luv-minkookie · 2 years
Love Jikook <3
This whole post is for Goldy from NightswithKookmin! 
Hi! I just found your blog and had to reactivate my account just to send you this message. I love you so much! I am a new Army, I listen to their music for years but didn't really spend time to look them up or learn ab them at all. I thought I grew out of my fangirl phase already since 2010 after the breakup of TVXQ. Then I went to their PTD concert in LA and the rest is history. After watching their clips, I feel like my fangirl heart was healing, I went through so much heartache after TVXQ breakup, I still supported them after that but it just wasn’t the same. BTS’s bond is what makes me an Army but Jimin is the one that makes me become obsessed. Jimin is just so full of love and even though it might be just his idol persona, he must be a very loving person when the members said they went to him when they were down. When I look at his smile, my day just become better. Naturally, after watching a lot of their clips (all on tiktok btw), I saw those shippers videos. The first couple I saw was VMin and I love their friendship and bond as it reminded me of how it was with my best friend when we were much younger. Then I saw Jikook! My world is not the same after that I swear. I’m in my 30s, married and had my fair share of love experience, but I still melt watching Jikook. My fangirl mode is fully activated and I feel like I’m a teenager again lol. I am not a newbie to Kpop and shipping culture, so when I saw VMin, I love it but didn’t fall in love with the couple. But Jikook, I’m in love! What sold it for me is the way he looks at Jimin. When I look at just Jimin, I get confused because he’s so loving and caring to everyone. But when I look at Jungkook, his eyes are sparkling when he looks at Jimin. I watched so many tiktok videos and it started to get repeated, then I went on Youtube, ran out of things to watch so I google Jikook to find blogs or forum, I found your blog and I have stayed up 2 nights in a row to read them (only until Jan 2021 right now). I’m not an observant person and not good with words but when I read your pov, it open up my mind and I felt like you could read my soul. I have never seen an analysis put aside all the skinship and just look at them at the core, so raw and real and I just can’t stop reading. Skinship really does clouds people’s eyes and once you look past that, I see all the things you said and in love even more with them. I am bi and I was not brave enough to ever be with a girl, with my parents being so strict and the environment I grew up in. I was always that good child that my parents never have to worry about. But now, my sis is dating a girl even though she was straight until she met that person. I support her and her relationship but we have agreed not to ever let my parents find out. They are in their 60s and I don’t think they could handle it well. It’s a good thing we live in different countries but I still get stressed for her when I think about the future. Imagine the immense pressure Jikook is under, they are not only living in a homophobic country, they are idols. And idols are heavily scrutinized, it wouldn’t be as bad if they are soloist, actors, or in any other field besides being an idol. After watching your pov, I can see a clearer picture now and I understand why you are an alt shipper. Tbh I had no idea about that term btw, before that I guess I would be considered a conventional shipper, as in I ship Jimin with everyone and I just want to see him happy regardless of whom he is with even though Jikook is my soft spot. Now, I have fallen down the rabbit hole that is Jikook and I will happily stay here until proven otherwise. Thank you so much and please keep the posts coming! Borahae!
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