local-matryoshka · 10 hours
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local-matryoshka · 10 hours
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Photography by Kohei Yamaguchi
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local-matryoshka · 13 hours
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Since it’s almost that time of the year again
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local-matryoshka · 13 hours
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The Ballad of Bella Buttons (based on a true story)
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local-matryoshka · 13 hours
do not forget the patron saint of these weeks that we celebrate ourselves proudly and openly in the streets
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her name was Marsha P Johnson, and we have her to thank for so much.
remember, the first Pride was a riot, and she was one of the brave souls who endured it to help carve the path which so many of us walk today. she helped found several activist groups regarding LGBT safety and wellbeing. and she was absolutely radiant, too.
thank you, Marsha. we remember you.
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local-matryoshka · 13 hours
it's wet beast wednesday you know what that means!
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local-matryoshka · 13 hours
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Good morning, rise and shine☀️
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local-matryoshka · 2 days
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feel free to reblog and use them yourself :)
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local-matryoshka · 3 days
A new legend aboard Revenant x Reader
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My last one did well so here is more Rev ya simps I’m looking forward to making more of these I am new to this
Summary: your the newest legend to join the games and you take interest in a certain someone
Words 1k+
Sfw/ Typical Rev/ Ansty/ Fluffy End
Yep it was true you are the newest legend to join that game. To say your excited was an understatement, you couldn’t believe you were in the Apex Games. “You must be the new legend? I’m Lifeline but you can call me Ajay.” A kind voice with a accent could be heard you turn to see a girl with space buns and what seemed to be a robot companion. “Yep that would be me.” You greeted back taking note she was a medic. “Well let me introduce you to everyone I’m sure they would love to meet you.” She started walking to the main hangout there you saw many different people, you would be lying if you said it didn’t make you nervous. Suddenly a man with goggles approach you. “Your new right I’m Elliot but you can call me anytime.” He shot up finger guns and winked looking a bit awkward himself. “Mirage! Sorry about him I’m wraith.” She walked off pulling the man known as Mirage with her, after getting to know some more people and just hanging out. You noticed one you haven’t met yet pointing to him you ask.
“What about him I don’t think we have met?” Ajay turns to see who you are pointing at but she just sees him roll his eyes and walk away. “That’s our friend Revenant.” Path said with his iconic smile.“Don’t worry about him he’s well cold not worth trying to know him.” Bangalore said basically ignoring pathfinder. You turn back to watch he leave “challenge accepted.” You whispered to yourself, after learning how to play in the games you had some down time. This was perfect time to see what was up with that robot. Seeing him you walk over with your hand out. “Hi I don’t think we have met.” You put your hand down and look at him as if you did something wrong. “Leave me alone skin suit.” Is all he had to say but you were not going to give up. The simulacrum known as Revenant was really interesting to you, of course there are other robots here but Revenant was different. To be honest you might have a little crush on him he did watch you a lot. “Come on don’t be like that I want to get to know you we will eventually have a match together.” He just looked at you. “Why do you care.” It wasn’t even a question more of a statement. “I just want to get to know you I think your cool.” Cool? Him? Well that was something he had never heard before.
He was about to say something but Bangalore was telling everyone to go to bed. As you entered your room you thought it could use some decorating, something you could do later. getting into bed you lay there not able to sleep but a yellow light catch’s your attention, a little nervous you turn on the lamp. It was Revenant in the door way he invited himself in. “Well ask away I have nothing better to do.” Confused you ask. “What are you talking about?” A sigh left him. “You want to get to know me right? So ask.” He stood beside your bed. “Oh right well I don’t know I just think your cool I think robots are really fascinating.” He looks down at you with a huh. “There are two other bots here skin suit why me.” Cuz you liked him. You pushed these thoughts away you just met him. You had to make something up on the spot. “Well you just seem different.” He saw right through that lie you knew it. “Huh is that so?” He totally saw you blushing there was no hiding it.
He moved closer to you looking right in your eyes. “I know there is more to it no need to lie it just wastes my time.” Getting nervous you had to admit he did look really intimidating. “I guess I like you. There are you happy now.” He backed up and left the room. Not even looking back at you it was weird. There was no need to over think it right now you went to sleep thinking he would talk to you about it tomorrow. As morning came he didn’t say a word to you, but he did watch you. You would look back but nothing he was just standing and watching. This went on for a while and you were mad. He basically mad you confess just to watch from a distance and ignore you. You had enough. “What is your problem?” You were trying to keep your cool but it was hard. “What are you taking about.” Of course he’s going to act like nothing happened. “Why did you make me confess just to ignore me like this?” At this point you were holding in tears you didn’t want him to see you like this. But god it hurt.
He just looked at you like he always did and pulled you aside. Sure you had only been here for a few months but he was playing with your feelings, and you were sick of it. “Listen I’m not good with this kind of stuff.” He seemed calm almost like he wanted to make you ever more mad. “No you listen you’ve been playing with me feelings from day one do you like me back or not? I can’t keep doing this back and forth.” Your tears are gone and anger fills you as you ask, hoping he gives the answer you want. “Ugh yes skin suit how oblivious are you?” What he liked you this whole time? No he has to be lying there’s no way. “Yea I guess I am cuz standing and staring isn’t really a way for letting me know.” You still had anger in you but you felt happy he somewhat felt that same. “We can be together if you want but not in front of the others but they will know you’re mine.” Letting out a laugh you agree to this, it was hard at first. He didn’t hug you or anything in front of the other legends but alone he was so kind and caring, well as much as a murder bot could be.
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local-matryoshka · 3 days
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Revenant Apex Legend is beautiful, don't you agree?
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local-matryoshka · 3 days
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reworked a bit one of my favorite rev fanarts
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local-matryoshka · 4 days
Some random Miguel headcanons :
- has a sweet tooth
- can be a bit of a picky eater
- purrs and kneads like a cat ( more like an engine tbh )
- sometimes bites himself or a stim toy when bored
- deadly strawberry allergy
- if given the chance and right weather , will sleep completely naked with no blankets
- " we can get a cat but I won't care for it " , ends up being the chosen one
- really high spice tolerance
- gets overheated easily
- listens to classic music ( would it be our modern music ?)
- massaging him after a stressful week will make him fall asleep instantly
- really stingy about his hair and has to keep it neat 24/7
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local-matryoshka · 6 days
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Her body was electric, her soul filled with ecstasy.
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local-matryoshka · 6 days
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this is all i want for just 5 minutes please
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local-matryoshka · 6 days
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Knight in shining armour 🩸 (Dark Urge, dark ending)
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local-matryoshka · 6 days
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(via Xユーザーのぽてねのアポロとチロル兄さんさん: 「ふかふかな抱き枕を見つけた猫 https://t.co/wKKPdXGrpz」 / X)
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local-matryoshka · 6 days
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Puppets of jujutsu society
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