love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #026 レンゲツツジ咲く八方ヶ原(矢板市)
LOVE TOCHIGI  #026  Happougahara where ”renge azalea” blooms (Yaita-shi).
Happougahara in Yaita-shi is a starting point for a climb to Mt.Takahara, but it's learned about as a colony of ”renge azalea” for many. Around early summer, flowers of ”renge azalea”  lighter than azalea dye vast field in vermilion.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #025 赤薙山頂より女峰山を望む(日光市)
LOVE TOCHIGI  #025  Scenery of Mt.Nyohou-san from top of Mt.Akanagi-san (Nikko-shi).
The most famous mountain is Mt.Nantai-san in Nikko, but it's Mt.Nyohou-san to make a pair with Nantai-san which means “Otokoyama”(man’s mountain). When approach to Mt.Nyohou-san is a day trip more deeply than other mountains, you have to leave early in the morning. It's seen immediately ahead of Mt. Akanagi-san, but its distance is still far.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #024 霧降高原大山ハイキング 猫の平より日光連山を望む(日光市)
LOVE TOCHIGI  #024  Kirifuri high plain Ohyama hike:  Nikko mountain range is seen from Nekonodaira (Nikko-shi).
A hiking trails to Mt.Ohyama, from a sightseeing base rest house in Kirifuri high plain  are well maintained and the courses recommended to a beginner of trekking. The scenery from Mt.Ohyama top and the spot in the pasture as "Nekonodaira" which was wonderful but developed to west from there can enjoy a grand view.
The fragrance of the grass and the style which blows from a mountain are calm and are the place they seem to forget that time has passed where.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #023 ツツジの花咲く前日光(鹿沼市)
#023 Mae-Nikko Tochigi prefectural natural park where a flower of an azalea blooms (Kanuma-shi)
Mae - Nikko - Tochigi prefectural natural park is the area where an abundant forest spreads in the west in Kanuma-shi. From Kobugahara-Shitsugen(wetlands) to Mt.Yokone-san, Ido-Sitsugen are famous as a floral of azalea,many hike visitors come in May. Is it because it's a cold place by the mountain, floral red of an azalea is vivid and excellent. The walk in silva band around the wetlands is also pleasant.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #022 赤薙山登山(日光市)
Mt. Akanagi is the mountain on the east side of the sunlight mountain range. The pile popular with beginners of the mountaineering. It's the pile beyond 2000 meters of altitude, but it's overgrown with woods around the top. A gentle mountain ridge continues until we enter silva band, and it's possible to climb while looking at the beautiful scenery.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #021 半月山より中禅寺湖と男体山を望む(日光市)
#021 The scenery from Mt. Hangetsu-san, Chuzenji-ko Lake and Mt.Nantai-san (Nikko-shi)
The address of the foreigner compared after Meiji restoration, and Chuzenji Lakeside was a worldwide holiday resort. The scenery from Mt. Hangetsu-san, Chuzenji-ko Lake and Nantai-san is one of the best view in Nikko and the angle of the basic.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #020 あしかがフラワーパーク(足利市)
#020 Ashikaga-Flower Park(Ashikaga-shi)
The "Ashikaga-Flower Park" where have a lot of visitors from a distant place. It'll be best time to be most popular around the middle of May from the middle of ordinary year April by big wisteria tree designated as Tochigi-ken natural monument. The biggest tree of wisteria, age of the tree for 150 years blooms beautifully and  combines physical function-like beauty in the solemn appearance and charms visit people.
Besides various flowers also seem to be in full bloom and be a paradise on earth in the wide site.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #019 霧降高原、隠れ三滝(日光市) (写真上…マックラ滝 中…玉簾の滝 下…丁字の滝)
人気のスポットですが観光地のような賑わいとは無縁で、自然の姿そのままが魅力といえそうです。 近年メディアでも紹介されることが増え、今や隠れた存在ではなくなりましたが、静寂に包まれた景観は歩いて楽し、森を抜ける風は麗しく水音爽やかな霧降川の三爆です。
#019 Secret tree falls(Kakure-santaki) in Kirifuri-kogen(Nikko-shi) (PHOTO: Makkuradaki-fall,Tamasudare-fall,Chouzi-fall)
Kirifurinotaki, famous waterfall which hits a stoop in Nikko-shi Kirifuri high plain. For Mt. Ohyama and a vast trail up a mountain which follows Mt. Maruyama and Mt. Akanagi exist in the upper class.The view is also wonderful and a hiking trail to Mt.Ohyama is also a popular course at the inside, and landmark as "Kakure-santaki" (means secret tree falls)  are in it.It's a popular spot, but the natural form is irrelevant to a crowd like a tourist spot and seems able to call the condition charm. It's the existence by which that even media are introduced in recent years could be increased and close already, for, any more, the view wrapped silently lives comfortably on foot, and the wind which goes through a forest is beautiful, and sound of water is on a refreshing Kirifuri river.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #018 桜咲く川治ダム(日光市)
#018 The Kawaji dam cherry tree blooms (Nikko-shi)
Spring in Kawaji dam located in the prefecture north of Tochigi-ken comes late. A cold wind still swings the surface of the lake, and the state by which a cherry tree rustles is beautiful.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #017 夜桜、八幡山公園(宇都宮市)
Cherry blossoms by night and Hachimanyama park (Utsunomiya-shi)
Hachimanyama park located in the northwest is the biggest park in Utsunomiya-shi and is learned about as a famous place of flower viewing it than a city in Utsunomiya. When a cherry tree blooms in the park every year, the park is lit up and bustle with the citizen who enjoys sightseeing of cherry blossoms by night.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #016 桜咲く菜の花畑(栃木市)
#016 The country landscape by which a cherry tree and a canola flower blossom bloom (Tochigi-shi)
Tochigi-ken is location of agriculture and the beautiful rural community landscape is seen much of the prefecture south. The color is vivid and a visit in distribution spring makes them think of a Japanese primal scene.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #015 河津桜咲く宇都宮城址公園(宇都宮市) 宇都宮は戊辰戦争の激戦地で、宇都宮城は町並みとともに消失した。 2007年に宇都宮城本丸の一部が外観復元され、公園として市民に開放されている。広い敷地内はジョギングや散歩など憩いの場となり、春先には河津桜が賑やかに咲いて春の彩りを添える。
#015 The Utsunomiya ruin of the castle park where Kawazu cherry tree blooms (Utsunomiya-shi)
Utsunomiya was a hard fought battlefield of the Boshin War and Utsunomiya castle disappeared with a town. The part of the inner citadel of Utsunomiya castle does outward appearance restoration in 2007, and it's opened to a citizen as a park. Jogging and a walk will be a place by the relaxation in the wide site, and Kawazu cherry tree blooms merrily in early spring, and I lend gaiety in spring.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #014 夜桜、 二荒山神社(宇都宮市)
#014   A night cherry blossoms at Ftaarayama-jinja
There is Futarasan-jinja learned about by a big torii right in front of Chuo, Utsunomiya-shi and the downtown area. There is well-shaped cherry tree in a way point in the precinct, and delight people who visit in spring.
Something like some profound power is felt in a cause of history in a shrine or cherry blossoms by night.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #013 夜桜、栃木県庁(宇都宮市)
#013 A night cherry blossoms at Tochigi-ken agency (Utsunomiya-shi)
Tochigi-ken agency located in a center of Utsunomiya-shi is generally opening a good floor of a view, and it's also a place by the citizen's relaxation. 
The one which shouldn't be forgot is the cherry tree which spreads its branches out big in the end in a site. The color of the flower is dark and attractive in a downtown for this cherry tree. It's never a big tree, but it seems symbol-like existence in the town.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #012 アカヤシオ咲く半月山(日光市)
#012 Mt. Hangetsu where AKAYASHIO blooms (Nikko-shi) Mt. Hangetsu is also a famous mountain in AKAYASHIO. Far, Chuzenji-ko Lake and Senjogahara, the beautiful climate of the... sunlight is condensing a flower of AKAYASHIO into front here with Chuzenji-ko Lake and Nantai-san approaching soon.Spring of sunlight comes slowly. I'd like more that.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #011 龍王峡散策(日光市)
#011 Walking in Ryuokyo ravine(Nikko-shi)
Ryuokyou is a ravine located between Kinugawa-onsen and Kawaji-onsen, and time of the fresh green leaf and the colored leaves is beautiful in particular. A gentle esplanade is maintained, and on one's way to going sightseeing there are a lot of people who take a walk, too.
A waterfall in Nijimi falls boldly from neighborhood of the suspension bridge.
The small flow in the upper class is also just like very famous waterfall after rain.
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love-tochigi · 8 years
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LOVE とちぎ #010 残照、二股山(鹿沼市)
#010 Sunset, Mt.Futamata(Kanuma-shi)
It's possible to look a far place Nikko mountain range as well as in Kanuma-shi around from in Kanuma-shi and Mt. Fujiyama top. The sunset is falling in Mt. Futamata in the front and Kanuma-shi west at the time of the rainy season.
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