lunettatan · 2 years
First Two Weeks on Affiliate Marketing | What I've done right and wrong?
Before I start everything, my two major questions are:
1. Which "niche" should I choose?
2. Can I start free? Or, how to actually start in a "right" way?
Here comes my answer after detailed research.
I understand a "niche" as a series of products or services that solves problems for a group of target audience. Also, a relating topic that I enjoy learning, researching and create content around it.
To make money online is an ever green topic. There are lots of small business owners who would like to create a website for content marketing. Also, individuals like me who want to find a cost-free way to do affiliate marketing, having no prior experience to online business, nor any technical knowledge. Simutanously, web hosting services and other companies that provides auxiliary tools offer affiliate programs in relatively high conversion, some even recurring. Therefore, my "niche" is decided. It's around web hosting for first-time website owners. Tons of blog post are revieving on those tools and services, but rare of them review on a stand point of total beginners. Some possible problems when using them and hidden fees are concealed. So, here's where I can start.
Also, I want to have a total ownership of my blogging space, with good security, an easy migration if I change the platform, with good support for beginners, and the lowest cost with integration of optimizing tools. The process of configuration can be my inspiration for content.
What I've done right?
- Built my website on WordPress.org with Hostinger (though Bluehost is also beginner friendly, it is the most money saving choice with great service, below $40per year), using the free version of Elementor page builder.
- Posted my first article and tried a little bit on drving traffic from Quora.
Now I have clarification on what to do next.
What I've done wrong?
-Neglected the user-friendliness of my website.
-Not well set the structure of my website initially.
-Haven't leant enough about google SEO.
The current status of my website:
Google analytics shows that I've got 23 unique visitors and 117 total views(till 3 May, from 24April, when my website first launched). But none of the views are from organic search. Most visitors and views come from direct link, which probably are those who examine the eligibility to my affiliate programs application.
3 visitors are from organic search, likely to be from Quora I guest (with 120 answer views on Quora)
But mistakes are unavoidable and will be the path to success, right? Next, I'm going to optimize my website's user experience and continue writing articles, probably would be the best, proven working, everything-covered and detailed guides on building your first blog site for monetization.
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