lucanthebutler · 5 years
“That’s wonderful,” Dindrane said. Walking around the city after the storm, seeing the damage and destruction, it had felt as if it would take many years before it was anything like what it had once been. “And I’m sure that time will pass far more quickly than we expect.” After all, it felt like barely a day since she had come to Camelot at times, but she had been here now over a year herself.
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“Here’s to hoping,” Lucan nodded thoughtfully. Then he smiled. “Especially if everyone keeps such a positive attitude like yourself,” he noted with a smirk. It was true; the goodwill and determination of the locals were what made this so much easier and Lucan knew the king himself and his men would do everything not to disappoint them.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“Very well, one lecture on avoiding being bitten by an Afanc it will be,” Accolon chuckled. It had been a while since he had been in battle himself, but he supposed he could talk to the recruits about the importance of fellowship and friendship. “And how are you, Lucan?”
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“Ah, I could be telling you about how I’m happy with the staff and tired from the work but I don’t suppose that generic so-so is what you’re looking for,” he noted, chuckling. He took a sip of the wine before continuing. “Apart from that, I’m actually doing quite well. Hazel, my daughter, is growing right before my eyes; she is bright and enthusiastic and it almost seems like she’s unaffected by any of the bad stuff of the real world, it’s inspiring. And then there’s the other lady that fills my life with joy, of course.”
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
Dindrane smiled at the offer - he was always looking out for her, just as he had been since the day they met, and it warmed her heart every time - but shook her head. “No, that’s alright. I don’t think more people will help now. It’s probably better than we’re slow and methodical, and make sure we go through everything properly. But thank you.” 
She couldn’t squeeze his hand when he was carrying the buckets, but she reached out and touched his arm to show her appreciation. “How is all your work going?”
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“We’re getting there,” Lucan said with something that could be considered a shrug under the weight of the load. “A lot of our allies are offering to help, I believe that within a year or so we may be able to restore the kingdom to its original state. And better.” With Merlin returning to the kingdom, it seemed that even those who somewhat lost their faith in Camelot in the past were willing to give them a second chance. Lucan could only hope their alliance would not be so fickle in the future when they’ll really need it.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“Oh, I don’t know, I’m no stranger to paperwork. And if it keeps me seated behind my desk then Morgant will certainly approve,” Accolon said with a chuckle. “If you think that would help, then I’ll gladly do so.” Personally he was a little doubtful that he had any particular inspiration or wisdom to give, but he had offered to help and he meant it, so he would do all he could.
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“I actually think it might,” Lucan nodded. “They need to see that our allies are still with us and that the best of the best stand beside Arthur.” He gave a small smile to the other man as he took a sip of his wine. “After that, you can help me with the paperwork, if you so please,” he joked.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“They’re … going. The water’s all been drained, and most of the structural damage has been repaired, but it’s going to take a lot longer to go through all the scrolls and books that were damaged,” Dindrane said with a quiet sigh. “We’re conserving what we can, but some will have to be copied out anew and others are completely unsalveagable.” 
It pained her, to see all that knowledge lost, and she wrinkled her nose a little. “I’m alright. It’s just - I wish I could be more practical help. Knowing how to translate things doesn’t really do much in situations like this.”
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Lucan would take her hand if his weren’t full of water buckets. “I’m sorry,” he said. “If there is anything I can do, just let me know. Maybe I could send for more people to come and help around?” 
There were many things he was able to do around the castle and the city and he made sure to be as helpful as he could but often he wished there’d be more he could do for Dindrane. Nothing ever seemed enough in his eyes, she deserved so much more.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“True enough. Please do,” Accolon said, nodding. After the mistakes he had made, he wished to be as useful to Arthur in any way he could and prove himself a loyal ally. Whether he really would be able to do anything for the king he didn’t know, but the offer would stand. “And if I can help you in any way as well, Lucan, do say.”
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“That’s very kind of you, thank you. Though I could never ask of you to occupy yourself with the boring paperwork and the general tasks I have to look after on a normal day,” he laughed. Then he got an idea. “Though if you really want to keep busy, I would recommend visiting our recruits on the training grounds. A few encouraging words from someone as important as you could surely lift their spirits.”
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“My hero,” Dindrane said with a smile, glancing at him over her shoulder. It still made her heart soar to know he wanted to be there for her, to help her, and she wondered if she would never not be amazed by it. “They were busy, and I have some time,” she shrugged. “Some of them helped with the archive after the storm, so it’s the least I can do.”
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“You and your heart of gold,” Lucan shook his head affectionately. “How are the repairs in the archive going anyway? I wish I had more time to come and check it out myself.” There was still a lot to do in the castle but Lucan made sure to send a few of his people to help out when he could. “And how are you, more importantly?”
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“No, I suppose not,” Dindrane said with amusement. She certainly couldn’t say she minded watching the way Lucan’s muscles strained against the fabric of his shirt as he hefted the yoke up. “I thought I could manage,” she explained as she started back down the path towards the castle. “Besides, I offered to get them to help, it rather defeats the point if I have to ask someone else to do it.”
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“I believe you could manage,” Lucan nodded. “But you don’t need to. I’m happy to help you help them.” Walking behind her, he made sure not to hit her with the buckets. “You know there are people who actually get paid for this, though,” he pointed out with a teasing chuckle. 
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
Your charm is sweet, but it is your goodness and compassion that make me love you - utterly and completely. Yours, a Secret Admirer.
Now this one was a little bit different than the notes he’d usually get. A small smile appeared on the butler’s face and he caught himself hoping that perhaps a certain scrollkeeper has sent this.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
Sitting back in his chair, Accolon nodded thoughtfully. To his regret he did not know the king as well these days as he once had - but he remembered the man that Arthur had been, determined and passionate, with a vision he wanted above anything to achieve. It would not surprise Accolon to know that Arthur still felt he had more to do. “Is there anything we can do to help him find it?”
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“I’m afraid the king himself isn’t quite sure what it is he is looking for. That would make it slightly hard for us to try and help him to find it. I will make sure to let you know, should this change,” he promised with a small smile. All he knew was that Arthur seemed restless and no matter how much anyone tried, they couldn’t find a way to ease his mind. Perhaps he should ask Merlin.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“A creature that was rumored to have been in Camelot is believed to be harassing an ally. I recognize that someone else could have gone, but it doesn’t seem to me as if you’re in a position to lose a helping hand. The stablehands too don’t really need my assistance any longer. I’ve been on this sort of a quest before and I should be back to aid you in no time” Bedivere replied, trying to reassure his brother that all would be well. 
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Lucan nodded, though his frown didn’t disappear. “I know, I know. I’m allowed to express concern when my brother is departing on a quest, am I not?” He knew there was nothing to worry but every time Bedivere left for a mission, Lucan had to consider that this, in fact, could be the last time he was seeing his brother. That was how things were. “You better be back soon, I can’t be taking care of your horses on top of the servants,” he joked.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
Dear Lucan, if only you knew how much those little moments alone with you meant to me. Sincerely, Your secret admirer.
Lucan thought about the note for a while. He wasn’t unused to this kind of attention but for the first time in a while it made him think of the potential sender.
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0 notes
lucanthebutler · 5 years
“Well, now you’re just showing off,” Dindrane said, though she was smiling and felt her heart warm with gentle affection that he was so caring towards her. Stepping close, she reached up and kissed his cheek. “Thank you.”
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Lucan would laugh if the buckets weren’t weighing down on him so much. “Well, a little bit of showing off never hurt anyone, did it?” He hoped, at least. “You shouldn’t be dragging these alone. You should’ve called. Wasn’t there anyone to help you?” He paused, realising he didn’t know where he was supposed to take them. “Lead the way, my lady.”
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
Bedivere turned away from his horse so that he could look at his brother, “I shouldn’t be gone long” he ventured, “and I hate saying goodbye. Though by now I should expect that the staff will bring word to you. I did leave you a note just as I always do.” 
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He would read the note eventually, once he got to sit down for a minute in his chamber. “Then consider this me just accidentally walking by the stables and seeing you leave. What are the chances?” he joked with a smirk on his face. “Ah yes, sometimes they bring word on too many things if you ask me. Not saying that it’s not appreciated, but sometimes..” Lucan shook his head. “Does your departure have a reason I should have known of?” He considered simply forgetting, with the amount of work he had lately.
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“I will hope so - but if you need my aid, you need only ask,” Accolon assured him, taking a sip of his own drink. Seeing Lucan’s concern, he could not help but feel a prickle of worry himself and hoped indeed that it would not come to war and bloodshed, for Gaul’s sake as well as Camelot. But he would not desert his friends if it should come to that, either.  “And how is the king?”
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“Thank you.” Lucan thought about the question perhaps longer than he should’ve. “The king is well,” he said finally. “He’s in good health, but a little restless. I think he’s chasing after something, except he doesn’t know what it is yet. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that much of a concern - he takes care of his people and duties, it’s just something I’ve learned to notice.”
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
Lucan had to smile at her determination. Picking up the spare bucket, he walked to her from behind and swooped the yoke off of her shoulders easily with one hand and setting it on his own shoulder with a smirk. “Of course you absolutely can manage,” he confirmed with a small nod. “But you don’t have to.”
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“I think I can just about manage …” Dindrane hefted the yoke up on to her shoulders; it was heavy, the weight pulling down at her neck, but it wasn’t quite unbearable. “But maybe you could get that last bucket for me?”
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lucanthebutler · 5 years
“Aye, that’s true. So will I,” Accolon acknowledged, nodding. He had known it himself when he first met Arthur, could see that there was something different about him. Something special, that caught the imagination and made you believe he really could achieve anything. “I suppose we will just have to wait and see what the future holds for us.”
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Lucan raised his glass in silence before drinking from it. “It’s great to have allies like yourself,” he said. “Because I have a feeling we may need them sooner, rather than later.” For him, Merlin’s return potentially meant there could be problems on the horizon that they might not be equipped to face on their own. “But let’s hope I’m just being paranoid.”
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