livingghostsblog · 8 months
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The living room is used for hospitality and may be something you want people to see. But your room may be something you're afraid people will know, reflecting a private lifestyle
Dressing externally maybe not be the same as dressing internally.
Numerical Portraits
Genes are a means of programming, and human personality and appearance are innately "numerically" (or perhaps something more abstract) edited. So maybe we can all learn about each other with a string of values.
Portrait of Fantasy The subconscious portrait of ourselves is different from the perceived portrait of us by others, and human expectations and fantasies about ourselves become the sustenance that moulds us. I expect knowledge and action to be one and the same
Portraits in time and space
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livingghostsblog · 8 months
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livingghostsblog · 8 months
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See figure painting,stream of consciousness
mind map
Think about the possible kinds of self as images we choose on social media
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livingghostsblog · 8 months
Project 00: Your Subject Theme
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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Tristram Hillier La Route des Alpes (1937) Tristam Hillier
Psychogeography describes the effect of a geographical location on the emotions and behaviour of individuals
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Layered Time(2018)
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Wifredo Lam
Femme avec un oiseau
49 by 43 in.
127 by 111 cm
Painted in 1949.
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juno calypso
Tuesday In Eternity, 2018
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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In eilis' presentation, I focused on a concept she introduced to us about Marshall McLuhan in his 1967 book: the medium is the massage, which instead made us realise. One of the most lasting effects is not just the content on the page or screen, but actually the pages and screens themselves. The medium is not just neutral, but does something to people and changes them in a positive way. It is different from information. Take print for example, print sets the paradigm and structure of consciousness and it affects everyone in a very intense way. As long as we continue this form of activity, it doesn't really matter what we print. What matters is that the ideology about information, like print, keeps reinventing itself in the human senses and intuition.
在eilis的演讲中,我关注到她向我们介绍的关于Marshall McLuhan在他1967年的书中的一个概念:媒介就是按摩,这反而让我们意识到。最持久的影响之一不仅仅是页面或屏幕上的内容,实际上是页面和屏幕本身。媒介不仅仅是中性的,而是对人们做一些事情,并积极改变人们。它与信息不同。就比如说印刷品,印刷品设定了意识的范式和结构,它以非常激烈的方式影响着每个人。只要我们继续这种形式的活动,我们印刷什么其实并不重要。重要的是,关于信息的意识形态像印刷品一样,在人类的感官和直觉中不断重塑自己。
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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photo on Design museum
Death became a preoccupation in the aftermath of the First World War and 1918 influenza pandemic.
These works are intentionally disturbing. The shock and discomfort they provoke makes us reassess the world, our bodies and our desires.
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
Video summary:
Surrealism begin at World War One and leading up to World War Two, positioned itself not as an escape from life, but as a revolutionary force within it. it's A movement aimed at the wholesale liberation of the individual aesthetic as well as political literary as well as visual originating in Paris. The term surrealism first appeared in the writings of French poet Yom Apollinaire, for him surrealism meant the fruits of the human imagination freed from the task of imitating nature, its roots Lee and the ethos of romanticism and eccentric 19th century figures like the symbolist fantasist. surrealism also emerged out of the rightest spirit of Dada, a movement originating in Zurich and Berlin, which sought to up end artistic traditions and disrupt the conventionality of modern life weaponizing nonsense against the institutions that had brought about the catastrophe that was World War One yet the surrealist were after not just disrupting the world order through nonsense, but reinventing it through experimental tactics. In 1924, a young poet named Andre Berto published the surrealist manifesto defining surrealism as psychic automatism in its purest state, dictated by thought, in the absence of any control exercised by reason exempt from any aesthetic or moral concern.
The surrealist insisted that our repression was not just psychic but social, and that liberating the unconscious would have collective politically revolutionary consequences transform the world
As the threat of National Socialism grew and a second world war approached through realists in Western Europe dispersed some going into hiding others into exile. the poor European surrealist is banded, new and related movements emerged abroad , where a new generation of artists would soon take up the charge of liberating psychic energies. So the movement largely concluded with World War Two, many of the tactics of the surrealist bled out into the wider culture and began to be used toward commercial ends, leaving behind much of the revolutionary consciousness transforming energy that birthed surrealism left in its wake. A wide range of techniques that artists still use today, integrating found objects experimenting with automatism, or the disorienting effects of collage and summoning the uncanny body to socially critical ends. Ultimately, the surrealist believed that if we could find meanings that exists beyond the rational mind, we might be freed from the tyranny of the mundane of logic, and that we might discover truths more real than reality. What's more, surrealism gives us a way to think about the connection between individual creative freedom and collective liberation, even as it reminds us how fragile that connection can be under the rise of fascism breaking down the boundaries between dreams and waking life, between cultures and between each other. Surrealism remains an example of how reimagining ourselves can be the definitive step toward changing our world.
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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livingghostsblog · 1 year
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