lubhanigola-blog · 4 years
How to Increase Height Naturally
Hello everyone, are you satisfied with your short height? Are you searching for “how to increase height naturally” after any age? If yes, then I am here to explain to you how to increase your height naturally. I know in today’s world everyone wants good personality which attracts people towards your side and height is a major factor in good personality. If you do not have an average height so, it will affect your personality. That’s why I am here to resolve your problems. Now, I will go to explain “how to increase height naturally”. Height factor mainly depends on genes which everyone gets from their parents. But you guys do not take tension; you can grow your height from doing lots of yoga asana and proper diet which increase your height easily but not early. You will get effective results in late, but I guaranteed you that you will get result.
Do not take any medicine to increase your height because it will give you more side effects as compared to results and maybe does not give any result. Those medicines are so expensive which are not afford by everyone so, below points can help you to increase height naturally rather than to spend any money on medicines. You can do lots of activities to increase your height after any age. There are following things which can help you:-
1.       Do Selective Yoga Asanas
·         Adho mukha svanasana (Downward Dog Pose)
·         Trikonasana (Triangle Pose)
·         Bhujangasana ( Cobra Pose)
·         Tadasana (Mountain Pose)
·         Vriksh Asana
·         Sarvang Asana (Head stand)
·         Ustra Asana
·         Paschimotan Asana
2.       You should eat healthy food
·         Green Leafy Vegetables
·         Carrots
·         Potatoes
·         Chicken and Fish
·         Egg
·         Nuts
·         Fruits like apple and bananas
·         Milk and Dairy Products
3.       You should avoid junk food because it stops your physical growth.
4.       Take proper 8 hours sleep.
5.       Do regular exercise stretching and bar hanging.
·         Spot High Jumping
·         Rope Jumping
·         Burpees
·         Stay 10 min. on grass etc.
6.       Absorb regular sunlight in the morning.
So above I discussed all possible activities and food items which help you to increase your height after any age period 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 and so more. But these things can help you when you apply these activities in your daily life and in a proper way. I assured it will increase your height in 6 months. I know these activities give you late result but it’s so effective for everyone whoever want to increase their heights naturally in any age. You will not pay any money for it because these activities will help you to increase your height naturally and make your personality more attractive and fantastic in lots of people which will help you in many ways.
If you are searching for “how to increase your height naturally after 18, 19, 20, 21 or in any age” or “how to grow taller” to make your personality mind-blowing, then your search ends here.
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