littleflan-blog · 11 years
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c-can I post a fran doodle too…?(´;ω;`)
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Fran wishes you all a Merry Christmas!
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Anonymously tell me the kind of person you think I'd fall in love with.
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
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“Present for you, brat!” “Happy birthday!”
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
A child he was, Flan merrily played in the snow as if he had seen it for the first time. To be quite honest, he had always loved winter. It was the best time of the year. "Oh!" He beamed, seeing his 'mother figure' come this way. Brushing the snow off his petticoat, he clomped over to Fran.
Only, the other didn't see him coming. Fran didn't stop walking, and bumped into the little boy. "Oof!"
✰Byakuran's Christmas Party || open?
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“Ooh. Party, party.” The boy half-cheered in his usual monotone voice and emotionless expression, clapping his hands in what looked like a sarcastic manner. He slowly pulled a piece of paper out of his coat pocket. An invitation to that white-haired marshmallow freak’s party, huh? Sounded fun. Well, he wasn’t that all interested to join the games and all that. He mainly focused on the food that was to be served there.
Byakuran was known to have this like for sweets, right? That must mean he had a feast prepared. Feast, invitation, which means; free food. “And who would pass out on that?” Fran hummed to himself, skipping towards the venue of the party.
However, he drifted too far away in thought, causing him to bump lightly into someone, making his frog hat slip and cover his eyes. As he tried to adjust it back, he quickly spoke, “Aah, sorry. I wasn’t looking.”
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
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Team ‘The-One-Who-Kills-The-Least-Zombies-Is-Buying-Lunch’.
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
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sorry I was reading Char and Yuyu’s rp and wow feels
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Was he... dead? That was pretty much the only explanation... Well, what else can he say or do? It was due to his stupidity that he--
"No, no, no!" He stepped forward and tried to touch the young blonde, only to be met with disappointment as his hand went through the boy as if he didn't even exist.
He didn't give up. There had to be some way...
Flan leaned in closer to his 'dead' body. What was that thing aunt Luss did again...? Pu... pulse, was it? If he remembered right, it was by the wrist.
There! He was still there, only barely, but there. Alive. However, he knew he wouldn't have time left if Beru continued to panic. Maybe if he could communicate with him...
...but how?
He frowned when the other stayed un-moving. “Wake up Flan. Stop messing with me.” Nothing. He still wasn’t moving. He couldn’t even see his chest moving from taking in a breath, even a small almost nonexistent breath would be better than this.
“Flan… Please…” Beru’s tone was starting to get desperate. He couldn’t be dead right? He just couldn’t.
He felt a tear fall down his cheek. He was crying..? Wiping at his cheeks to try and stop the tears he realized it was doing nothing. Flan was gone. For good. Nothing would bring him back.
He was gone.
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Flan blinked his eyes open, feeling the pain, suffering and agony disappear in an instant. Gone were the bruises on his arms, the blood on his face. He could see Beru perfectly, standing right in front of him.
"Eh?" Wake up? Had Beru gone blind or something?
"What are you talking about, silly? I'm right in front of you..."
Finally making it all the way down Beru took a look at Flan. It was much worse down here than it was from the ledge. Blood was flowing from the wounds. How much blood can someone lose before they blood stops? Beru didn’t know, but he assumed a lot since Flan was still bleeding.
He slowly made his way over to the other boy and sat beside him, not caring if he got bloody. It was no big deal to him anyway, it’s just blood. ‘It doesn’t look like he’s breathing…’ Biting his lip, Beru spoke in an almost pleading tone.
“Flan? Wake up.. Please..”
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
The boy's body lay completely still on the spot, the blood flowing out him continued to gush like a slow tap. If he were still conscious, he would've done anything to keep anyone from seeing him in this condition...
It won't be long from now...
Slightly smiling he shook his head. “You are stupid…” Looking back down at the younger boy he noticed the color draining from his face. “Flan..? You’re ok right..?”
Gulping he ran from the edge of the cliff to find something to use to get down to help him. Nothing. He couldn’t find anything. But he had to get down there. Now.
Running back over to the edge he looked down. Not that far… Right? Maybe if he tried climbing down he’d be fine. Crouching and turning around, Beru slowly started on his climb down.
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
"Flan isn't...stupid..." His arms gave way as he fell back down, his mind ready to drift into unconsciousness. "The view was... pretty..." His face became paler and paler by the minute, and before long, he couldn't stay awake anymore. The boy needed medical help. Now.
As Flan lifted himself up, Beru let out the breath he was holding. At least he wasn't dead. He won't die right..? He tried convincing himself this as he watched Flan wipe the blood from his face. "Tch... I don't care about the stupid game anymore... You're the stupid one for falling."
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Flan struggled to keep conscious as his legs grew numb. It won't be long until all the blood would seep out of his delicate body...
Still, some will in him found the strength to hold himself up with two arms, lifting his upper half from the ground. His eyes still closed, Flan turned his head towards the direction of the voice. "Beru...?"
More blood. He quickly wiped it off with his petite hand, before managing to choke out words, "Stupid Beru... you're not... supposed to come out... until I find you..." The boy smiled painfully, the difficulty to breathe rising.
Glaring at the ground he ripped out a handful of grass. "Flan's stupid." He got up and looked around again, noticing there was still no sign of the boy. Stupid. He wasn't going to fall for one of Flan's tricks. "You're stupid Flan!" He walked back over to the ledge to look over it, just to prove to himself that nothing was there, that Flan was just trying to get back at him for all the times that he was mean to him. But what he saw was far from nothing. Blood. Lots of blood. His eyes widened when he realized that what he was looking at wasn't just something covered in blood. It was Flan. He really fell. This wasn't a cruel trick. He had actually fallen. "Flan!"
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Huh? Strange...
For some reason, it hurt. Normally, a knife in the back or a punch in the gut would never have scathed the boy. Sure, the apple hat was an illusion, it was never supposed to protect him, but... why now?
Flan could only open one eye. The blood rushing down from his head covered the other. The illusion he had for a hat had been long gone. He tried moving. No luck. It hurt, he felt like crying. He, the almost-emotionless boy who didn't seem to be afraid of death, was scared.
Blood spattered from his mouth. The impact seemed to take a toll on his breathing as well. No, this is bad. He lay there, sprawled on the ground, his eyes shut tight with his breathing; shallow. It was impossible to keep his eyes open. With all that blood, he was going to give out soon. He can't stand up either.
"I-it..." Cough. Cough. More blood. "Hurts...it...hurts..."
Staring out the window, Beru watched as Flan skipped around in search of the prince. "Ushishi~ He's never gonna find me~" As Flan made it to the front gate Beru smiled, thinking the other boy was ready to give up. Standing up straight he watched confused as Flan went straight towards the broken wall. What was that.. A cliff? Beru didn't think much of it as the other boy leaned over the edge, snickering at the stupid curiosity of the other. Then Flan fell. Beru's snickering ceased ad soon as he saw the younger slip. His eyes widened and he stared at the spot where Flan had been previously in shock. "No... Flan likes to play tricks. That didn't actually happen..." Despite the words Beru was speaking to attempt to fool himself he felt a sting in his eyes as they started to tear up. Shaking his head, he ran as quickly as he could from Flan's room, outside and over to the cliff. Staring at the foot marks where Flan slipped he bit his lip, tears now falling down his cheeks. "Uh uh.. Flan's... Not dead..." He wiped his eyes, trying to force himself to stop the tears then frowned, tuning around. "If you're playing a trick Flan it's not funny!!" He sat on the ground and pulled at the grass, to occupy his time to wait for when Flan would come out and tell him it was a joke, mumbling to himself. "It's not funny Flan.."
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Flan skipped around, checking behind every other tree he passed by. No sign of Beru anywhere. He had already made it to the front gate. "Geez. He's good." He mumbled, crossing his arms. His eyes scan the area for any possible hiding place. He was just about to give up when...
"Mmm? What's that?"
The young illusionist blinked, before he slowly tottered over to what seems to be a large cliff. Due to one of the boss' tantrums, the boundary wall had been destroyed and the damage was just too expensive for Mammon to care.
The Varia stood on a high, rocky ground just above a forest, and Flan, being the curious kid he is, peered over the edge. "Whooooooooooa! We're so high up! Look at all those trees!" Mesmerized by the view, the boy leaned down to get a better look. "Beeerrruuu? Are you here? Ah--"
And slipped off the edge.
Beru covered his mouth the entire time he was hiding, trying not to giggle at how stupid the other was, in his mind at least. But as soon as he heard the front door open and close he frowned. "He went outside...?" Still frowning Beru went over to the window and crawled under the curtains so he could look outside from the bottom of the window.
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littleflan-blog · 11 years
Living room, check. Kitchen, check. Uncle Squalo's room, scary boss' room, Levi's chamber, Lussuria's room, mama and papa's room, not there either. Where could he have gone? The boy never would've guessed... "Did he go outside?" He thought aloud, tilting his head to one side before turning on his heel to exit the safety of the Varia mansion.
Getting restless, Beru poked his head out from his hiding spot. Not seeing any sign of Flan he decided to move from it and find a better one. Where could he hide that Flan wouldn't find him... Flan's room. Smiling he ran off in the direction of said room.
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