luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
Season 3: *tears me apart, chews me up, and spits me out* dumb b*tch
Season 4: *gently picks me up and puts me back together* there there 😘 it'll be alright
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
i cant remember the last time a series finale left me satisfied/happy instead of mad or sad or irked. castlevania really said fuck it let them finally rest and have a fresh start with new friends, villagers, and family… and im still quaking. help.
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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what are we looking at? vampires and night creatures trying to kill a castle full of human refugees, and a mad man upstairs. shall we?
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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Rare images of me after the Castlevania season 4 finale
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
How it started:
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How it’s going:
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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“Dracula and Lisa” :
Netflix : C A S T L E V A N I A Season 4
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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they’re in love, your honor.
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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“It’s been a strange ride. I’m happy it’s over. The funny thing is, for the first time in my life, I have absolutely no idea what happens next. I just have this feeling that it’s going to be worth it. That’s exactly it. I’m weirdly happy.”
Alucard through the years... such a beautiful character ❤️
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
Headcanons I have for dating Takehisa Hinawa
He’s so blunt, to the point that sometimes he doesn’t say any thing that he doesn’t deem important.
Until you make him comfortable with the fact that seriously everything about him is interesting to you
Then he’ll make a point of it to talk to you about any random thought he has
Not used to PDA or affection in general, literally cannot remember the last time he was given a decent romantic hug. Once you start it’ll be slow but he’ll realize one day that he loves physical contact with you.
In an established relationship he’d always want to have some contact with you. Holding your hand, his hand on your knee, thighs touching, around around your shoulder.
Shinra gags when you kiss each other, which around others is a rare peck on the lips. makes Hinawa want to kiss you more actually, if only to annoy Shinra some more.
he craves your cuddles at the end of hard days. Just go to bed and hold this man, no talking, just holding.
Loves to match outfits with you on date nights or any time he can wear civilian clothing.
You actually end up getting him crazier hats than usual for him to wear to work
Cooking dates.
You know he means forever when he shares his recipes with you and you alone.
Swearing you to secrecy
Making you sign a legal document that you’d never share them.
Loves to take you dancing loves to slow dance with you, your head on his chest and his hands on your lower back.
Man gives me loves to sing in your ear while dancing vibes
Loves to kiss your forehead or press his into yours.
Loves to see you in one of his dumb hats
Back. Tickles.
Slow dancing in the kitchen while he cooks
always ends up helping you cook when it’s your turn
If you ever get annoyed at each other it doesn’t last long
five minute argument but then you end up missing each other too much and you find yourself in his arms as you talk calmly about what’s going on.
Teaches you to shoot
Gun safety 101
Stands behind you and helps you hold his gun
Kisses your neck while you aim
You mess up a lot
On purpose tho
So he stays behind you kissing your neck
Leading to a lot more shooting lessons
Blunt blunt man
Honestly says everything he means
Doesn’t want to beat around the bush
He’s working through accepting feelings so it makes sense he would tell you every time he makes a realization concerning feelings
Tells you how he feels about you right when he realizes
“I like holding your hand”
“I like hugging you”
it’s true feelings are exhausting to him
But when he realizes that no matter how energy consuming it is, he always looks forward every feeling with you, it finally connects that he loves you
Which leads to an impromptu
“I love you”
In the middle of the kitchen while you chop vegetables next to him
“Really?” You pause your cutting and look up at him
“Yes” he continues his cutting, his eyes on you though
“I love you too” he smiles and leans over, kissing your forehead “good”
Loves to hold you to his chest while you cuddle
Could watch you do paperwork all day
Or cook
Or read
Or sleep
Man just likes to look at you
You are ART to him
“Why are you staring?”
“Because you’re beautiful. Because I love you”
You, a blushing mess, “then by all means, continue”
he kisses your cheek “Dont worry. I will”
Man is whipped for you
You are whipped for him
You are the physical embodiment of two halves of a puzzle fitting perfectly together
Sure it’s not all rainbows and whipped cream
But the hard times make you realize you wouldn’t want to argue with or love anyone else
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
I find it utterly hilarious that, in a show of magical fire powers and a super buff captian, Takehisa just has a gun and like no sanity
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I mean look at those eyes, and he is trusted with FIRE ARMS <and not in the literal sense>
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
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luckybreadllamas · 3 years
can i please request general dating hcs for lieutenant hinawa?
Of course you can Anonnie~~! Thank you for requesting and I hope you like this! I’m still trying to figure out headcanons and how to write them, idk why but they are kinda hard for me ;;
‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
>Admin 𝕋
𝔇𝔞𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤 ℌ𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔬𝔫𝔰 𝔣𝔬𝔯 ℌ𝔦𝔫𝔞𝔴𝔞:
Hinawa is very straightlaced, no bullshit type of guy right?
So, when he FINALLY figures out his feelings for you, he’ll just pull you aside so nobody hears and
just says “I like you, would you like to date?” in the most monotone voice
you think he is joking
but no he’s serious
but in the end you say yes, cause like, hinawa man, he’s cute, and resourceful so why not.
The first date is awkward because it seems like he doesn’t want to be there
but he does, he’s just so fucking bad at this, it’s hilarious
He gets the hang out of it in the end though and the second date is definitely better than the first
(though he did need to ask obi what exactly he needed to do)
After some time, you guys get into a rhythm 
thing is is that hinawa isn’t one for PDA
barely any touching or kissing in public
sometimes you have to ask for SOMETHING when you are ALONE
yeah he isn’t the best at this
but he really does like you
he’s just
emotionsssssss and it’s frustrating, especially when the emotion is love. It’s like this man wasn’t taught love or some shit.
But you show him love and you show him what you want and he’ll finally get it
and once he does OH BOI
get ready
he’ll give you cheek kisses in the morning when you are making coffee for the both of you
he’ll make dinner for you when you are too tired to cook
he’ll get you random presents at anytime, just anything that reminds him of you
he’ll start holding your hand when he is trying to concentrate on his work, saying that it helps him
he’ll be more vulnerable with you and will only really, truly smile with you
when sleeping together, he loves spooning you and feeling you near him
he always wants you near him, to make sure that you always protected
Whenever you are in a bad mood, he’ll make sure he does everything in his power to make sure that you are happy
he’ll want to go on midnight dates and eat fancy dinners with you
he’ll want to talk on the phone all the time to know what you are doing daily
Expect lots of goodmorning and goodnight text
Expect lots of texts about how much he hates his coworkers, and how incompetent they are
Expect kisses at the most opportune times
when you guys are alone
or when nobody is looking
when you do something cute, he’ll just want to take your face kiss you like no tomorrow
This man probably has a lot of pent up emotions, so he will release all that love he has onto you
so you better take it like a fucking CHAMP
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