lustyvoidsandvoidylusts · 15 minutes
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lustyvoidsandvoidylusts · 58 minutes
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Let him have the trash baby, Bruce
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this one is hilarious if you can really understand it.
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okay so there were a ton of posts/fics about the hilarious "fuck/maryy/kill" Bruce Wayne & Justice League scenario (I read them all, amazing comedic timing y'all) but to me, the most hilarious scenario is the JL play fuck/marry/kill, Bruce's name comes up, and half of the people in the room in the know immediately turn bright red and refuse to keep playing and no one will explain why.
Hal: "...and I would fuck Bruce Wayne. No, I would kill him. Nah, actually I'd fuck him, who am I kidding."
Clark: choking on his coffee and rapidly turning an alarming shade of red
Diana: "An....interesting choice, of course."
J'onn: "Shall we play a different game?"
Hal: "Wait, what? that was the game, wasn't it?"
Ollie: "I'm with Hal, I'd fuck the shit out of Bruce. He's the easiest guy I know, it's not like it'll exactly be a hardship for him."
*every single person in the room turns to Batman, standing in the corner*
Clark: "Wow! I think I just heard someone drop an ice cream cone in Guatemala. Batman, I'll need a team up."
Ollie: "For ice cream?"
Diana, standing up and putting herself in between Bruce and Hal: "This sounds dire. I will also assist."
Clark, under his breath, one hand on Bruce's back: "It's not worth it. He's not worth it. Come on. Walk it off."
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Even if I am 1 of 2 people in the entire fandom who (publicly, at least) ships it?
Keep shipping your ship! And be
about it!!!
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Help Two Trans Women Living in a Homeless Squatter Community Raise $80 To Refill Our Neighborhood Water Tanks!
April 28th 2024
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My partner and I are homeless trans women living in a squatter town in the desert called Slab City!
In Slab City there are no utilities, that means no electrical company, no gas company, and definitely no water company! Everyone has to provide their own for their own camp.
We have two 355 gallon tanks that we use for our camp and let our neighbors fill jugs from. It costs $40 each to hire someone to fill our tanks with drinking water and it drains from use in little over a week.
Right now we're nearing the bottom of the tank and we need your help to fill it back up!
Neither of us have a regular income, but we're both involved in a project to better our local community. See more here and here.
Please donate to help us raise $40 to allow us to refill our water tank so that we and our community can have water to drink!
- CаshApp: $ThistleDD
- Pаypal: paypal.me/ThistleDD
- Vеnmo: @ThistleDD
If you can't dоnаte please reblog and share on your other accounts. Every little bit helps.
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Pretty sure dogs would be the same if people would abandon pups as much as they do kittens
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probably i just said it but i want to say it again:
- don’t apologise if you don’t know english.
- yes, english is the most common language on the internet but you are not forced to know it perfectly.
- your own language is beautiful.
- non-english people make a huge effort to write in English everyday on this website.
- support non-english people and don’t make them feel bad if they do not know English. 
- actually support all the languages.
- spread more language diversity on Tumblr.
thank you. 
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Humans are in the Ditto Egg Group send post
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"should there be kink at pride?" should there be sunshine? should there be joy? get real
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Got the $$ to vet the pill but I didn't know the buses have been held for technical issues for 2 weeks. It's $57 to get down there as it is 35 minutes away. There's a pic below that shows the distance (12 minutes is how far away the uber is not my destination) I'm doing card tarot readings and @scarsofbeauty and @saturnpandora are doing art commissions.
$50, I got the money to go down but i didn't think about getting back home 🫠
ca: $kendyhoney
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We need to have a nomination for “Stupidest thing Tumblr.com has ever believed” and just move into an official Top 10 List.
For my nominations, I’m putting up:
If you eat a chocolate bar a very specific way, you will break physics and get infinite chocolate.
It is impossible that you spelled “Berenstain Bears” wrong and is, instead, more likely that the universe fractured into separate, overlapping realities in the last 20 years.
I can’t decide which is more beautiful. It’s why we need a vote.
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Here's Ableist AspenFrostEN Trying To Pack as Much Misinformation and Ableism As She Can Into One Minute:
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This sentence is, perhaps, the one and only true thing in this entire video.
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Oh, please do enlighten me, Aspen!
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I mean, sure, created systems are a thing. Tulpas are the main example of this and the ones that have been studied the most. But there are created systems that aren't tulpas, such as in daemonism.
Also, plenty of traumagenic DID systems have intentionally created alters too, so it's weird to make "people who believe that you can force yourself to have alters" an endogenic system thing.
ALSO, basically no tulpagenic system I know actually uses the word "alter" to describe their headmates.
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While most endogenic systems are plural without a disorder, it's bizarre to use this as your definition instead of just "an endogenic systems is plural without trauma" as it's actually defined.
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Founded entirely on Tumblr???
Aspen, dear...
Are you... capable of reading? Here's the paragraphs you're looking at. Notice how it says natural system predated the word endogenic?
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Yes, the word endogenic was first used on Tumblr... as a replacement of "natural system" or "natural multiple" that dated back to the 90s, before you were even born!
Here's one site mentioning natural multiples in their glossary in 2003:
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And here's the origin in a page dated for 1998:
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You clearly know NOTHING about the plural history that you're rambling on about.
And how am I only 20 second into this???
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What do you consider a medical consensus again?
The World Health Organization's ICD-11, the diagnostic handbook used around the world, explicitly states that you can experience multiple "distinct personality states," the characterizing feature of DID according to it, without having a mental disorder:
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That's the World Health Organization's official handbook!!!
I'm not sure what more of a consensus you need.
But I'll add that Tulpamancy is acknowledged as a real psychological phenomenon by Dr. Samuel Veissiere, psychiatry professor at McGill University.
And Dr Eric Yarbough, Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association has stated that you can be plural without trauma or a disorder in a book reviewed and published by the American Psychiatric Association.
And these claims are undisputed. There is no peer reviewed paper by any psychiatrist that has claimed you need trauma or a mental disorder to be plural.
Now, onto the next round of misinformation!
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I recognize that page! That's DID-research! A glorified blog that convinced an entire generation that OSDD-1a and OSDD-1b were actual medical terms for disorders they could be diagnosed with!
(Spoiler: The aren't!)
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Is that so?
It would probably be really inconvenient for this narrative if the creators of the theory of structural dissociation ALSO have said it may be possible people to form self-conscious dissociative parts of the personality without trauma, huh?
I mean, something like that would just completely destroy everything you're trying to sell and make you look even more like a hack who has no idea what she's talking about, wouldn't it?
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This paper is by two of the authors of the Haunted Self, which I probably shouldn't need to tell you since you're so knowledgeable about plurality, is the book that created the theory of structural dissociation of the personality.
Even the creators of the theory you're citing are saying plurality could have other causes.
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Wouldn't that require you to actually know what endogenic systems actually believe? Or, you know, literally anything about plural history? Or anything at all? 🤔
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Now we're back to ableist Aspen having no idea what Schizophrenia is and using it as an insult. 🙄
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Aspen is not hiding her intent. Her goal is to spread hate, to come into our communities and bully us.
Aspen is a liar, a bully and an abuser.
But I hope I've also demonstrated pretty thoroughly that on top of that, she also incredibly ignorant.
She's ignorant of psychiatry. She's ignorant of plural history.
Every word out of her mouth on this topic is a lie she made up, and hopes her followers will be gullible enough to swallow, because while she may act confident in her misinformation, the fact is that she doesn't know anything about what she's talking about.
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