littleblackroses · 1 month
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FAVE ANUBIS KIDS as voted by my followers 4. Patricia Williamson - 28.4%
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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🎃 SPOOKTOBER 🎃 October 27th: Fright Night (2011)
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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🔮 🧹
The Witch (2015) The Love Witch (2016) The Witches of Eastwick (1987) The Witches (1990) The Craft (1996) Sleepy Hollow (1999) Hocus Pocus (1990) Black Sunday (1960) Practical Magic (1998) Gretel & Hansel (2020)
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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2018 - Personal Top 10 Horror/Halloween Favorites From The Last 31 Years
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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From Dusk Till Dawn Directed by Robert Rodriguez (1996)
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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What’s the good of being a ghost, if you can’t frighten people away?
SPOOKY SEASON 👻 BEETLEJUICE, dir. Tim Burton (1988)
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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he used to say, “sometimes you need to do something bad to stop you from doing something worse.”
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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If a man hits me, he only does it once.
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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IDLE HANDS (1999) dir. Rodman Flender
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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“I fake it so real, I am beyond fake ;And someday you will ache like I ache”
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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70s horror girls
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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EDDIE MUNSON WEEK | day six — parallels
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littleblackroses · 2 years
prepare yourselves because i'm going to give you a bunch of reasons and hints that will show you the high chance of eddie being actually gay and him and steve becoming a thing >:)
1. "freak" as a queercoded word
let's start with the scene where dustin, robin, steve and max find eddie in the house where he was hiding and particularly on the dialogue between the five of them
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there's this scene where eddie says something about how the people in town are getting ready to hunt him because they think he's guilty and he says "hunt the freak right?" and we see robin giving him an almost sad but understating look before replying "exactly" and i find it curios that they made her respond that out of everyone, i feel like it could be because she kind of relates to eddie's situation? she also would probably be considered a freak by people if they knew about her sexuality and that's why i believe the word has a queercoded meaning, if you think about it, "freak" was already used in the past seasons when bullies made fun of will, who also happens to be a queercoded character (even though we know he's coming out this season)
2. the handkerchief code
the handkerchief code gained popularity in the 70s and later on in the 80s and it was used especially by gay men to let others know their sexual preferences and fetishes. there were different and specific meanings depending on the color of your handkerchief and where you decided to put it (left pocket or right pocket)
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now if you watch closely eddie can be seen wearing a black hanky in his left pocket throughout the seven episodes and of course these little details have their own meaning, in fact the black one was used to indicate S&M (sadomasochism) and as mentioned before the fact that it is placed in his left pocket isn't casual because that placement indicated that the person wearing it was a top (the dominant one in bed) while if you put it in your right pocket it meant you were a bottom (the submissive one)
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this whole hanky thing made quite sense for me except for the fact that it was hard to believe that eddie is into sadomasochism but then rewatching the show a few days ago i noticed some handcuffs in his room and i found it weird because honestly what is a 20 year old man doing with those? he's not a cop or anything and so the fact that they are in his room is a bit strange for me... i just hope that the choice of making eddie wear the handkerchief isn't casual but a powerful move by the duffer brothers in order to hint at his sexuality
3. joe and joseph's interview
this interview really do be getting my hopes up. basically the interviewer asks joe what season one steve would think of his season four self and he replies with "surprised, approving... approval" WHILE looking and smiling at joseph who is also grinning, like there's no way they aren't hiding something and i hope it's the relationship between steve and eddie and steve's bisexuality. plus the fact that even maya is smiling while it seems like natalia is the only one able to be subtle about the whole thing lmao
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then obviously there are steddie-antis saying that he would be approving of him and nancy getting back together but like... what should he be approving of? they were already a couple in season one so it wouldn't make much sense
4. gaten ships them as well
remember: if gaten ships it then it's canon
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i love how the first couple that came to his mind is steddie and how proudly he says their names. he seemed so serious while saying it that it made me reflect on the fact that it's not that impossible seeing it happen and if not in season 4 maybe in season 5 (since i read somewhere that luckily neither steve nor eddie are going to die in the last two episodes of this season)
5. the chrissy-eddie thing
almost everyone who hates the fact that we headcanon eddie as gay will give the same explanation that he is clearly straight because he was flirting with chrissy and honestly i didn't see that as flirting at all, i just thought he was being really nice to her like he is to everyone. she was having a hard time and he was able to made her laugh and loosen up a little, i didn't find it as something romantic and furthermore who says that every interaction between a man a woman has to be romantic?
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like friendship exists as well people?? and don't try and say "tHeRe cAn'T bE sO mAnY qUeEr cHaRaCtErS iN oNe sHoW, iT's nOt rEaLiStIc" like trust me it's more realistic having a group of only (or almost) queer people than one where everyone is straight and i know the show takes place in the 80s but gay people existed even then but they just couldn't openly say it so stfu
6. steve's attempts to find a girlfriend
we all know mama steve is trying his hardest to find a girlfriend but none of them really "suists" him right? what if eddie is the person that suits him? i mean it would be epic if he spent two seasons trying to find a girlfriend and then he ends up with a dude lol, i'd like to see bi steve happening so bad and i just know that robin would be super supportive of him and my boy dustin would be the happiest person on earth if his two dads got together
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you can't tell me that they aren't developing a little crush on each other or that they don't care about each other, just look at eddie's face and his loving eyes in that scene and steve staring at eddie's lips for the whole time. i swear if they are really trying to get nancy and steve back together i'll start a riot because honestly they would be so forced, it wouldn't be good for both of their character development and also my boy jonathan doesn't deserve this, they made jancy dirty this season and i'm still pissed ugh
anyway if you read the whole thing ily and thanks for coming to my ted talk :)
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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✨ Eddie Munson + Details Part 1 ✨
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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― Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights
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littleblackroses · 2 years
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eddie being respectful is such a turn on
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littleblackroses · 2 years
Candice and Nate at BloodyNightCon:
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