luoxuechen · 12 days
chinese college girls slay (cr: 哭天喊地六仙女)
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luoxuechen · 12 days
cnetizens studying wonyoung's spinning
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luoxuechen · 9 months
期望 – Hopes for the Future
来自:Yoyo Chinese Upper Intermediate Level 27
日后 / rì hòu / in the days to come; in the future
期望 / qī wàng / expectation; to expect (noun & verb)
愿望 / yuàn wàng / desire, wish (noun)
期盼 /qī pàn / to look forward to; to expect or wait (for)
支持 / zhī chí / to support
采访 / cǎi fǎng / to interview; to gather info/news
有生之年 / yǒu shēng zhī nián / for the rest of one's life
岁数 / suì shù / age
实在 / shí zài / really, indeed
敲门 / qiāo mén / to knock on a door
养老院 / yǎng lǎo yuàn / nursing home
居住 / jū zhù / to reside
纠结 / jiū jié / to be tangled, confused, at a loss
搞 / gǎo / to do; changes meaning depending on complement
白头偕老 / bái tóu xié lǎo / growing old together
始终 / shǐ zhōng / "from beginning to end"; always, forever
语法:希望 vs. 期望 vs. 愿望 vs. 期盼
So in this lessen there were 3 different words used for "hope" "wish/desire" and "expectations" so I wanted to briefly explain the differences!
希望 is "to hope", and my understanding is it can also be a "hope" in noun form. In general it's used in the "I hope..." form.
愿望 is a noun only, and means a wish or desire.
期望 is verb or noun, and is less about hopes/dreams/wishes, and more about real-life, tangible expectations. It's less of "I wish" and more of "I expect." (and just like in English, expectations can be realistic or not; positive or not)
期盼 is a verb that means "to expect" in the sense of "to look forward to" something. Like 期望 it's more tangible (not so much wishes/dreams) but less of "I expect this to happen" (fact) and more of "I'm really looking forward to this thing happening" (emotional/happy).
Here's a sentence that uses three of them!
我希望我的生日愿望会实现,但我没有任何期望。I hope my birthday wish comes true, but I don't have any expectations.
More sentences below!
我会采访我的爸爸妈妈。I will interview my Dad and Mom.
你们对日后的生活有一些什么样的期望呢?What expectations do you (pl) have for your life in the future?
退休后呢,我跟你妈妈的最高愿望就是希望自己健康,你妈妈健康。After retirement, my highest hopes for your mom and I are my own health and your mom's health.
要先敲门,等我说“请进”以后,你才能够进来。When you first knock on the door, wait until after I say "please enter", then you can come in.
我们的有生之年呢,就能够到处走一走,实在我们岁数大了到走不动的时候。For the rest of our lives, (we want) to be able to do go around everywhere and walk, (since) really when we get older we'll lose the ability to walk.
我们就居住在北京然后找一个能够真正让我们养老的地方。We want to reside in Beijing and then find a place that can really take care of us old people.
其实在父母养老的问题上,我很纠结的。Actually (as for) the problem of my parent's elderly care, I'm at a loss.
我期盼着高中毕业以后上大学,生活会更自由。I'm looking forward to going to college after graduating high school, life will be more free.
跟我关系搞好。Build/maintain a good relationship with me.
我们俩关系始终是好的,是要叫“白头偕老”的。Our relationship has always been good, should call (us) "growing old together."
不好意思,来晚了,我把时间搞错了。Sorry I'm late, I got the time wrong.
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luoxuechen · 10 months
Having strangers on the street put on your makeup
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luoxuechen · 1 year
A mini dance trend to the yangge tune 回到山沟沟 (Returning To The Backwoods).
Yangge (秧歌) is northern Chinese popular folk dance. The movements in this video are characteristic of the dance style.
Videos compiled by me :)
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luoxuechen · 1 year
chinese figurine for year of the rabbit by 徐大花
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luoxuechen · 1 year
Chinese Time of Day Vocabulary
I’ve been keeping a list of words/characters related to times of day since last year. You probably know basic words like 早上, 上午, 晚上, etc. But there are so many other words and characters you may encounter in your language journey! Note: this list isn’t meant to be complete.
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Sunset (I think) by Tian’anmen Square about 3 years ago.
Dawn/early morning
天亮 tiānliàng - dawn / daybreak
日出 rìchū - sunrise
早 zǎo - early / morning / Good morning! / long ago / prematurely 一大早 yīdàzǎo - at dawn / at first light / first thing in the morning 早上 zǎoshang - early morning
旭 xù - dawn / rising sun
昕 xīn - dawn
晓 xiǎo - dawn / daybreak / to know / to let sb know / to make explicit 破晓 pòxiǎo - daybreak / dawn
晗 hán - before daybreak / dawn about to break
晞 xī - dawn / to dry in the sun
晨 chén - morning / dawn / daybreak 凌晨 língchén - very early in the morning / in the wee hours 早晨 zǎochén - early morning 晨曦 chénxī - first rays of morning sun / first glimmer of dawn 清晨 qīngchén - early morning
朝 zhāo - morning 朝阳 zhāoyáng - the morning sun
黎明 límíng - dawn / daybreak
The single characters above can be found in Chinese names. Some are quite common.
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luoxuechen · 1 year
Women dressed as the 东北五大仙/Dongbei Five Great Immortals, deities from dongbei (northeastern China) folklore/religion that is arose from an amalgamation of Buddhism, Daoism, and Shamanism.
Each family name is associated with an animal;
Hu/胡三太爷 — 狐仙/Hu xian (Fox Immortal)
Huang/黄二大爷 — 黄仙/Huang xian (黄鼠狼/Siberian weasel Immortal)
Bai/白老太太 — 白仙/Bai xian (刺猬/Hedgehog Immortal)
Liu/柳三先生 — 柳仙 (蛇/Snake Immortal)
Hui/灰四爷 — 灰仙 (老鼠/Mouse/rat Immortal)
English added by me :)
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luoxuechen · 1 year
chinese figurine by 徐大花xudahua
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luoxuechen · 1 year
A new outfit for 球球/Qiuqiu ("ball/sphere")
English added by me :)
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luoxuechen · 2 years
A game of cat and mouse
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luoxuechen · 2 years
Crying styles in Guzhuang dramas
English added by me :)
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luoxuechen · 2 years
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luoxuechen · 2 years
Words of the week: 快篩 kuài shāi / rapid antigen test 陽(性) yáng (xìng) / positive 陰(性) yīn (xìng) / negative 確診 quèzhěn / make a definitive diagnosis, confirm a case
Apparently before covid, 確診 could refer to a diagnosis of anything, but now if you use 確診 alone it’s assumed to mean covid and any other condition should be specified. Some news headline examples:  快篩陰性不代表沒確診! 「快篩陽即確診」新制上路系統亂 從快篩陽性到醫院PCR確診、視訊看診的漫漫長路! 快篩陽性當作確診? 我快篩陽了,怎麼辦?!
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luoxuechen · 2 years
lockdown vocab / 和封锁有关的生词
预期 yu4qi2- expect, anticipate
遏制 e4zhi4 - check, contain -遏制新馆病毒
封锁 feng1suo3 - lockdown
敲打 qiao1da3 - beat (like a drum)
抗议 kang4yi4 - protest
采取 cai3qu3 - to adopt or carry out
蜂拥 feng1yong1 - to flock over, crowd around
造成 zao4cheng2 - to bring about, cause
显示 xian3shi4 - illustrate, demonstrate
大喊 da4han3 - yell, shout
激增 ji1zeng1 - surge, to increase rapidly, shoot up (新馆病毒病例)
放弃 fang4qi4 - give up
接种 jie1zhong3 - to be vaccinated
导致 dao3zhi4 - to lead to
引发 yin1fa1 - to lead to, trigger, result in
获得 huo4de2- to get, obtain
承认 cheng2ren4 - admit something
分发 fen1fa1 - distribute
情绪 qing2xu4 - mood
风险级别 feng1xian4ji2bie2 - risk level/category
风险 feng1xian3 - risks
志愿者 zhi2yuan4zhe - volunteers
短缺 duan3que1- shortage
后勤 hou4qin2 - logistics
承诺 cheng2nuo4 - promise
医疗服务 yi1liao2fu2wu4-  medical services
社交媒体 she4jiao1mei2ti3 - social media
防护服 fang2hu4fu2- PPE clothing
措施 cuo4shi1- measure, step
物资 wu4zi1 - supplies
锅碗瓢盆 guo1wan3piao2pen2 - kitchen accoutrements, utensils
新增病例 xin1zeng1bing4li4 - new cases (of an illness)
程度 cheng2du4 - degree, extent
引爆点 yin1bao4dian3 - tipping point
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luoxuechen · 2 years
medical Chinese | vocab list 1
肝炎 - gan1yan2 - liver inflammation
急性 - ji2xing4 - acute/emergent
肝脏移植 - gan1zang4yi2zhi2 - liver transplant
以下 - yi3xia4 - an amount or lower/less (10岁以下儿童: children under 10 years old)
突发性 - tu1fa1xing4 sudden 
以及 - yi3ji2 as well as
宽泛 - wide-ranging “肝炎是一个宽泛的术语”
术语 - shu4yu3 - term
炎症 - yan2zheng4 - inflammation
血液 - xie3ye4 - blood
毒素 - du2su4 - poison, toxin
功能 - function, capability “肝脏功能” : liver function
衰竭 - shuai1jie2 - organ failure 
症状 - zheng4zhuang4 - symptom
病毒性 - bing4du2xing4 - viral
疾病 - ji2bing4 disease
性疾病 - xing4ji2bing4 STI
患者 - huan4zhe - patient
相对 - xiang1dui4 - relatively
入院 - ru4yuan4 - to be hospitalized
受损 - to suffer damage
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luoxuechen · 2 years
Golden Melody Awards 金曲奖 Vocab
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第33届流行音乐金曲奖 | 第33屆流行音樂金曲獎
年度 niándù - year (e.g. school year, fiscal year) / annual 
专辑 | 專輯 zhuānjí - album / record (music)
奖 | 獎 jiǎng - prize / award 
最佳 zuìjiā - optimum / optimal / peak / best (athlete, movie etc) 
华语 | 華語 huáyǔ - Chinese language 
台语 | 台語 táiyǔ - Taiwanese / Hokkien
客语 | 客語 kèyǔ - Hakka language (客家语)
原住民 yuánzhùmín - indigenous peoples / aborigine 
作曲 zuòqǔ - to compose (music) 
作词 | 作詞 zuòcí - to write or compose lyrics
编曲 | 編曲 biānqǔ - to compose (music) / arrangement 
制作 | 製作 zhìzuò - to make / to manufacture / to produce
单曲 | 單曲 dānqǔ - single (recording industry) 
乐团 | 樂團 yuètuán - band / orchestra 
新人 xīnrén - newcomer / fresh talent
Here are some names of actual awards that we can now read!
年度专辑奖 | 年度專輯獎 = Album of the Year
年度歌曲奖 | 年度歌曲獎 = Song of the Year
最佳华语专辑奖 | 最佳華語專輯獎 = Best Mandarin Album
最佳台语专辑奖 | 最佳台語專輯獎 = Best Taiwanese Album
最佳客语专辑奖 | 最佳客語專輯獎 = Best Hakka Album
最佳原住民语专辑奖 | 最佳原住民語專輯獎 = Best Aboriginal Album
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