lizzyxpierce · 1 year
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
“It’s literally so stressful! Every day he whined about the fact that if he had a chance he would propose to my mom, and yet here we are and he still hasn’t. I don’t know how she has as much patience with him as she does,” Aurelia admitted shaking her head knowing full well the patience came with loving someone so much and knowing they were forever. But still. It wasn’t something she related to. She pursed her lips together before a slow grin pulled at the corners, “You know it’s getting more tempting to actually tell her. It would be entertaining to watch her get into a debate with someone over the correct history.” Perhaps it wouldn’t be fun for whoever her grandma went head to head with, but for Aurelia to see her grandma at all was always her favorite and especially if it meant telling people they were wrong. She shrugged her delicate shoulders as she looked over at her, “trust me he’s aware it could be worse. He constantly questions if I’m really his kid since I’m well behaved, but that’s because I was always afraid of acting out. I never wanted him to worry about me when he was so worried about Damien and mom. I am going to fully poke at your collection though. What books a person owns says a lot about them, and it’s the best way to learn about someone.”
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“He’s male, they all tend to be pretty stupid.” Elizabeth told her niece with a small laugh. “She’s got her reasons.” One of which she knew was Beca’s paranoia that nobody would ever want to be bound to her for eternity if they didn’t have to be, no matter how much they loved her. Not that Liz would ever tell Aurelia or Damien that; it wasn’t her place, and there were some things she knew their mother wouldn’t want anyone else to tell them. “They love each other, and they love you. No matter how stupid Oliver is about following through on things, you can know that. As for my mother, you should be careful getting her started with the locals. Wildly entertaining as it is, it gets dark fast.” Then again, Liz wasn’t a stranger to the fact Katherine only subjected herself to Mystic Falls, Virginia, because it was where the rest of them were. “Well, you can act out now if you want. Nothing you do will be half as bad as some of the stuff I’ve done.” Or Beca, but that was another story. “A lot of mine are text and medical books. But there’s some other stuff there, too. I’m not as bad as Ryder with books, but it’s pretty close.”
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
“Maybe they didn’t know, Liz. Think about how evil those witches are and everything they’ve done to our parents; hell everything they’ve done to us! Doesn’t it at least seem plausible that the witches made sure you two couldn’t grow up together?” The last thing Oliver wanted was for his sister to put another burden onto her own shoulders when she didn’t need to. No, instead he would do everything he could to try and make sure she didn’t hold onto that weight. “I wouldn’t let it effect what you have now. You have a twin brother to get to know, although if he replaces me as your favorite we’re going to have to have words about it.” Oliver raised his eyebrows teasingly glaring her down. He didn’t mean anything by it, but he was hoping to get her to relax just a bit. Take a deep breath and move past it all. Not that he truly believe it would be that easy because he knew it wouldn’t be. But he wanted to at least be sure that she wasn’t going to hold onto it and block someone out of her life that could be good for her. She deserved better. “Don’t ask me what you’re suppose to do with it though. I think we’re all trying our best and that’s all I can ask of you.”
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“I know that.” Liz sighed heavily, pushing a hand through her dark curls. Those witches, whoever, wherever they were, had to have an unimaginable amount of power to even make Elizabeth and the rest exist; to say nothing of the curse. “Of course it’s possible. Beca and Nick have ten years proving that, so it might’ve been those damn witches, but my parents... Oliver, they weren’t like you and Beca. They weren’t like mum. They could have known and let him go.” She didn’t like to think it, but it was almost easier to let it be their fault. They were dead and gone, and god knew she had enough to deal with from them as it was. Liz rolled her eyes, scoffing out a short laugh. “You couldn’t be replaced if you tried.” She was too dependent on him and she had been for a long time. Oliver understood her in a way nobody else had, even their own family. “My best? Ollie.” Liz sighed, shaking her head slightly. “You know as well as I do how shit my best tends to be.”
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
“I’m glad you still know me so well,” He admitted laughing loudly as he looked over at his daughter. Sure maybe his DNA didn’t course through her veins, but he would be damned if he didn’t see her as anything but his. She also had a point because he didn’t care about how much time she had with the others when he needed his time with her too. “Just know that I do plan on keeping you to myself for at least the next day to make up for it all. Since I’ve been oh so patient,” Kai knew the real reason he had given her time. Emma had come into their lives, and he needed to make sure that she was okay and settled before he could bring himself to step away from her. It was the same thing he would have offered any of the kids that had needed it. “Damon is a special case of idiot though. Your mother should never be included in that. I hate that Asher questions for even a second the type of woman she is. I just hope sixteen years apart changed things.”
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“I didn't really expect you'd change so much that I wouldn't.” She shrugged, letting out a small laugh. It would be a crash way to put it, but Liz didn't expect either of her parents to be any different than they ever had been. They were set in their ways no matter how good they were as a family. “He does have his own family here, you know, and Tatia is as demanding as you are, so I'm sure once she sees him, it's game over.” Not that she minded. As appealing as it was to fuse herself and Colton together permanently, she knew herself well enough to know that was a horrible idea. “Can't really blame him, I suppose. It's not like any legends of Katherine Pierce are forgiving.” Liz sighed with another small shrug. She hadn't known what to expect either at first, planning for the myth and not a mother; it had been a pleasant and strange surprise. “I dunno. I'm not in his head. I just think it's weird he named his baby after her and then continued to avoid all of us for the rest of time.”
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
“You’re right. We do have a hope that maybe just maybe Noah has caught on that his dad is missing a few screws,” but weren’t they all? He knew first hand that his siblings weren’t sane in any way, but that was why they all also accepted that he wasn’t either. Hayden shrugged his shoulders easily as he nudged her teasingly, “we might be crazy but you’re the one who fell in love with one of us and stuck around as my best friend. So who’s crazier?” He asked her raising his eyebrows. It wasn’t a fair game to play about who was crazier when in all honesty not one of them was even remotely sane. “You don’t hate me. You couldn’t if you even tried,” he tossed his arm around her shoulders pulling his best friend into his side. She could threaten him all she wanted but he knew that they were both stuck with each other as best friends and they honestly needed that. “You are a basket case, but you’re my basket case and I wouldn’t change that for nothing, Liz. You’re stuck with me much to my brother’s horror I’m sure.”
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“Have you spent time with Noah? It's like they saw Kellan's personality and went, ‘that looks good, let's do it again,’ and then gave him his mum's manners.” Liz scoffed out a laugh as she shook her head. There were worse things, and Noah was at least not blacking out the way Kellan had, but there was no denying the horror she felt for a split second when Noah opened his mouth and his father came out. “You're the one who stayed my friend once we got together. And Colton is the poor fool who fell in love with me so really, who's worse off?” She shot back, tilting her head slightly as her eyebrows raised in a challenge. It was a joke, of course, but there would always be a small part of her wondering when she'd be alone again, even if it wasn't by choice. “I'm pretty sure that he's accepted it by this point.” She shrugged, wrapping her arm loosely around him in return. “And I love you, but I don't plan on doing as every doppelganger here has and leaving one brother for another, so we have nothing to worry about.”
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
“I’m sorry you had to go through that,” he offered her quietly hoping that she understood it wasn’t because he pitied the way she had grown up but rather because he wanted her to never doubt if someone had cared about her. He might be new to the whole twin thing, but he was use to being a brother. It came naturally to him, more naturally than acting like a stranger. “I can imagine. She seems pretty set with that line honestly,” which was amusing but he could see how it would get annoying after so long. Declan only hoped that he would be allowed around to get to that point with her himself, but he understood there were other children to take into consideration. “I’m use to maddening,” he admitted his lips twitching up in a smile, “my adoptive family was large and constantly loud. There was never a moment of silence in that house with that many personalities, but I miss it. I miss being surrounded by people who should love me and want to spend time with me.” His eyebrows were raised as he listened to her, “I would be excited to get to know these nephews or nieces someday. I’m sure there’s a lot of catching up with everyone else they’re busy with right now.” Declan leaned up to nudge her gently as he nodded, “We’ll do a trip just the two of us. I show you Greece and where I called home, and you show me around London. If you need anything from me emotionally while we’re there I’ll have your back.”
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“It isn’t like you caused any of it.” She had always been bad with sympathy from people, or honestly most kindness in general. With Xander and Hayden and the rest of the people who had annoyingly made their way in, it was one thing, but that hadn’t made it easy. Something about knowing she had shared a womb with somebody and they were strangers wasn’t making it any easier this time around. “But thank you.” Lizzy added, clearing her throat and nodding slightly. “I’m glad you didn’t. I have no idea how I’d have managed  thousand siblings all the time growing up, I barely have since I found any of them.” It almost sounded like a joke, except she knew how much it wasn’t. There was nothing funny about how dependent she was on Oliver and distant she felt from everyone else. “You’ll get no shortage of that now. They’re all mad and we’re all shit at acting like we care for the most part, but they’re there. Sometimes too much, it’s annoying.” At least it was when it was Trinity. Nadia wasn’t too bad. “We’re not all here. Don’t know if our mother told you that.” That Katherine was handling that at all was impressive. “Well. One of those nephews is two, so he doesn’t know what’s happening most of the time. You might stand a chance there.” A small smile flitted across her lips, almost sad. “That would be nice. I haven’t been back since before Damien was born - our nephew, and he’s nearly eighteen. The only reason I even know it happened was a lot of drunk texts to my best friend and him coming to get me that I’ll probably never live down.”
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lizzyxpierce · 1 year
“As long as we’re crystal clear on the fact that nothing either of us do will change how the other sees us. No matter how dark things become,” it was an easy promise to make to always love Liz for him. Even the idea of losing her tore at his very soul so loving her even at her worst was all too easy to know he could do. Everything in him came to a still as he took in her words. Of all the things he was ready to hear come from her lips that hadn’t cracked the list. “That’s all, Liz? That’s a lot to take in for you.” He couldn’t even imagine how hard she was struggling with it. He pulled her tight against his side pressing his face in her hair as he sucked in a deep breath, “you know it’s okay to not be handling it well. You don’t have to hide it from me or how you’re feeling.”
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“You still loved me after I flipped the switch, Colton. I’m perfectly clear on how much you must love me. And I know how much I love you.” She had known that long before she had been able to tell him, regardless of how much shit Alison had given her once she figured it out. He had been a lot more than just her best friend for a long time. Elizabeth sucked in a sharp breath and pressed her face into his shoulder, squeezing her eyes shut. It was so much different with Colton than anyone else, but she had never been good with the heavy stuff. That was part of her problem. “I know that.” She grumbled, trying to hold back the tidal wave she was constantly avoiding. “I’m trying not to think about it. If I start, I’ll end up going all the way back to my parents, and that entire mess and if I start to go back down that hole I don’t know that I’ll ever stop.” That pit would inevitably lead to Brianna killing her and the shit with Freddie she did everything to not think about. A brick wall she had only chipped pieces of away for Colton. “It’s not like it’s his fault, he didn’t know about me either, but that almost makes it worse. I spent three years around your brother and Rebeca, and yes they grew up with their twins, but how did I not know?”
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
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FRESH (2022) dir. Mimi Cave
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
“Very lucky, but even if I did see that side of you it doesn’t change anything for me. You’re stuck with me for eternity,” It wasn’t for himself that he didn’t want to see that side of her, but because he wanted to be sure she never had to live with regret if things got too dark. Colton was determined to protect her the best that he could. Suddenly hearing her words though snapped him out of his own thoughts as he turned to look at her curiously as he raised his eyebrows, “Should I be worried about what this talk is about?” he asked curiously sucking in a deep breath.
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“I’d better be. If eternity wasn’t in the cards, we’d have a very different relationship.” She said jokingly. If it came down to it, Liz knew that she would rather have the friendship they had before they got together. Having any version of Colton in her life was better than the alternative, but she knew that she didn’t have to worry about that. There was something really safe in knowing that. “Nothing’s wrong.” Lizzy said quickly as she shook her head, squeezing his hand reassuringly. “It’s a family thing, but everything’s fine. I mean - I’m not necessarily, but I'm not hurt or anything.” She felt her shoulders slouch at the way it sounded. The more she tried to make it sound fine, the worse it did. Liz let out a sigh as she shook her head slightly. “We have another sister, and I...” She took a deep breath, shrugging a bit. “Have a twin, apparently. That’s all it was.” 
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
“I mean it isn’t like my dad can say a lot when it comes to being completely oblivious in relationships considering my mom still doesn’t have a ring. At this rate I’m fairly certain I’ll be engaged before them, and I don’t have a partner.” It was a teasing comment as she smiled, but she did want to see her parents engaged sooner rather than later. She knew she had lit up at the idea as she shook her head, “It’s why I didn’t tell grandma about it. I know if she’s aware she’s going to go, and then she’s going to end up arguing with everyone about what actually happened. It would be fun to watch though.” After all what was more entertaining than watching Katherine being passionate about correcting old white men was never going to get boring for Aurelia. “It’s not so much against him being over books. It’s the fact that whenever I come home there’s another ten books in my hands,” she admitted in amusement because she knew her dad would never stop her from getting more if they made her happy. “Although I might have to see what you have.”
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“Don’t remind me. I’ve been on him about that since your brother was born. He’s as bad as Kellan.” Elizabeth didn’t bother hiding the eye roll that accompanied the words. Her brother was one of her favorite people in the world and Kellan one of her closest friends, but that didn’t mean they weren’t both idiots. “She would probably get too much enjoyment out of it. Nobody hates how much they know about this town more than my mother does.” Other people probably hated the town itself more, that much Liz was confident of, but Katherine had been there since the founding. That had to change things. “Could always remind him that it could be drugs. Speaking from experience with both, he should be happy your thing is books.” Liz cracked, a small smirk on her lips despite the honesty behind it. “You can check mine out anytime. I don’t know how much would interest you but you’re welcome to look.” 
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
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Nothin’ to see here!
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
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#the platonic friends with benefits definition was not updated successfully
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
Oliver’s words quickly dried up in his mouth at the news that left his sister. His arms hung limply at his side as he looked at Liz trying to gage her reaction, but it was clear it wasn’t good news to her. “I’m sorry, L,” he whispered to her, “What can I do for you? I know that this isn’t easy for you.” He wasn’t sure what there was that he could do, but that wouldn’t stop him from trying with her. For him this new brother had yet to mean anything to him, but Lizzie meant the entire world. He was always going to prioritize doing whatever she needed from him. “Don’t you dare start beating yourself up for not knowing though. How could you? You were just an infant. I will literally sit on you if I have to for you to listen to me,” he wouldn’t mind the physical affection with her, but he knew that it was from what she was comfortable with. She never had been and anytime she dealt with it he knew it was entirely for her sake.
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“I don’t know.” The words came out dry, her throat feeling like it was uncomfortably thick. “Mum said she found him when we were all cursed. That he didn’t know, but he’s here now, and I...” Liz let out a heavy sigh as she shook her head, letting her eyes drift shut. “It’s not that I feel like I should’ve known. I mean, I do, but it’s more than that. I already had more than enough issues with my parents that I’ll never resolve now that they’re both dead without having to wonder if they’d known and separated us on purpose. I can’t stop thinking about it.” She admitted heavily, knowing the way it sounded. It couldn’t be any worse than the way it felt. “I spent my whole childhood feeling alone and then they sent me away, and I came back a vampire and then came here. And then got screwed over by...you know.” Liz sighed, scrunching her face. She still couldn’t talk about it. Telling Colton after it happened had been hard enough and it didn’t feel like talking about Freddie’s betrayal should still hurt now. “I spent sixteen years by myself trying to go numb without turning it off again from how lonely I was, and the whole time, he was just... out there. What am I supposed to do with that?” She asked, her nose scrunching in a small laugh. “Please don’t sit on me. I don’t ever need to be that close to your ass.” 
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
“Ah see I’m quite aware that phones work like that, but have you considered even once that I’m actually an emotional person that doesn’t like to beg for attention?” He managed to pull off being serious for all of a moment before he was laughing at his own dramatics. Kai had absolutely no issues begging for his children’s affection and time if he needed to, but he was still trying to play it off cool and give them time with others. “Although I do think I’ve given you enough time to see your friends and boyfriend that I won’t feel bad taking up your time,” and he would. He had sixteen years to make up for with his daughter after all. “I think a lot of Asher’s issues are all internal ones that he’s deflecting onto your mother who doesn’t deserve it. But she’ll bear it like a saint because she loves all of you kids, Asher included.”
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“I hadn’t, actually, because I happen to think that I know better.” Liz shot back with a snort. It could never be said that her mother wasn’t dramatic, and from everything she knew both from stories and knowing Kai herself, she knew Katherine was well-matched in that department. “You wouldn’t feel bad doing it regardless of how long I’d had with them.” She argued with a raised eyebrow. Sixteen years or no time at all, and she knew Kai well enough to remember how he operated. “If anyone not in our family heard the words ‘Katherine’ and ‘saint’ in the same sentence, they’d keel over.” Lizzy joked drily, letting out a heavy sigh. “He’s not the only one who’s had something against a parent. The Salvatores might have him beat there.” To say nothing of the things she knew of the Donovans, but she didn’t know most of them well enough to know much about it. “You’d just think there would be perspective after how long we were apart, but then, he has a wife and two kids so he probably handled that curse better than I did.” 
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
“He was always going to be a good dad. I mean he was a good brother, but I knew it was going to be even worse with children he had with Kat. I’m just going to hope that Noah and Rebecka see past the rest and realize their dad is the weird one, and the rest of us are normal,” the word barely passed his lips before he burst out laughing knowing what a lie that was. None of them were normal it was an absolute joke, but there was being weird and there was being Kellan which was a whole other level. He lit up at Liz’s laugh though that as he shook his head, “I’m not holding the punches just to make you happy. I have to remind you as your best friend that I’m still a pain in the ass.”
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“Noah did grow up with him, so there’s always a chance he’s figured that out already. We may all be mad, but he’s a complete loon.” Liz snorted as she shook her head. It wasn’t exactly like she was sane. She hadn’t been in a really long time. “I think your gene pool might be screwed on the normal thing. None of you present that way, it’s a wonder nobody else has noticed.” She joked, not bothering to hold back her laugh. “I hate you.” That was an obvious lie. No matter what happened, Elizabeth knew Hayden was one of the only people she could never hate. She doubted it was even possible to be mad at him, or at least, she wasn’t interested in finding out. You are a pain in the ass, but I’m a total basket case, so we can call it even.” 
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lizzyxpierce · 2 years
“If you ended up with parents that were anything like mine I know if they had known about you they would have adopted us both. They would have never willingly separated us,” It was the one thing that Declan knew without a question. Despite everything the family he had while growing up had given him a good life. He was grateful for them, and he knew if things hadn’t gone the way they had they would have loved Liz too. There wasn’t a question about that. He chuckled shaking his head, “Honestly that’s the best explanation when it comes to her. There’s no other worldly explanation that describes Katherine Pierce and her ways,” his smile gave away just how much he loved their mother. She was something special that he was grateful for every day now. “It is weird to be here, and to have you is even weirder but it’s a good weirdness. I’m grateful for it no matter how it feels for us. I know I’m not going anywhere either though. I want the chance to get to know the people I missed out on. But I did grow up in Greece. Maybe someday I will take you there and show you around where I grew up. If you would like of course.”
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“My parents were... complicated. Not always in the best ways. They’re both dead now anyway, so we can’t ask them.” Liz sniffed, raising a shoulder in a small shrug. It was a sore subject, even after seventeen years, for a number of reasons. All of which she tried not to think about. “It’s the only one she’s ever given me. About most things. Honestly, it gets annoying after awhile.” She rolled her eyes, letting out a laugh at the thought of their mother. Once she had turned, stories about the infamous Katherine Pierce had started to reach her, so by the time she found out she was her mother and they met, it almost wasn’t surprising that she had the personality she did. It did still make her wonder sometimes though, when it came to things Katherine did and didn’t offer context for. “Well, our family is, uh - maddening.” Elizabeth nodded, her laugh growing, almost nervously. She didn’t know when this would stop feeling so strange, if ever. “I don’t know if our mother told you that two of our brothers have kids. And apparently our sister has a baby, which...if you knew Trinity, you would understand why that’s one of the weirdest things I’ve ever heard.” Somehow, it was harder to wrap her mind around Trinity being a mother than Beca. “That would be nice,” Liz nodded, her smile softening a bit. “I always did want to get out there, I just never got the chance. I could take you to London too, if you wanted I haven’t been in a really long time, it might be time for me to face it again.” 
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