lily77sblog · 2 months
I really have many things to say after the flashback, so hear me out, you can also write your thoughts by replying to me: So I think kabura does live up to her name “tsuibami” which literally means the last meal (in which the prisoner is given a last meal before execution, in other words, giving the prisoner a small hope before throwing them to a further despair by sending them to an execution stage) and that’s her family business, loan sharks, which based of the same concept of the “last meal” after all, kabura didn’t really have to add the condition of” paying me 8 billion and I will listen to you” given that souko lost her gamble against her aunt, which means her and yumeko will be separated by default, it was a meaningless condition, so why did she do that? Simple, she’s a sadist who enjoys seeing the others fall into despair while watching the view sipping her tea, also while yumeko is a compulsive gambler, kabura is a compulsive liar, in where she obviously blames yumeko for her own mistakes, and secondly she claims she is taking risks in her gamble against yumeko, though she comes from a family of financiers, money does not pose a problem to her, there are no risks to her really, even when she claimed that she will raise yumeko to “swallow the momobami family” (I’m not sure if she means the whole clan or kirari’s family exclusively) she’s not taking any risks, all she does is sending yumeko as a nuclear bomb onto the family, while she watches the view from far away, in which she has nothing to lose or care about, turning back to yumeko, does yumeko really respect or like people like kabura? People who take no risks? I mean she respected and loved her sister enough to pay for her medical bells because her sister is a risk taker, which yumeko herself admitted, but what about kabura, she’s the same as yuriko, the girl she played against, where yumeko literally called her “a shitty person” but how does she see kabura? Does she respect her? Does she fear her? Does she love her? Does she has no feelings for her? Anyway, I hope we see her in the next chapters, and I’m looking forward to yumeko “swallowing” kabura, after all, snakes devour goats.
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