loyaltyforged · 11 hours
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"...and for the reception after his viking-style funeral we can throw a huge feast with his research budget– i mean, in his honor, oh great fullmetal pipsqueak–"
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loyaltyforged · 11 hours
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and suddenly she has a brilliant idea. off to dublith she goes, swift as the wind! what was the name of ed's teacher again...?
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"Nobody has the time to teach this sin new things."
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loyaltyforged · 11 hours
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starts looking into finding a tutor for greed cause even this soldier knows how to read
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loyaltyforged · 12 hours
lan fan: a silent menace from the shadows
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loyaltyforged · 4 days
we'll just pretend ᯓ ᡣ𐭩
not friends not lovers... erm what are we
⇴ person a's arms are wrapped around person b's shoulders while person b is scrolling on their phone. person c is looking at them incredulously.
⇴ dating rumors but they don't deny them
⇴ "so you wouldn't mind if i got with person c, right?" "no, i would mind." "...why?" (silence)
⇴ feeling truly happy with specifically the other person. they bring out something so personal and guarded by being around them.
⇴ nobody makes person b laugh harder than person a. even when person a isn't trying to be funny, person b is so giggly around a that all their friends look at b as if they're crazy.
⇴ "person a? what? no, we're just friends." "but you wish there was more, don't you?" "oh you have no idea."
⇴ person a's future isn't right if person b isn't right next to them. bonus points if it's something especially insane like person a and b live together and have a family.
⇴ person a + b are sitting in a car together late at night just talking, and then person b's eyes are hyper-focused on person a's lips and person a is about to short-circuit.
⇴ "and so... um–so i was saying..." "keep going." (person b says while staring at person a's lips)
⇴ "why are you here? i thought you'd want to be out with your friends right now." "yeah, well i wanted to be with you more. you're one of my friends too, anyway." (person a and b both die inside after this)
⇴ "well obviously i'm never gonna tell them! they matter so much to me, romantic interest or not. how could i ever live with myself if i messed up all of that?"
⇴ "i know what's real, and i know what's fool's gold. is there anything genuine between us or not?"
⇴ person a mentions something offhandedly, but person b remembers it forever (bonus points of b gets it/does it for a)
⇴ "sometimes, i wonder if you're real. it's like you're made for me." person a hesitates after saying that to person b, "you're my best friend."
⇴ person b can't take it anymore and grabs person a's face, hinging themselves onto person a's lips because they've (person b) wanted this for so long.
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loyaltyforged · 4 days
Send 'Soft gestures' + a number for my muses reaction to yours
Feel free to combine gestures as you see fit!
Brushing hair out of their face
Hugging them from behind
Kissing the nape of their neck
Tickling them
Whispering sweet nothings in their ear
Playing with their hair
Tracing patterns on their skin
Rubbing their back
Cuddling them
Wrap them up in a blanket
Put a scarf around their neck
Help them with a zipper, laces, ect.
Help them with their tie
Help them clasp a necklace around their neck
Trace their scars
Kiss their forehead
Rub their shoulders
Kiss their knuckles
Kiss their fingertips
Caress their face
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loyaltyforged · 4 days
What kind of "charactershaming" sign would you hang around my muse's neck?
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
@secondbornavaricious | continued from here!
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While he finds the sudden compliment a surprise, his reaction in turn is what piques her interest. Strange... Doesn't Greed like praise and others fawning over him? Lan Fan fully expected something akin to a cocky response and a boastful display of self confidence, not genuine bashfulness.
She retains prolonged eye contact as long as he allows before returning her attention to the whetstone and dull kunai in her hands. Her mask hangs idly upon the back of her hood, a rarity in and of itself.
❝ Don't mention it. ❞ Shrug. ❝ It was merely an observation. The color is a dead giveaway of what you are, but it's a stunning color nonetheless. ❞ She casts him a quick glance, nearly imperceptible to the human eye, trying to get another read on his expression.
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
lanny: compliments greed greed: blushy and shy lanny:
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
I saw a Lan Fan appreciation post and I wanted to piggyback off of that
For a show like fma which takes limb loss and amputation VERY seriously she is literally such a bad ass that was the coolest scene by far
waiter waiter more Lan Fan appreciation!!!!
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
Fullmetal Alchemist RP masterlist!
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Reblog this post and add in the tags
your URL
if you’re a single muse or a multimuse
if they're canon or an OC
your muse’s name
EXAMPLE: scrunklyrpblog, single muse, animal crossing verse, Scrunkly the Mighty
to be added in the list!
NOTE: if you have a multimuse blog, write as many muses as you have; if you’d like, feel free to give your muse a “title” to describe them!
Characters in alphabetical order can be found HERE
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
random sentence starters: the third
change around as you see fit!
“ i want to be like you. “
“ that is … literally illegal. you’re describing something illegal. “
“ what’s the plan here ? “
“ please just … come home. “
“ all i’m saying is that jurassic park could happen ! “
“ jeez , who pissed in your cornflakes this morning ? “
“ i’m a simple person. i see a cool rock , i pick it up. “
“ you’re so cute and i literally can not handle it right now , so i have to go— “
“ hey , uh , what do you got there ? “
“ we’re not friends. “
“ so , do you come here often or … ? “
“ slow down , i just want to get to know you … “
“ i’m angry at you ! i’m upset ! and you … you don’t even care ! “
“ will you promise to marry me in the future ? “
“ what are your thoughts on having kids ? “
“ oh , come on ! they were literally holding hands and becoming self aware of their own mortality ! it was a sad moment— stop laughing at me ! toy story 3 didn’t have to do us like that ! “
“ you’re my best friend. i’ll always have your back. “
“ … do you want to do something stupid with me ? “
“ you don’t have to be jealous , you know~ “
“ sing me a song. “
“ did you do this ? “
“ for once can you please be honest with me ? “
“ lets run away together. anywhere. i’m tired of this life. “
“ are you binge watching that show on netflix again ? “
“ how much britney spears i’ve listened to in the last 72 hours is none of your business ! “
“ god … i can’t look away , it’s like my eyes are drawn to it. “
“ why are you leaving ? “
“ admit it … i drive you wild. “
“ you’re so infuriating. “
“ i hate this town. “
“ i’m one call away , okay ? just one call. “
“ you want me so bad , don’t you ? “
“ i’ll just live in the forest as a goblin. “
“ you don’t know what i’m capable of. “
“ you want a tattoo of what now ? “
“ i can’t believe i’m confessing this but … i really really like you. “
“ look me in the eye when you’re breaking my heart ! you don’t get to look away , dammit ! “
“ i can’t believe we’ve just sat here for four hours and have done nothing. “
“ hey , hey , hey … guess what ? “
“ you are my platonic soulmate. “
“ someone thought we were a couple so like , we totally just hit best friend goals. “
“ the bigger the boobs , the stronger they are. that’s anime logic , at least. “
“ i can’t believe i fell in love … like an idiot. “
“ i’ve never fallen in love before … what’s it like ? “
“ hello ? 911 ? i’d like to report a murder of my remaining brain cells …. “
“ wow , look who remembered my existence. “
“ you want to hear a story ? oh uh … well … uh … l — let me tell you all about how this boy’s life got flipped turned upside down— “
“ … not many people really talk to me … “
“ tell me all about you. anything. everything. “
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
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She can and will kick him out a window.
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"Damn, well that tricks out."
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
The guard had always found it uncomfortable to look at Greed, particularly since he was housed in the young lord's body. Even now, knowing that he has his own vessel, it still looked too much like Ling for it to not be at least a little unsettling.
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This time, however, Lan Fan casts him a glance, nut brown eyes almost onyx in the shadows of the night. ❝ Why are you asking me this? ❞
He must be thinking about something to bring up a subject such as this. She hadn't gotten to know the Avaricious for the short time between their first meeting and his untimely death – hadn't wanted to for the most part. Greed, at one time, was the monster who had stolen the prince away, made her worry incessantly for his safety, and used his body for his own means.
Ever since his death, though, Ling was not unaccustomed to speaking of him in friendlier terms and even gave his own eyesight just to bring him back. Greed meant a lot to the young emperor and Ling was invaluable to her – it's rather difficult to continue viewing him in a bad light anymore. Who is she not to give him the benefit of the doubt?
Does she have a short temper? Absolutely, but a grudge-holder she is not. And what better way to uncover sides of him she had yet to see than to speak with him? ❝ Is there something weighing on your mind this late at night? ❞
He had always wondered what life would have been had he not died when he did. Had things changed where he was able to live, maybe things would have been more different than they were now.
Sadness plagued his soul to see all those he had cared about watch him dissipate from existence. Greed didn't plan to come back, but Ling found a way to do just that. He was alive again, he was able to actually live his own life and with the friends he longed to have and be around be by his side.
Greed didn't expect to ever have such a life, he thought his existence was over the moment he made the decision to leave Ling's body to make his old man weak to destroy him for good. He was glad that had he had been able to make his own choice in the matter.
The Prince knew that what he wanted was friends that cared about him, that he was able to call his own. The very fact he realized that he had them all along made it that more easier for him to die in peace.
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"That does make sense, actually..." He has a lot of regrets when he was actually in Lings body, he had killed one of his friends. He didn't want to admit that he was the old Greed, but he was. He ALWAYS had been that same Greed.
Only difference was he doesn't look the same anymore. He was reborn as a new version, and it was something he was used to when he was inside of Ling during the times he had been there previously.
Now he was his own person, he could do whatever he wanted now that he was in his own body, he didn't have to ask for permission to do anything, so that had its perks.
That didn't mean he didn't feel guilty for a lot of the terrible choices that he had made before this all happened. Those would always plague him, it wouldn't just disappear. He had that on his conscience and he just had to accept what he had done was wrong, no matter how you look at it.
"The regrets never truly go away, no matter how much ya want them to."
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
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This is a promo, cause these are easier to go around, feel free to reblog / like if you’re interested in interacting with Greedling from fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood. hes crossover friendly and oc friendly and hes in his own body.
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loyaltyforged · 5 days
"OOPS... I HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU" PROMPTS *  assorted dialogue, adjust as necessary
maybe i've developed feelings.
did you just expect me to keep my distance?
i'm afraid you'll break my heart.
i've had feelings for you all this time.
consider it a crush. just a crush.
i've been meaning to tell you the truth about my feelings.
i can't really help how i feel, now can i?
have you noticed the way i stare at you?
i can't keep lying to myself about my feelings.
it's all right if you don't feel the same.
it's difficult to be around you and not feel this way.
you make it easy to catch feelings.
you showed me kindness when no one else would.
how long have you felt this way about me?
i'm not very good at concealing a crush.
would you consider it a crush, or would you consider it... more?
i knew you had feelings for me.
why did you lie about how you felt?
you make me dizzy just by looking at me.
i can't keep myself together when you're near me.
i didn't think you'd ever feel the same way about me.
it's only a crush. it's harmless. it'll go away.
we're not supposed to feel this way.
from the moment we met, i knew.
you're rather cute, you know.
i can't exactly control my heart!
this isn't some thing i can just turn on and off at whim!
these are feelings! real feelings!
do you feel the same or not?
do i even have a chance with you?
could you ever see me as more than a friend?
do you feel anything when you look at me?
i've had a crush on you ever since i can remember.
i'm not blushing!
that was really sweet of you.
no wonder everyone gets so flustered around you.
i don't blame them for staring. i mean, look at you!
you're a very beautiful person.
anyone would be lucky to have you in their life.
was that kiss too much?
maybe i never should have told you how i feel.
forget i said anything to you at all.
you're not like the others. you're special.
you just made my heart skip a beat.
am i blushing?
you have a tendency to make things more difficult... yet more fun.
i'm at quite a loss for words.
you really don't know your effect on people, do you?
i think of you very fondly.
if it were possible, yes. i'd be with you.
if only we could make this work between us.
i'm afraid to feel more than just an innocent crush.
who told you i had a crush?
you're still trying to make me blush.
i'm really infatuated with you.
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