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We love to see it. The stock values of the private tax filing duopoly- H&R Block and Intuit- are down more than 5% this week because of this news. If the IRS keeps up the good work, it is within our power to destroy them 😊
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Like actually in general my parents never just. bought me video games unprompted. I listen to Scott the Woz talk about his parents buying him games and Nintendo Power subscriptions just for no reason and I'm like. ?????? Families do that?
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Here's a key part of the transfemme experience that is very overlooked: when you don't pass, people don't actually see you as a man, or treat you like a man.
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lots of stories about being possessed by demons and forced to do evil things against your will, not many about being possessed by angels and forced to do good things against your will
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Too many beds
Accidentally kidnapping a mafia boss
Really nice guy who hates only you
Academic rivals except it’s two teachers who compete to have the best class
Divorce of convenience
Too much communication
True hate’s kiss (only kissing your enemy can break a curse)
Dating your enemy’s sibling
Lovers to enemies
Hate at first sight
Love triangle where the two love interests get together instead
Fake amnesia
Soulmates who are fated to kill each other
Strangers to enemies
Instead of fake dating, everyone is convinced that you aren’t actually dating
Too hot to cuddle
Love interest CEO is a himbo/bimbo who runs their company into the ground
Nursing home au
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Idk man it’s so easy to get bogged down in all the bullshit online but when my then-6 year old cousin found out I was trans he said “ok” then corrected my grandma when she misgendered me. I was once the third between a gay man and a lesbian. Two lesbians once invited me back to their place when I presented as a man. I met an AMAB nb butch who looked strikingly to outsiders like a cis man and it was one of the more sapphic experiences I’ve had. I nervously wore a boydyke shirt to pride and got 3 different cis-looking femme folks tell me they loved my shirt. I once told a trans group at a protest that any pronouns were fine for me and one person said “wow, I’m impressed and intimidated by people like that. I don’t know that I could be that chill with pronouns.” I once told a GNC friend I wished I could wear a type of “opposite” gender clothing after I had already transitioned and so it would be associated with my AGAB and he said “You could just do it.” I’ve had cishet men fight cops for me before. The first time I had a doctor ask me if my name was different than what was on my forms I had to try not to cry. Last week, a phone call with a doctor’s office where I am generally cis passing asked unprompted if my name listed is what I want to be called. It touched me then too. I told a lesbian friend once I felt like my attraction to men AND women both felt gay. She said “makes sense.” And we moved on. I go by different pronouns in different circles. I’ve had gay women love my facial hair. I’ve had gay men like my tits. It’s all out there, I promise. It can be hard to find it but I promise there is community like you and community who likes you. And it’s more messy and beautiful than tumblr discourse makes it out to be.
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WARRIOR CATS COLOURING PAGES A tribute to the old days of Deviantart Bases, this is a charity project of 14 colouring pages of the most iconic scenes in warriors. Can be downloaded and printed or coloured digitally as PSD or PNG files All proceeds go to Care for Gaza! Artists - Maeybat Bearflowerr Pigeonleap vvortexccordis harriertail kitraptor powderseas marsopps sootslash/exocynraku Needlepine AElOU grovebeast Marmosetpaw archiepelago
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Love it when people act like proving “rape or incest” exceptions for abortion are even possible, lmao
Quick, prove you were raped so you can access an abortion! How? I don’t know! Maybe you’ll have to get a rape test done at the hospital and prove you have sufficient bruising? Maybe it’ll require filing charges? Maybe it’ll require a full ass criminal trial which is gonna take longer than 9 months, lol.
Prove you were a victim of incest! How? I don’t know, because if you’re a victim of incest you might very well be a young child who doesn’t have the emotional strength and knowledge to even describe the abuse that’s happening to you, let alone advocate for your rights. And even if you are an adult, I dare you to go in front of a judge and detail the sexual abuse from you brother/father/uncle and come out of that untraumatised, all to get permission to have access to abortion. Make sure you get the courage up in just a few weeks!
What about threats to life of the mother exceptions? Quick! What’s the line you draw there? If a mother has extremely high blood pressure and diabetes and is at risk of death early enough in the pregnancy, is that enough for a termination? What about if the mother has an ectopic pregnancy? Or do we have to wait until the mother is suffering from sepsis and shock, blood poisoning maybe? Do mental health issues ever factor in?
It is literally impossible to place such restrictions on abortion that actually work, that are feasible and acceptable to those that would otherwise ban abortions outright.
Abortion on demand is the only answer.
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i kind of wish the anti voting people wouldn’t dance around the idea of what happens after the election. Like okay, the democrats lose, you taught them a lesson (and fwiw, I do think its a legitimate message to send- the people are not happy with the actions and status quo of the DNC). Now What. Trump, the multiply indicted crime president who incited a violent mob upon the capitol, is now President. He has all the qualities you hate about Biden, AND more, except he and his administration have even less reason to be sensitive to the wishes of their democratic constituents. He is a puppet for the far right and white supremacists and christian nationalists. I really shouldn’t even have to go over this- we LIVED it already. Genuinely asking, is this what you want? Because frankly I do not think 4 more years of Trump is worth it over Biden. Your hands are not clean, this is the future you want to choose. I just don’t understand why.
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littlehungrywarrior · 11 days
me: i wanna fuck a girl
sapphic positivity blogs: …..haha……don’t u mean u want to…..braid her hair…..while u guys do green tea eucalyptus volcanic ash mud masks and watch a disney movie…….while wearing very thick flannel pajamas…..that’s what u meant right
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littlehungrywarrior · 11 days
gentle reminder that crying is actually one of the best things you can do to relieve all that tension and emotion in your brain, and not to resist the impulse because it's 'weak' or 'unnecessary' or 'a plea for attention.' if you need to cry, do it, even if you don't always know the reason. your body does.
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littlehungrywarrior · 11 days
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[Image Source]
7 Tips for Creating the Right Litter Box Setup
By Pam Johnson-Bennett
Shared from ModernCat.
There are several elements involved in creating an attractive litter box setup for your cat. It’s not just about putting litter in a plastic box and placing it in a remote area of the home. With just a little more attention to what creates cat-appeal, you can make a difference between your kitty feeling stressed when natures calls, or feeling safe and comfortable. Here are seven quick tips to get you started.
1. The right size. Make sure the box fits the size of your cat. The box should be 1 ½ times the length of your cat from the tip of the nose to the base of the tail. Don’t ask your cat to squeeze into a box that’s too small just because you want to place it in a hidden corner. If you can’t find a box large enough for your cat, consider using a plastic storage container. Storage containers come in various sizes so you should be able to find one that’s perfect for your cat.
2. The right type. There are many litter box configurations on the market, from the basic open boxes to covered ones, and right up to electronic self-cleaning boxes. In my 37 years of doing cat behavior consultations, I can tell you that the basic open litter box is your best bet. An open box makes it easy for the cat to get in and out and also allows him to have more visual warning time in case a rival cat approaches. The open box offers more than one escape option as well. Covered boxes can make a cat feel cramped and also traps the cat inside if another cat comes near. Electronic self-cleaning boxes can scare some cats, are expensive, and they don’t allow you to monitor what is or isn’t being deposited in the box.
3. The right litter. Texture matters to cats. They can have very definite preferences when it comes to how a particular litter substrate feels on their paw pads. They also have extremely sensitive noses so the scent of a litter (or the smell of very soiled litter) can lead to litter box avoidance. In general, cats prefer a soft, sandy litter that is unscented. If you’re unsure what type of litter your cat may like, try setting out an additional litter box with a different type of litter to give your cat the choice.
4. The right number of boxes. Ideally, the rule is to have the same number of boxes as cats plus one extra for good measure. It can help maintain multi-cat harmony if cats who have a tense relationship don’t have to share a box. Even if you live with just one cat, it’s a good idea to have more than one box, especially if you live in a house with more than one story. Place a box on each floor.
5. The right location. The most basic rule is that the box shouldn’t be located near food or water. Cats don’t eliminate where they eat. The box should be placed in an area that’s convenient and comfortable for the cat. Although you don’t want to place the box right in the center of the room where the family is, don’t make the mistake of putting it in such a remote location that the cat can’t get to it in time. In a multi-cat environment, spread the boxes out so there’s one in the preferred area of each cat. It will help reduce tension if one cat doesn’t have to pass through another cat’s area to reach the litter box.
6. The right cleaning schedule. The box should be scooped at least twice a day. A common reason for litter box avoidance is that the box is simply too dirty. The twice-daily scooping is also important in helping detect problems in the early stages. In addition to twice-daily scooping, completely dump all the litter and clean the box with mild detergent regularly. If you use scoopable litter, the box should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a month. If you use regular clay litter, the box should be cleaned weekly.
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littlehungrywarrior · 11 days
the "new normal" couldve been respirators & rapid tests & hepa filters & universal basic income & accessibility & caring about other people.........
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littlehungrywarrior · 11 days
the “cannibalism is inherently sexual and about love and so hot” crowd somehow turns out to be very put off when a rap song has the word pussy in it
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littlehungrywarrior · 11 days
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littlehungrywarrior · 12 days
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Certified dungeon meshi moment
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littlehungrywarrior · 12 days
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I can't stop thinking about this post
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