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Good Neighbors
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La última imagen pertenece a @clumsyk
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TNMN (possible) heights hcs
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Well, here they are, these are just a sort of estimate of how tall I imagine them to be, nothing *too* rigid (except for Robertsky who I declared him to be the tallest one).
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La última imagen pertenece a @clumsyk
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Un doppelgänger que se quiere hacerse pasar por el Dr. Afton ¿El doble podrá engañarte con sus encantos?
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Lo hice en una clase cuando terminé de hacer un trabajo y no tengo un buen pulso en el mouse 😅
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Wink just droppin’ in ;)
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No me he visto Velma, pero me encontré este video en recomendados de YouTube y recién me vi SDMI.
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lovestaruniverseblog · 4 months
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Un personaje nuevo para el remake de Mundurkhía: Mes de los Corazones Ensanchados.
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lovestaruniverseblog · 5 months
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I made a Room Building tutorial! Lemme know if it helps! 🧡
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lovestaruniverseblog · 6 months
Thank you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Hello, I'm making a magazine for a university project. I have a few questions:
What inspired you to make comics?
How were you inspired to make “Alice and the Nightmare”?
Apart from “Alice and the Nightmare”, do you plan to do more new stories?
Are you thinking about translating your comics into other languages to attract more audiences?
Have you participated in projects that are inside and/or outside of Hiveworks?
How do you feel that your comics are well received by the public?
Hi hi thanks for asking!! to answer, in order
I’ve been reading and making comics as long as I can remember. My first comic series i made when I was 8 years old of a stick figure princess beating up a dumb prince who keeps trying to rescue her, so you truly know i’ve Always Been Like This. I’d staple the pages together, baby’s first zine. I just never really stopped haha
Alice and the Nightmare happened cause I started drawing Alice in high school, and I liked her as a character so I kept drawing her. Edith came next, then Hatter, then other cast members, and I wanted to make a story for them. I’ve always loved Alice in Wonderland stuff, growing up on anime inspired by it, and it was fun to do my own take on it. As I researched Alice in Wonderland more it really made me fall in love with the classic book itself, which made me want to work on Alice and the Nightmare more. Now normally I’d say don’t make your high school story your first project, HOWEVER, “Alice” as it is now is sooooooo heavily edited and so far from where it started out over a decade ago. “Kill your darlings” is very real and it WORKS. Huge shoutout to my editor and dear friend @secondlina who’s so often saved my storytelling bacon <3
Of course!! I love storytelling and there’s so much I want to do! Light novels are something I really want to explore.
That’s not something I really think of? English is the only language I’m fluent in, so even if I wanted to I couldn’t. That’s up to Hiveworks and translators for if they think my work would benefit from having translations. However there have been fan translations of my work before which I think are cool!
Oh yea! I’m in two of the three Valor Anthologies (Bride of the Rose Beast being one), I’ve done a couple zines, short comics, Eldritch Darling, animated films in college (Panic and Bookaneer). I like having a wide variety.
Feels nice! It’s always a delight when someone tells me they love my work or it’s affected their life or how they view things. Comic making—and art as a career—is more often than not a lonely profession, so that human connection is always very special and lovely <3
Hope this helps! Best of luck with you magazine! Cheers!!
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lovestaruniverseblog · 7 months
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Gabriel Agreste burlándose de Rousseau por:
A) Lograr revivir a su amada mediante recursos místicos/mágicos.
B) Estar con su amada en el más allá (y la quien se resucitó fue Nathalie)
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Y aquí Rousseau usando el miraculous de la mariposa.
Borré el delineado del lápiz y me basaba de las marcas del borrador, pero a final me perdí en la parte de las orejas.
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lovestaruniverseblog · 9 months
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Aquí unos bocetos de diseños caricaturescos de mis ocs.
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lovestaruniverseblog · 9 months
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Pinturas de Acuarela, tinta china y acrílico
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Cabe aclarar que no soy fan a Doomentio, a lo largo de este tetra estaba escuchando y viendo todo lo relacionado sobre el Doomverse, que dibuje al Doom por mame en mi clase de caricatura.
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lovestaruniverseblog · 10 months
Creación de personajes: personajes periodistas
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Recordamos que el siguiente texto no ha sido redactado por el staff de ToL, solo lo hemos traducido para que pueda llegar a más personas. La autoría pertenece a @chxrryvalances, podéis leer el post original en su tumblr así como en este mismo tumblr bajo la etiqueta “idioma original”.
¡Hola, hola! Aquí dejo una guía para crear un personaje que trabaje en una redacción / para un periódico. La mayor parte de esto proviene de la experiencia personal (+ las experiencias de mis padres) pero también busqué en google en tu nombre. Esta guía no es solo porque quiero ver más precisión, sino también porque hay muchas cosas sobre este entorno que serían divertidas de escribir y que realmente no veo que se aprovechen. Entonces, mira debajo del corte para ver todos mis consejos.
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