londonmovers0 · 2 years
London Movers is a professional, licensed, award-winning moving company that has served the city of London, Ontario for nearly a decade. Our moving company in London ON have helped over 67,500 London customers transport their furniture, precious memories, and everything else needing moving, and we have the highest rate of repeat business in the London moving industry. We hope to serve you well.
London Movers Richmond St, London, ON N6A 3G6 866-225-5761
Official Website: https://www.london-movers.ca/ Google Plus Listing: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=18116718022907919736
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Long Distance Moving Residential Moving Industrial Moving Local Moving Packing Service Office Moving
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londonmovers0 · 2 years
How to Sell Furniture Quickly and Safely Before Moving Long Distance
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If you’re moving out of province, you’ll want to enlist help from a London moving company that you can trust. Selling furniture that you don’t need is an ideal way to make moving across Canada easier for both you and the long-distance moving company that you hire.
Read on for some of our best tips on how to safely sell furniture before moving long distance.
Tips for How to Safely Sell Furniture Online
1. Only do transactions in cash
If you’re moving out of province, you’ll want to enlist help from a London moving company that you can trust. Selling furniture that you don’t need is an ideal way to make moving across Canada easier for both you and the long-distance moving company that you hire.
Read on for some of our best tips on how to safely sell furniture before moving long distance.
2. Take High-Quality Photos
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, and this is also true for selling furniture or other items online. Stunning images make your furniture look amazing and give buyers a better idea of what to expect. Great photos have also been shown to increase the likelihood of an online sale significantly.
3. Write Concise and Attractive Descriptions
Your potential buyers aren’t going to read a novel about what you’re selling, but that doesn’t mean you can’t impress them with a flawless description. Use bullet points, to summarise all the best features about the furniture you’re selling, and follow it with a short paragraph that goes into a bit more detail. Even somebody who skims your posting will grasp the main idea after just a few seconds of reading.
4. Price Items a Bit High with the Expectation of Being Talked Down
Online buyers are notorious for trying to haggle the prices of used furniture, but you shouldn’t let that stop you from selling online. Do a bit of research to see what other online sellers are asking for furniture that is comparable to what you want to sell. By taking that amount and listing your item at a slightly higher price, you can already be one step ahead of your potential buyers.
5. Be Honest from the Start
If your furniture has any cosmetic defects that a buyer should know about, include that information in your description. Yes, you’ll probably have to drop your asking price a bit to account for any damage that reduces the item’s value. This candid advertisement will allow you to maintain a positive reputation as a seller, however, and it’s the right thing to do.
6. Link the Posts of Different Items That You’re Selling
You might be in a phase where you’re trying to sell various items of furniture and other goods, so your potential buyers may be on the opposite end of the spectrum, looking to buy new furniture for their new home. By including hyperlinks for all your current sales at the bottom of each posting, you increase the chances that a greater number of potential buyers will see them.
It’s a quick and easy way to increase the exposure of all your furniture sales posts at once. A buyer might want to buy more than one item from you, so you can kill two birds with one stone.
7. Bring Somebody with You When You Go to Complete a Transaction
Offering to deliver an item is an excellent way to keep yourself safe, and it’s a fantastic excuse to bring a friend along, too. If possible, request to meet your buyer in a public place when you exchange your furniture for cash. Having a friend with you is the most basic safety measure you can take when selling furniture online.
8. Protect Your Private Information as Much as Possible
There are plenty of other steps that you can take to avoid giving out your contact information or a complete address to a buyer. In the interest of avoiding potential scammers, always use a Google Voice number instead of your personal contact number, for example. Also, insist on a public meeting place when transacting, rather than allowing random buyers to come into your home.
Source Link: https://www.london-movers.ca/how-to-sell-furniture-quickly-and-safely-before-moving-long-distance/
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