lovlorne · 1 month
bold what your muse can do. italicize for something they can do to some extent.
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  bake a cake from scratch. ride a horse. drive a submarine. speak a second language. dance. catch a fish. play an instrument. throw a punch. build a deck. ice skate. unclog a drain. program a computer. change a flat tire. fire a gun. sew. juggle. play poker. paint. fly a kite. sculpt. write poetry. change a diaper. sing. shoot a bow and arrow. ride a bike. swim. sail a boat. do a backflip. play chess. give cpr. pitch a tent. flirt. stitch a wound. read palms. use chopsticks. write in cursive. calligraphy. use an electric drill. braid hair. make a campfire.
  make a mixed drink. do sudoku puzzles. wrap a gift. give a good massage. jump start a car. roll their tongue. do magic tricks. do yoga. tie a tie. skip a rock. shuffle a deck of cards. read morse code. pick a lock. fly a plane. train animals. fix a car. apologize. write a business letter. write in a second language. say the alphabet backwards. read music. cook complex meals. change oil. paint nails. draw. socialize. march. take apart a gun. drive a rig. operate a tank. climb a tree. rock climb. tie a cherry stem. basic first aid. draw blood. put out a fire.
tagged: @bloodxhound mwa mwa mwa... happy to plague u w her existence tagging: @inkantation @cutdeepshiver @cuttingcanine @goatfated !
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lovlorne · 1 month
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———— 💔┊   OH, DEAR.   is he even capable of locating her mutt if he cannot comprehend coin lining his pockets? one of life's basic needs — scorned, and for what? an oddity? a shaken head dismisses the thought, nostrils flared as her attention falters elsewhere.    ( he's better off. it's a tool to be used and abused. leave that filth to the rest of us. )   
for a time, she simply analyzes him, furrowed brows unable to dispel self - induced disdain. if only she knew the luxury of such simplicity. corrosion through cash ran deep within her family's veins, bloodletting but one of the many things she tried to better herself.    ( stop kidding yourself. ) instinctively, her hands flee to empty pockets.    ( you don't have shit. )
... her haughty mask continues, nose lifted to proudly brandish her chin.   ❝ well... i hope it is a good one. where is his desk? ❞   perhaps said a tad too eagerly, but who wouldn't want to rummage someone else's quarters and snoop about?
he ceremoniously accepts the piece of paper like one would receive the hand-made sandcake of one's five year old niece. not particularly perturbed by the situation overall, the contents of the note still have him pause ( ethical issues about accepting payment from a child left aside, surely he does not look that 'in need' ... ? ). "hm ...," a hum ensues; he returns the paper to its undersized owner.
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"i've no use for that sort of reward. ... and it'd be odd to accept when i would've looked for him either way." his gaze drifts down to the clearly dismayed girl. he'd like to believe that somewhere beyond those fancy pens and ... elaborate phrases, there lingered some age-appropriate sentiments. homesickness. impatience. a rather simple view of the world. ... and even if it's rather negligent of the good detective to abandon his charge in the middle of an unaccustomed building, chances are that he simply didn't think much of the consequences.
"that said, while i can understand as much, he usually does have his reasons for running off. we should check his desk first—just in case he got buried underneath a pile of dusty files."
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lovlorne · 1 month
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———— 🖤┊   ❝ YOU'RE SOOO CREATIVE. lemme guess, your basis is on height, right? don't answer that, i know it is. congrats on leveraging your height to compensate for your shit personality. i hope you hit your head on the next door you walk through. ❞   
@lovlorne​ is being a little terror:   im your age arent i ;)
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     ❛ Judgin’ by your attitude, you’re barely outta your diapers. ❜
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lovlorne · 1 month
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———— ❣️┊   LASHES FAN SURPRISED EYES.   admittedly, she had expected little from yet another untrained hound. to hear such fluency, alongside acknowledgment of variety... why, perhaps she'd enjoy this temporary reassignment after all. unknowingly, her lips weaved a whimsical beam, smile meeting eyes and cheeks.    ❝ 我主要讲广东话,但普通话也可以。我不得不在香港以外的地方学习普通话。 ❞   
she supposed it inevitable that the conversation would sour; business as usual. at least the comfort of familiarity eased her tongue, though her glance now persisted 'pon paper, and the upcoming drill she was to endure.    ❝ ...i suppose. what do you wish to know? ❞   
"... Ah.."
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It'd been a while since he'd talked to someone being held without making an immediate arrest. Right about now, with two shreds of evidence, he would haul away any POI if he had enough cause. This overzealous purveyor of justice did not fare well, seven years later, to be doing that same thing after all that work that pretty boy prosecutor did to make him realize his methods were unorthodox. He'd been standing there a minute to re-check his motivations before charging in. So it was time to take the lighter approach. Regardless of how Ray might've planned this switch-out.
"別跟我開玩笑。你不懂普通話。" He chuckles; a certain lady at the LAPD would really enjoy this conversation right now, if she'd been around.
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"We're doing our best to get some names to faces. Don't worry about anything else, okay? Now-can I ask you some questions?" A thick folder in one hand, tapped on the table to align everything he has, neatly pressed together; at least this one hadn't been nibbled on by rats.
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lovlorne · 2 months
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just your average easter bunny ;^)
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lovlorne · 2 months
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its that bitch
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lovlorne · 2 months
———— 💙┊   IS IT NOT IRRATIONAL   to teach a child that whining could manifest favorable results? granted, she was no child — but much to many's dismay, the habit stuck. however... the consequence could be said to have been double - edged. at least, she began to think so, having a tremendous shadow cast upon and over her own. she supposed it decent, being that the silhouette garnered her intrigue, perhaps even her jealousy    ( oh, how she wished to be frightening from mere appearance ).
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❝ umm... ❞   the pause weighed heavily upon her, bringing stride to halt.    ❝ you don't talk much, do you? ❞   kryptonite, in a way — it made her awkward. at least the other guy amused her. she was unsure how to feel with this one. maybe she didn't want ray gone as bad as she let on. maybe she just needed to find common ground with this one. fiddling with fingers, she fills the void.    ❝ you at least speak sign or something...? hell, even chinese. everyone here is a monolingual pleb. ❞   
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                                        ﹙ @cuttingcanine —💗 ﹚
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lovlorne · 2 months
Dan Queeny your Bobbie s
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———— 🖤┊   GOD GIVE ME PATIENCE,   for strength would land me in prison.
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lovlorne · 2 months
❛ Not now. I'm on my lunch break. ❜
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———— 🖤┊   ❝ OKAY? but i don't get a break. why do you? what if i want some lunch, too?! i'm gonna tell everyone you're treating me like a villain! gimme some of your food! share! ❞   ( i bet it's not even good! )   
...what was she going to ask again? oh. not as important as tearing apart what she presumed a measly meal.    ❝ look, can i go home now? i'll come back when i'm needed! ❞   a lacking promise; she probably would do her very best to keep him at bay, or perhaps get a new detective for the job.
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lovlorne · 2 months
———— 🖤┊   WHERE TO BEGIN,   where to begin. when furiously rubbed eyes did not return the world to normalcy, forced was she to accept the circumstance, no matter how ridiculous it may be. while shiver regained her bearings, she took the opportunity to inject her tendrils with vantablack ink, allowing it to consume pale pastels and darken her "hair".
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❝ fucking MONEY? before you go looking for dollars, find some fuckin' common sense. damn right it's my birthday — you're repairing my skylight with that! i'm not made of money y'know?! ❞   not anymore.   ❝ for fucks' sake, were you followed?! ❞   the last thing she needed was for bystanders to discern her identity. not altering her freckles or skin already felt daring, but most of the populace accepted it as cosmetic, not natural.
before coiling her tendrils, she whips her head, allowing the large, left most one to soar towards shiver to attach itself to the bag before another yank brings it into queen's hands.    ❝ don't you have money, girl?! i know your family was loaded! ❞   
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It was meant to be a quick and easy steal. A surprise in fact for Frye and Big Man! They weren't supposed to know about Shiver's little single outing till she brought in the wad of complete cash on their collective table. It was one of the easiest ways for her to show appreciation towards her friends outside of just being there for them.
Snatching said money from that old rich CEO had been relatively simple. What wasn't turned out to be the amount of jellyfish guards patrolling about. One spotted her and soon enough all of them were on her tail! It made the thrill of success all the more rewarding but also the potential for loss was now potentially quite high. Thankfully though with a couple of carefully thrown smoke bombs the shark bandit was able to give them all the slip as she made her way back.
Only to hit her foot against something and crash right through the top window down onto the floor. Thankfully no shards penetrate her body but that's not to say Shiver isn't in pain. She's in a lot of pain as she moans and lays flat down on the floor for a while. Not to mention the bag filled with money has splattered all over the room as well.
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Slowly but surely does she attempt to bring herself up, legs shaking before clambering to hold onto the nearest object for support. "I hate windows." Shiver grumbled to herself. "M...Money. Where's my...money?" It seems the octoling has yet to realize she isn't alone here as she attempts to bend over and collect the cash back into the bag before promptly falling right back onto the floor. Her red eye finally spots the other but she's too tired and pained to really scramble away.
"Oh...uh...." The octoling breathes in and out, mind blanking on what to say. "...Suuuurprise? Happy...Birthday?" Shiver attempts to laugh but even she knows there's no way she's getting out of this without a lot of questioning.
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lovlorne · 2 months
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lovlorne · 2 months
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indie dual muse rp blog for captain 3 and agent 8 of splatoon as portrayed by cassandra.
rules | biographies
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lovlorne · 2 months
Please un-learn guilt-tripping, not only in the RPC, but in online spaces as a whole.
This is a passive behavior that people may not even realize that they're even engaging with. I understand wanting asks, starters, replies, or any engagement with this collaborative hobby. However, a lot of people say things such as;
'I wish more people would interact with me...' 'My (canon muse) isn't as good as other (canon muses) in the rpc...' 'I should just delete... Nobody's writing with me...' '(reblogs open starter again) #some replies would be nice...'
I hate to be blunt, but ask yourself. When was the last time you sent your mutuals some asks, anonymous or not? When was the last time you replied to someone else's open starter? I understand being in a bad funk, but there are better ways to deal with those negative emotions that don't involve guilting your follower-base for not engaging with you constantly. You can't be possessive of your following and expect them to be happy to engage with you. Your writing partners are people, too.
Please stop guilting people, and recognize when you may be doing it when phrasing things in specific ways. Un-learn passive aggressive engagement with your following and partners as a whole. Put yourself out there if you think other people aren't. Be the writing partner that uplifts people, not make them feel 'obligated' to engage with you. Please.
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lovlorne · 2 months
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———— 🖤┊   PATHETIC.   she expected nothing, judging by a statuesque stance, but they managed to skirt even that bar.   ❝ those targets seldom fire back, ❞    she scoffs,    ❝ and i am positive you've learned by now that living, breathing ones do not hesitate as you do. maybe they've got something you don't? ❞   
elegance pirouettes gun's grip along digits, leaving paired dapples trained on sanna with finger caressing trigger.    ❝ oh well. you can't be good at everything. there's worse things to suck at. take the ℒ. — hell, repurpose yourself. do support or objective. the tower's got plenty sharp - shooters to carry you to victory. ❞   
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                              ❝ whatever you choose, leave me out of it. ❞   
it takes a split second to diminish the three - foot distance, a roll propelled by ink allowing her to lock her guns together into a rapid - fire stream of ink directly in her target's torso.
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Even though such an action causes the point of contact to become concave, it doesn't bother the desperate Octoling.
❝It feels that way sometimes, but I swear, I'm not doing that on purpose! I want to hit my target. I'm not nervous or scared when it happens.❞
Knowing that it must be a call to action more than a question, Sanna jumps to their feet, weapon at the ready.
❝I can hit the targets around here, so, yeah, I should be able to. I'll even go with the easiest area: A body shot!❞ They warn, stepping back three feet away from her.
❝Okay, look, look.❞
They aim the barrel at her body, wrap their finger around the trigger, and...
... Nothing?
They try to pull it again, but...
❝Ah, must be stuck or something... heh... ❞ They murmur as they glance at the weapon before trying to pull the trigger again.
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❝Hold on. I can... I can do it... It's just... A little...!❞
They grunt and strain before their arm starts to move away. A frantic supporting hand grips the weapon in an attempt to sway it back on point to no avail. No!
The stream of ink passes by her tentacle narrowly enough to wiggle it in a breeze, but that's not even worth a consolation prize.
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lovlorne · 2 months
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ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ʙᴜʀɴ ᴍʏ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ ᴅᴏᴡɴ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴀɴ ᴜɢʟʏ ʙʟᴀᴄᴋ.
With the unsolved disappearance of Xiuying Chen, a scared pop princess last seen two years ago on stream, the curtains close on her career at its pinnacle. A new face grabs similar hold on her fans' hearts, though her performances are far west, far from Inkopolis. Instead, this Queen's home base is in the Splatlands — the city of chaos. ©
ɪ'ᴍ ɢᴏɴɴᴀ ʀᴜɴ ᴀᴡᴀʏ ɴᴏᴡ ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟᴏᴏᴋ ʙᴀᴄᴋ.
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lovlorne · 2 months
Shut-Up Kiss
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Isn't it rude to interrupt someone mid-sentence by kissing them? Apparently not. Especially if you're dancing 'The Masochism Tango' (in the Masochism Tango, the entire relationship hinges on the mutual hatred between the two lovebirds... for better or for worse.) May also be used on someone pointlessly rambling on, intentionally trying to evade said kiss. Whilst the cute version occurs when one character is babbling nervously, either because they get tongue-tied around the object of their affections or because they are trying to apologize for something, and the other cuts them off with a kiss to show that they understand.
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tagged: @hexellent!! thankee! tagging: i am pointing at u thru my monitor bc idk who hasnt done it xoxo
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lovlorne · 2 months
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last song:   leia - lollia, kal
favorite color:   pink if my room is any indicator
currently watching:   the cherry magic! thirty years of virginity can make you a wizard?! drama (look. look. look it's char inspo. and cute.)
spicy/savory/sweet:   savory for sure... i do not have a sweet tooth!!
relationship status:   i am a single parent to a cat and it will remain thus forever
current obsession:   the interest wheel is pulling me apart right now, but sailor moon!
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tagged: @stillresolved my beloved, tagging: @kagoshou @bloodxhound @cutdeepshiver @lightdash @wariodemambo @amaeranthos @hexellent @goatfated @jukkumi !
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