lobothepunkwolf · 1 month
“why do you ship yourself with fictional characters”
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lobothepunkwolf · 1 year
These sex bot names are getting lazier and lazier. They used to make up names that, even if they were real, didn't sound real. Now I get shit like allnuts following me and immediately messaging me a link to one of those virus-ridden camsites.
Allnuts? Really? The only nuts you're getting from me Mr. Roboto is me wishing your creator a severe nut allergy so I can force feed them peanuts.
Have you or a loved one been victimized by a tumblr porn bot? Good. Suffer. Its the initiation
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lobothepunkwolf · 1 year
Florida Man, known as "Alfred F. Jones" steals mail truck, and proceeds to drive it as fast as humanly possible. When asked about this highly illegal stunt, he stated that he indeed did not know stealing a mail truck was illegal, and that he was only trying to help the postal service.
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lobothepunkwolf · 1 year
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Hi everyone!
I am still interested in this, and I'm mostly looking for Hetalia Roleplays!
I don't get Notifications on this, so DM and add me on Discord:
RP Partner Ad
Hi! I'm in search for a Roleplaying Partner(s) either here or on Discord for the following Fandoms:
Grey's Anatomy
Game of Thrones
I used to be part of discord servers with these Fandoms and I haven't gotten any luck with any of them. I mostly roleplay with OCs, and I'm looking to get back into roleplaying again
I cannot stress that enough
If you're interested or have any questions, you can message me here!
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22 notes · View notes
lobothepunkwolf · 1 year
RP Partner Ad
Hi! I'm in search for a Roleplaying Partner(s) either here or on Discord for the following Fandoms:
Grey's Anatomy
Game of Thrones
I used to be part of discord servers with these Fandoms and I haven't gotten any luck with any of them. I mostly roleplay with OCs, and I'm looking to get back into roleplaying again
I cannot stress that enough
If you're interested or have any questions, you can message me here!
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
Nodding, Meredith responds, “Definitely.” She takes another bite from her donut and then turns to Hansen, nodding with a smile. She was glad to hear he had missed this, meaning he enjoyed being a part of this trial and she was glad about that. This trial had a very special place in her heart. With an arched eyebrow, Meredith smiles, hearing about the lab he had made himself over there. “Sounds like quite the spot for a lab?” She responds, then nods hearing about his room becoming a guest room. “Well, it’s nice you got to see your family. Family’s important, I’ve learned that over the years.” She confesses before biting into her donut again, for family had not always had that meaning to her.
For a brief second, a sadder look crossed Hansen’s face before he smiled and nodded, “Family’s all you got, in the end. Sometimes family ain’t always blood either. I’m learnin’ that too.” He said, before turning back to the notes. “But, yeah. If we can get a 3D Printer, that’ll help for more than our own study. Folks ‘round here might be able to make replacement parts to hold off patients ‘til their transplants come in. It could save hundreds, if not thousands, of lives.”
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
"Yeah?” Meredith slightly tilts her head and nods, smiling back at him. “Great,” she nods still as she straightens it up, looking down at her phone. She looks up as Hansen apologizes and simply shakes her head. “Oh, don’t be. To be quite honest, everything sort of went crazy around here.” She looks back down at her phone, sending a text to her husband real quick. “Had you been here, it probably would have been just as delayed anyway.” She briefly glances up at him then back at her phone, pressing send before looking back up at him. “Thank you though for researching and sending me things during your absence, you didn’t have to do that but I really appreciate it.” She nods, smiling. As Hansen digs in the donuts, she battles inside a moment but gives in to the temptation and grabs herself one. As Hansen speaks of a 3D Printer, Meredith bites into her donut and smiles as she chews, nodding. “You and I do think alike,” she eventually says while covering her mouth, then waits to swallow her bite before speaking up. “I need to sit with Bailey, look at the budget, but I’ve already pitched the idea and she seemed very interested.” She smiles.
Alex shrugged a bit, smiling to himself as he took a bite of the pastry in his hand. “I think it’ll work. Gonna take some time, but that seems like the best way to go ‘bout this.” He nodded and leaned back, smiling a little more. “I don’t know how much I can say I missed all of this. I had time between takin’ care of my niece and my pa to do some of these notes. So, I took as much time as I can. Ain’t really any hospital in my hometown, so I had to make some makeshift lab in the shed outside. They changed my room into a guest room.”
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
Call it a 6th sense or whatever, Meredith feels heaviness as she steps inside the lab, that was not there before when she came in earlier. She sees it in Hansen’s eyes as he looks at her, his smile tinted with sadness. She knew that look and state for having been in it for so long, years. She knew it all too well. She also knew better than to point it out abruptly or unwantingly, so she simply smiles back at Hansen and nods at his words. “Well it’s great to have you back,” she tells him as she gently shuts the door behind her. She smiles as he points out the donuts, nodding again. “Thanks for that,” she mutters, then turns back to him as she approaches him, sitting on the other stool and nodding. Checking up her phone, she nods to herself and says, “I actually have a partial colectomy scheduled tomorrow at 2PM, if you want to scrub in?” She offers. “I don’t know whose service you’re on, but if you want in, I can ask them to put you on my service tomorrow.”
“I’d... actually really like that.” Hansen nodded a bit, smiling as he looked back at the screen, scrolling through the notes. “I’m sorry if my absence caused some delay in this research. Just had to take care of a few things back home. But now, ain’t gonna be distracted.” Opening up the donuts, he took one of them and leaned back. “I started thinkin’ about how we could continue this. Maybe we can get a 3D Printer?”
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
               The Messenger I Hansen and Meredith
Patient had been somewhat stable through the night. There had been no post-op complications whatsoever but her patient’s pressure had been leaning towards the low side. The resident covering the night shift had kept a close eye and insisted on not to call her halfway through the night unless it was really needed, and he had been able to handle the patient by himself, which Meredith was thankful for because she really needed a good night sleep.
Pressure was back to normal for now so she runs a quick vitals exam and updates her chart, lets the nurse know to page her if anything changes and hands her the chart before heading out. She goes to her department to check with the staff that everything was running well and was under control, then checks her phone and sees Hansen had texted her. She had a surgery scheduled later, but had some time that usually she would spend on paperwork but given Hansen was in, she decides to go see him and check-up on him, and check-up on their work and his latest findings. “On my way to the lab” she texts him quickly before heading down there. She opens the door to find him in the back of the lab, at the computer. “Hey,” she smiles, “Welcome back.”
Alex had sat down at the computer, pulling up the document he had sent her. The box of donuts sat next to him, closed. There was something off about him that he was too close to see. In the way that he moved and looked, it just felt different. He seemed calmer, perhaps a bit tired. 
When he heard her come in, he looked up and smiled, but his eyes betrayed him. There was no way to mask anything for him anymore. There was a deeper sadness in them, a lot more than he normally had. 
“It’s great to be back.” he said, smiling a little more as he gestured at the donuts. “Honestly, I can’t wait to be back tomorrow. It’s been way too long since I’ve been in an OR. Startin’ to really miss it.”
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
          The Messenger I Hansen and Meredith
Throwing on her lab coat and stethoscope around her neck, she puts her purse away and throws her lunch in her mini fridge before grabbing her phone and heading out of her office, shutting the door behind her and heading down to the elevators. Catching it before the doors shut, she presses the level and stands in the back, looking down at her phone as another text comes in. She smiles at the ferry ride comment, her love for ferry boats, and smiles at the mention of donuts which actually sounded amazing. Typing up a response before heading out of the elevator, she sends, “Yum! Ride safe, see you later.”
Alex took his time in the shower, trying to make himself smell and look presentable. It had been quite some time since hes been outside for more than therapy appointments, his uncle wanting to make sure he was safe at the very least. He had been through a lot this past few months, and, despite feeling a little better, he wasn’t sure if he was completely better. Was there even a completely better in this kind of situation? Once he was out of the shower, he looked in the mirror at the stubble on his face and the bags under his eyes. An amused smile came to his face as it reminded him of the sleepless nights of Med school. Getting into a simple outfit of jeans, brown boots, a heather grey t-shirt, and blue plaid over shirt, he fixed his hair the best he could before leaving, making sure to lock the door behind him. 
It was shortly after that he arrived at the hospital, holding the box of donuts. Taking a deep breath, he looked at the building in front of him and smiled. This place was starting to feel more like home, his safe haven, instead of his own place. Maybe this is what he definitely needed. Walking in, he went straight up for the labs, pulling his phone out to text Dr. Grey.
“[I’m here. Heading for the lab.]”
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
Having five minutes, Meredith decides to look into the file that Hansen had sent her, but barely a minute in, her pager goes off. Checking it up, it comes from the head nurse that had been watching after her post-op patient all night. She had to go check-in on her and so she follows up the email to Richard before logging out of her mail from the computer. She would have to get to the file later but maybe Richard could look it up and brief her before she got to it herself.
Heading to her office to drop off her things before heading to her patient’s room, her phone dings as a text comes in and as she reaches her office and unlocks the door, she pulls out her phone and looks up at who texted her, setting her purse on her desk. A number with no name flashes up and she first wonders who it is from, but the number rings a bell as she leans eyes on it. She quickly checks in her phone mails to check that it was Hansen’s, who she had just sent her number to before responding to him after confirming it.
“Glad to hear you’ll be back tomorrow! If it’s your day off, embrace it. Or come in, you do as you please. Let me know!”
Alex had just finished his cup of coffee and taken his med when he heard his phone vibrate on the table next to him. Picking it up, he read the message before he sat back and tried to think about it. Maybe coming in would help him out. Hes been away for so long, and being around the hospital might make him feel a little better. He couldn’t go into an OR, but he could better explain his notes. Finally deciding, he shot her a quick text before heading to take a shower.
“[I’ll be there soon. I just need to take a shower and it’ll be a ferry ride. I’m at my uncle’s place right now. I’ll also bring donuts.]”
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
The past few months had been challenging, in every way, to say the least. Taken on the General department had been quite a challenge at first, getting situated in this new role and getting a hang of all it implied, on top of starting a clinical trial and doing tons of research, all the while trying to be a good, present mother for her children. Then the whole COVID situation hit, and it just got worse when Derek and herself got the news that their pending adoption was cancelled. It still broke her heart and she tried not to think about it now because she got so worried for that little boy and so angry at life. Kids were stuck home too, which had been a challenge at times but at least they had Derek’s mother to care for the children, which had been such a tremendous help, and Derek had been able to work around his schedule to give her time to work around her new role as Chief of General while also keeping up with her trial and keeping it running. In the midst of it all, Hansen had left to visit his family, but had been so kind to keep researching from a distance and send Meredith his findings. In his absence, Richard had given a lot of his time to the trial to help her out, which had been so helpful because of how little time she had to give to it, as heartbreaking as it was. This trial was her baby and she really wanted it to succeed, but times were just so hectic.
At some point, Meredith stopped receiving news from Hansen. Between running the department and her patients, at first she barely had time to even think about the research but eventually, she mostly got worried for him. She eventually showed up in Bailey’s office and asked her if she had heard anything. Sworn to secrecy, she could not tell her everything but she let her know that he was on a leave of absence. Meredith did not want the details, it was none of her business, but she did hope Hansen was ok. She really liked him, he was a great doctor and someone she loved working with and teaching. She only hoped he would be fine.
It was early morning, Meredith had just dropped off the kids at their grandma’s for the day and headed into work, stopping by the research lab to check up on a few things. As she did, looking up her emails, she notices Hansen’s name at the top. Eyebrow raising up, she opened it, surprised. Reading through, she sighs, just glad to hear from him at all. Typing up a response, she writes:
“Dr. Hansen,
Great to hear from you, hope you are well.
Thank you very much for the file, will be looking into it and keeping you posted. Looking forward having you back around, hoping your family is well. In the mean time, Dr. Webber and I are keeping things up in your absence. Here is my cell number if anything : (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Take care, hope to see you soon.
Dr. Meredith Grey Chief of the General Surgical Department Seattle-Grace-Mercy-West-Hospital”
Alex heard the very familiar ping of a notification for his email. Coffee in his hand, he walked backed to his laptop and opened it to see that Dr. Grey had responded. His tired eyes looked over each and every word, before he pulled his phone out and added her number to his contacts. His heart sunk when he saw her wishes for his family’s health, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath. Dr. Mallory did say opening up about what happened to those it would have affected the most would help. But.. No. He wasn’t ready for that just yet. Closing the laptop, he sent Dr. Grey a text.
“[I’m not fully back until tomorrow, but I can come in and work on the project.]”
The Messenger I Hansen and Meredith
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
17 notes · View notes
lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
The Messenger I Hansen and Meredith
It had been almost three months since Hansen had left Seattle. Back in April, he had gone on a personal leave. Given the circumstances he was going for, they were surprisingly a lot more lenient with that. He didn't want to leave Dr. Grey empty handed, so he continued what research he could, sending her updates and emails. It was nearly a steady pace too. Everything seemed to be going well on that end.
The middle of May is when he seemed to drop off the face of the Earth. There wasn't updates or emails being sent, but his bills seemed to be paid. He wasn't at his apartment, and even Bear was gone.
It wasn't until the tail end of June when another email was received.
[ Dr. Grey,
I want to apologize for my sudden disappearance. Attached are further notes that I've had the opportunity to compile into a PDF file. If you have any questions, please call me at [***-***-****]. Thank you for your patience.
Dr. Alexander Hansen ]
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
Alexander Hansen | Interlude Self Para Part One | Heavy
[TRIGGER WARNING: Death and Description of Attempted Suicide]
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June 15th 2020
The rain came down hard against the window of the building, sounding like pebbles hitting concrete. Normally rain was calming for Alex. It was something that was a rarity for his part of Texas. In the little town of Driftwood, rain was a relief from the dry heat. It meant that the ranches and farms around were going to flourish. It meant that the creek was closer to a river, which was much more fun to swim in. It was a blessing from Heaven.
Today, however, that blessing felt like a curse. He sat in the room, across from the Psychiatrist he's come to know as Dr. Thomas Mallory. The man was older, his once dirty blond hair graying from age, his sharp features softened. His eyes were like a deep dark sea, filled with a curiosity and understanding that Alex wasn't used to. It pissed him off beyond belief, and he couldn't figure out why the man filled him with such rage. Maybe it was the fact that the man had shown him kindness that the world has seemed to forgot? Or maybe it was the absolute hope that the man had. 
Sitting cross legged on the couch in front of Mallory, Alex played with the sleeves of the dark blue long sleeve shirt issued by the hospital he was in. His clothes were taken from him once he arrived… god knew how long ago. All of it felt like a fever dream. The black slipper socks and same colored pants almost felt like his scrubs. At least that was a comfort in the long silence that set between them.
"Dr. Kenzie told me you haven't been participating in group therapy." Mallory finally spoke up, his deep voice filled with a softness that nearly made the man cringe. He didn't need coddling and understanding. He needed out, back to the operating room. Back to Grey-Sloan, back to the distraction that was his job. Still playing with his sleeve, he didn't look up at the man.
"Mr. Hans--"
"Dr. Hansen." He looked up and snapped quietly at the man, a frown on his face. "I worked for that title. I'd like to be called it."
A surprised look crossed Mallory's face as the man finally spoke up, but a smile quickly replaced it. "Anger. That's a sign of progress. It can be productive. Let's go off of that. What are you angry about?"
Alex opened his mouth to speak before closing it, frowning. Taking a moment, he turned to face him. "I'm angry that I'm stuck in this room, in this hospital, when there's patients out there that need help. When I was workin' on ground breakin' work with one of the most brilliant surgeons in the U.S. I'm angry that I'm stuck here in a room with you and your stupid face."
"That's a bit mean, Dr. Hansen. But very telling and very understandable. It's understandable to feel this way, especially in these times. It's understandable to feel helpless, when your entire career is dedicated to helping the helpless." Mallory chuckled a bit, leaving back in his chair. "But, I hope you understand I'm not the one who put you here. We're trying to help you be the best you can be, that way you can get back to doing what you do: helping the helpless." Placing his hand in his lap, the man continued, "I've read over your medical file. This isn't the first time you've been in a facility like this. How about we talk about that?"
Hansen fell silent, looking away from him and back down at his lap, fidgeting with his hands. Mallory raised an eyebrow, giving the man an encouraging smile. "Okay. Instead of talking about your time while you were there, how about we talk about what led your there? We can compare similarities to what happened now, detect patterns of red flags to help you in the future."
Alex looked at him, before closing his eyes. 
July 20th 2002
"Arg-- I've been shot--" a boy about eight years old with dark brown hair clutched his chest as he fell in the grass of the backyard with a dramatic groan. A girl with long hair of a similar color ran towards him with a white bag. Kneeling beside him, she pulled out a toy stethoscope and put it up to his chest, pretending to listen. 
"Sounds like the bullet entered your lung. I gotta do an emergency removal!" The girl said, a dramatic tone tinged with her southern accent. She then pulled out her toy forceps and pretended to remove the imaginary bullet, pressing it a little harder into his chest than she meant to.
"Ouch-- Allie, be careful--" the boy pouted. Allie stuck her tongue out at him, pulling them away.
"Don't be a big baby, Alex. Besides, I got the bullet, which means I'm the best trauma surgeon around!" She giggled and tossed it to the side. Alex puffed his cheeks out, crossing his arms. 
"I'm not a big baby, and only 'cause I'm the best cop around."
Allie rolled her eyes and laid in the grass next to him, looking up at the summer sky above them. "You're gonna be the easiest target out there with your big ol' dumbo ears." She turned to look at him, grinning widely.
"Uh-huh, and you won't be able to see your scalpel with that big nose of yours." Alex smirked back at her. The two started giggling to each other and sighed, enjoying the summer breeze that was blowing. A silence fell between them, before Allie spoke up. 
"When we graduate, we can move to Austin together. Best brother-sister duo out there, Cop and Doctor. Gonna be savin’ the world!"
Alex looked at his sister with a smile and nodded. Reaching his hand out towards her, she took it, and they laid there together. Summer days seemed to last forever. And he was grateful for every moment he had.
August 12th 2004
"Alex, Allie. Time to get up and get ready for school!" A motherly voice called out from downstairs. Alex sat up in his bed, rubbing his eyes. It was their first day of fourth grade. They had the same teacher, and he knew that they'd be sitting next to each other. Smiling excitedly, he got up and quickly got dressed, rushing out to the hall. Allie came from her room, groggily holding her stomach. "Mama.. I don't feel good." She called out. 
Alex looked concerned at his twin sister, seeing how pale her face was. A woman with dark graying hair and brown soft eyed came upstairs and frowned worriedly when she saw her daughter.
"Oh, baby… you don't look so good.." that concern only grew between everyone when Allie turned to vomit in her room. The woman rubbed the girls back and shushed her. "It's okay.. it's probably just a stomach bug.. c'mon, let's get you cleaned up. I'll take you to the doctor.." she turned to Alex, "Go get ready for school. Your Pa'll take you. Virgil?" She called down the stairs, "I need you to take Alex to school. Allie and I are goin' to the doctor."
Alex pouted a bit, unsure about starting a year of school without his sister. He was even more worried about her. "But I wanna be with Allie, Mama--" he said
"Do as I say, Alexander." She said, a little sharply, causing the boy to turn on his heels and towards his room.
September 20th 2009
"Jenny said she misses ya, and wishes she could come and see ya. She made the cheer team at school." Alex, now fifteen, sat next to Allie in her hospital bed, smiling at her. "Darren is.. still a dick. But, I mean, that's what ya get when you got a crush on a dumb jock."
"Alex, be nice." Allie chuckled quietly, laying back in her bed. She looked a little more sickly than Alex was used to seeing. Her skin was pale and she was losing so much weight. It was a big concern with him. He pushed his parents to take her to a doctor in Austin, something. Finally, they listened when she started throwing up blood. They rushed her thirty minutes into the City where they got the diagnosis: Stage Four Stomach Cancer. When he heard the news, Alex was filled with anger. They could have caught this before it got this far if they just went and got her checked by someone more qualified than the town doctor. If they did more than hope and pray. Now, here his twin sister was, his other half, dying in a hospital bed. There was nothing the surgeons could do but make her comfortable. And Alex made sure he drove every day to see her. He couldn't stand spending a moment away from her. 
"You know.." she said, breaking him from his thoughts, "You grew into those dumbo ears of yours. Now they're only slightly too big."
Alex looked at her and smiled a bit, "Wish I could say the same 'bout your nose." 
She laughed and laid back, shaking her head as she reached her hand out for his. He looked at it and took it gently, intertwining their fingers carefully. They sat there in silence before she spoke up again. "Smile more. Girls might actually like you… Maybe even boys." She teased, laughing a bit when he gave her a worried look, "I haven't told Pa or Ma 'bout you and Dylan, don't worry… but you got that dopey grin when you're really happy. And it's a great thing to see. Share it with the world."
"Ain't much to smile 'bout these days." He admitted, mostly to himself. She gave him an incredulous look. "I mean with how the world is." He backtracked a bit, shaking his head. "It's all crazy."
"Alexander Joseph Hansen, I ain't gonna let you die inside." She pouted at him, squeezing his hand. "Go see Dylan after this. Go out to eat somewhere. Live your life, Alex. At least for me."
'I don't know how to do that without you' was what he wanted to say. Taking a deep breath, he smiled and nodded at her. "Alright, sis. I promise."
October 17th 2009
[Come up to the hospital now]
That was the only text he got from his older brother as he left the cafeteria towards the parking lot and to his car. There was nothing stopping him as he tore out of the parking lot and towards Austin. Something was wrong, and he knew it this morning when he woke up. Something felt off and this text just confirmed the feeling in the pit of his stomach. He rushed as fast as he could on the highway and nearly skidded into a parking spot. Putting the car in park, he quickly got out and ran into the building as fast as he could. Once he got up on his sister's floor, he saw his mother sobbing into his father's shoulder. His brother looked up from his spot on the floor, his face covered in tears. He barely recognized the tears that were streaming down his face as he looked at the room, his body consumed with anger and sorrow. No. He couldn't lose her this way. It wasn't happening. It was a nightmare. But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't wake up from it. His world was underneath that white sheet, behind that hospital room door. And despite her being only yards away, he's never felt lonelier in his life. 
July 18th 2010
"You sure you don't want to come to service with us tonight?" His mother stood at the door, leaning against his door frame with a worried look on her face. Alex sat on his bed, cross legged and playing with the hem of his shirt. 
"Nah, Ma.. I'll be fine." He looked up at her, a smile on his lips that didn't quite reach his eyes. "I'm just tired.. I'm gonna go to bed early. So I can get up and help the Dillon's with their barn."
She let out a sigh and walked into the room, wrapping the boy in her arms and gently kissing the top of his head. "Alright, baby… get some rest. We'll be at the church next door if you need anything. I love you.." With that, she left the room. 
Alex laid in the bed, staring at the ceiling, as the hours passed. He was exhausted beyond belief, but every time he closed his eyes, all he saw was his sister. His heart felt empty, and no matter how much he tried, he couldn't move past that day. The world was colder and duller without his twin. They had done everything together, ever since they were little. A lump in this throat, he got out of the bed and stumbled to the bathroom. He just wanted to feel her one last time. Be by her side again. He rummaged through the medicine cabinet, pulling out the painkillers that Dr. Shelley had prescribed her for her pain. The stupid idiot who took his sister away from him. But now, they would be together again. Forever.
As he felt the darkness overcome him, he thought he could hear his mother scream and the clatter of a pill bottle on the floor.
June 15th 2020
"I think that's enough for today. You're making progress." Mallory smiled brightly as he sat the pen down on the notebook in front of him. "And that's the first step towards recovery. Is being open. I'm sure you've heard this all the time… but if you ever need anything during your stay here, don't hesitate to ask. We're only here to help you. Now, I think it's rec time. Go get some fresh air out in the yard. It'll definitely make you feel better. 
Alex frowned a bit and rubbed his neck. Despite hours of talking with the man, he still felt like there was a weight on his feet, dragging his down beneath the dark cold water. Looking out the window, he saw that the rain had started, revealing a summer sky. Maybe his sister really was looking down at him, now happy he finally spoke about that bottled up emotion.
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
Watching as Hansen got things together, Meredith stood by with a feeling of relief mixed with pride. She was very proud of this research, of counting Richard in, but mostly at this moment, proud that a very brilliant and clever first year resident was so implied in this project. This was her baby. It was the continuation of her mother’s work. It meant a lot. And the fact that it meant a lot to other people as well made her feel very proud. As Hansen opened his book to her, she bent over and looked it up, frowning as she analyzed the data Hansen had collected and his many observations. As Hansen mentioned about the pancreas, Meredith’s eyebrow raised, but not in a doubtful manner, but a very open-minded one. She looked up at Hansen, and then down at his writings again, letting the idea make its way through her thoughts and analyzing it at the same time. She was reminded then of a research Webber had once done in the past and she locks gaze with Hansen after a moment, her eyes illuminated. “Implants,” she mutters, growing thoughtful for a moment, her smile growing as she turns to face Hansen, stepping back a little and nodding to her idea before sharing it with Hansen. “Implants derived from the stem cells, that would contain insulin-producing cells.”
Hansen watched as Meredith formulated the thought in his head, eyes full of curiosity and a slight tinge of fear. Maybe the data that he got wasn’t enough? Perhaps it was wrong. He was wrong before and hes seen the mistakes up front. Did he just embarrass himself? Swallowing when she turned around, he noticed the smile and sighed a little with relief. “Yeah, I was thinkin’ along those lines. Somethin’ the body is least likely to reject-” He flipped to another page that was covered in what seemed to be notes about stem cell with possible concept designs of insulin pumps and devices. “Maybe.. Not exactly this. Since most of its mechanical. But, somethin’ that’s organic, small, but programmed to act like an insulin pump. Registers with the body saying its high on sugars, and needs the insulin, and it makes the pancreas produce it.” He explained, running his hand through his hair. “If it works, we can probably reverse it for the people who have hypoglycemia. Kill two birds with one stone.”
All For Something | Hansen and Meredith
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
I think I did it, Dr. Grey. Instantly, Meredith’s eyebrow raised up as she stared back at him, head slightly tilting. I think I might have found somethin’ that could potentially cure diabetes. At that moment, Meredith’s entire face dropped. Then hearing that Hansen had been coming to the lab to work on the research in his free time blew Meredith’s mind. She had not been expecting that. It sure confirmed her that she had made the right choice when asking Hansen to help her with this research. He was the perfect pick. Staring at him a moment, a barely noticeable smile draws up on her face. She slowly nodded her head and then closed the distance between them, saying in a very interested way, “Show me.”
He sat in some silence while waiting for her to talk. His confidence was slowly fading with each silent second. What if this was the wrong move? What if he overstepped his boundaries and now he would have to go home, back in shame, and face his parents to tell them that he, the son they paid for medical school for, was now a washed up wannabe with absolutely not time under his belt? It was the moment that she said ‘Show Me’ that caused the panic to melt away.
Nodding quickly, he opened his notebook and showed her the extensive notes. “What if, and hear me out, we added somethin’ to the pancreas? Somethin’ that would basically help regenerate the cells that produce insulin?”
All For Something | Hansen and Meredith
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lobothepunkwolf · 4 years
Everything had escalated so quickly from the moment Bailey has passed over the head of the General department to her. Cristina and Lexie had both come back, which had been just a crazy period in time emotionally, then Christmas and all around it, and then The COVID-19 situation had hit and from that point on, it had just been madness. They had to organize kids’ homeschool situation, which thankfully Carolyn was around to help for. Having her home with them 24/7 was so great. Then the whole them working and coming home to their kids situation. They had both evaluated not going home at all to protect the kids, but leaving Carolyn with all three children and the dog, not that Luna was hard to handle but still, sounded so wrong and it would not have worked, so they had implanted a system at home to try and be as safe as possible. The bathroom in the garage thankfully had a small shower, and so every time they got home from work, they took off their clothes and put them in a bin near the bathroom, showered and always had clean clothes they put away for when they would come home in the bathroom to change into before entering the house. It was the best system they had been able to think of to try and be as safe as possible. And on top of it all, Derek ran the Neuro department and she ran the General department, which Meredith knew would be intense and take a lot of her time, but she had not expected to be this intense. So in the mix of it all, her research had unfortunately been tossed aside. But at the moment, it was unfortunately not important - even though it meant a great deal to her. She was ready for this situation to be over.
“No, we can’t do that. Tell Dr. Sheen to page me when she gets the results and we’ll see what we can do from there, just make sure Mr. O’Connor stays in his room in the mean time. Thank you,” she exhaustedly nods, scribbling a few notes before closing the chart and handing it over to the nurse with a muttered, “Thanks,” before feeling her pager buzzing and reaching out to pick it up. Hansen’s name flashes and she frowns, seeing that he was paging her to the lab. She settled her pager back on as she made her way to the lab, wondering what this was about but mostly, why Hansen was paging her there. As she goes there, she went right in and frowned, spotting Hansen in the back. “You paged?” And soon after, she frowned a bit more asking, “What are you doing here?”
When the door opened, Hansen looked up with the widest grin, not noticing the frown on her face. “I think I did it, Dr. Grey. I think I might have found somethin’ that could potentially cure diabetes.” He held up the notebook, finally noticing her frown, “I... hope you ain’t too mad with me, for taking this perhaps a bit too far. But I couldn’t just let this go. I couldn’t sleep, so, uh, I came back. I figured I’d bother you only if I had some solution. And worked on this. But, I think we’ve been lookin’ in the wrong place.”
All For Something | Hansen and Meredith
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