luoism · 6 months
hi!! will get back to replies and plotting dms fr luo and sujin tomorrow since it's my day off ^^b ty for being patient with me !!
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luoism · 6 months
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@chvrybds chapter ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ critical . . . miss. location: dnd convention. tw: none !
in another life, luo likes to think that he would be a bard.
sure, he isn't musically inclined (like, at all) and sure, he also happens to have little to no charisma which in turn would totally make him lose in a real game of dungeons and dragons. but in baldur's gate, where he isn't luo but a personification of who he could be, he totally kills it.
in another life, luo also likes to think that he would be an elf.
that one makes sense, anyone who knows him beyond the clumsiness and general chaos that tends to follow everywhere he goes would know as much. there is an affinity to nature that lives deep within him: luo understands spirits but he understands the trees as well. when in the woods for long enough, he begins to tune in with apparitions the naked eye could never pick up on.
in another life, luo absolutely knows that he would go on adventures with jaeyoung.
and getting ready at five in the morning to spend a whole day with his friend truly does feel like one. . . the same way spending long nights, wide-eyed in front of his computer screen does. at first it was to shut jaeyoung up, it was because the nagging and the begging and the pleading became too much for luo to handle. and yes, the game was expensive but in his defense, luo truly planned on refunding it before his two-hour trial time was up.
but then, he fell in love.
with the narration, with the lore, with the mechanics: what began as an attempt to get jaeyoung off his case ended with a deeply rooted obsession with a world that offered both escapism and countless possibilities for luo to explore. the game offers him a friend, too. a bond with jaeyoung that luo learns to cling onto. his friendships are scarce and the boy knows to be grateful for them.
so when word reaches luo's ears that a dnd convention is in the works near them, this weekend, it's only logical that he gets tickets for the pair. and when he tells jaeyoung about it, it seems obvious that they are to cosplay their characters.
well, to him, at least.
it's seven in the morning when luo knocks on his friend's door, his ears pointy and elf-like, with a smile as wide as one of a child. . . a smile that drops instantly once his duo shows face.
"JAEYOUUUUU- oh. why do you look like you just woke up?" he asks, eyebrows furrowed as if to crack a code that has been shown to him in a dream. "and why are you dressed so. . . normally??" he adds, his friend's outfit incredibly plain in contrast to the medieval style, leather heavy get up luo is wearing, and the lyre he holds - one that is insanely similar the one he keeps in game.
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luoism · 6 months
self para ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ une barque sur l'ocean. location: sua campus music building. time: set a few weeks ago, 2:58am note: luo's pov of this self para by @huitians
the moon's generosity is the first thing luo notices upon stepping out of his room. his steps are soft and hesitant, quiet like the little sparks of anxiety that have no issue finding their usual place at the bottom of his stomach. it takes him a second to adjust to his surroundings, to fully pull himself out of the bad dream he was drowning in a little under an hour ago.
the decision that a walk through the empty halls of his school should fix it can only be blamed on his drowsiness.
rays of the moon's light peek through the large windows and luo takes his time to observe it all - from the way it reflects on his skin, to the way little specks of dust turn into a semblance of magic, almost, within it. . . and maybe his appreciation is a mere result of him stalling. maybe all there is to this moment is a boy who is desperate to find beauty in everything he sees.
and so if luo wants to stand in the middle of a hallway and stare at how the moonlight reflects on the ground, he deems it okay to do so.
the night is his - those have been the rules for as long as he could remember: from the time he spent at the orphanage when night time had been imposed on him to the comfort he grew to discover within it. he prefers it that way as well - he always has. there have been lessons the boy learnt within the shadows of venice, lessons that shaped him to be who he is. he made friends in the darkness of the ragged attic too and affinities he would never dare to forget. . . and while the term friend in itself is often questioned on the topic of his connections, the apparitions were all luo had.
though if one travels through astral planes only to see you, wouldn't that alone be considered a testament of one's friendship? and if the absence of them triggers nightmare after nightmare, shouldn't that count for something?
luo thinks of the moonlight and wonders if his friends used to see it, too.
he doesn't notice where he is until he is met with a door taller than him, ajar. as if it's waiting for him, like the sign he has been seeking all night. he doesn't come here often but he is familiar with his surroundings - the music department is, after all, a place that is known and beloved by many who attend the school.
and beloved by luo - it so is.
his steps are light, almost non-existent against the polished floors: in a way that pushes luo to ponder on the reality of his surroundings and in a way that makes him wonder if he is still trapped within the confines of his dreams. it wouldn't be the first time something of the sort happened, and the boy knows better than to assume it would be the last.
he sees the light before he hears the music, and that fact alone will be something he will spend hours thinking of later on, when the sun will rise, when he will feel too exhausted to follow. but for now all he knows is the light: soft and inviting, like a whisper - like an entity of its own with the influence to lead luo inside yet another room.
and he truly assumes the music he hears is nothing but a figment of his imagination, one that is known to be overreactive and suffocating. one that is known for its lack of mercy, for the rejection of any kind of solace luo might find along the way of his adventures. a mind which he surrenders to every night when he closes his eyes.
though he stands by the edge of it, his head merely peeking over at the inside of the room, luo notes that it is as cold as his own; especially when occupied by the pleasure of a haunting. the edge of the doorway offers him safety, like a semblance of the protection he constantly seeks.
he recognizes the song instantly, having heard it over and over again back home in settings similar to this one. when he couldn't sleep, when his friends would play for him between the four walls of his attic. une barque sur l'océan, like his own - the one he stole to explore the waters of venice.
but there is a boy - one he has never seen before, one so cold it pushes luo to conclude that it can only be a ghost. . . one who has the talent to make the song sound like a new one, with a new meaning and a new purpose. with a beauty and riveting the same way that it is unnerving. it shakes luo to his core, it feels like looking away from the pianist would curse the next few years of his life. the gathering in his head comes to an end, the voices go to sleep. it's just luo and the boy, wide-eyed, with his heartbeat crawling up his throat.
nothing in the world belongs to him, but for the time being, he decides that the melody that lingers in the air they both share does.
he is out of breath without even knowing why - he starts to worry about things that hold little to no significance under normal circumstances. like his hair, does his hair look okay? does he look okay? the staring will amount to nothing in the end, and yet luo finds it impossible to tear his wide eyes away from the white of the boy's hair, the delicacy of his features.
whether he is real of not, luo knows he is someone he could never get close to - no matter the stakes. and how cruel the fates have to make him speak? to prove that he is as mortal as luo, to introduce new possibilities that he realistically could never follow.
the boy speaks and luo wishes that he doesn't: because he isn't an illusion anymore, or an apparition. because he is real, and that alone is a lot more terrifying than any ghost he has encountered in the past, and will proceed to encounter in the future.
though similar to an encounter of the sort, luo knows that he will wake up with the pianist fresh on his mind up until they meet again.
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luoism · 6 months
"it's so fucking over" yeah dude it's 11pm it's the end of the day it's time for you to go to bed. and tomorrow you'll be so fucking back because you'll be awake. go tuck yourself in dude you'll be ok
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luoism · 6 months
"let people be wrong about you" is such good advice that i am unfortunately physically incapable of following. if i am incorrectly perceived by anyone i will simply start ripping things with my teeth
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luoism · 6 months
⸝⸝ for huitian ... : we hope this finds you safely !!
“ but, fine. let’s do whatever weird thing it is that you do. ” huitian said with a determined glare, his eyes glancing quickly at the watch which laid on his arm. “ i have practice at 6, so make this quick. ”
xu luo sets a trap, and xie huitian eagerly walks right into it.
the reaction which stems from his statement is enough to greatly satisfy luo; that alone can be deducted by his smile, wider and of the utmost genuienity. he finds it hard to understand why the boy before him isn't at least a little bit excited, though when it comes to him, luo often finds himself to be at a complete loss.
whether it's because of the cold huitian emits, or the fact that he seems to get colder whenever luo happens to be around, the latter isn't sure.
not that it matters, anyways. if the medium spent time agonizing over everyone he rubbed the wrong way, he would never see the end of it. it doesn't make it hurt any less, but he would much rather shove his head into the ground and possibly eat dirt than to admit it.
"well, if you insist." is what he responds with instead, not breaking character - not once. "let's go, then."
it does not take long for them to arrive to their destination, an empty and potentially abandoned classroom in the middle of a wing luo stumbled upon out of pure luck. he is rather familiar with the place, especially with it being one of the only locations in the school when things seem to tone down a little.
he skips inside a little too eagerly, not really minding huitian's reaction to it, not really caring to note on any potential hesitance coming from his companion.
"pick a candle while i set up" he instructs while fishing the both of them out of his black jansport. "one of them is . . .frosted spruce" oh, the irony of it being his favourite out of the two. "and the other is. . err- possibly christmas themed." he adds soon after squinting to read the name of it, much too long and irrelevant to read out loud.
he takes advantage of huitian being busy to shuffle his pack of cards before placing them on the table before him in two piles - one higher than the other.
"and then, come sit in front of me and pick a pile."
@huitians :: your turn !!
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luoism · 6 months
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@detagen chapter ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ keeping watch. location: yellow hall tw: possible mentions of depression in upcoming replies as a side effect of luo's anomaly.
in a world where comfort is terribly hard to find, luo is glad to know ryder.
while things aren't often good, rare are the times when they are bad. even then, luo meets the occurrences halfway with a smile and an unwavering determination for yet another challenge.
what the boy doesn't necessarily understand is that for every win he gains, higher the stakes will become. like an algorithm in the works, taking notes of what he lacks of - or what excels at - the hauntings always get worse. in his flimsiest, nearly non existent defense, luo is smart. he knows all popular belief of that statement alone being true is most definitely against him - but he doesn't need anyone other than himself to believe it.
against the entities behind his hauntings though, he simply isn't smart enough.
and he is okay with it - fine with it, even. to his core, he was never created with the goal of being better - or smarter. the company he keeps when on the topic of his anomaly is questionable at best, of a realm even he doesn't fully comprehend. to go ahead and claim to be better would be idiotic.
and as stated above, xu luo is not an idiot. . . which is why he doesn't see a problem in surrendering.
it's two something - or the middle of the afternoon when luo finds himself in front of ryder's door, and he doesn't spare a second of hesitation when knocking on it. he pays attention to a lot of things - as if keeping a list of his numerous symptoms would somehow eliminate them altogether. but between the pounding headache and a fever that pales his complexion and lightens the usual pink of his lips, luo truly cannot bother to care about the logistics of his thoughts.
all he truly focuses on is hoping - manifesting, even, that ryder is home. . . and he nearly faints when the door is answered.
"please help me." is all he says while eagerly walking past the man and into the room, his lack of social etiquette being the least of his worries. "i'm so sorry to do this out of nowhere-" he adds then pauses, soon enough burying his face in his trembling, freezing hands. "i just can't make it stop - i haven't slept in days, i just need a nap. please, just one nap and i'll be out of here."
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luoism · 6 months
[after saying something completely normal] be honest do you think i should ever speak again
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luoism · 6 months
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@ircnbeauty chapter ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ safety hazard. location: campus tw: none (yet?)
in theory, luo is a good baker.
a great baker, even. the type who tells you to go with the flow when adding pinches - the type to never accidentally break the consistent white of his eggs with a yolk. he's even the type to let someone have some of the remaining batter - but that's just because he's a decent person.
luo also happens to have a lot to make up for.
which - alright - isn't even his fault! or maybe some of it is, like the time he almost set his dorm room on fire after (mis)reading that he had to let his ramen cook for thirty minutes instead of three. . . an honest mistake anyone under the right amount of sleep deprivation could make.
there are a few people on his "i'm sorry for being such a pain" list:
there is huitian, for being his RA and coincidentally also not liking luo very much. there is this one girl he absolutely terrorized when she caught him speaking to himself (in his defense, he was convinced he was alone, and in the middle of explaining the premise of the barbie movie to a spirit) and lastly, to ryder, who has grown into the habit of looking over luo.
making sugar cookies at three in the morning is his safest bet - and making them hello kitty shaped simply seems like the right thing to do.
it all goes well up until the moment it doesn't. it starts with a scary noise coming from the mixer - something he would definitely struggle mimicking to a technician if asked to. against his better judgment he doesn't think of it - until the noise gets louder, until he shoves his head as close as possible to the device - . . . until the batter practically explodes all over his face and clothes.
"AUGH - !!"
luo stands there petrified and practically blind from the invasion of sugar cookie batter sliding down his face. . .
so much for trying to do the right thing.
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luoism · 6 months
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@seriphic chapter ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ ghost in hiding. location: some random storage room in the basement. tw: none (yet?)
they should write a book. maybe they should write the script of a movie. a tv show, an autobiography - no, a memoir, for the dramatics of it. . .
. . . because hanging out with sun yuhui can be rather hazardous. dangerous, even. it should involve training - or mandatory safety readings on what could possibly happen, at the least. to be fair, those odds alone are truly impossible to calculate. quite frankly, when paired with xu luo, their fate could involve anything.
though being stuck in a storage closet in the middle of a fuck ass floor is genuinely not how luo expects to spend the night.
it starts as it often does: an eager text where the premise of their next hang-out unfolds, soon enough followed with the golden promise that they will have fun: which, ironically, is what never fails to get them in trouble.
the worst of it all is that luo has a list of potential people he would be willing to go on a ghost hunt with. . . and yuhui's name not being a part of it is nothing of a coincidence. he knows his friend all to well - or at least enough to foresee what taking him along would involve: lots of screaming, lots of clinging, and perhaps the packing of an extra pair of shorts, if you catch his drift.
but when yuhui comes forth with a "problem" - also known as the absurd idea that the basement of their school is haunted? luo has to take on the challenge. because it isn't one. because the basement obviously isn't haunted! out of everyone, he would know.
. . .or so he thinks.
"did you seriously have to make us poke around a haunted basement two days before the biggest due date of my semester??" luo asks in a whisper - hushed and laced with an urgency he only recognizes when things get real bad. (or maybe when he decides to get a little dramatic).
his stance doesn't change one bit - his back remains pressed against the door, with a hand protectively holding onto the handle in fear of anything happening to it. "okay, i think we're in the clear," the tone he uses is much softer this time. it's the one he uses when lying through his teeth - though in this case, he decides to deem it as a white one. he needs yuhui in the bestest of states if he wants to feel the comfort of his own bed anytime soon.
"we should stay in here for twenty more minutes. . . and then we make a run for it, deal?"
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luoism · 6 months
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@13elmst chapter ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ dead talking. location: campus tw: none (yet?)
all over the place is what an evidently haunted luo looks like while slipping through the busy halls of the university.
he is out of breath as he has been for most of the week, as if in the midst of filling his lungs he freezes up at the last second. in fact it feels like something is missing all week, like the solution to all of his problems is on the tip of his tongue, semblant to a word he forgets but knows all the same.
he avoids his reflection in mirrors like the plague all week - between horrible dreams and an incessant buzzing of the mind, the last thing xu luo needs at the moment is a sequence of strange apparitions behind him in the middle of his skin care. and truly, he doesn't need a mirror to know how messy his appearance results to. his bangs are too long and they poke at the edges of his eyes constantly, his complexion is a lot paler than usual, and the soreness around his eyes indicates that his eyebags are most definitely a lot more prominent than expected.
besides - if that wasn't enough? the comparison to an actual dead body by his group project partner definitely seals it all for luo.
the boy isn't stupid; he knows what it all means. someone - or a pair, in this case, is trying to get in contact. it began with dreams, and it soon enough evolved in nightmares upon realizing how determined luo was to ignore it all.
and he still is - as fun as it feels to play the dead's advocate, it deems itself significantly harder when he has the unbearable pressure of his academic duties on his shoulders (and his wallet, mind you!). it's to be expected, though, how angry and desperate the spirits get - but if they do a good job at threatening luo, he does an excellent job at turning a blind eye. that is, of course, until the symptoms of their haunting gets worse. the headache, the nausea, the cold that takes over and leaves him with a red, runny nose and a sore throat he simply cannot get rid off.
which leads him to his current, most unfortunate position:
bumping into the man before him is an accident in the purest of forms. perhaps his generation is to be blamed for that one - he does have his nose buried in a pathetic "how to get rid of a cold in under twenty-four hours" google search after all when it happens. and really - really, an apology is fresh on his tongue and ready for deployment the second the stranger turns away.
but then, it all clicks for luo.
all of the images within his dreams - all of the little signs, and the little codes, they all point to the person in front of him. so naturally, what comes out instead of a very obviously owed i'm sorry is a very loud, and very panicked "holy shit, you're the guy with the dead parents?!"
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luoism · 7 months
hi !! so sorry for spamming the feed with my rambles but... since luo is a podcaster, i was thinking that a fun way to put all of our muses out there would be to maybe make a fun little post about muses being on his podcast?!
i was thinking of formatting it like a silly little magazine interview type of thing, but ziying's mun mentioned script threads and i am considering it (idk what that is)... to be honest, the logistics on how i will format it are a bit blurry right NOW but i think it would be a cute idea ^^b how it would work would be that maybe we could plot whatever conversation our two muses would be having, whether it being about mutant politics, anomalies, or totally unrelated stuff -- and i could compile it all into a post 0_0 the goal would be to include as many muses as possible, so please like this post if youre interested!!! i would also be taking care of the format, of posting the interview and of making the graphics, so that you don't have to worry on owing me anything once the plotting and writing of the episode is done!! ^^b
luo is kind of a wild card though (i dont even know what he'll say until it's time to say it) so !!! keep that in mind :PP it could be rlllyyy fun.. especially if ur muse wouldnt be the type to be on a podcast...
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luoism · 7 months
⸝⸝ for huitian ... : we hope this finds you safely !!
“ for one, you're late. and you look like a mess. ” his voice was cold. if there was one thing he disliked more than luo himself, it was people who were late. messes also ranked quite high, and god, was luo a mess. “ second, i don't believe in any of this stuff. yuhui told me to come. i'll be murdering him later. ” huitian had mumbled the last part, not exactly sure he should reveal his plans to such a close friend of yuhui's.
luo isn't sure why he expected a warm approach from the other man.
for starters, there is the clear and flagrant fact that huitian isn't fond of him. which - truthfully - is fine to luo: he finds it hard to care, especially with his mind currently preoccupied with much larger and much scarier problems. besides, there isn't much he can do, anyways. he understands from the get-go that they are too different to get along and while luo is generally good at staying out of huitian's ice white hair, he also understands that in some instances talking to him is unavoidable.
well, this instance could definitely have been avoided if yuhui didn't meddle. speaking of. . .
"i see why yuhui told me about you." his statement is simple but accompanied with a smile, the very one that often rests on his lips. he notes that huitian is as cold as the company he regularly keeps in the privacy of his own mind, yet he isn't sure if what he just said made the older boy even colder. luo even manages to find some sort of amusement in the fact that the thought could be interpreted both literally and metaphorically.
he was anxious mere minutes ago, but huitian's reaction to his presence somehow melts it all away. remnants of his stress still linger at the tip of his fingertips and at the edges of his throat, causing his voice to tremble in the slightest, but luo has a feeling it would all dissipate soon enough.
coming face to face with skeptics naturally comes with the job, and luo learns very early on that much like interacting with huitian, it's simply unavoidable. . . and while it can be frustrating, luo much rather finds it best to seek amusement out of it. "i'm sorry for being late, i was dealing with a bunch of things you don't believe in. and i'm sorry for looking a mess. . . i don't know if i can do anything about it, really."
huitian reeks of skepticism, and luo's grin widens. these are his favourite kind of clients
"look, honestly, we don't have to do this if you're not into it." it could be so easy to leave it at that, it could be so easy to ignore the taunting voices in his head. "but god, it's kinda obvious how bad you need one."
(luo was never really good at listening)
@huitians :: your turn !!
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luoism · 7 months
⸝⸝ for may ... : we hope this finds you safely !!
“uh…” he glances to the nasty scratch against the younger’s arm and back to his face. he couldn’t leave him here, looking so…pathetic. wounded. so may sighs, taking a sip of his americano before handing it to the other. he takes hold of luo’s wrist after that, holding it up to get a better look at his arm. “how in the world did you manage that?”
there are a lot of things luo wants to say.
he wants to say that everything is fine. that it doesn't even hurt - that whatever happened definitely isn't important enough for may to drop everything and take care of him. it's not that may is scary - luo is used to scary. scary, to him, means waking up in the middle of the night to the dead staring at you. scary means nightmare after nightmare of your loved ones dying because of you.
scary might also include an angered spirit chasing you down an alleyway until you trip and land straight on your arm.
may isn't scary, but luo tenses regardless once he gets closer. the cup that is shoved in his hand is cold and the drops of coffee that slide down his fingers are colder. may is cold too, in a way, but luo never truly minds it. he knows it's nothing personal - whether that was said by a frantic yuhui after their first time hanging out or by the soft voices of his invisible friends at night.
"oh - you know, it kinda just happe-" he's cut off by a sharp inhale the second may touches his arm, the pain of the wound shooting daggers up the limb and down his spine. he flinches too, and it's pathetic - luo feels pathetic, especially under the aura of the other boy - a friend? not quite - but someone who might be willing to save him a long wait at the nurse, perhaps.
"you don't have to help if you're busy - i was really just on my way to the nurse, it's okay, really!"
. . .so maybe may is a little scary.
@ofmays :: your turn !!
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luoism · 7 months
hi sniff sniff sniff omg hiii .. .. .. !!! i think i reached out to everyone ooc in order to plot .. .. !! i have a busy night ahead of me (movie night n possibly a baldur's gate session later on) so i will be a little spotty at getting back to everyone ^^b im so excited to write with everyone tho!! plz feel free to ask for my discord if plotting is easier on there for you !!
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luoism · 7 months
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YANGYANG Unbelievable Ep. 1
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luoism · 7 months
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@huitians chapter ⁰ ¹  ⸝⸝ second meeting. location: outside campus time-frame: a week or so in the past ⸝⸝ ⸝⸝ tw: none (yet?)
it starts the way it often does: the misplacement of his keys while he isn't looking, the little manifestations in his mirror that are meant to scare him, the shift of weather in his room that will most likely get him sick at some point during the week.
sunday and monday feel rather tame but by tuesday morning, luo knows that whatever spirit he is dealing with will not be one to surrender easily. maybe it's the pounding headache he wakes up to, maybe it's the traces of his nightmares that are still lingering in his mind - whatever it is, it's enough to put luo in a funk he simply cannot find the will to shake off. he doesn't think he's in danger, but he also decides it would be best to keep his guard up.
his plan is simple: to lay low and head back to his dorm after all of his classes until the situation clarifies itself. the spirit is clever, luo knows that much, and the last thing he needs right now is for a ghost to start bothering his friends. so luo would keep to himself for a week - yeah, he could do that.
and yet, when yuhui begs him to do a reading for one of his friends, luo finds it impossible to say no. he rationalizes it rather easily, too. yuhui's friend isn't his friend - it's merely a service he was offering. it's a job. unpaid, sure, but a job nonetheless. .
luo is already late, and figuring out who he is about to do a reading for fucks him over even more.
far enough not to be spotted yet close enough to recognize the boy's features, luo hides behind the nearest tree for shelter. his anxiety manifests itself through soft tingles by the tips of his fingers, and a new found difficulty in forming a thought - all he can do, really, is peek over at the boy standing over there.
. . . and he stays that way for minutes - maybe five of them, until he decides to move. "xie huitian?" he asks, voice unsure and full of doubt as he finally makes his presence known.
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