a tyrant and created a lot of misery to his people. That’s why people were praying to the god to save them, and the God responded with creating a warrior Enkidu to fight Gilgamesh. The fate made Enkidu and Gilgamesh became close friends. They run the city together, they killed the monsters together and they built an epic together. 
In the story most of the dream came true, and this is why in the old days dreams were really important in life. There were dream readers and even now there are some people who can read dreams. Some people believe that we dream for a reason, some think that dreams are actually prophesy that it can tell us the unknown future. 
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