loopiesounds · 3 days
Looking at a site that sells chain mail and the stuff to make it and found this.
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loopiesounds · 1 month
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Alchemy Bags
Kaju Art on Etsy
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loopiesounds · 3 months
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loopiesounds · 4 months
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This is a funny sign and all but I think the main takeaway should be that there is Dog English and Dog Welsh (Cimraeg?!?!?!?)
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loopiesounds · 4 months
i know that when a book describes dragons picking up their riders they probably mean scruffing them by the neck in their mouths like a kitten, but i always imagine something like this
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loopiesounds · 4 months
"The building had the architectural allure of a door stop" The Dragon Blood Collection, Book 3
Lindsay Buroker
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loopiesounds · 4 months
" You are allowed to have feelings, Rosamund," said Caroline.
Rosamond closed her eyes, fighting to retain the detachment. "Yes. They're just not helpful right now"
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loopiesounds · 4 months
Real observations since I started wearing a wizard hat daily:
- Brim is so wide that I stay BONE DRY taking walks in the rain
- Brim can be positioned to block the sun from ever getting in my eyes AND keeping it off the back of my neck
- The pointed top part creates an air pocket, keeping my head from getting hot or squishing my hair as it might in a ball cap
- Hat can easily be pulled down over the tips of my ears without looking dumb, protecting them from wind chill
- Strangers say they like my hat, giving me the chance to tell them that I am a wizard
- When you’re wearing a wizard hat, ALL OTHER FASHION CHOICES become secondary, allowing you to branch out with style
Embrace ego death. Stay protected from all elements. Wear a wizard hat.
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loopiesounds · 4 months
That is one thing Pride prejudice and zombies does well. Just watch the proposal scene
I finally read "Pride and Prejudice". I didn't know that Darcy's first proposal comes less than 24 hours after Elizabeth has discovered that 1) he broke up Jane and Bingley and that 2) he suggested that her darling, beloved, wonderful sister Jane was less than perfect. Like, she's so fucking upset by this that she stays home that day by saying that she's feeling unwell, and Darcy rushes over to check that she's okay and also spouts out that garbage proposal.
Like, bro, this proposal was never going to go down well, but your timing here is SPECTACULAR. Your cousin accidentally revealed you insulted her favorite sister yesterday. The love of your life doesn't even know you like her AND she's now in a mood to tear off your arm and beat you with it.
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loopiesounds · 4 months
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Just finished Iron flame by Rebecca Yarros. Couldn't put it down but the next book doesn't even have a release date yet. 😭
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loopiesounds · 4 months
“Scratch her eyes out,” Andarna suggests. “Really. The eyes are the softest tissue. Just jab your thumbs in there—” “Andarna! Use some common sense,” Tairn snaps. “The kneecaps are a much easier target.”
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loopiesounds · 4 months
I like to think that Vulcans who come to understand that Humans just can’t try to process emotions the same way as them, it’s just healthiest to let it out in harmless ways, decide that venting and stuff should be taken just as seriously as Vulcan’s meditation time, and will encourage the Humans around them to complain about what’s upsetting them
People who are used to aloof Vulcans who avoid Humans at all cost running into one comforting a Human
“-and then they said my cheesecake was subpar, and they didn’t even bring a dish!!!”
“The purpose of this event was that every participant brings a food item of sorts, correct?”
“And they did not follow this rule while insulting dishes that were brought?”
“Mostly just my dish but yeah >:(“
“How illogical”
“That’s what I’m saying!!!”
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loopiesounds · 4 months
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I've slowly been chipping away at drawing scenes from that imaginary Muppet retelling of the Princess Bride, figured it was about time to share what I've drawn on Tumblr!
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loopiesounds · 4 months
A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J. Maas
This is just my initial thoughts on the book having finished it.
So its a good example of the genres well written. Not read this one before but tropes being what they are know I have read others with almost matching plot beats. That is not to say i didn't enjoy it cos i did but i think as someone who has gone through a lot of similar books im not sure it stands far out of the ordinary.
Would I recommend it? yes will be doing so to atleast one person at work, given the hype its a good one to get people interested in this sort of books without the factor of not knowing where to start.
Am i already downloading the next one before i finished the first? no i haven't. I dont have the urge to start the next one straight off as i have done with other series but i will grab the next one.
Thank you for reading please leave any book recommendations below.
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loopiesounds · 5 months
I found this camera on the subway and look what was inside...
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loopiesounds · 5 months
Agreed love the film but also love the book. Plus extra calsifa and who isn't down for that.
Cannot Stress Enough how important it is to read Howl’s Moving Castle written by Diana Wynn Jones immediately after watching Howl’s Moving Castle directed by Hayao Miyazaki. When he made the movie he was of course upset with war and thus included it in the film, but you gotta understand. You really Gotta Understand. Every time in the movie where Howl turns the door dial black to travel to an absolutely hellish warscape? You know where that same dial takes him in the book? The Real World Country Of Wales
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loopiesounds · 5 months
Felt called out when watching the Barbie move a few months back when the advert for depression barbie came up and it said about watching pride and prejudice. Well .... My broadband is down and what DVD do i put on to watch? Bride and prejudice (Found it before the bbc version)
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