losver-tozier · 6 years
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my submission to @itfandomsecretadmirers for the lovely @losver-tozier :)
Richie Tozier hates him. That’s a fact.
It was a fact when, instead of shaking his hand when they were introduced, Richie shoulder checks him on his way out of the library. And it’s still a fact every time the guy gives him a stink eye when he knows Eddie’s not watching.
Richie Tozier hates Bill Denbrough and normally, Bill wouldn’t be very much bothered by it.
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losver-tozier · 6 years
my computer is broken so i couldn't add a 'read more' to my last post rip
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losver-tozier · 6 years
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•stozier - modern ice skating date au•
“Oh my god.”
Stanley covered his mouth with his hands because at the moment he was shocked. Ahead of him was an indoor ice skating rink with a sign over the entrance saying ‘It’s couples night! Happy Valentine’s Day!’.
He loves to ice skate and he knows that Richie knows this. He turned around to face his boyfriend and saw how he had a smile on his face, looking at Stanley.
Not knowing what to say, he just walked up to him and sweetly kissed Richie. The other boy softly laughed and kissed him back while placing his hands on Stan’s hands.
“We should go before the rink closes.” Richie says as he slowly pulled away from Stanley’s lips. He didn’t say anything because he was still grateful. He knew that Richie is an amazing boyfriend but this is the last thing he thought that Richie would’ve thought of.
Stan was going to start walking to the rink when Richie opened his trashmouth. “Still haven’t said anything? Is it because I took your breath away? Like I do every-”
“Yea, no. Let’s just go and ice skate.” He interrupted him and pulled him with him to the rink. He heard Richie laughing from behind him, as if he could sense Stan rolling his eyes.
Once they got to the door, Richie got hold of a better grip of Stan’s hands and he smiled when he felt him squeeze their hands. They walked side by side to the area where they can rent skates.
When the two boys finally got their skates in their respected sizes, they began to lace them up and head to the opening of the ice rink.
Stanley smiled and was about to step on to the ice when he noticed that Richie was still by the benches.
He raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him a question while Richie began to play with his jacket until he looked up at Stanley.
“Um babe, in case you forgot, I actually don’t know how to ice skate.”
When he heard him say that, Stan put his hand over his hip as if he was giving him another silent answer. “Rich, I can always teach you.”
“The last time you tried to teach me, I fell so many times that my pants even ripped.”
“Yes, but that was months ago!”
Richie got up with an exaggerated sigh but gave a small smile. “Okay, okay. As long as I don’t fall more than twenty times, I’ll be fine.”
Stan rolled his eyes again and smiled back. “Yea, okay, sure. Just c'mon!” He exclaimed excitedly. He was ready to have fun today, especially since he was with Richie.
And they did have fun. Stanley somewhat managed to show Richie the basics of skating. (“Oh my god, Stanley I’m doing it! Wait, what the fuck! That other guy was in my way.” “Rich, don’t be blaming other people.”) He was either smiling or laughing with or at Richie. (“Yea, laugh at the guy who doesn’t know how to skate!” “Alright if you say so.”) Overall, the night was probably one of the best nights with Richie and he was so happy.
Stanley stood in the middle of the rink with his arms crossed on his chest, smiling and waiting for Richie to skate towards him. He finally did, with some struggles along the way, and stood directly in front of him.
Richie placed his hands on Stan’s hips while Stan uncrossed his arms to fold them around Richie’s neck. They looked at each other with a loving gaze and comfortable silence until Richie broke it.
“So, Stan My Man, are you having fun tonight?” He grinned and flirtatiously raised his eyebrows.
Stan laughed and nodded. “Yes, I think this is the best Valentine’s date, or gift whatever, ever.”
He noticed that Richie’s grin grew at that but didn’t put too much thought into it.
“I’m happy about that. But you know what else will make this night better?”
“And what is that?”
“A kiss from a very handsome, Jewish boy.”
He laughed for what seemed like the millionth time that night and nodded. “I’ll kiss you as long as you don’t slip again.”
“Yowza, what a deal I have to keep. But of course.” He leaned in for the kiss, but not before adding something.
“Happy Valentine’s Day Stanley. I love you.”
Stan leaned in with him with pink cheeks and a soft smile.
“I love you too, Rich. Happy Valentine’s Day.”
And about the gift? Little did Stan know that there’s various boxes of chocolate, a bouquet of roses, and a charm necklace with a matching bracelet of a bird waiting for him in the back of Richie’s truck.
happy (late) valentine’s day @fluidstan ! i am so sorry for getting this so late to you. but im your secret admirer from @itfandomsecretadmirers and i hope you like the moodboard and this small drabble. i would’ve wrote more about the ice skating but i have never gone ice skating so i didn’t want to butcher the experience for your gift ajsjkdkds. but yea, once again im very sorry for being late but i hope you enjoy this. :)
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losver-tozier · 6 years
richie is the type of person to scream when he’s driving just to scare the shit out of his friends in the car
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losver-tozier · 6 years
Someone: Oh man, IT was such a scary movie!
Me, thinking about how IT has basically turned into one big gay meme: Mhm. Yeah. Totally. So spooky. Wow.
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losver-tozier · 6 years
you know why.
it’s a bad day for stan, one where he feels unclean no matter how much he scrubs his hands, no matter how fresh the shirt he tugs on himself. that’s why he’s sitting on the side while the rest of the boys wrestle around on the grass. seeing their shorts and skirts get dirt and grass stains irritate him further but the sound of richie’s laughter calms him, the warm presence of his friends ground him, so he watches them, waiting for his head to right itself up again.
eddie comes to sit by him, still in shorts that he didn’t outgrow in high school, his knees are a little scraped. it’s weird how a few years ago, eddie would’ve been freaking out about getting those cuts infected. now he just sprays them with neosporin and places bandaids over his knees.
stan’s jealous, a little. he wants to be like eddie. he wants to change, he wants to be brave. it’s a strange combination of pride, admiration, and resentment that he regards eddie with. it’s like eddie knows what he’s thinking because he looks over at him and raises his eyebrow. stan makes a face at him. eddie makes one right back.
the smaller boy sits next to him and they stare at bill and richie engage in some strange version of football against ben and mike. richie lets out a roar when mike tackles him and stan winces, ready to stand up and check on his stupid best friend.
eddie interrupts him before he can think to. “you know,” he says casually, picking at the grass, not looking at stan. “i’m gay.”
stan chokes. what was that now? eddie doesn’t say anything further, just keeps picking at the grass and stan’s jaw twitches madly as he tries to think over what to say back. “uh,” he says dumbly. “that’s… good?”
eddie looks at him now, a slight tremble in his lips betraying his nerves, but looking the absolute picture of self-assuredness. that resentful envy curls up in stan again and he finds he can’t say anything when eddie is regarding him like that. 
“and you know,” there’s more? well, there’s no way eddie can shock him any more than he already has. “that i’m in love with bill right?” stan was wrong, he was very wrong.
these are things stan knows. he’s always known, documented it in the back of his mind from the number of wistful stares eddie’s been sending bill since they were 13, eddie’s face teaching him at an early age it was possible to experience heartbreak and elation in one go.
there’s a million things he can say. but his head’s still not on right and his skin is starting to feel itchy and his mouth works open before he has a chance to think: “why are you telling me this?”
at this, eddie scoffs, the first break in his expression. “you know why stanley,” he stresses and stan bites his lip. unconsciously, his gaze drifts back towards the rest of them on the grass, hyper-focusing on richie, his messy curls, his lanky form, his glasses an inch away from falling off his face.
richie turns his head, like he can sense stan staring, and grins widely at him. stan feels the itch spread through the rest of his body.
you know why stanley.
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losver-tozier · 6 years
distract me from my math homework pls,,,, send me random asks be nosy i dont mind
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losver-tozier · 6 years
modern day stan never posts pics of himself anywhere and when he does he leaves for .2 second and comes back to 136 comments and 131 of them are richies
this is Canon
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losver-tozier · 6 years
reblog with your sign + if you’re a denim jacket, a leather jacket or a bomber jacket person it for science
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losver-tozier · 6 years
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Happy Birthday Sophia Lillis // 13 February 2002
Fear of failure [inspires me]. When you work on a film, there’s a lot at stake. The director’s vision, the other actors, a lot of money. I just want to do a good job and not let everyone down.
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losver-tozier · 6 years
“why am i such a procrastinator?” is what i ask myself every day, every night, every single second of the day
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losver-tozier · 6 years
Mike: What’s your favorite color?
Ben: Beverly.
Ben: Wait, what was the question?
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losver-tozier · 6 years
have you ever drawn stan/richie? not that you need to, i just want to make sure i haven't missed it, i love your art.
well, this is my first drawing of them, but i assure you, more stozier will come.
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losver-tozier · 6 years
i began playing my song of inspiration for a fic im writing but then other songs auto played so for the past hour ive been just listening to music && scrolling through my tumblr dash when i finally have time to write i hate myself
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losver-tozier · 6 years
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stan the uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….. man
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losver-tozier · 6 years
i am both the concerned mother and idiot baby of the friend group like i will hound everyone for not wearing jackets in the cold and i’ll keep snacks 4 ppl in my bag but they have 2 stop me from trying 2 chug an entire bottle of cîroc 
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losver-tozier · 6 years
Sophia’s birthday is in two days,, sooo hype that shit up
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