luicodes · 9 months
Hey, I know it's an old post but I was just wondering if the Ninth Circle jcink skin is available in some form? It's gorgeous.
Hey! I'm sorry about the delay, I hardly ever check this tumblr. Unfortunately, I never finished the skin; however, seeing as it is almost complete and with my recent return to coding, I might pick it back up!
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luicodes · 3 years
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apple thieves - wip
a responsive header made with grid featuring svg elements, a dark toggle and a slide-in user panel once you are logged in. this project is based on an fictional piece i handed in as my exam submission for a world-building module i did at university this year!
this was originally made for @coding-camp but I have since started working on it as a larger project!
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luicodes · 3 years
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Watermelon Sugar
shout-out to an old header i made many moons ago when i was spry and youthful
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luicodes · 3 years
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Volatile Divinity (in progress)
i just wanted to pop on here to say that after several months of hiatus, i am (by some miracle) coding again! this is the barebones of a header concept i've coded for a new skin - volatile divinity - which is heavily inspired by romanticism and biblical paintings.
thank you for everyone who's still here and everyone who's followed me despite my absence. i appreciate you so much <3
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luicodes · 4 years
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sex (catching feelings) 
super simple phone template
in short, idk how to do tech templates and i’m practicing lol
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luicodes · 4 years
Hey lui, is your Ninth Circle skin going to be for sale in the future? :3
Hi there! 
It will very likely be up for sale at some point, although I am not making any promises just yet. It was coded on a slightly wonky foundation, so it definitely needs some work before it will be ready to be considered for sale. 
But thank you so much for your interest - it means the world!
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luicodes · 4 years
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from the coffee table - wip 
hi!!! still alive but i’m barely breathing.
i just wanted to post an update on the skin i’m currently working on (among the millions of others because i have 0 self-control). this is for a sandbox site, so instead of basing the skin on a specific genre like i usually do, i went with something more casual - in this case, i based the design on ‘writing in a coffee shop on a wednesday afternoon.’ 
did i succeed?? idk but i’m having fun.
the profile and miniprofile are still very much works in progress (along with the rest of the elements not pictured, lol. what can i say, i’m a very slow coder)
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luicodes · 4 years
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exile - wip
i’m still alive -- well, barely. i am currently taking a break from my other project, the ninth circle, since i cannot seem to find any inspiration atm. i have not abandoned it, though, and i’m still planning on finishing it soon-ish! i really appreciate all the great feedback i’ve received, it means the world to me.
in the meantime, i’m attempting to get out of the strange place i find myself in creatively by pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. in other words, i am trying to work with colours and it is a struggle. 
tl;dr - i am struggling, here’s a picture of a new header. pray for me.
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luicodes · 4 years
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the ninth circle - skinathon: week 2
(board statistics, member list, profile, toggle sidebar, mini profile)
by some miracle, i managed to catch up from week one and i am now fully on track??? i am not sure how it happened but here we are.
this week was... a struggle, to put it mildly. @maevecodes was an absolute angel and crucial support in the massive amount of troubleshooting i had to go through. would’ve never made it without u, love u.
in any case, to challenge (read: torture) myself, i, with a little help, developed a fully functional to do list which allows the user to add and remove tasks -- it works like a neat little tracker and will remember the list items even if you exit the page. 
next up: cry over post rows.
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luicodes · 4 years
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the ninth circle - skinathon: week one.
hello, i am hopelessly late to the party (thus grossly behind on everything this week), but i figured there would be no harm in posting my minimal progress which is very much in theme with my general speed of coding, lol. i will do my best to catch up, though! i still have quite a bit that i plan to get to tonight, including the main profile and the forum rows.
what i have done, though, is experimented with animations for the header and hovers (some which aren’t included in the gif bc their contents have yet to be completed). so there’s definitely that!!
for next week -- i truly do not know. i may work on the topic and post rows. potentially the member list??? i don’t really know what i’m doing an hour from now, so don’t hold me to it pls.
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luicodes · 4 years
name/alias: lui timezone: GMT (although currently GMT+1). descriptors: 23 years old, reads a lot, a mess that never finishes her projects how long you’ve been coding: roughly three-ish years, on and off. coding style: dark-themed minimalism ft. playfair display, montserrat, old standard tt and abril fatface, thank u.  favourite design elements: minimalistic animations, seamless headers, 1px light borders, neat hovers and little buttons.  what you’re aiming to get out of the skinathon: i hope to finish a skin for the first time in a million years and to push myself to battle The Wall™ of being uninspired and unmotivated. i also wanna experiment with unfamiliar elements (grid/ new animations/ scripts) and see other people’s creativity! shout out a code/skin/design/coder you love: @banksyhater is one of the most talented people i’ve ever met; both in coding and writing. her way around colour is unlike anything this monochromatic binch could ever dream up. she is also a terrific human being who just so happens to be the most encouraging and supportive and is the one who encouraged me to sign up to this. i also whole-heartedly adore @julietskins - her creativity and innovation never cease to floor me (and she’s always super patient with me, it’s a miracle and i’m forever thankful); i also love watching @shanicodes who i have been admiring from afar in years(?) by now. her talent is absolutely insane and i love watching her post new stuff, she truly inspires me to want to get better. a gif/meme to top it off: i would but idk how to post pictures in this post, pls cancel me
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