lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
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Daemon and Taiga for Valentines day.
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lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
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Still more Violenne artwork. So much love to my favorite artist Vairii
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lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
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More Violenne artwork
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lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
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Vairii did a painting of my RP character Violenne, one of my favorite that she has done for me. It captures who she is in RP so well
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lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
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Commission my friend had done of our RP characters. Thank you Ritsy
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lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
What I’ve done
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broken a bone | gotten stitches | had a serious illness | had a near-death experience | killed someone | tried and failed to kill someone | invented something | been hungover | kissed someone | slow-danced | been in a long-term relationship | had sex | had sex and regretted it | had a one-night stand | had a threesome | experimented with their sexuality | had a kid | gotten married | gotten a divorce | self-harmed | traveled to another country | been in a play | received an inheritance | been in a airship wreck | lost a loved one | been dumped | dumped someone | smoked | gotten high | been slipped something in their food/drink | won a contest | won an election | joined a sports team | gone skydiving | gone hunting | been in a band | had a job | been fired | been in a wedding party | owned a pet | seen a ghost | skipped class/work | learned an instrument | gotten a noticeable scar | sued someone | been robbed | been mugged | been kidnapped | been sexually assaulted | been brainwashed/hypnotized | gone more than one day without eating | had a recurring nightmare | been bullied | bullied someone | seen someone die | attempted suicide | been tied/chained up | shot someone | stabbed someone | saved someone’s life | cheated on someone | been cheated on | had a stalker | been betrayed | been in a fight | been arrested | been to a funeral | had surgery | broken someone’s trust | gotten a piercing | gotten a tattoo | used a fake name | been tortured | been abused | been blackmailed | had an attempt on their life | gotten away with a crime | gone on a road trip | been in love
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lordravnos-blog1 · 7 years
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1,750+ Follower Giveaway!
It’s finally here! I wanted to host one of these a while back. :p
More importantly, thank you SO MUCH for helping me out through sharing, encouragement, commissions, Patreon support, and more. My financial situation wasn’t too great before, but I’m starting to see some kind of light at the end of the tunnel. This giveaway is a little something in return for your awesomeness.
Two winners, chosen at random, will receive an HD digital illustration of one character of their choice. I will contact the winners through Tumblr messages after the deadline.
This giveaway is for followers only.
Like and/or Reblog this post to enter.
The deadline is Midnight on March 8, 2017.
No NSFW requests or giveaway/spam blogs
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