linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Final Videos
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Final Video
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week #10 Videos
- Video #1  Rabbit | Future Shorts -
After watching the video I’m a bit confused, is the idol the rabbit? or is there anything special about the rabbit?
It starts out nice with the 2D animation showing the rabbit running and had the word rabbit on top to indicate what it is.
I find it funny and confused why every object has the name on top of them.
I guess the moral of the story is that human greed for things that is not ours and want to possess it by any means.
- Video #2  Fast Film 2003 -
I got confused in the beginning when the guy kissed the woman but the woman turned into a different woman. It throws me off a bit.
Then it moves on to show a lot of different cultured films and the transition between the movies was smooth and it follows the changes of the 2D cut out.
- Video #3  Et Cetera (1966) - Jan Svankmajer -
It starts off funny with a human model trying different options to fly based on the placement of the other chair
Then it moves on with a different scenario doing the same thing over and over again.
I think et cetera in general means that indicate further similar actions are included, which creates an endless loop of the motion. 
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 9 Videos
- Video #1  Studio Visit with Filmmaker Lewis Klahr -
Re-Animator is an interesting concept, using comic books style or other media in the 20th century to create some sort of dream or emotional character
I like the way he put a cut out of an object or person on top of another cut out to make some sort of action to tell the story through layering
- Video #2  Lewis Klahr - Pony Glass -
I like the video in general, the stop motion shot was cool and the camera transition was amazing
I’m a bit confused on the story, after the man and the women met and fall in love. Then the part with the crystal ball and another man was introduced and start kissing the man or the woman died.
The music starts to get dramatic and the man singing starts to becoming grim
I dont get the meaning of the turtle or the part when it flying in the sky
- Video #3 Lewis Klahr - Altair (1995) -
I see the artist use cards to shows the current situation of what’s happening. Remind me of tarot cards
The story starts with a woman fell in love with a man, showing the A heart card
Then they got married and things start to happen, the part that showed the “invisible key” intrigued me, it shows something that triggered a certain event.
The main ideas I think the artist trying to convey is that woman have a pressure of be able to pleasure her man and stay up with the society view being as a perfect wife to the husband.
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 8 Videos
- Video #1 Robin Rhode -
I like the idea of using a drawing and enact an action on it. Makes it seem real and cool at the same time.
Stop motion picture was used here to show a little animation of what it looks like for the full action
I dont get the music choices, but the pictures is amazing with his graffiti 2D plus stop motion art.
- Video #2  pan with us by David Russo -
It starts off showing the bird flying in the sky from it point of view looking at the natural landscape, then it quickly turn into multiple showing of protest over the years.
I think the bird point of view is to remind that we need to take a step back and look it from afar and actually see what’s happening with the whole picture
I like the stop motion the guy holding the eagle and its transition
- Video #3  “I Am (Not) van Gogh” by David Russo -
First off, kudos to the artist to be working with stop motion animation
It’s hard for me to watch with all of the constants changing frame made me a bit dizzy
I like the transition when the judge asks if theres anything else or tell more about it, the narration is match with the video. 
With each lines the artist said, theres like a new thoughts of idea flowing and flowing. 
Love the part with the disembodied mouth, the mouthing match with the audio. Which I thought that was amazing.
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Obstruction 2
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 7 Videos
- Video #1  RE-ANIMATED: ARRIVAL (Jakob Kudsk Steensen) -
The beginning makes me feel like I'm being hypnotize, the low voice with the air whooshing in the background. I can picture it in my head.
The sunlight hitting the lens of the camera makes it more surreal
It looks like it’s rendered through CGI
The panning shot and some of the close up shot close to the ground, feels like he’s guiding you somewhere
He talks about the native bird being invaded by the mosquito 
- Video #2  WE ARE OPPOSITE LIKE THAT, PART 2 by Himali Singh Soin - 
I didnt get whats the window showing picture about
I didn’t get the woman randomly pops out of the ice, does it connect to the glacier?
It doesnt show the show whole mountain, but through different angles it shows the mountain bit by bit
I didn’t get the piece much and made it a bit more confusing
- Video #3  Artist : Aki Sasamotoin Art 21 - 
Her story with alcohol is amusing
Shes trying to control the uncontrollable and want to show it through her work with the spinning glass cup
Her talking to the bartender was a bit weird for me, doesnt feel smooth but more scripted
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 6 Videos
- Video #1: Copy Shop -
Right off the bat, the black and white colors gives me a 70-80s vibe.
I like the flickering or the page turning/ripping
The sound effects really makes me pay attention more and have a sense of awareness.
The copy machine copy multiple duplicate of himself, making it really interesting to watch. Him seeing himself as the machine keeps duplicating him
End with him falling into a bunch of duplicating and ended up tearing himself.
- Video #2: Meshes of the Afternoon -
The video uses a lot of close up shot to tell the story
I like how smooth the transition shot from the wide shot to a shadow figure shot.
I like the mysterious sound effects, it makes me anticipate what’s happening next
- Video #3:  Stan Brakhage, "Mothlight" (1963)-
I think this is what moth point of view that the artist trying to portrait
I don’t like this piece because of the fast moving frame, makes my head spin a bit, the frame with bright white light doesnt help.
Everything goes by fast, I can’t process of what’s going on.
- Video #4: Simbiosis Carnal -
Showing the male and female coming together on mating.
Reminded me of Karma Sutra
Showing how women are being suppressed by how society view them, being a housewife and only take on jobs when the men are fighting war.
Male and Female has different views on their “perfect” opposite sex of how they wanted them to look like or be like.
Opposite sex needs each other to unlock. 
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Voice Over Obstruction Video
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 5 Videos and Readings
-Video #1: Camera are soul keepers (Bill Viola)-
Viola talked about how he find a completely new world when he fell into the water, the water to him is a new medium that he can explore. He said that water can be expressed as art and expression. 
Image captured are used to triggered old memories  
There are a completely new world underneath the surface
I think the way that he show his piece “The Raft” is to represent that water can be calm and violent whenever and potentially use to represent a force that equally strong and can beat us down.
-Video #2: We get used fast to constraints (Pipilotti Rist)-
This piece is a bit hard to understand for me, her using sheets, clothes on chandelier to build through form and content.
She wants to create a space that everyone can appreciate and enjoy the art that she made. 
-Video #3: Pipilotti Rist Interview at ACCA, I Packed the Postcard in My Suitcase, 2011-2012 (Pipilotti Rist) -
I agree with her idea of making museum into more of a interactive and immersive place for everyone to learn and understand the ideas and intention from the artist.
She said that video capture is not really poor way to represent what’s actually happen in reality itself, you can’t feel like if you are at that moment in time and place. 
-Video #4: Time (Paul Pfeiffer) -
I like the little diorama house that he made. A pretty cool illusion that can be interact with the viewer watching. 
He also went on and discussing does image define who we are or are we defining the image.
GIF, a looping and repetitive image effect create a harmonious dysfunction.
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 4 Readings and Videos
- Video 1 The Voice Over -
The narrating is in 3rd person
It has funny humor here and there with the wording
It talked and showed three scenario. Different planet, dying soldier and drowning under the water with leg tied to the boat.
 I think that all three scene is connected to the kissing scene at the end, everything has a simple solution.
- Video 2 The Gunfighter (Narrated by Nick Offerman) -
The narrating is really funny, what makes it funnier is the character in the scene is questioning where the narrating from and completely clueless.
The narrating reveal all plans and thoughts of all character to tell a story
- Video 3 Wanderers (A Short Film by Erik Wernquist) -
Watching the film gave me a sense that i’m watching a documentary from the Discovery channel
The music is matching with the film, gives it a grand feeling.
The pauses between the narrating allows the viewer to watch the scenes after a short description
- Video 4 Luis | Future Short -
I think it is interesting with the narrating voice, but combine with the stop motion picture it gave me a headache
I love the pencil drawing when it shows the bear and Luis, very cool.
It gave off ASMR vibe, with the scratching noise and the witch like narrating
- Video 5 Maybe One Day | Future Short -
The video starts out narrating his daily life to the exact number with a tired and annoyed tone.
The tone changes as the music changes to a happier and livelier beat.
I think it showing self-acceptance and break out from the daily life to do something new that help boost self confidence.
The video give me a sense that he’s actually dreaming instead of experiencing it.
- Video 6 Losers | Future Short -
A deep message about bullying for who you are that’s not up to the bully’s standard
Bully just want to do it for fun and make themselves feel good, but in reality they’re the real loser
All race get discriminated for their behaviors, interests, looks, and many more. 
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 3 Reading and Videos
- Reading: The Close Up -  
In cinematography, close-up shots are important to show the character’s mood and behavior on screen. Mostly used in horror, love, or any film that has lots of emotion. 
What’s being shot on screen is important, balance of scale and detail frames of the shot. 
- Weekly Videos -
Video 1: Window 
The music gives out a peaceful feeling 
The narrating is the opposite from the music, talks about morbid and dark topic
Talks about the window as a “Window of Death” children and adult falls to their death out of the window
Contrasting between life and death\
Video 2: Lost Book Found
Showing the life and the realistic view of New York 
Point camera shot at a certain angles to invoke a certain perspective and emotion
Flanner: Someone who’s abandon in the crowd
Video 3: La Jetee
The black and white color to me it represent like a time travel theme, from the past but with a modern twist
The usage of technology to shift time, advancement
I like the usage of still image here, it makes our brain to connect each image to make it as one continuous motion.
Video 4: Island of Flowers
The video is describing one word in depth 
Each words kind of play off of each other and continuing to create a story
The word representing one flower, that connects each other as roots grow
It shows a comparison between consumer intake vs the resources used to make it
All of the wastes ended up being at the Island of Flower
The video has a fast pace of narrating and switching scenes that got me interested and hooked on
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 2 Weekly Videos
- Video 1: Gong by Maria Antolini -
- A series of still images that correspond with the theme, from bright colors with the music box to a darker theme with an eerie music choice. The introduction of snails and the music changes got me intrigued to know what’s happening and wanting to know more
-Video 2: Photocopy Cha Cha -
- After watching the video, it give me a jungle vibe. Catchy song with good beats, pictures changes and correspond with the beat, making it visually eye catching. I noticed that there’s a lot of repeated images and the image is like how the old photocopy machine would print out back in the day.
- Video 3:  Pipilotti Rist Interview: Freeing the Wonderlight -
- The video talks about challenging the normal life, wanting to find the answer of “who determined the normal life” towards artist.  
- We are quick to adapt to any new norms because we dont have the time to questions or turn it upside down.
- Pipilotti explained the person behind the glass that wanted to break out of the screen. As human, we wanted to always shine in the best light possible, a mask that we put on making us conscious that there’s a glass in front of us and tendency to forget what’s in front of us.
- Human body are organic and chaotic, it is basically a technical tool.
- Work resonance differently, melancholy and utopia works equally
- Open to many perspective in every direction for the person to find many possibility instead of being limited.
- Artists ultimately wants the viewer to look at their work at many different viewpoint to experience what the artist had in mind and enjoying it along the way.
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linhnguyen125 · 3 years
Week 1 Reading & Video Review
Reading #1
- Text 1 - Video Art / Characteristics, Origins, History, Famous Postmodernist Video Artists
- Video art is a new type of contemporary art, commonly seen as installation.
- Video technology and digital computer can manipulate film sequence.
-2 basic varieties: Single-Channel & Installations.
- Single Channel: Video is either screened, projected, shown in single series of image.
- Installations: Environment & Assemblage or Performance art of several distinct pieces.
- 1965 Sony released the Portapak, a portable recoding device.
- Using synthesizers to produce abstract work.
- Famous Video Artist: Andy Warhol, Peter Campus, Nam June Paik, Joan Jonas, Bill Viola.
- Text 2 - Busting the Tube
- Kate Horsfield described the history of video practices, from society oppression from gender biased exploitation to political oppression.
- In the 1950, Television was starting to get notice and becoming more popular, government would take control of the media and to only cast news that praised the good deed and hide the ugly truth.
- In 1965, Sony released the Portapak, a portable recording device.
- Artist saw the Portapak as a new undiscovered medium that allows the user to capture in the moment event, that has not been tampered with by the government.
- Artists use the Portapak as a way to communicate with the society outside the restriction of the mainstream news
- In the 70′s technology became more advance with better feature to show their work and thoughts. However it come with a high price to possess it. 
- Artist help with AIDS activist to prevent hysteria
- Low funds supported to artist, lead to the release of Sony Cam Recorder 8, a cheap device with powerful feature.
Reading #2
- Text - Cinephile: The Voice Over
Voice Over in Romantic Comedy Today
- Dual Focus: Seeing both of the male and female train of thoughts, opinions, and feelings towards each other. Ultimately ending up together with all knowing viewpoints
- Single Focus: Seeing only from one side, male or female. Viewer shows more emotion and feel sympathy and other emotion towards the actor. Viewer are more likely to be anxious to know the ending. Male can be seen as more romantic. 
What Does God Hear?
-  Malick used voice-over in a variety of unconventional ways for a number of different effects.
- “Linda’s voiceover expresses a number of different views and serves multiple functions, leading us “to re-evaluate what we see and hear…to become conscious of the narrating agency’s presentation of the diegetic world, and perhaps to become suspicious of it””.
- Voice Over can set up a different multitude of sound perceptions.
- The voice over let the viewer to be in the position of god.
- The voice over allows the viewer to empathize with the character through hearing and grasp the bigger picture through seeing.
Native American Filmmakers Reclaiming Voices
- “Myriad of invisible storyteller”
- Use multiple off screen voice over actor as “invisible storyteller”
- Rule of synchronous sound: the match between the human body and the human voice appear seamless and result in the representation of a homogeneous thinking subject whose exteriority is congruent with its interiority.
- Voice over (almost always) allows the male subject to be superior with power and knowledge
The Voice Over as an Integrating Tool of Word and Image
- Voice over as a tool or device attempt to integrate words with images in manner of poetic techniques.
-  Role of voice-over in alloying words and images in Asian films are more prominent, the variety of languages in which the written word takes on both aural and visual form.
- Japanese Benshi: A Japanese performer performs live narration for a silent film.
- Chinese calligraphy is a form of art.
-  The mode of poetic expression in traditional Chinese poetry.
-  “If we consider cinema as a poetic form, we might then say that words and images are juxtapositions in a metonymic flow”.
-  The voice-over acts as a generic tool, carrying nuances of Chinese form and methodology of expression (the poetic modes of fu-bi-xing)
- Visual technique of dissolve acts as another generic tool, helping the natural flow of images be coordinated by words
Voice Over Narrative Agency and Oral Culture
-  The god-like third-person cinematic narrator that recalls the autonomous narrator in some African oral performances, the griot.
-  Oral performance informs a diverse range of African films, straddling the canon of Sembène.
-  Borom Sarret achieves this transgression via its voice-over’s unstable situation within the heterogeneous soundtrack.
Reading #3
- Text -  Mary Ann Doane 
-   Photogénie: supplement an object to enhance a photographic medium.
-  Walter Benjamin: “the close-up was one of the significant entrance points to the optical unconscious, making visible what in daily life went unseen."
Reading #4
- Text - Exercise in Style 
- 99 ways of retelling the same story
- With each way he adds in a little more of details
- Different style of writing with each way being told according to the expression.
- Richard Mosse: The Impossible Image - 
- Showing the beauty of what under the war image.
- Unique concept to contextualise beauty.
- Soldier looking macho and expressive with their poses and actions, when being film, some stare down at the camera or having the eyes of not being wanted to film. Being really self-conscious.
-  South Africa - Mohau Modisakeng - Passage - Venice Biennale 2017 -
- A 3-pannel projection showing the history of slavery towards the people that were in South Africa
- The water represent both the flow of life and death of many who have arrived or departed in the slave trade. 
- All human beings are referred as “voyager” and all voyager has a beginning and an end. 
- Exploring the dark past of South Africa history. that the present time usually doesn't pay attention to or simply went unnoticed.
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