lumenary · 7 years
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Emil and Marta, one of my favourite Tales couples~~
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lumenary · 7 years
Emil took notice to the faint tint of pink that spread across Marta’s cheeks, which in turn only made him even more self conscious.  It was one of those embarrassing but good kinda things to hear, but no matter how nice it was to hear Marta say those kinds of things, that didn’t change the fact that Emil would clam up a bit and fumble around with words as he tried to string together a proper response while not coming across stupid. 
Emil had to admit there was some traits Marta had that he envied.  Despite clearly being embarrassed by what she was saying, Marta was always able to say what was on her mind.  Emil wished he could just come out and say whatever it was that he felt, but it was so hard for him.  All those months he spent in Luin with his aunt and uncle, where everyone clearly hated him and he became a little self deprecating, Emil found it difficult to fully voice his opinions.  
Though, Emil knew all things considered he came an incredibly long way.  He was able to say most things on his mind, and actually like who he was a person, come to love someone with all of his beings, and found merit in his life and things worth fighting for.  
The person Emil was now was infinitely a much better person than the Emil who lived in Luin for six months, and he did kick a lot of his bad habits, like apologizing all the time, and was able to speak up for himself 85% of the time, but there was still that part of Emil which was uneasy and unsure about himself. 
But then again, that’s part of the reason he loved Marta so much.  
Because Marta was always challenging him, taking him out of his comfort zone bit by bit. She was supportive and kind, but always pushed him towards becoming a better person.
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“ That sounds like a good idea. Do you wanna go on the boardwalk? Or we can see if we can rent a boat or something too. ” 
Emil wasn’t sure when it happened, but he’s come to rely on Marta a lot. 
Or maybe, he always has and just never realized it before. 
Each day she is able to spend with Emil is a treasure, she’s always known that -- even during their journey together, she knew how lucky she was to have him by her side as her partner. From the very beginning he was kind, gentle, and he always encouraged her to do her best - it made it easy to stand by his side and offer him all her strength and support. He drew out those qualities in her, he helped her be the person she wanted to be -- the person she has always been at her core.
Her life had not been a happy one, but then he came along, and with his golden hair and smile like the sun he changed all of it. When she looks back on her life, full of tragedy and loss, she sees how her path led to his smile. She sees her past as a series of stepping stones, and with each step she got closer to him, and to the person she is today. And she’s proud of who she is - she’s proud of her growth and her values. 
The two of them had grown together over the course of their adventure, they matured and against all odds survived together. She can’t help the smile that comes to her face each time she remembers they’ll get to keep growing together, that they have a home and a life together. 
It doesn’t matter what they do so long as they’re with each other, she thinks. Everything is more fun when you’re with the person you love - they have a way of making the whole world shine. All of Marta’s favorite things are even more special with Emil by her side. 
The thought of being out on the sea is romantic enough, but as a girl who grew up on the sand, with the ocean just a few steps away, she can’t help it when her heart decides for her what she wants to do for their little outing. “Renting a boat would be fun! Wouldn’t it, Emil?”
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“Oh, but if I’d known I would have packed us both lunches!” Her brows furrow a bit, disappointed in her lack of foresight. She'd known he’d likely say yes to her request to spend some time together, but she hadn’t prepared anything for the two of them ( and her cooking skills have improved tremendously, so it wouldn’t have been an issue! ). She silently swears to herself that she’ll be more prepared next time.
“Well... I guess it’s okay, they’ll probably have something we can buy down there anyway. It just won’t be as special since it’s not homemade.”
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lumenary · 7 years
How long has it been since Emil and Marta had been together like this?  Life had been so hectic lately the two of them haven’t had a moment to really relax and just enjoy each other’s company.  
After proposing to someone, doesn’t that usually mean that maybe the two people get to spend more time together?  It just seemed to have the opposite effect for the two of them however.  And while it was nice that what kept them busy most of the time was the restaurant, which meant business was good, it would be nice to have more moments like this. 
Moments where Emil could quietly enjoy Marta’s presence.  Where she would intertwine her fingers with his and in return he would grip her hand a bit tightly back. 
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“ I don’t think it’s silly at all, ” Emil said as he shook his head. 
Every day was a blessing.  Waking up every morning to see Marta’s smile was more than he could possibly ask for.  However, moments like these were Emil could just leisurely enjoy Marta’s company, those moments were truly the best. 
“ I would really like spending the day together too. ”
When he takes her hand a bit tighter, her heart flutters and she finds herself feeling completely content -- blissful. He’s the only one who could ever make her feel this way. No matter how many years pass, when she’s with Emil she’ll always feel her cheeks go rosy as butterflies swarm within her. She'll never get used to him just being him - she’ll be head over heels in love with him the rest of her life, and she knows it. The thought brings a wider smile to her face and so she grips his hand with the same strength he took hers with and gently leans against him, a little sigh leaving her lips. 
For so many years she longed for someone to stand by her side, to accept her for all that she is - for her flaws and her strengths - and love her with the same intensity that she could love them. And Emil gave her that. He continues to give her that each and every day. When the dawn comes and she wakes, the first thing she remembers is his smile, and the second is his laugh, and the third is the loving way he says her name.
The only thing she wants is to be able to stay with him forever, for her whole life. She wants to fill him with so much love and kindness that even when she leaves this world, he’ll still be able to feel her with him -- always watching over him, and smiling upon him. As he guards the world she’ll guard him; he entrusted her with his heart so she will keep it safe until her own fails her.
She knows that the day she gets to say ‘I do,’ and declare to the world that she found her soulmate will be the happiest day of her life. Because she’ll have married her best friend, her knight, her Emil.
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“Oh good! Because you know... I think I’d have a hard time letting go of your hand at this point.” Her cheeks flush a bit as she speaks, the redness betraying her even as she tries to keep a calm, collected tone. She quickly uses her free hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind an ear. “A-anyway! Why don’t we talk a walk down to the docks or something?”
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lumenary · 7 years
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“Hey Emil?” She turns to the blonde, bright eyed and shining as she takes his hand and interlaces their fingers together. “You might think it’s silly, but it feels like ages since we’ve been together like this. I know it hasn’t really been that long, but... I really missed you. So do you think we could spend some time together? Just the two of us?”
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lumenary · 7 years
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okay mutuals like this post for a starter! still trying to get comfy here again tbh but I watched a 7 second clip of marta and emil and I won’t lie to you - there were genuine tears. I want to write my forever girl --- !!
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lumenary · 7 years
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lumenary · 7 years
[BRAEBRAE] While it seems like the keeper will never make an actual legitimate roleplay reply ever because they are either caring for their five million dogs or simply being a tired masked... whatever they are, Braebrae is here to make it clear that he loves you! His face is filled with happiness as he bounces over to Marta and mun, the sound of happy yapping filling the air as he expresses how much he loves you both by rubbing his fluffy fur all over the place and panting heavily with joy!
When she sees him her face lights up, blue eyes becoming brighter even as they crinkle when she smiles – it feels like it’s been forever since she’s seen her puppy. When he bounds towards her she eagerly kneels to meet him, the fabric of her leggings keeping her skin from touching the grass. His excitement is infectious as ever, and she can’t keep herself from giggling as he hops about. 
A thought runs through her mind – ‘I wonder if Tenebrae would be mad at me for naming a puppy like this after him? He’d probably say something like, ‘How rude! I must insist that if you are to name a creature after me, it be a regal one with noble features and blah blah blah.’ Yup, that sounds like him alright.’ 
Though her mental impression of the Centurion makes her laugh, her heart feels a bit pained when she realizes how much she misses her companion. She shakes it off, her smile unchanged, as she reaches out a gloved hand to pat her puppy friend’s back.
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“You know, Braebrae? I’m really glad you’re here - you always know how to cheer me up! I can’t really feel lonely with you around, can I?”
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lumenary · 7 years
“Let’s get one thing straight here: I don’t like you.”
a reluctant truce meme or something I think??
She heaves a sigh, and as she slumps over long strands of hair get displaced – she doesn’t even look when she sweeps them over her shoulder, practiced hands ensuring they return to their rightful places. She’s had eyes on her ever since the Vanguard was established; the daughter of the Commander was always looked upon with particularly critical eyes. The most critical of which belonged to a certain half-elf, who could never seem to resist offering her brutal jabs in a honey-sweet tone.
So while the two are trapped together, forced to be in each others company as reluctant allies ( the thought makes her skin crawl ), she ensures her defenses are iron clad. Her wits are as sharp as her deadly spinner, and her guard is permanently up. She’s unbreakable because she has to be, because if she isn’t she’ll be chewed up and torn to shreds. And she can’t let that happen – there are people who are relying on her.
When she finally looks Alice in the eyes, her blue gaze is solid; she doesn’t hesitate and she doesn’t look away.
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“Believe me, I know. You made that perfectly clear from the get go, Alice. But you know what? I don’t care about that anymore. Let’s just hurry up and figure out a way out of this mess.”
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lumenary · 7 years
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lumenary · 7 years
No need to post this right away but more positivity ~ I just wanted to let you know I'm so happy when you're on Marta. I can't stand when people bash her and as an rper of another hated (tho less now bc symphonias fame is a double edged sword aaaa) female character I LOVE all your metas on Marta and her development. I can feel your passion and I hope that stays with you through as many breaks as u need! Viva Marta Lualdi!
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I really was not expecting more positivity tonight, but this means the world. you’ve always been so sweet to me, thank you so much! I’m so happy that you enjoy the things I write, both in character and about our girl here. I’ve completed the game 10 ( going on 11 hewogp ) times and I’ve already 100% cleared it, so you’d think I’d be out of things to say but I’m really not. my passion for marta will never be gone, that much I can say for certain. It’s really encouraging to hear this, as I’m sure you understand it’s hard writing a character that so much of the fandom hates -- it can be really draining and stressful. 
thank you so much for welcoming me back every time, and for letting me know it’s okay to step back when it gets too overwhelming. no matter how marta is received, I’ll always love her and try to show the sides of her that go ignored / overlooked. viva marta lualdi !!
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lumenary · 7 years
Neeeeerrrrriiiiiiii you're great have a nice day
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this was such a wonderful thing to log on to, thank you so much !! I’m really grateful that you would take the time out of your day to say something kind to me. I’ll be honest I was having a really bad day - almost had a panic attack an hour after I woke up and my health condition has been worse than usual, so it’s been really rough. But this message really made me feel better, it brightened up my day when I wasn’t expecting anything to be able to. So really, thank you. I hope you have a wonderful day.
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lumenary · 7 years
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192 notes · View notes
lumenary · 7 years
((Just that I disagree is all. I could write a lengthy counter argument (like a debate)
I’m Quite a busy person. So I’ll just say I disagree. Nothing wrong with your view and how you’re interpreting situations and scenarios, text etc though. ))
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Okay, that’s fine; I wrote that post knowing people would disagree with it, and everyone’s entitled to their own opinion. And I understand being busy, I’m extremely busy, myself. Anyway, to each their own. 
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lumenary · 7 years
@guardianxredeyes​ replied to your post “MARTA LUALDI DEFENSE / APPRECIATION POST.”
((Did we play the same game? OxO ))
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I’m sorry I’m not sure what you mean? as I said in the tags of that post I have links to videos with timestamps, page numbers for the pre-game novel I referenced, and a link to the game script & journal -- I have sources for all my information?
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lumenary · 7 years
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okay I’m here and gearing up to write. my family situation is still precarious so I’m sort of all over the place mentally as well as between blogs. I’ll probably be sticking to my friends for now, just until I feel comfortable reaching out to those I haven’t really written with on this blog. once my health and my family’s situation improves I’ll be more open again hopefully !!
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lumenary · 7 years
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I was just told my grandmother is in the hospital. My mom and I are renting a car and making the five hour drive right now, since we couldn’t get a flight. No queue for any of my blogs; I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Please keep her in your thoughts.
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lumenary · 7 years
Neri Neri Neri!!! You're great :DDD
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anon anon anon!!! thank you so much for the warm welcome back wwww
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