lueurfeu · 2 years
men love pretending that it’s the autism that makes autistic men Like That. sorry but no it’s just his y chromosome. if it was the autism then autistic women would be just as deranged as your finest specimens and guess what. they’re not.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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I thought TW were supposed to be safe to be around.
I never hear gay men, lesbians, or bisexuals say they’re going to r*pe homophobes. I never hear black people, Asian folks, or Mexican folks say they’re going to r*pe racist. I never hear women say they’re going to r*pe men. It’s only y’all. Your male violence is showing
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lueurfeu · 3 years
Gay weddings from different cultures
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lueurfeu · 3 years
men hate masculine women, they’re seen as broken and worthless; they’re not appealing to men, so they’re not good material to be wives, mothers or sex objects, therefore don’t meet the “basic purpose” of womanhood as men see it. men will attempt to “fix” them, make them “useful” and “appropriate” again
men hate feminine women, they meet the standard and the standard is seen as inferior and degrading, they wear the “uniform of the inferior class” willingly and so men will mock them for it, their existence is seen as proof that women naturally value male validation over anything else 
men hate women. all women, and they want women to hate each other
there’s no winners in the patriarchy; it’s designed so a woman can’t “win”, any choice she makes is seen through the lenses of her perceived inferiority.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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I really love how Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie….is just “This Writer”…..they wouldn’t even name her??? How disrespectful can you be???
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lueurfeu · 3 years
If you are a feminist it is your job to dismantle the stigma around the movement by calling out bad feminists, like TERFs, TWERFs, misinformation, and blatant lies used to invoke fear into women, men, or just plain people.
Focus not only on women, but on men and non binary people as well. Feminism is an equality movement, which means we need to uplift EVERYONE. Not just women.
Feminism isn’t about female superiority. Don’t act like it is and call it out when people act as if women are better than men.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
men love pretending that it’s the autism that makes autistic men Like That. sorry but no it’s just his y chromosome. if it was the autism then autistic women would be just as deranged as your finest specimens and guess what. they’re not.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
Conservatives: “Pray away the gay”
Queer Theory Gender People: “Try harder to unlearn your cissexist genital fetishization”
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lueurfeu · 3 years
The Longterm Repercussions of  Testosterone on the Female Reproductive System: A Deep Dive
 We don’t talk about this enough in depth, as the topic is avoided. in trans circles, the reason given for this is that talking about the vagina is dysphoria inducing. This morning I decided to look at the literature. Here is what I found.
Your genitals change when you’re on testosterone. in fact, clitoral enlargement is one of the very first noticeable changes, starting within the first week. the clitoris grows very fast  past the clitoral hood, which can have a couple outcomes. 1) the clitoris is so sensitive it is distracting or painful for it to be touched. because the clit has grown past the clitoral hood, it can hurt just rubbing against your underwear when you walk. Also, sex can painful. The other outcome of clitoral growth is something I read on r/detrans; it seems that sometimes the clitoral tissue grows too fast for the nerves, which means the clitoris becomes dead in terms of sensation. You might never experience sexual pleasure again, because these changes are permanent. 
Now, vaginal atrophy. here is a study from 2013, which“[investigated] the effects of long-term T treatment on vaginal tissue histology, estrogen receptor alpha (ERα) and beta (ERβ) expression and proliferation in female to male transsexual subjects (FtM).” The control groups were premenopausal women and postmenopausal women. the sample size is a scant 48, but I still think the point comes across.  
here is a graph showing a comparison of vaginal epithelium thicknesses among the three groups. 
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As you can see on the left, the FTM vaginal epithelium thickness is much lower than the control groups. This can lead to painful tearing.  
The right graph is testing for Ki67 immunostaining—I googled what this meant. Ki67 is “a protein in cells that increases as they prepare to divide into new cells”. It seems that the more of it you have, the more likely your body is to create aggressive tumors. But the fact that the FTM  bar is so low doesn’t seem like a positive for me. I’m only a lousy liberal arts student, but my hunch is that because there’s so little Ki67, the vaginal cells have trouble renewing themselves, which means the vaginal wall becomes thinner and thinner and thinner. The right graph showing the epithelium-growing protein leads to the left left graph showing epithelium atrophy. If you in STEM, tell me if I got that wrong.
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this graph is an evaluation of vaginal glycogen content between a)pre menopausal b) FTM, c)postmenopausal women. here is what this study tells us about glycogen: 
A glycogen-rich vaginal milieu is a haven for the proliferation of Lactobacilli facilitated by the production of lactic acid and decreased pH. Lactobacilli and their antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory products along with components of the epithelial mucosal barrier provide an effective first line defense against invading pathogens including bacterial vaginosis, aerobic vaginitis-associated bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa.
So, glycogen is important to keep your vaginal microbiome healthy. it prevents all sorts of infections. As we can see from the graph, the vaginal glycogen content of the FTM is much lower than the control groups. keep in mind that the FTMs were only required to be on testosterone for a year prior to participating in this study. So the glycogen content is in worse shape than in postmenopausal woman, after potentially only a year.  This leaves FTMS at a higher risk of infection than either of the control groups.Also, since glycogen lowers vaginal PH (acidity), your vagina becomes less acidic without it. the acidity of the vagina kills bacteria, so a more basic vagina is a haven for infection.  
Now, this study from 2016, called Pelvic Pain and Persistant Menses in Transgender Men . Here are some of the causes listed for FTM pelvic pain: atrophic or infectious vaginitis, cervicitis, cystitis, STIs, adhesions, post-surgical sequelae, musculoskeletal disorders, and neurogenic.
atrophic vaginitis: vaginal atrophy due to low estrogen
infectious vaginitis: because your glycogen levels are low, your vaginal PH is high, remember. so FTMS are prone to infections from all fronts.
cervicitis: irritation or infection of the cervix. Again, caused by infection that would be avoided with a healthy PH that is prevented by low glycogen.
cystitis: Urinary tract infection. Low PH leads to high risk of infection. 
STIS: self explanatory. Low PH leads to high risk of infection
Adhesions: “a band of scar tissue that joins two surfaces of the body that are usually separate.” this can happen after surgery, or, you guessed it, infection. 
post-surgical sequelae: “a condition which is the consequence of a previous injury. Basically, after surgery… you’re at high risk of infection, big surprise. 
musculoskeletal disorders: “the interaction between a genotypic female skeleton and increased muscle mass as a result of testosterone therapy may result in changes in postural carriage”. So,  on testosterone your skeletal structure stays the same (wide hips, small ribcage, etc), but it has been documented that your bones grow thicker and your muscles grow bigger. this may seem okay, but your body is not meant to handle that kind of mass.  Not sure how this specifically relates to pelvic pain, but I assume the phenomenon has the potential cause systemic chronic pain. Again, STEM people, fact-check me please.
neurogenic: this seems like a typo… neurogenic what? when I googled this word the first thing that comes up is “neurogenic bladder”—which means incontinence due to “a brain, spinal cord or nerve problem”. It can be caused by a urinary tract infection. Surprise surprise.
Buck Angel, possibly one of the oldest living FTM transexuals, almost died from complications due to longterm testosterone use. Here is an excerpt from his instagram post after surgery: 
No one ever told me about atrophy. EVER. I suffered for years with debilitating cramps. Mostly after sex. The gynecologists, well the ones that would see me and many would not, would say “ oh thats normal pain” what the hell is normal pain? They said that because they had no clue. They just kept giving me testosterone and the pain just kept coming. One day I passed out. Fever. Emergency room. Infection. Sepsis. They said “ wow if you waited five more minutes you might be dead” They had no clue. After years of testosterone on my reproductive system is had atrophied. Beyond belief the doctor said. He had never seen anything like this. My cervix fused to my uterus. An infection formed. This was the cramping. The infection burst. This is the sepsis.
btw this person is a porn star and so had been having painful sex on the regular, which also put her at risk of infections which her body was unable to fight off due, I assume, to low glycogen levels. Because her vaginal epithelium was so thin, it was prone to tearing, and tearing is bad for low-acidity vagina that can’t fight off infections. 
To avoid some of the… drawbacks… of testosterone, trans men are recommended a hysterectomy a few years into their transition. “In one cross-sectional study 20% of respondents had a hysterectomy to decrease post-testosterone cramping and another 22% to stop “extreme bleeding and cramping.” so that’s 42 percent of trans men who had hysterectomies to prevent excruciating pain. Ironically, according to this and this source, hysterectomy puts you in danger of pelvic organ prolapse and pelvic floor dysfunction, bowel dysfunction, incontinence, fistulas, and sexual dysfunction. did I mention a hysterectomy puts you at a higher risk of dementia?? 
In conclusion, the damage that testosterone does to your reproductive organs in only a few years is overwhelming and often irreversible. It can kill you. it will put you in chronic pain for the rest of your life. The only feeling you will have during sex is pain. After a while, you may have trouble walking and pissing. if you have the surgery to correct the pain from your uterus, you will be at exponentially higher risk of infection, but you will continue to be in pain for the rest of your life due to your pelvic floor collapsing. And you won’t be able to control when you shit.
It is not a matter of if, but when. Nobody is exempt from these effects. You might deteriorate quickly, or slowly. But you will deteriorate.  The way you will deteriorate will be agonizing and undignified. 
Do you still think it’s worth it?
Edit: Glycogen raises the PH of the vagina, so a lack of glycogen means the FTM vagina will become less acidic, not moreso as I stated in the original post. this makes sense because the usual PH of the vagina is from 3.8-4.5, which is very acidic already and this acidity fights off infection. 
don’t let anyone tell you terfs don’t make mistakes ; ) 
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lueurfeu · 3 years
why is “misgendering” and “deadnaming” seen as some violent and horrific act. if someone called me by the wrong name or used the wrong pronouns I wouldn’t... care? because I know that I’m a woman and that’s enough. if your identity falls apart the moment a stranger refuses to play along with your delusions then it never really existed to begin with.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
TERFs are just so lost in operating their feminism within the framework of gender traditionalism that they forgot the goal was dismantling gender hierarchy entirely. Meanwhile trans people, smart gender non-conforming people, and especially non-binary people are spearheading an attack on the very foundations of oppositional sexism just by existing. We're fundamentally challenging patriarchy by dissolving the boundaries between the very concepts it relies on to discriminate; sex and gender identity.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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Link to the study: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/28685211
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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girls night
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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Yes, I'm sure the multimillionare male founder of a virtual prostitution platform is listening to the ethical concerns of TERFs 🙄
The first rule of misogyny is that women are responsible for what men do.
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lueurfeu · 3 years
yall, please reblog and share this post because i am seeing more and more people taking road trips instead of flying. which i understand cause it’s cheaper and and safer cause of rona but i want you guys to stay safe.
yes it’s a sundown town but don’t even stop there during the day. that place is full of hate and white supremacy. there are numerous stories in the news about this place with black people going missing, beaten, and murdered. this town has been like this since the early 1900s and nothing has changed. please avoid it if you can. 
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lueurfeu · 3 years
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River Plym, Dartmoor
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